
A New Tempest

Like most fan-fictions. This story is my take on the story from beginning to end. This is not a back in time story. No-Op Rimuru from the start. There will be new characters and new skills added into this. As well as I might take other characters from other Anime and turn them into a skill. There shall also be dark and non-friendly Rimuru of course. As well as NO HAREM. So please enjoy.

Astra178 · Anime & Comics
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41 Chs

New Family Members

To put things shorter, It has been a day since my evolution. By the time we returned, everyone had approached me wondering why the felt a change in our soul corridor. Of course I had to tell them about my evolution. Soon after revealing this, they now dubbed yesterday as "Lord Rimurus became a True Dragon" day. So now that day is a celebratory event.

Rather than Charybdis' defeat, it is remembered for my evolution. I know right, but I would suppose a True Dragon is more impressive than Charybdis.

But currently, I am inside my office doing paperwork while I am debating something with myself. That something is whether I should create a descendant or not. In my past life I did kinda want to be a father, but you know. Died a virgin and never had a girlfriend at all. Considering I have no desire for anything sexual due to losing my sex drive, creating one with my skill does seem like the best route.

'Ciel, what do you think about this?'

{I think that if master wishes to have a child, then he should go for it. After all I shall be masters number one wife!}

Hm? What was that? I think I heard Ciel say something really suspicious.

'Did you say something?'

{Nope! It was only your imagination.}

Yeah, I can already tell she is going to do that alot. But well I guess since she basically did give me her opinion. So I guess I shall create a child of mine.

"Well, lets get this started shall we." Getting up from my seat, I headed into the middle of my office and prepared to create my new child. Due to the message I received from Demon Lord Carrion, he notified me that his envoy would be sent so we also have to get ours ready.

At that moment, I used my [Descendant Creation] sub skill of [Anos, Lord of Destruction] to create my newborn. In a moment I two things form in front of me.

'Weird. I could swear I only created one.' I thought to myself.

What formed in-front of me were two completely pink slimes.

'That is also weird. I thought all of us were blue in color.'

{The Creation is a success. The reason the new slimes are pink is because they were not born mindless but born with an ego. Due to them being self aware and even though they are genderless, they see themselves as girls.}

Well, thats some info to take in. I have not one but two children and they are both girls. So I also guess this means that they are twins.


Hm? I think I heard one of them say something. So I bent down in order to hear them better.


And now the other one said something. Argh! I don't know who to pay attention to. Until this happened.




The newborn slimes jumped at me after saying such a thing. This was unexpected so I ended up crashing to the ground, making a hell of a lot of noise. Which in turn woke up the storm dragon who was asleep on the couch, which I forgot to mention earlier.

"Gahhh!" He bolted awake, startled by the noise. He frantically observed the surroundings until his vision settled on me being trampled by two slimes.

"Rimuru? What is going on here!? And where did those slimes come from?"

"Sorry about waking you up, Veldora." I said as I scratched the back of my head.

"And, these slimes, I created them. And it seems like they recognize me as a father." Once I said this his tone changed. He was dead silent, but then a huge smile swept across his face rather quickly.

"Kuhahaha! So these slimes are more new family memebers! Very well, I accept them as my newphew or neices... which one are they?" His tone dropped in excitement upon not knowing what to call them.

"Well, as slimes we don't have a gender. But these two seem to girl twins."

"Kuhahaha! They are my nieces! Milim will finally have someone to play with!"

'Yeah, maybe not. Milim and Veldora may prove to be a bad influence on them. But screw that thought, for now I have to think of some names for them. And probably give them a body. Matter of fact, Ciel what skills do they have?'

{The two slimes were born with a skill that connects them and allows them to share each-others skills, its called [Link]. But one of them possesses [Predator]. I modified it so in the end it is different from your predator.}

'So whatever skill one of them has the other can access through this link. That is one handy skill to have.'

Okay, I got up to compose myself, naturally for that I had to set the two slimes down. Although they don't have faces they do seem a little upset that I put them down. Damn! I now know how cute I looked in my slime form. The damage is greater than Milims punches. But it is time to give them some bodies.

Since they are newborns, I am sure that they have no knowledge on how to take a human form. So this is up to papa!

Yeah. I think I can get the hang of this.

So I began to create the bodies. I created them to be about the average height of a 1st grade elementary student. Of course since they are twins they have to look alike. So I gave them both bright red eyes, with hair that barely reached their shoulders. But in order to differentiate them from the other, I gave one the same hair color as me and the other had pink hair that kinda resembled Shunas.

'They came out pretty well if I do say so myself.'

"Hoh! Are those their human forms?" Veldora asked.

"If so you already seem like a doting father." He proceeded to tease me.

"Well I can't help it. In my past life I somewhat wanted to be a father. And I can't help it if I want to make them cute!"

"Is that so?" He smirked.

"But anyways, I sense a draconic presence coming from these two. Why is that?"

"Well I guess since they are born from me, it would make sense that they would also inherit my race. That probably why."

{That assumption is correct Rimuru-sama.}

'Yes! I was correct about something for once!'


{That reaction was quite childish master.} Hm. You just had to take the fun out of it. But anyways time for them to take in these bodies.

"Um. I think you can understand me. Am I right about that?" I said to the two slimes. In turn they nodded back to me quite cutely.

'Awww! I may just die from a heart attack! Wait I don't even have a heart.'

{.....} Lets hurry, she seems quite annoyed with me.

"Anyways, if both of you can, please absorb the body of your choosing, and take that form." I said as I pointed to their bodies. They noticed them but didn't know what I was talking about.

'Ciel, if you would please lead them into doing it.'


Once she said that, the slime twins began moving towards the bodies and surprisingly absorbed them.

'Of course they could, they are my daughters after all.' Oh god. I might turn into an idiotic father, won't I? Back to what happened with them. They finished absorbing their bodies and before my eyes their very forms changed into that of the bodies I made for them. Their expressions were quite confused about what had happened, as they observed their bodies.

They of course noticed their arms as they looked at each-other, I saw both of them smile before running to me and hugging me tightly.

""Papa!!!"" Was all I heard. They were all smiles. Happy that they could give me a hug. Though this was something I was nervous about doing, at first. Their smiles were all that I needed to clear any lingering doubt from my mind. I will protect these smiles if it is the last thing I do.

"Hm, next step, I have to name the both of you." Good thing I already have some names ready. As I turned around I saw Veldora grinning from ear to ear.

"You will be Shinsha Tempest and you will be Shalsha Tempest." I named the blue hair Shinsha and pink hair Shalsha.

They began to glow after receiving their names. Of course I had Ciel alter our soul corridor to make it as equals rather than as master and servant. But in the end I believe I could see their smiles widen even more after getting their names. This of course made me smile as well.

"Hmmm. You still haven't introduced your daughters to your elder brother!" I heard Veldora yell behind me. Oh right I was so caught up in this I forgot he was there very quickly. I reluctantly pulled them off of me to introduce Veldora to them.

"Alright girls, this man here is Veldora, my "brother" so I guess that makes him your uncle."

"Hello there, my cute nieces!"  He said striking a pose as if he was someone like superman. The girls were behind me looking at him with surprised expressions. But that soon went away as I heard laughs and giggles coming from behind me.

"Uncle Veldora is funny!" Shinsha said.

"Yup!" Shalsha agreed with Shinsha.

Well the mood got even lighter than I thought it could. But now I have to introduce them to my staff. As I was thinking about how to do that, Shalsha tugged on my sleeve.


"Yes, Shalsha?"

"Wheres mama?"


How am I supposed to answer this? You don't have a mom, how am I supposed to give them a mom? Stowing myself, I had to tell them that.

"Well, sweetie.... You don't.... Have a mom." I was expecting a bad reaction but I guess it didn't come.

"Papas a bad liar." I heard Shinsha mutter. Hearing this I could not but help to slump to my knees.

'The first impression my daughters make of me is a liar? But I'm telling the truth.' I thought, still in pain of being called a liar.

"We heard mama speak to us. She guided us to take these forms." Shinsha said.

"Yeah! She also said she helped papa create us, so that makes her a mama!" Shalsha said.

They heard their mama speak to them? And she guided them? They are referring to Ciel aren't they? If that's the case then, I don't even know if Ciel can even leave me.

{That is possible.}

Huh? She came out of nowhere with that answer. Answered it fast as hell too. 'Cant help but feel that she had somewhat planned this.'

{I have no idea what you mean.}

Yeah. She totally planned this. But lets just get back to the task at hand.

"W-Well girls, M-M-Mama isn't here right now."

Shinsha and Shalsha both looked to the ground in disappointment upon hearing they cannot see their mama. Tears very much looked as if they would come running at a moments notice.

"B-But I'm sure she will be back in no time. Why don't I walk you around our nation and introduce you to people?" They perked up upon hearing my words. I now fully believe I can get used to this father life.

(A/N:Of course I will be doing the father parts, it just won't take away from the story.)

"Veldora? You want to join us?" I asked this tsundere brother of mine. Why I called him a tsundere you ask, because he was looking away from my direction with a "I don't care, but I care" expression with his eyes closed and arms folded. But a change in his mood occurred when asked.

"Kuhahaha! Of course little brother!"

See? Tsundora. Well after mocking this dragon lets go ahead and get these announcements over with.

(Benimaru, please gather everyone in the center of town please.)

(Already completed, Rimuru-sama. Is this the speech for the away team?)

(Yeah, but before that I also have another announcement. You may be surprised.) I then cut the thought communication with him. Probably leaving him dumbfounded as to what I have to say.

'Time to see everyones reactions.' I thought as I prepared myself for this speech.

(A/N: Can you blame me? I wanted to create descendants and adding Shinsha to this seemed to be the best idea. Having a princess or two in Tempest isn't such a bad thing.)