
A New Leaf: Rebirth in the Shinobi World

When an Anime fan, unexpectedly passes away in a tragic accident, he wakes up to find himself in the body of none other than Boruto Uzumaki. With the knowledge of the original series and a deep understanding of the characters, he decides to rewrite his destiny and the fate of the Shinobi world. Now, as Boruto, he has the chance to live the adventures he's always dreamed of. But it's not all fun and games. He must navigate through the complex relationships, political intrigue, and epic battles that come with being a ninja. With the memories of Boruto and his own, he struggles to find a balance between his two identities. As he delves deeper into the ninja world, he realizes that changing the future isn't as easy as he thought. Every decision he makes ripples through the world, affecting everyone around him. Will he be able to prevent the tragedies he knows are coming, or will he cause new ones? Join him on his journey as he tries to reshape the world, armed with the power of friendship, determination, and a unique perspective. Will he succeed in creating a better future for the Shinobi world, or will he lose himself in the process? This is a story of second chances, of friendship, and of a fan's love for a world that is now his reality. (The picture is not mine if the creator want me to not use it. I understand)

Taidanotsumi · Anime & Comics
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77 Chs

Chapter 41: Mastering Dark Chakra

Sarada and Naruto engaged in a fierce exchange of blows, their kunai clashing in a flurry of swift movements. The intensity of their spar was evident, but it was Sarada who found herself sweating profusely, her determination unwavering.

With her scarlet red eyes, adorned with two tomoe, Sarada keenly observed Naruto's every move, analyzing his techniques with precision. However, Naruto's vast experience shone through as he effortlessly maneuvered behind Sarada, swiftly placing the edge of his kunai against her neck.

"I've lost," Sarada admitted defeat, raising her hand in surrender. Naruto withdrew his kunai and returned it to her, a smile gracing his face.

"You're doing remarkably well for your age," Naruto praised, acknowledging Sarada's progress with genuine admiration.

"Hokage-sama, I've been wondering, where is Boruto? Hasn't he finished his mission yet?" Sarada inquired, her curiosity piqued as she remained clueless about his whereabouts.

"Why do you ask about him?" Naruto questioned, his tone filled with curiosity.

"Because he promised to train me, but one day he just disappeared," Sarada replied, taking a seat on the ground, a sense of disappointment evident in her voice.

"Sarada, let me tell you the truth about Boruto, as you've been asking for quite a while," Naruto said, his voice tinged with guilt.

"What is it?" Sarada asked, her eyes fixed on Naruto, anticipating his response.

"For the past two years, Boruto hasn't been on a mission. In fact, he left the village," Naruto revealed, his words causing Sarada's surprise to wash over her.

"The Anbu have been tirelessly searching for him, but so far, their efforts have been in vain. We haven't caught a glimpse of him anywhere," Naruto continued, letting out a sigh of frustration.

Sarada observed the devastation in Naruto's expression, realizing the weight of the situation.

"But Boruto promised that he would return, so I put my trust in him. I believe he will come back," Naruto confessed, his voice filled with a mix of hope and uncertainty.

A somber atmosphere hung in the air for a few moments until Naruto spoke again, breaking the silence. "I'll be quite busy for the next few days. Go find Kakashi-sensei; he'll be more than willing to teach you."

Sarada's mind flashed back to Boruto's advice, and she recalled the sight of his smile, causing a faint smile to form on her lips.

"I will, Hokage-sama," Sarada affirmed, determination shining in her eyes.

"See you then," Naruto replied, his figure flickering away in an instant.

"No wonder Himawari-chan looks so serious and determined. Her brother left her," Sarada sighed, her thoughts drifting. "I wonder if Boruto's friends know about this."

Nara Head Clan House,

As someone made a ram sign, numerous shadow trails appeared on the ground, intertwining and forming a spike-like structure. Shikadai watched the shadow jutsu unfold before him, a sense of annoyance evident on his face.

"What a drag," Shikadai muttered, his voice laced with a hint of frustration.

He had been diligently working on perfecting the jutsu, drawing inspiration from Boruto's previous ideas. However, the fact that Boruto had left the village without informing him left a bitter taste in Shikadai's mouth.

"Tch, to think that he left without telling me," Shikadai grumbled, having overheard the news while eavesdropping on his father's conversation.

Lost in thought, Shikadai pondered on what technique he should create next. Retrieving a small notebook from his pocket, he flipped it open, revealing a collection of ideas and sketches.

"Hmm, I think I still have the notes," Shikadai mused, his eyes scanning the pages filled with potential jutsu concepts.

Among the ideas, Shikadai noticed a name scribbled on one of the pages: Sung Ji Woo.

"Army of Shadows, huh? This is going to take some time, just like this materialized shadow technique," Shikadai sighed, realizing the complexity of his ideas.

Meanwhile, Temari observed her son's unwavering dedication to training, despite his occasional complaints. Her heart swelled with pride and a sense of calmness washed over her.

Everything seemed to be going well as the majority of people who knew Boruto unaware of his sudden departure. Even his teachers, like Rock Lee and Might Guy, remained oblivious to his absence.

The Next Day,

Boruto found himself once again at his usual spot in the mountains, engrossed in reading a scroll. Determined to understand it even further, he delved deeper into its contents, seeking answers to his burning questions.

As he read, a wave of frustration washed over Boruto. He realized that he lacked the ability to harness the Dark Chakra within his own heart, or even from others. This realization weighed heavily on him, and he knew that he needed to find a way to tap into this power before he could even attempt to use the technique described in the scroll.

"I feel so stupid," Boruto sighed, his voice tinged with self-doubt. "If only I had the Zero-Tails sealed within me, maybe then I would have a better chance."

However, he refused to let this setback deter him. Drawing upon his understanding of Cursed Energy, Boruto believed that he might be able to find a solution. But he couldn't deny the daunting nature of the task ahead.

"Alright, let's recap what I know about Cursed Energy and compare it to Dark Chakra," Boruto muttered to himself, attempting to organize his thoughts. "Cursed Energy is derived from negative emotions and is utilized in jujutsu techniques. On the other hand, Dark Chakra is a unique form of chakra that originates from the negative emotions of the heart."

Recognizing the similarities between the two, Boruto realized that his focus should be on tapping into the negative emotions within himself. With this revelation, he decided to take a moment to center himself and explore this aspect further.

Crossing his legs and closing his eyes, Boruto quieted his mind and honed his senses. He sought to connect with the depths of his own negative emotions, hoping to gain a better understanding of the Dark Chakra.

One hour has passed,

Boruto's frustration grew as he failed to sense even a trace of the elusive Dark Chakra. He knew firsthand what it felt like, having previously battled against a user of this sinister power.

"Tch, I need the help of my clones," Boruto muttered, massaging his temples in frustration. "Wait, maybe my Sharingan can assist me."

His eyes transformed into a striking shade of scarlet as he activated his Sharingan. Turning to his training clones, Boruto called out to them, his voice filled with determination. "Oi, all of you, I need your assistance."

The clones obediently gathered around Boruto, awaiting his instructions. One of them spoke up, addressing him respectfully. "What do you need us to do, Captain?"

Boruto contemplated for a moment before responding, mindful of not overwhelming his own mind. "It would be best if you all disperse one by one," he explained. "I forgot to create a seal for memory storage. I don't want to strain my brain unnecessarily."

"It's alright, Captain. We understand," one of the clones reassured him.

"Let's create the seal first, and then we can proceed with helping you," another clone suggested.

With their collective effort, the clones began crafting the foundation of the seal and meticulously ensuring its functionality. This process took three days to complete, as they painstakingly double-checked for any errors.

Meanwhile, Boruto sat in deep meditation, his scarlet eyes focused on the task at hand. He concentrated his energy and emotions, striving to create the Dark Chakra that originated from the depths of his own heart.

Once the seal was ready, the clone responsible for its creation inquired, "Where would you like to place this seal?"

Boruto pondered for a moment before responding, "I suppose the back of my head would be the most suitable."

One of the clones gently placed their hand on the back of Boruto's head, while the other performed a series of intricate hand signs. After a brief period, the seal was successfully applied.

"Let's disperse now," the clone declared.

The clones dispersed, their memories seamlessly transferring into the newly created seal. With this newfound tool, Boruto summoned additional clones to aid him in his quest to harness the power of Dark Chakra.


Day 1,

Despite their collective efforts, Boruto and his clones were unable to trace or sense any semblance of the Dark Chakra. However, this setback didn't deter Boruto. Undeterred and with a renewed sense of determination, he persevered, continuing his rigorous training regimen.

Day 2,

One of Boruto's clones caught a fleeting glimpse of the Dark Chakra, only for it to vanish in an instant.

"Fucking hell," the clone exclaimed, frustration evident in his voice.

"What happened?" Boruto and the rest of his clones asked, their curiosity piqued.

"I sensed it, but it disappeared just as quickly," the clone explained, disappointment creeping into his tone.

"Fucking Hell," Boruto and his clones echoed in unison, their shared frustration hanging heavy in the air.

Day 3 - Day 15,

Boruto and his clones exhaled in unison, frustration marking their faces. Despite their relentless efforts, they were still unable to sense the Dark Chakra.

"What are we missing?" one of the clones questioned, his words echoing in the silence.

"Do we need to tap into more negative emotions?" another clone suggested, uncertainty creeping into his voice.

"Possible, but the risk of corruption is high," Boruto reasoned, considering the potential dangers. "So, who's going to attempt this, me or you guys?"

"We should," one of the clones volunteered. "If you were to do it, who would be there to guide us?"

"True," Boruto agreed, recognizing the clone's valid point.

Day 16 - Day 25

After numerous attempts, one of Boruto's clones finally succeeded in sensing and even generating the Dark Chakra. However, the overwhelming corruption caused the clone to disintegrate into a cloud of smoke.

"Well, at least now I have an understanding of how to manipulate it. But this power is too dangerous for an ordinary individual, unlike myself," Boruto remarked with a confident smirk.

"With this newfound power, the Otsutsuki will surely regret their decision to absorb it," Boruto declared, an evil smile playing on his lips.

Clapping his hands together, Boruto turned to his clone and commanded, "Alright, let's get to work, guys! Chop, chop, chop! We need to finish this training."

Day 26 -Day 125

A smile spread across Boruto's face as he observed the black Rasengan swirling in his right hand. With a determined expression, he thrust the Rasengan into a nearby tree, obliterating it in an instant.

"It's even more destructive than the normal Rasengan," Boruto remarked, his smile widening. "With the infusion of Dark Chakra, my jutsu will become truly formidable."

"Now, I can finally put my new jutsu to the test," Boruto said, his excitement evident in his smile.

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In pat_reon, the story is at Chapter 73 (One more arc and the story will be finish)

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