
A New Leaf: Rebirth in the Shinobi World

When an Anime fan, unexpectedly passes away in a tragic accident, he wakes up to find himself in the body of none other than Boruto Uzumaki. With the knowledge of the original series and a deep understanding of the characters, he decides to rewrite his destiny and the fate of the Shinobi world. Now, as Boruto, he has the chance to live the adventures he's always dreamed of. But it's not all fun and games. He must navigate through the complex relationships, political intrigue, and epic battles that come with being a ninja. With the memories of Boruto and his own, he struggles to find a balance between his two identities. As he delves deeper into the ninja world, he realizes that changing the future isn't as easy as he thought. Every decision he makes ripples through the world, affecting everyone around him. Will he be able to prevent the tragedies he knows are coming, or will he cause new ones? Join him on his journey as he tries to reshape the world, armed with the power of friendship, determination, and a unique perspective. Will he succeed in creating a better future for the Shinobi world, or will he lose himself in the process? This is a story of second chances, of friendship, and of a fan's love for a world that is now his reality. (The picture is not mine if the creator want me to not use it. I understand)

Taidanotsumi · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 40: The Past Part 4

The man revealed himself to be Shinno, a shinobi from the Land of Sky. As he stood up, his body began to heal, but Boruto noticed that the healing process was slowing down.

"Ah, Sasuke," Boruto muttered, adopting the same stances as Lee. "Come at me, old man."

Shinno charged towards Boruto, throwing a straight punch. However, Boruto effortlessly deflected the attack without even budging from his position. Undeterred, Shinno followed up with a kick aimed at Boruto's stomach, but Boruto skillfully slipped his hand beneath Shinno's kicking leg, using it to throw Shinno off balance and send him crashing to the ground.

Frustrated, Shinno launched a barrage of attacks, but Boruto effortlessly deflected each strike without even needing to move.

"You're getting stronger, but somehow weaker," Boruto remarked, sweeping Shinno off his feet and bringing him down to the ground.

Boruto then created a Rasengan, leaving Naruto and Sasuke astonished by his skill.

"Goodbye, old man," Boruto declared.

However, just as Boruto was about to strike, Sasuke appeared before him, wielding a sword, attempting to stop Boruto from killing Shinno.

Seizing the opportunity, Boruto swiftly grabbed Sasuke's wrist and disarmed him, showcasing his superior strength.

'Take his Chakra, Samehada' Boruto commanded mentally.

Samehada, in its bracelet form, began draining Sasuke's chakra. Sasuke struggled to break free but found himself unable to move. As Sasuke attempted to lift Boruto, he was met with resistance.

After a few minutes, about half of Sasuke's chakra had been absorbed. Boruto playfully kicked Sasuke in the chest before walking back towards Naruto.

'Samehada, give me half of what you take so that I can create more delicious chakra,' Boruto said in his mind, addressing Samehada.

As Boruto absorbed Sasuke's chakra, he felt a slight twitch in his eyes, but it subsided after a few seconds.

"Tch, it's not enough," Boruto muttered, and the clone that had been standing beside Naruto dispersed.

Boruto grabbed his cloak and donned it, addressing the people around him with a casual "Ciao." With that, he left the scene, disappearing into the darkness as he teleported away using his EMS.

Meanwhile, Sasuke stood up, searching for Boruto. Despite feeling the effects of the battle, he temporarily put his focus on Shinno, as he still needed answers from him.

"Follow me. Orochimaru wants to see you," Sasuke stated. "Remember, I saved your life."

"What if I refuse?" Shinno challenged.

"I'll take you by force," Sasuke declared.

"You can't do that as long as I possess this jutsu. I am unstoppable," Shinno boasted.

In a swift move, Sasuke appeared behind Shinno and taunted, "I dare you."

Shinno attempted to activate his jutsu, but due to Sasuke's Chidori senbon, he lost control of his dark chakra, causing his body to rapidly age.

As a result, Shinno attempted to escape by offering the scroll, but when he glanced at it, he realized that Boruto had already taken it. Sasuke cursed in frustration, never expecting the person he had just encountered to be so troublesome.

Before Shinno could make his getaway, Sasuke trapped him in a genjutsu and left Naruto and the girl behind.

After this, the events unfolded as usual. Naruto single-handedly destroyed the ship and even took down Zero Tails on his own. Afterward, Naruto found himself saved from a fall by the girl.

While the events were unfolding, Boruto was in the Roran Tower, initiating its activation to transport him back to the present timeline.

"Neither the Indra Chakra nor my inherited Asura Chakra is sufficient," Boruto muttered to himself. With that, he opened the dragon vein, facilitating his return to the present timeline.

Both Naruto and Sasuke were left pondering over Boruto's identity, as he remained an enigma shrouded in mystery.

As for Shinno, he attempted to treat Orochimaru but failed. In response, Sasuke ended his life with a swift decapitation, thus eliminating an enemy.


Boruto let out a sigh of relief as he returned from the past, feeling mentally exhausted. He lay on the ground, taking a moment to recover.

Pulling out the scroll, Boruto gazed at it with a smile on his face. "At least I had the opportunity to become stronger and learn this new Jutsu," he said, his smile widening as he opened the scroll and discovered its contents.

The Jutsu was called the Body Revival Jutsu. It had the power to repair the user's body and enhance its strength by manipulating the "Destruction and Rebirth" cycle of the muscles. However, if the user lost control of the Dark Chakra, it would result in severe backlash.

"Hmm, Dark Chakra seems similar to Cursed Energy, but with added consequences. Well, I'll train with this technique and then seal it away," Boruto contemplated.

Concerned about the possibility of other enemies using the Dragon Vein, Boruto decided to seal it. However, he kept the Flying Raijin Kunai and headed outside. Creating a seal, he concealed the location, causing it to vanish from sight.

It took him 40 minutes to complete the sealing process, and afterward, he returned to his home in the Land of Demon.

Boruto teleported back to his room and collapsed onto his bed, letting out a contented sigh. "Ah, this feels so good. It's been a while since I've slept on such a comfortable bed," he murmured with a hint of satisfaction in his voice.

As Boruto peacefully slept, Son Goku suddenly smacked his palm, a realization dawning upon him. "I remember now! The kid I encountered in the past was Boruto. But how is that possible?" Son Goku's confusion grew evident as he scratched his head. "He looks older now. This doesn't add up."

"Could he have used Time-Space Jutsu?" Son Goku pondered aloud, though he had no definitive answer.

"It does align with his goals, but why?" Son Goku mused, his mind racing to find a reason behind Boruto's actions. "What could his motive be?"

Son Goku decided to keep this information to himself for now, knowing that he lacked solid evidence. Once he had gathered enough proof, he made a mental note to inform Naruto.

Soon, the arrival of the alien would mark the beginning of a chaotic and perilous time for Earth. Boruto realized the urgency of the situation and understood that he needed to gather more strength. Without it, the world would be doomed to destruction.

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In pat_reon, the story is now at Chapter 71

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