
A New Leaf: Rebirth in the Shinobi World

When an Anime fan, unexpectedly passes away in a tragic accident, he wakes up to find himself in the body of none other than Boruto Uzumaki. With the knowledge of the original series and a deep understanding of the characters, he decides to rewrite his destiny and the fate of the Shinobi world. Now, as Boruto, he has the chance to live the adventures he's always dreamed of. But it's not all fun and games. He must navigate through the complex relationships, political intrigue, and epic battles that come with being a ninja. With the memories of Boruto and his own, he struggles to find a balance between his two identities. As he delves deeper into the ninja world, he realizes that changing the future isn't as easy as he thought. Every decision he makes ripples through the world, affecting everyone around him. Will he be able to prevent the tragedies he knows are coming, or will he cause new ones? Join him on his journey as he tries to reshape the world, armed with the power of friendship, determination, and a unique perspective. Will he succeed in creating a better future for the Shinobi world, or will he lose himself in the process? This is a story of second chances, of friendship, and of a fan's love for a world that is now his reality. (The picture is not mine if the creator want me to not use it. I understand)

Taidanotsumi · Anime & Comics
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77 Chs

Chapter 42: Moryo Strike Again Part 2

Two years had elapsed, and Boruto's hair now gleamed with a vibrant shade of yellow, a testament to the transformative effects of the Dark Chakra. His body had reached its peak, free from any impurities.

Currently, Boruto found himself perched on a rooftop in the bustling Capital City of the Land of Demons. He let out a tired yawn, taking a moment to rest and gaze at the sky above.

Little did he know, in the distant Land of Swamp/Marsh, an individual had just arrived at the remnants of the once towering temple of Moryo, now reduced to a pile of rubble.

"I believe it should be here," the individual murmured, their voice filled with anticipation.

Utilizing their Earth-style abilities, the individual delved underground, eventually discovering the remnants of the ancient seal.

"The legends speak of the mighty demon Moryo, capable of granting any desire," the individual remarked, their voice filled with awe.

"Rise, Moryo!" the individual exclaimed, unlocking the seal with a stolen bell from the Miko's room.

Suddenly, a colossal serpentine creature emerged from the ground, its long and dark purple body adorned with multiple dragon-like heads, each with glowing red eyes and blue tongues. A faint aura of lighter purple enveloped its form.

The beast before them was none other than Moryo, who fixed his gaze upon the person responsible for his resurrection. The person knelt before Moryo, their voice trembling with reverence, "Moryo-sama, you possess the power to grant any wish, do you not?"

"Indeed, I hold the power to grant your desires, but know that it comes at a price," Moryo replied, his voice dripping with a sinister undertone. "You must prove your loyalty by eliminating the Miko and delivering her lifeless body to me."

"I understand, my lord," the person affirmed, their voice filled with unwavering determination.

Moryo bestowed his dark power upon the person, causing their body to be engulfed in a sinister aura.

"This power... it is beyond anything I've ever imagined," the individual marveled, their voice tinged with a mixture of awe and newfound strength.

"Go forth, my servant, and retrieve the Miko for me," Moryo commanded, his voice resonating with an otherworldly authority.

With a determined nod, the person rose to their feet and departed, leaving Moryo to continue resurrecting his stone army within the crumbling temple. The stage was set for a clash of destinies, as darkness and vengeance intertwined in a battle that would shape the course of their world.

Boruto abruptly awakened from his nap, a sense of foreboding washing over him as he detected a sinister presence nearby.

"Something's not right," Boruto muttered, his curiosity piqued.

Determined to investigate, Boruto swiftly rose to his feet and declared, "I need to find out what's going on."

With a sense of urgency, Boruto hurried towards the source of the ominous energy. However, as he ventured deeper into the forest, he abruptly halted, concealing himself from view as he caught sight of a colossal creature with seven tails soaring through the sky.

"Why is Chomei here of all places?" Boruto questioned, his voice filled with bewilderment. "I should pause my search for now."

The Following Day,

In the room, Sarutobi Mirai, Sarutobi Konohamaru, Kazamatsuri Moegi, and Ise Udon gathered around the Miko, Shion. They took turns introducing themselves to Shion, creating a friendly atmosphere.

"Hello, I'm Mirai," Mirai said with a smile, extending her hand.

Shion looked at Mirai for a moment before speaking gently, "Mirai-san, right? I have a vision of your future, and it's not a pleasant one. I think it would be best if you returned to your village."

Surprised by the news, Konohamaru, Moegi, and Udon exchanged concerned glances.

Mirai, however, remained resolute. "I appreciate your concern, but I won't let that destiny define me. I have faith in my abilities, and I know I can overcome any obstacles. Besides, I have the support of my teammates."

Konohamaru, Moegi, and Udon nodded in agreement, showing their unwavering support.

Shion smiled warmly. "You remind me of someone I once knew. If that's the case, promise me that you'll do everything in your power to stay safe."

Mirai nodded earnestly. "I promise, Miko-san."

Shion's smile widened. "Please, call me Shion. We're all on the same side here."

"Of course, Shion-san" Mirai replied, feeling a sense of trust and camaraderie.

As they continued their conversation, Mirai, Konohamaru, Moegi, and Udon bonded as the four skilled ninja from Konoha, united in their dedication to their village and their determination to face any challenges that lay ahead.

After their introductions, the group decided to take a leisurely walk together. As they strolled through the streets, the citizens couldn't help but notice Shion's presence and greeted her with warm smiles and waves. Shion reciprocated their gestures, her own smile brightening the atmosphere.

Unbeknownst to them, they walked right past a disguised Boruto, who blended seamlessly into the crowd. His stealth skills were truly impressive.

Their destination was a beautiful park adorned with Sakura trees, a sight that never failed to captivate Shion. It was a place she often sought solace and tranquility, especially when accompanied by the Konoha shinobi who were assigned to protect her.

As they entered the park, the soft pink petals of the Sakura trees danced in the gentle breeze, creating a serene and enchanting ambiance. Shion's eyes sparkled with delight as she took in the breathtaking scenery, her mind finding solace amidst the beauty of nature.

In this peaceful setting, Shion could let go of her worries and clear her mind, finding a moment of respite from the weight of her responsibilities. The presence of her newfound friends, Mirai, Konohamaru, Moegi, and Udon, provided her with a sense of comfort and support.

Boruto on the other hand just release a sigh of relief "Thank god, they didn't notice me"

"But why the hell I feel like an army of Dark Chakra is approacing this place" Boruto ask.


In the dimly lit secret meeting room, a sense of foreboding hung in the air as Kamakura Somen and Minamoto Yoritomo, the two esteemed instructors, found themselves ensnared by dark serpentine creatures formed entirely of malevolent chakra.

Standing before them, a figure emerged from the shadows, revealing itself to be Yoshitsune Ukiyo, the other instructor. A sinister gleam danced in his eyes as he declared his sinister intentions.

"Everything for Moryo-sama," Ukiyo proclaimed with a chilling determination.

As Ukiyo spoke, the serpentine beings tightened their grip, their chakra-infused forms constricting around Kamakura and Yoritomo. The room echoed with their cries of anguish as they were devoured by the insidious creatures, their presence extinguished in an instant.

The room fell into an eerie silence, broken only by Ukiyo's malevolent laughter. The darkness of his intentions was now fully revealed, and the weight of his betrayal hung heavily in the air.


In the dark of night, Boruto watched in astonishment as a horde of stone warriors approached the country. Intrigued by the identity of the attackers, he whispered to himself, "Who could be behind this assault?"

Suddenly, Boruto spotted Moegi, Udon, and the other guards rushing to confront the stone warriors. Determined to assist the others, Boruto swiftly created a clone and instructed it, "Go help them. I'll aid the other guards on the opposite side."

His clone gave a thumbs up and leaped into action, while Boruto sprinted towards each gate, conjuring more clones to safeguard the village.

Shion was peacefully asleep in her room when suddenly her Dojutsu activated, allowing her to see Ukiyo entering and killing her. She woke up abruptly, drenched in sweat, and desperately tried to open the secret pathway she had prepared for such situations, only to find it locked.

"Open up, damn it!" Shion exclaimed, kicking the door to the secret pathway.

The door burst open, revealing Ukiyo standing there with bloodied clothes.

"Don't try to run, Shion-chan," Ukiyo said as he slowly approached her.

"Why are you doing this?" Shion asked.

"Because I've had enough of your rule. I've decided that I should be the one in charge," Ukiyo replied.

Shion then noticed the dark serpentine Chakra and instantly recognized its source.

"Moryo," Shion muttered.

"Don't think you can escape. The one who granted me this power is waiting for you," Ukiyo said.

Ukiyo unleashed the menacing serpentine Chakra towards Shion, but before it could reach her, someone swiftly intercepted it with a well-aimed kunai, severing it in mid-air.

It was Konohamaru, accompanied by Mirai, who wielded her father's weapons, two Chakra Blades, in her hands.

"Mirai, take Shion and get her to safety. This guy has massacred most of the guards protecting this place," Konohamaru instructed.

"Got it," Mirai responded, sheathing her Chakra blades and carrying Shion away from the danger zone.

Meanwhile, Konohamaru skillfully evaded the strikes of the dark serpentine Chakra, maneuvering left and right.

"It seems I'll have to give it my all to end this quickly," Konohamaru declared, placing his hand on the ground and summoning a small monkey named Enra. "Enra, get ready!"

"Alright," Enra complied, transforming into a staff as Konohamaru caught hold of it, swiftly spinning it to block an incoming attack from the serpentine Chakra.

Mirai did her utmost to escape with Shion, but their path was suddenly blocked by a woman wielding a halberd. It was Sara, Boruto's neighbor, who had regained her sight and was now standing before them.

Mirai gently placed Shion on the ground and equipped her Chakra Blades, preparing for a confrontation.

"Surrender, young lady. I have no intention of killing you, but if you insist on resisting, I will not hesitate to strike," Sara warned as she approached them with deliberate steps.

"Stay hidden, Shion-san," Mirai whispered to Shion before swiftly lunging towards Sara. However, Mirai had to quickly retreat as the halberd narrowly missed her head.

With her Chakra Blades emanating a brilliant blue glow, Mirai pondered the best course of action to take against Sara. She decided that utilizing Genjutsu would be her best strategy.

Mirai skillfully evaded Sara's attacks, continuously moving to avoid the incoming strikes.

Sara launched a powerful horizontal slash, but Mirai swiftly ducked down and attempted to rush in. However, Sara swiftly turned her halberd and slammed it into the ground, causing Mirai to backflip away.

Undeterred, Mirai activated her Genjutsu, attempting to ensnare Sara. However, Sara simply shrugged it off, her body immune to the effects due to being engulfed in Moryo Chakra.

In a swift motion, Sara threw a needle towards Shion's legs, causing her to stumble and fall to the ground.

Mirai valiantly attempted to protect Shion, but Sara closed in on her, delivering a powerful punch to her stomach that caused her to cough up blood.

As Sara slowly approached Shion, who was desperately crawling away, Shion mustered the strength to ask, "Why are you doing this?"

Sara stabbed the ground in front of Shion, halting her escape. "You don't need to know. Moryo has expressed his desire for your body. I will end your life to make things easier for me," Sara declared, raising her halberd to deliver a fatal blow.

In a final act of desperation, Mirai rushed towards Sara, attempting to grab hold of her to prevent the attack. However, Sara effortlessly slapped her away, sending Mirai crashing to the ground.

"Stand down if you wish to spare your own life," Sara warned.

But Mirai, with a confident smirk, stood up and defiantly replied, "Heh, try me."

Sara raised her halberd, ready to strike Mirai, when suddenly, someone appeared in front of Mirai, catching the halberd with their bare hand. "Are you trying to get yourself killed, Mirai-nee?"

Mirai recognized the voice and looked up to see Boruto standing there, a smile on his face.

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In pat_reon, the story is now completed chapter 77 is the final chapter. Thank you for supporting me

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