
A New Galactic War

Humanity was isolated in the cold vacuum of space. Mankind had lost and was torn apart, all communications silent, their species on the brink of extinction. However, people say when humans are pushed to the brink of collapse they tend to do the unthinkable, some even say humans are akin to cockroaches, no matter how hard you try to squish it, it will still live even when you cut off its head. And so when the state of the art human warships failed against siren monsters they decided to make monsters of their own, and they were Kansens. The embodiment of past modern ww2 ships that were upgraded to their space versions. With their return humanity was able to fight back and gather under one banner to push back the threat of sirens. Now, after a few years of little inactivity people think with the decrease in they would be gone forever. if only they knew, 'WAR NEVER CHANGES' as it is just the calm before the storm. If you want to engage in discussions about this book and others my discord is open https://discord.gg/SatCuGayXp

dragon_monarch · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
18 Chs

:Rush against time

This is the second part, notes at the end.

Earths preparation

Earth or should I say humanity in general was not just not sitting idle like a princess, there were massive changes as one of the industrial giants the Eagle Union was pumping out a new generation of warships but this was all kept under silence.

The new human pulsar warships if compared to their neutron sisters were seen to be around 50 to 80% better in terms of power output, and its ability to hold itself against capital class enemies was greater.

It wasn't only the Eagle Union that was flexing its industrial might, Sakura empire too was flexing theirs as well though like the Neutron reactors they modified theirs for more power than speed which meant that they had an increase of 70 - 90% when compared to their neutron reactors.

Iron blood and the Royal Navy each was also churning these ships but it was under the most intense silence ever. As a whole the 4 great notions undertook major measures that had never before been seen making their production seem as if there was a mass flux in civilian and military transport ships seemingly even fooling the sirens who were trying to keep tabs on human actions but like always, they didn't really care as they just relied on their simulations.

As if they didn't know that their simulations were doomed to fail as with the advent of Yamato's rebirth into this Universe she brought with her a change that acted like a tsunami reaching out to others, which is why Carl invented a reactor that shouldn't even be made as he was destined to live a mediocre life but with his interaction with Yamato she seemingly cut his threads of destiny letting him roam free even with Kitakami and Oicchi their destines had diverged immensely with no hope of returning back.

In such drastic change the universe naturally brought a corrective measure which was void the second Ark of destruction that was larger and more powerful than the first Ark of destruction as it was showed by the destruction of universe 2199.

But Humanity will always be a cockroach, always adapting and surviving the harshest conditions as they were simply unstoppable if you give them enough time.

Thus, the defence of Earth was fully under way as major capital ships had already appeared.

From the Eagle union the Iowa class fleet was present in their full might together with Enterprise and her other 2 sisters, York town and Hornet. Other than that, other major ships were Cleveland, Fletcher and some other destroyers and cruisers.

On the Sakura empire side, starting with the battleships we have Nagato, Mutsu, Kongo and her other 3 sisters, for carriers they had Akagi, Kaga, Zuikaku and Shoukaku forming a large carrier force but you might ask where is Shinano. For Shinano her situation is delicate, if earth does fall naturally Shinano would be the next in line to take command. Other major figures were Ayanami, Kuma, Shimakaze, Atago and others as the Sakura empire could be said to have the largest fleet there.

Iron blood we have Bismark and Tirpitz, Graf zeppelin and other German ships whose names are hard to write.

For the Royal Navy we have Hood, Nelson, King George class battleships, Illustrious, and Indomitable class carriers as well as Javelin a destroyer.

Together they formed the kansens side of the defence while for humans it consisted a mix of the old and new generation of reactors. This combined would give any enemy a hard time to breach but it can also act like a meat grinder.

Time skip- Iscandar

Some 1 week later we see that 2 cruisers had finished their retrofit as their hull were carefully removed from the construction line by conveyor belts and were careful put in a docking bay by some automatic barges as the kansens within them slowly woke up.

The first to wake up was Kitakami, whose eyes slowly opened to the bright morning sun as she could feel the sun's warm rays strike her body as she lay on her bed. This was the first confusing thing, as her room was supposed to be in the hull but when she opened her eyes, she was greeted with the sight of a bright blue sky with Gamilas in the background.

This startled her making her quickly sit upright and look around her surroundings and the first thing she noticed was that it was a single bedroom with a glass canopy. The placement of things like desks books were moved as the room seemed more spacious than before and there was even a mirror.

After taking in her surroundings, she decided to stand up but she found that her body was slightly heavier than before and for some reason her visibility seemed higher. Feeling all the weird things going on in her body she turned her gaze to the mirror that was on her left side, where she got the shock of her life.

It was true that she had grown in height by about the size of her head, making it where when before she could only reach Yamato's shoulder, she was now at neck level but there was still a head sized gap between them. Other than her height she noticed a mound of black tails behind that were longer than before which led to her receiving another shock.

She had jumped from 2 tails to 6 tails which in itself is an unheard-of growth rate. Usually, the number of one's tails symbolizes the strength of said kansen and if they had a growth in strength the number of tails would increase with the size of that growth. But going from 2 to 6 tails was a growth rate that was unheard of in the entire history of the empire but at least her black fox ears had the same pointy length.

Her black hair also reached past her shoulders making her slightly surprised.

Lastly, the change she found out was something that made her happy. To sum it up let's just say her body was more curved but it still wasn't the size melons just medium sized coming all the way from small size.

Feeling proud of herself she instantly opened her closest and found a lot of clothes that were the upscaled version of her previous ones. She searched until, in one end, she found a captain's uniform that was mat black and had the same golden trimming as Yamato's and the same iconic anchor mark on the shirt pocket.

Kitakami instantly wore this as it complemented her black hair very well and blue eyes very well. On the table, she saw that her captains cap was resting their undisturbed. It was coloured black with gold trimmings and a golden anchor at the front which matched her uniform really well.

She quickly put it on as it comfortably covered her ears very well as she went to the bridge. Following a flight of stairs, she first arrived at a sign that pointed to elevators, and the bridge directly in front of her.

Feeling a burst of excitement, she proudly walked into the bridge and her first thoughts were.

'It's big!'

If you compare this to her old bridge it would look as if she was in a slightly cramped one before moving to a more spacious one.

Her eyes quickly looked at the various stations that were dotted around the bridge until she found hers which was in the back but it was in the centre giving her a full view of what happens in the ship.

She slowly walked to her post as she ran her hand across the consoles, her eyes quickly spotting some screens but they were all dead. She quickly made herself comfortable on the chair which felt better than her old one as she slowly closed her eyes.

Focusing on her heart she could feel it pump very slowly as it was barely powered up. Kitakami focused her will on her heart as she mentally forced it to power up. The first try failed but she didn't give up as she tried again with more force but a constant beeping broke her from her focus.

The screen which was clearly labelled for engineering flashed to life as on its orange background it showed multiple bars of energy start to quickly fill up and going from what was shown it was going to her engine.

She could feel a faint spark in her heart but this was enough of a sign to make her focus all her mental power.

'Cosmic core power on'

Deep within her hull, her new Cosmic engine woke up for the first time in its history. A low whine turned into a roar as blades were spinning and the core came online as its energy output went through the roof.

Kitakami could only hear the constant beeps of the console as she watched the energy percent rise higher and higher. Soon her ears could hear a whine as the engine went above 100%.

She could feel the floor beneath her hum in unison with the engine as it reached its full operational capacity of 120%. Kitakami for her part was slightly out of breath as she gripped her shirt tightly but not out of pain.

On her face was plastered a smile that make someone think she's gone crazy but that wasn't the case. She could feel the surge of the energy pour through her body and it felt amazing. The power at her fingertips was something she thought was once a dream but now she was living it. The power of infinite energy.

It felt like a bottomless well of energy had been connected and now she could finally kick some siren ass.

"Singularity, are you there" she called out her AI who helped her do many tasks.

"Yes, you called" her AI's voice was the same as before but she felt like its voice had an aspect of power.

"Give me a full breakdown of the upgrades we received, start with weapons first then after the debrief please contact my sister's ship.

"Roger, if you'd please look at the screen above you" a large display screen came to life on the slanted ceiling and an animation started playing showing a 3d model of the ship.

"Currently our ships appearance is vastly different compared to our previous one. It terms of weaponry our main guns which were 6-inch turrets or 150 mm guns were upscaled to 254 mm or 10-inch turrets. Currently there are 2- dual barrel 10-inch turrets at the front and 2 at our rear. Other than that, our missile capacity has greatly increased from 180 missiles to over 300 missiles. Though the same 3 missiles silos remain between our 3 smoke stacks but even our smoke have turned to missile cells as well as there being 12 missiles tubes at the bow and rear each of the hull as well over 20 missiles on each of our broadside for a total of 40 and finally, our under belly or dorsal has a total of 40 missiles as well"

As of this point Kitakami could be said to be heaven. From having over 180 missiles to having over 300 missiles by using every side available and cramming it with missiles. And her main guns went from those weak 6 inch to 10-inch barrels truly fit to be a cruiser Caliber turret.

"Other than that, dotted around our hull and superstructure are Positron CIWS and Cosmic tipped CRAM."

This newly named Cosmic energy could be said that it can be used in almost every weapons department making these CRAM capable of exploding many things with just 1 missile.

"Also there has been addition of some Phoenix turrets. These are 3–8-inch barrels that are fixed to a rotary disc enabling them for fast firing salvos of positron beams that can rip apart any enemy it meets. Currently there are 3 placed next to the bridge as 1 turret faces forwards, the next one is raised above the first turret but still faces forward and the last one faces backwards. There are also 2 next to the secondary bridge that before the rear turrets giving us a total of 10 phoenix turrets."

As of this point, Kitakami truly felt like she was in a dream, not only did she have the experimental turrets she had 10 of them which was a lot but making any enemy that decides to gang up on her suffer miserably.

"Furthermore, a small hangar has been able to be squeezed to the rear of the ship on the under belly. It currently has a capacity of 20 fighters and its composition is 10 tiger 2's, 6 tiger 1's and 4 modified reconnaissance craft as well some repair barges"

Giving her an absurd number of missiles was good, giving her experimental turrets excellent but giving her a fighter wing was too much. She felt like passing out due to all the excitement in her system but she stayed conscious as she allowed Singularity to continue.

"Currently our hull has the same colour scheme as the Yamato's with the top half having a lighter shade of black and the lower half having a red colour with a length of 250 m. We have 1 main engine and 4 sub engines that can propel us to a top speed of 45 space knots with warp speed being any speed above 33 space knots. Our radar system has been greatly improved to them point we can pick up sub space fluctuations as well enemies that are in the point of coming out of warp."

The speed was way off the charts and the radar was something she didn't give comment and finally came the end of Singularities debrief.

"And finally, at the bow of the ship is a Wave motion gun or should I say Cosmic gun that has the power to obliterate a landmass the size of Greenland 2 times over."

As of this point everything was just too much and Kitakami shortly passed out at the mention that she has an armada wasting weapon right in her bow.

A similar occurrence happened with Oicchi thus both AIs subsequently took control of the cruisers as they both eased them slowly out of their bays before their sub engines lit up sending the ship through the waters with an absurd acceleration then when they had reached a certain speed a roar could be heard from the engines as the main engine was brought to life.

A massive yellow flame erupted from the nozzle sending the hull up into the air as two shark like wings were deployed from the mid-section of their hulls giving them a greater lift helping the 2 cruisers ascend quicker towards a rally point somewhere in between the two binary planets.

After passing the atmosphere the 2 cruisers retracted their wings as their main engine pushed them forward into space.

Some 2 minutes later the 2 cruisers were now in view of the battleships as they had their ships out. The Yamato had just come fresh from its remodel to its 2202 Gatalantis war model. While Ginga remained the way she was as she didn't really undergo any remodel during her time of service in the Cosmo Navy.

As the 2 cruisers closed in their AI's shocked their captains from their sleep state.

Kitakami woke with a yelp as she fell an electric current run from her side across her body. She looked around widely before noticing a robotic arm quickly go up into the ceiling.

She was going to give her AI a piece of her mind until a call came through from Yamato which she didn't hesitate to accept.

"Morning Kitakami, Oicchi, I'm glad you're enjoying your new ships but we need to take you on a crash course so prepare for warp and follow us to this point."

Yamato didn't even give the 2 cruisers a chance to ask question before she cut the call. In the distance Kitakami could see a blue glow from the engine of the battleship before they disappeared in a golden flash.

Kitakami sigh in annoyance but she couldn't help herself as she instructed Singularity to warp to the coordinates sent.

The sub engine of both cruisers went silent as the main engines glowed blue as more power was sent through them pushing the ship forward through the inky blackness of space like a knife before knife pierced through it.

The hull slammed into a tear in space like a truck as time seemed to slow down, the hull taking time to go straight through it before it disappeared in a blinding flash of golden.

In the wormhole time didn't move for some reason but that meant that even the kansens didn't move but the ships continued forward into the colourful space before it hit something hard.

The ship continued through it as the space around them shattered and a layer of icy substances formed on them before it slowly broke apart as the ship blasted forward as its engines were still on until all the ice was removed.

Kitakami didn't even blink before the space around them changed into a different surrounding in less than the time it took for her to think.

"Did we warp?"

"Yes, we did"

Singularity answered Kitakami who was going to say something but she felt the world around her go wave like as her head felt dizzy.

Even before she asked Singularity answered what was going on.

"You are currently experiencing wave motion sickness, it's common according to Yamato for those who warp for the first time. There's some medication in front of you to take"

Kitakami didn't know how it knew so much but she didn't question it and took the pills which after a few minutes mad her dizziness go away.

"Okay, were did Yamato and Ginga go to"

On radar, she could see her sister sailing next to her but she couldn't detect the battleships anywhere. She was going to ask a question until the klaxons on the ship blared loudly as the ship was bathed in red light.

This shocked the cruiser as she could see 5 red dots come at the 2 ships from different sides.

Even without need to give a command the ship was already reacting to this threat as multiple missile silos were opened and the missiles within them ignited their engines before escaping their cell as their targeting systems came online guiding them to these threats before neutralizing them in a grand explosion.

Kitakami stared blankly at the screen before a transmission opened up to Yamato.

"Glad you could make it; Today were doing a battle simulation that will test everything you have to the max. So be prepared, oh and would advise you to get into your riggings."

Even before the call ended more alarms sounded as multiple ships warped out right next to these 2 cruisers. Their blue paint indicating that they were the defence ships that were now used in training.

More and more of them warped out until it numbered at over 50 ships that had surrounded them from their sides.

Multiple turrets swing and locked onto these cruisers before blue positron beams were shot out from their barrels. This meant that over 100 beams were heading towards their ships.

The two kansens didn't need to be told twice as their ships erupted into thousands of dark blue cubes, these cubes hovered for half a second before violently crashing around the 2 kansens. The final rigging was nothing short of big.

On both of their sides was a miniature hull with a nozzle on the rear, that had the signature hole in the front, all their main guns were equally divided with 2 on the left hull 2 on the right, similarly the phoenix turrets were spread out 5 of the left and 5 on the right with each turret have a free line of fire while also not blocking any other turret.

Behind their backs were their missile silos and smoke stacks that were combined to form 1 large smoke stack and 1 large block that was packed with missile cells, giving the 2 a compact yet absurd rigging.

Kitakami, eyed Oicchi who was next her. She had gone through the same changes the both went through as both their eyes burned with a dark blue fire.

The beams were only seconds from impacting but under their will a shield formed around them at the last moment as a violent explosion could be seen creating a bright burst of white light that soon dimmed to reveal the two cruisers in their riggings and totally unharmed as a blue glow enveloped them.

Like a well-oiled machine they both went to the different sides as Kitakami took the left and Oicchi took the right. Their engines propelled them forward to max speed as the shield easily absorbed the incoming missiles and positron rounds until gapes formed on the shield and this meant that she had to fight back.

A smile creeped up Kitakami's face as all her missiles cells opened up before a bright flash occurred inside every single one sending a rumble throughout the hull as over 300 missiles took of the cruiser covering in white smoke from the exhaust of the rockets as they closed in on the targets and spread out. A blue glow occurred around them as they enlarged to their original size.

The defence ships opened up their AA guns but with only 50 ships and over 300 ships they were easily swarmed as missiles after missiles slammed into them sending them to their explosive ends. However, there were some that activated their shields and this saved them from missiles but they were in the sights of another weapon.


On Kitakami, her main guns opened up releasing 8 positrons beams that arced through the space before they impacted some unlucky ships cutting through their hulls like butter before they exploded in a ball of flames. However, there were still 10 ships remaining and this was the time for the phoenix to shine.

The barrels of said turret rotated quickly as their sights lined with their respective ships before all turrets fired. Kitakami herself was bathed in a blue light as each turret fired rapid fire beams that were pumped out of them at an absurd rate. The space between the ships could be said to like a war in Star Wars with beams filling the space between them.

All 10 ships turned their shields to max but under the intense hail of beams it last long before gaps formed in the shields leading to their hulls being gutted apart before they violently exploded.

In all both Kitakami and Oicchi had managed to decimate over 50 defence ships in a few minutes maybe even seconds. Kitakami herself felt very pleased with herself as she managed to not even break a sweat during that whole battle.

This made her feel happy until her radars went off the charts as every cell in her body screamed at her to duck. Her being a fox trusted her indicts more as she ducked before a white and blue blade cut the place where her body was quickly and the person who did that was none other than Yamato who was in her rigging.

Kitakami instantly created distance between them before summoning out her sword.

Her Katana looked like a katana but it was painted black and it had lines of a dark blue colour run along its blade. Though she didn't have time to admire her sword as she focused on the battleship who was closing the distance quickly.

Like last time Yamato brought her sword down in a diagonal cut but this time Kitakami met her head on as her sword soon clashed with Yamato's.

An invisible shockwave formed as the 2 swords collided, both kansens trying to overpower the other through strength. Both of them struggled as it seemed like even though Yamato was slightly stronger, she couldn't fully over power the cruiser.

While in the lock both of the kansens weapons roared to life as they unloaded their weapons into each other shields and this was where Yamato learned the might of having a high rate of fire as her shield was easily broken as some positron rounds struck her rigging disabling a turret while others were bounced off by the weird coating it had.

Yamato instantly backed away, as she eyed up Kitakami who begun to send massive amounts of energy into her blade making it erupt into a dark flame that matched her eye colour as it was also glowing with a dark blue colour.

Yamato couldn't help but smile at this as she did the same only this time her sword erupted into a bright blue flame as her eyes turned into the same bright blue colour, her wave motion energy pumping through her body and into her sword.

With a muffled boom the two closed the gap quickly as their swords were raised high above them ready to burst forth their power and it was only until the last second that a missile exploded in between them making a wave motion shield appear as both swords collided with it, releasing the energy stored that looked as if a nuke exploded in space.

The aftermath let a giant hole in the wave motion shield, a testament at how powerful it was.

There was silence between the 2 before their comms crackled to life, "That's enough from you two, seems like you're getting too into the battle anyways"

The voice heard was for Ginga who shortly appeared after had a practice match with Oicchi that led to the cruisers win as Ginga was not meant for ship-to-ship engagement rather she was meant to be a support type battleship, thus when she arrived it wasn't surprising to see her rigging smoking and some cuts here and there as for Oicchi she was largely unscathed but had some minor burn marks from the missiles thrown at her.

"Thanks sister, guess I was a bit too into the fight." Yamato said as she de-summoned her sword and called everyone for a group meeting.

"Today, Kitakami, Oicchi, you both exceeded our expectations. Though you are still a cruiser I feel like you can go toe to toe with any capital ship thrown at you. Rather I should say that I've made a demon cruiser but both of have shown a great jump in strength. We'll continue with training tomorrow as for now it should be around this time it settles in"

Both cruisers were confused at first before they felt the world around them turn black as they both passed. These 2 cruisers were pushed a lot in their very first training so its natural their bodies pass out as they are not used to this foreign energy flowing through them.

"Ginga, help me bring these two to rest as we should also go to bed. Oh, and before I forget tell Cosmo to bring the repair and trash collecting ships, I don't want debris to start accumulating around the system."

After carefully putting the cruisers to rest within their de-summoned ships the two battleships headed to sleep as they both had an exhausting day.

Dream realm

At first Yamato wondered why she still felt awake until she opened her eyes to reveal the cosmic sky as her first view.

This made fully alert as she carefully looked at her surrounding which was just a stary background with some galaxies in the mix. She carefully looked until she saw something relatively human coming closer.

She could see its mouth move as if its talking but she couldn't hear it until the world or dream itself flickered as if it was changing signals and she suddenly heard a very loud voice next to her ears.

"Can you hear me!"

The voice sounded very familiar and when she turned her eyes, her eyes suddenly clashed with glowing yellow eyes. She quickly remembered this siren as she had battled it in the very first few chapters.

"I thought I killed your siren" her killing intent was suddenly on show as her eyes glowed red but the siren didn't react to them.

"Finally, its reached through but also did you think a simple energy beam would have been enough to kill me." the siren said stating the obvious.

Yamato remained silent as she could only stare at the humanoid creature.  "No comment. I, Observer, have come to give you a little glimpse to the future one which you'll find very shocking"

The cosmic background changed to a what seemed like a pocket space but in it was thousands upon thousands of siren ships all locked in formation as if waiting for something to happen.

Yamato herself was shocked at the absurd number of ships that were stationed there seeing this she could only ask, "Why are you showing me this"

"Good question, why are we doing this" Observer suddenly smiled and this smile was the kind that made her look a crazy person as she was crazy, "All this is a present to your beautiful little Earth."

Like a video a huge red vortex formed and ships passed through it in the hundreds where on the other side explosions could be seen everywhere as Yamato watched with her own eye's ships being destroyed by the second before explosion occured on the planet's surface as they glassed it to oblivion while the red vortex stood like an eye watching the destruction happen.

"1 weeks from now Earth will be conquered, Humanities cradle planet will be destroyed all because you weren't there to stop it!"

The dream ended abruptly there as she awoke with a shout; her body was sweating profusely and she was very much out of breath. Yamato tried to think whether what she saw was an illusion or reality but her instincts were screaming at her to leave quickly which meant that it was true!

At that moment her door opened abruptly as Ginga appeared in a rush, after hearing her sister scream. She was going to ask what's wrong but was abruptly cut off by Yamato.

"Ginga! Go wake up the cruisers we're leaving now!" the tone she used conveyed the urgency of her request which Ginga quickly understood as she quickly went to inform the others.

In less than 10 minutes all preparations were complete as Analyser and Cosmo had returned leaving a bot called Tera in charge of the whole system as the fleet quickly blast off into space their main engines roaring as they moved with speed.

Once in space their engines burned with a blue flame as they warped to the maximum, they could go to which was increased due to Ginga having an effect on their cores Like a super charge effect thus after 6 warps they could finally see the gate in front of them but there was a siren force of about 100 ships waiting for them or maybe they were waiting for something but that didn't matter.

"Kitakami, Oicchi your up!"

Yamato radioed the 2 cruisers as they both increased their speed to 42 space knots; this speed separated them from the fleet as all their missile cells opened their hatches as over 600 missiles combined were launched. Such a huge display did not go unnoticed as the siren fleet turned their ships to face them and their anti-missile system was already hammering at the swarm of missiles but with over 600 of them you can't leave unscathed.

Due the fleet being mainly made of destroyers they easily blew up and the force of 100 sirens was reduced to 0 in one missile swarm.

Though the cruisers didn't have time to celebrate as the decreased their speed and linked back up with the fleet before plunging into the gate.

Within the gate, it was stormier that usual which was weird as Analyser issued a warning to stay on guard as they flew through it. Thus, the fleet carefully sailed through it until a black spot occured within the space. This spot was nothing as it didn't do anything until it started to suck them in like a blackhole.

The surrounding gate was fine only some bits of stormy energy was sucked in but the ships didn't have so much luck as they were swallowed by the spot, their engines too weak to save them as they plunged into the spot.

Location Unknown. Realm unknown

The 4 ships could be seen floating aimlessly in this inky black environment, however, power was soon restored to these ships as they pointed in one direction though whether it was up or down no one really knew.

Yamato looked at the situation with wary eyes as Analyser repeatedly said they were lost as they were seemingly another space entirely because the wave motion core was fluctuating though not wildly but safe enough that they don't need to shut it down.

"Then, tell the other ships that were moving forward with a tight formation speed 15 knots."

Just as they were told the ships got into a tight diamond formation with Yamato leading and the cruisers bringing up the side followed by Ginga who the last but ultimately most protected in the fleet. They continued at a slow speed as they repeatedly scanned the entire area though it was as if they were in a hollow that was void of any feature.

The deeper they went the more the blackness until a movement was captured on the radar, it wasn't just 1 ship but millions of tiny dots that flew in a certain pattern and this was familiar to Yamato as she got sliced by these things when she was entering the Ark of destruction.

"All ships, form an even tighter formation, prepare all guns for Rapid fire!" her order was quickly received as the ships closed the gap as their radar also pinged this swarm moving closer and closer until they were within effective range.

"Open Fire!"

Meanwhile in a different location

In the blackness of this void a strange energy was beginning to sweep through and this was picked by a strange structure.

"This is outpost 60, were picking exotic energy from what looks like 4 ships your orders" This communication was sent somewhere as a reply was sent quickly.

"Send the black death, the queen is having guests so under no circumstances should we be breeched!"

"Yes sir, long live the Void Queen!"


A burst of blue was fired form every main gun against this black swarm, followed by many more as the main guns of Yamato and the cruisers opened up into this mist.

Numerous explosions occurred as this swarm was destroyed in a large number but they still continuously poured forward swarming the positrons fired at them.

This of course meant that the needed to up the fire power. On the cruisers only 6 phoenix turrets had a good change to fire and opened up as multiple positron beams were sent out at a high rate. Missile sells on all 4 ships opened as wave after wave of missiles swarmed out to meet these enemies.

But even as numerous of these things were exploded, even though they were atomized they pushed through this wave of death and destruction until they were in striking range of eating into the ship but they just smacked into a blue shield that resisted their approach and, in these seconds, they were still AA batteries on all 4 ships that shred them apart with their red and blue rounds.

"All ship increase speed to 40 knots we'll go through this swarm"

In Unison all ships increased their speed as they were engulfed in the swarm but their weapons still spewed out destruction as every weapon system on the 4 ships was firing everything it had wasting this swarm but there was just no end to them even as they shot forwards it felt like an eternity before their radars could pick up a weak barrier in front of them through gaps in the swarm.

"Ginga just hold it for a little while longer" to power the ship and boost the cores for the fleet was nothing short of straining if used for long.

The gap closed even more by the second before a boom resonated through the Yamato as its bow hit the barrier but it didn't las a second before it crumpled allowing them to squeeze through it before it resealed itself and the fleet found itself in a new problem.

Though it seemed like the allowing swarm thing didn't follow them through the gape as there must have been a reason but that didn't matter as the fleet quickly buzzed past walked looked to be homes. It didn't take long for contact to me made again but when the target or targets were displayed it immediately sent her into a frenzy as she ordered every ship to go into their rigging.

Flashes of golden and dark blue occured over the city like area as their riggings manifested around them. In front of the fleet, we could see a group of 3 pale individuals who had black hair and eyes that strikingly resembled a certain enemy from CHP 7, though this time they had some armour on them.

Both groups had a standoff as they stared at each other before the other party broke the silence as they closed in slowly.

"For breaching into the Kaisen, capital of Chaos, you all have to die as we don't want you to interrupt the queen any more than you already have"

With that declaration of battle, the Chaos soldiers rushed forward and in the blink of the eye their blades were already slicing at their necks, for Yamato and the cruisers.

However, their blades meet an impossibly great resistant as a blue glow light up from where their blades touched the shield. This shocked them as their eyes met each kansens eyes that glowed with their respective blue colours before they received a face full of positron beams.

The blue light instantly light up the area as more and more rounds were fired towards them. The barrage of beams melted their skin and pushed them back with tremendous force but the 3 seemed to regain their senses. Realizing that these weren't weak but actually strong.

A smile graced their lips as a lack aura covered them from head to toe.

"I wonder, when was the last time I fought serious" the leader said as their eyes glowed red, "you 2 go for those heavy cruisers, don't underestimate them. I'll go for their battleship"

The others simply nodded even as the positron beams kept on coming, they were swallowed by the black aura. All 3 of them took 1 step before disappearing from radar.

This shocked Yamato as her eyes scanned wildly before she felt an ominous aura behind her. Glancing behind her she could see a blade coming down fast and hard. Seeing the incoming danger, she summoned her sword quickly as she turned to block the attack head on.

Once their blades met a resounding boom rocked the city as the attacker pushed Yamato rapidly towards the ground, she was actually being overpowered. Her main guns fired blue positrons into the enemies' bodies but no matter how much she dumped at point blank it seemed it didn't affect it as she struck the ground at over Mach speeds.

The ground visibly broke apart and collapsed on itself as giant cracks formed like a spider web spreading for some hundreds of meters. Her blade was being moved back ever so close to her neck.

[Notice: special skills limit breaker and last hope have been activated. Damage inflicted has increased by 40% and all positron rounds have switched to transit positron rounds.]

Her main guns glowed golden as she dumped 9 golden transit rounds at point blank.

The reaction was as expected, explosive. A giant orange colour filled the city as her attacker was thrown into the air, their armour was broking apart.

[Notice: Balance Breaker is Active]

Her sword glowed with a blue flame as massive amounts of energy was poured into it as the blade itself glowed golden.

Yamato exhaled as she put a foot backwards and her sword to side as she focused on the still flying enemy.

With a single powerful swing she swung her blade, releasing all the energy within as a massive crescent of energy was formed.

In a Hadoho slash style, the blue light bathed the entire city its light as it rapidly closed in on the attacker who seemed to be laughing even as the massive energy hit him like a ramming battleship. A massive explosion filled the sky as the ground even trembled at the massive amounts of energy released.

Yamato sighed as she watched how the cruisers were fighting bravely their swords cutting at their attackers who seemed to judge them as cruisers but were greatly surprised and paid the price as each received a massive crescent of dark blue energy that exploded in a similar fashion to hers but less explosive.

Yamato looked at Ginga who was doing a support until their eyes and she could that there was fear in hers. She could visibly see her shout something over the comms but it didn't reach her in time as Yamato felt her shield being pierced through and her entire right side of her rigging was torn in half.

Yamato's eyes widened in shock as she watched a blade cut cleanly through her rigging before her eyes meet a pair of blood thirsty red eyes. She didn't even have time to react as she felt a massive force on her abdomen. In less than 1 second her form was sent flying through multiple buildings that crumpled under the sheer force. Some 4 buildings later was when she actually stopped.

Her rigging was missing one half and her body was littered with cuts from being sent through so many buildings. She coughed a little of blood as she struggled to stand up until her ear's heard footsteps.

She raised her sword as it glowed blue as well as her remaining canons that glowed with an intense golden colour. The footsteps got closer until she could see the attacker who was dusting her uniform as she walked closer. Yes, it was a she.

"To actually break abyssal armour is a feat on its own you know." her voice was emotionless as she walked closer even though Yamato was charging up another ability.

"Your human ships never cease to amaze me even those cruisers, their strength matches that of a battleship but yours is lacking"

At that point Yamato was baffled as she sent 6 transit rounds from her 2 remaining main guns that converged into 2 powerful beams.

"I told you that's useless" with a glowing red sword seemed to slice the energy beams making them deflect to a totally different area but the power needed to do that was something mind boggling.

"Even our queen has decided to join the battle and took one of your ships, but you didn't even notice this" more explosions sounded above them as the sky glowed with an orange colour.

This piece of information struck her like a rock as Yamato tried desperately to leave the area. She closed the gap immediately as her sword glowed golden while it wrapped in blue flames and swung it with a powerful swing, aiming to decapitate the enemy but her sword was met with a great resistance.

The enemy's sword which was wrapped in red flames collided against hers as the 2 energies collided with each other trying to overpower the other one.

"Your strength, is weak" with a push the chaos soldier pushed her blade aside leaving her wide open as a fist glowing with red energy slammed into her and the force, she experienced was greater than before sending her backwards with a mighty force as she ploughed through multiple until she slammed through one that stopped her motion making her land roughly on a hard obsidian floor.

Yamato coughed up a mouthful of blood as she struggled to control her breathing. She struggled to stand upright as the world around her was in a constant spin, her vision becoming increasingly blurry until she heard a noise to her left.

Every instinct within her screamed at her not to look but her eyes had a mind of their own as they looked at the cause only to find a very scaring image.

A figure had their backs facing them but there on the floor with multiple deep wounds and a pool of blood of beneath their tattered clothes was none other than Ginga.

"Oh, your finally here" the figure suddenly said as her obsidian eyes turned to look at her, "The so-called Empress of Sakura Empire, Yamato."

A black flame danced around her as a sword formed in her hands, that gleamed with an impossible sharpness, "Do you realize how much trouble you've caused me. A whole system which we painstakingly took was freed all because of you and this girl here and now the capital Kaisen is being destroyed by your friends up there" an explosion occured directly above them illuminating them in an orange glow.

With a quick motion her sword instantly went through the shoulder of Ginga making her wake up from her unconsciousness with a scream of pain. Ginga's eyes could be seen to tear up as the blade pierced straight through her shoulder.

The scream seemed to move something within her as a black-red energy was pouring out of her core but it was only little.

In her blurry state she couldn't help but yell at her to stop it as she tried to close the gap but a sudden force struck her from behind sending her straight into the ground with a loud thud. A firm boot planted on her back by the enemy she was fighting earlier.

"You're telling me stop" The queen had a baffled look on her face as she quickly removed the blade making a stream of blood flow from her wound, "You of all should know, I won't stop until Chaos has brought back our monarch from the Abyss."

The blade struck again but this time it went through Ginga's abdomen. Yamato watched with fear in her ears as Ginga was silently screaming at the amount of pain she went but to make things worse the queen tilted the blade as she lifted it up, forcing Ginga on her knees as a trail of blood flowed from the new wound.

Tears were flowing from her eyes but she looked at Yamato with a look of urgency, "Run" she said in a weak voice.

The queen looked at Ginga as if she was annoyed as she removed the blade and with a swift stomp made her land face first on the floor cracking it under her mighty pressure as her boot lay firmly on her head.

"Now, look Empress as she dies before your eyes and you would have no chance to stop it as you are weak" the boot on Yamato's back increased its pressure as she watched with horrified eyes as the blade was raised high in the air, the tip of the blade pointing towards Ginga's heart.

Ginga barely managed to move her head allowing her eyes to meet Yamato's. They were dimmed as if the light was taken out of them, but the message they sent, the fear it contained sent Yamato into overdrive as a string of words formed in her head, the blade was swung down with a powerful force, its blade coated in black energy aiming for a quick painful strike.

'I don't want to die'

*Evil laughter from the author*

Yes, I'm leaving you on a cliffhanger. At first the plot of this story should have continued even further until we reach the battle of earth and introduce Andromeda in a spectacular fashion.

So do you think she'll die or not, tell me in the comment section.

Do you think Yamato will lose her cool and obliterate chaos, Find out next chapter

If you've read till the end congratulations make sure you vote comment on the plot as I feel better when you guys correct me or give ideas for a fix.

Also, if you want to help me in discussion related to my books or other things come and join me in my discord server link is here.


Chapter 11: A Soldiers Heart

Drago- off to bed

Edit: Will review and edit that last fight later.