
A New Beginning: Marvel reborn

After death, a former soldier and mercenary is reborn into a world of superheroes and supervillains, possessing incredible abilities and Navigating this unfamiliar realm. Tied to the Avengers, he must learn to harness his powers and confront the forces of evil threatening the Marvel Universe. This rebirth offers a second chance to forge a new path and become a hero. With his new life comes a new purpose: to use his abilities for good and find his place in a world where heroes and villains clash. English is not my first language, and I'm still working to improve my skills. I appreciate your understanding and patience. Thanks

Noob_Burn · Movies
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Chapter 5

On a dark and eerie jungle night, the only sounds that could be heard were the chirping of insects and the rustling of leaves. Under the faint moonlight, a lone soldier was seen cautiously scanning his surroundings, his eyes darting back and forth, searching for any sign of enemy presence. Suddenly, a gunshot echoed through the jungle, and the soldier's lifeless body slumped to the ground. The killer was Levi Hart, an American soldier, who emerged from the shadows with his teammates by his side.

Levi's stealth and agility had allowed him to sneak up on his target undetected, and his precision shooting skills had taken down the enemy soldier with ease. As his teammates approached the scene, they couldn't help but marvel at Levi's expertise.

"Damn, Levi, that was some impressive shooting!" one of his teammates exclaimed.

"Yeah, I didn't even see him coming," another teammate added, shaking his head in awe.

Levi nodded humbly, his expression stern, but a hint of pride flickering in his eyes. "Just doing my job, guys," he said, as he carefully scanned the surrounding area, ever vigilant for any further threats.

The team moved forward, their mission continuing, but they knew they had Levi to thank for getting them one step closer to their objective. 


Pov Levi:

As we embarked on our mission to sabotage the enemy's supplies, my teammates and I advanced stealthily towards the enemy camp's storage facility. Our objective was to eliminate the enemy's supply lines, crippling their ability to wage war. We navigated through the dense foliage, avoiding detection by the roving patrols. As we emerged from the trees, I took point, carefully scouting the perimeter of the storage facility. I spotted two guards posted outside the entrance, their rifles slung over their shoulders, seemingly oblivious to our presence.

I signaled to my teammates to hold their positions, gesturing to the guards. I crept forward, my footsteps silent on the damp earth. I drew my combat knife, its blade glinting in the fading light. With swift precision, I dispatched the guards, taking them down silently with swift strikes to the neck and chest. I dragged their bodies into the shadows, ensuring no alarms would be raised.

I turned to my teammates, huddled behind the tree line. "Wait for my signal," I whispered. "I'll take care of the guards. Once I'm clear, we move in and plant the explosives." My teammates nodded, their eyes locked on me.

As I approached the storage facility, I spotted two additional guards patrolling the rooftop. I took cover behind a nearby crate, observing their patrol route. Timing my move perfectly, I sprinted towards the entrance, dodging the guards' line of sight. I slipped inside, finding myself in a dimly lit cavern filled with crates and ammunition.

Meanwhile, my teammates were discussing our strategy. "Man, he's like a one-man army," one of them whispered. "Taking out those guards like it's nothing." Another teammate nodded in agreement. "We're lucky to have him on our side. He's the reason we get the job done."

I reemerged, giving the signal. My teammates rushed forward, carrying the time bomb. We planted it at the heart of the storage facility, setting the timer. We retreated into the trees, watching as the facility erupted in a blaze of fire and smoke. Our mission was a success. We had crippled the enemy's supply lines, paving the way for our allies to advance. As we exfiltrated the area, my teammates turned to me with nods of respect. 


As I entered Colonel Richards' office, I couldn't help but feel a sense of pride and accomplishment after completing our recent mission. The room was filled with an air of importance, and I could tell that something significant was about to unfold. Colonel Richards and General Thompson were seated behind the desk, engaged in a conversation with a third individual who wore the same insignia as Colonel Richards - a colonel's rank. They immediately stopped talking and turned their attention to me.

I snapped a sharp salute, and the three high-ranking officers returned the gesture. Colonel Richards gestured for me to approach, and I did so, standing at attention before the desk. "Come, Hart, sit down and meet my friend, Colonel Chester Phillips," he said, his voice firm but friendly.

Colonel Phillips extended his hand, and I shook it firmly, trying to hide my curiosity about the purpose of this meeting. "I've heard a lot about you, soldier," he said, his eyes scrutinizing me.

"Probably good things, sir," I replied, trying to sound confident.

General Thompson spoke up, his voice booming across the room. "Hart, you've done an outstanding job on your recent mission. Your bravery and quick thinking saved the lives of your teammates and secured our objective."

Colonel Richards nodded in agreement. "Yes, Hart, you've proven yourself to be an exceptional soldier. And that's why we've called you here today."

Colonel Phillips leaned forward, his eyes locked onto mine. "Hart, we have an offer for you. We'd like you to join the Strategic Scientific Reserve."

I raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "The Strategic Scientific Reserve, sir? I've never heard of it."

Colonel Phillips smiled. "That's because it's a top-secret organization, Hart. We're a team dedicated to fighting against the Nazi army and their nefarious plans. And we believe you have the skills and potential to be a valuable asset to our team."

I was taken aback but also excited at the prospect of being part of something bigger than myself. "I'm honored, sir. But can I ask, what's the motive behind this organization?"

Colonel Phillips leaned back in his chair, a hint of a smile still on his face. "Ah, Hart, that's a good question. You see, we're not just fighting against the Nazis; we're fighting against their ideology of hatred and oppression. We believe in protecting the innocent and upholding justice. And we need men like you, who are willing to stand up for what's right, to join our cause."

I nodded, my mind racing with the possibilities. I could feel the weight of responsibility settling onto my shoulders, but I was ready for the challenge.

"I'm in, sir," I said, extending my hand once more to seal the deal.

Colonel Phillips shook my hand firmly, a nod of approval on his face. "Welcome to the Strategic Scientific Reserve, Hart. We'll train you further, and you'll become an integral part of our team. Together, we'll make a difference in this war."

As I left the office, I couldn't help but feel a sense of pride and purpose. I knew that this was just the beginning of a new chapter in my life.


After a week, I received orders to report to London, where I would undergo an intensive three-week training program with the Strategic Scientific Reserve. I arrived at the training facility, a nondescript building on the outskirts of the city, and was greeted by my instructors, seasoned veterans of the organization.

From day one, the training was grueling, pushing me to my limits both physically and mentally. Our days began at 5 am with a rigorous workout, followed by hours of hand-to-hand combat training, marksmanship practice, and tactical strategy sessions. We were taught how to operate in high-pressure situations, think on our feet, and work as a team. The trainers were demanding, but fair, and I was determined to prove myself.

As the days turned into weeks, I found myself excelling in every aspect of the training. I was top of my class in marksmanship, and my hand-to-hand combat skills were impressive, even to my instructors. But it wasn't just my physical abilities that set me apart - I also demonstrated a keen strategic mind, often coming up with creative solutions to complex problems.

My trainers took notice of my determination and work ethic, and soon, they began to call me "The Wolf." It was a nickname that stuck, and I wore it with pride. I was The Wolf, a force to be reckoned with, and I would stop at nothing to complete my missions.

One day, as we finished a particularly challenging exercise, my trainers gathered us around for a debriefing. "Hart, you're consistently topping the scores," one of them said, looking at me with a mixture of pride and admiration. "Your determination and focus are impressive. You're a natural leader, and we're proud to have you on our team."

They reported my scores to Colonel Phillips, who arrived at the training facility a few days later to assess our progress. As he watched us in action, his eyes narrowed, scrutinizing every move we made. When the exercise was over, he approached me, a hint of a smile on his face.

"Hart, you're exceeding expectations," he said. "Your skills are impressive, and your nickname 'The Wolf' is well-deserved. You're a valuable asset to our team, and I have no doubt you'll make a difference in our fight against the Nazis."

I felt a surge of pride and purpose, knowing that I was part of something bigger than myself. I was The Wolf, a member of the Strategic Scientific Reserve, and I would do everything in my power to protect the innocent and win this war.

Colonel Phillips led me into his office, a stark, utilitarian space with a single desk and two chairs. He gestured for me to take a seat, and I did so, my mind racing with anticipation.

"Hart, your next mission is a rescue operation," he began, his voice firm and serious. "Dr. Abraham Erskine, a renowned scientist, has been detained at Castle Kaufmann, a heavily fortified Nazi stronghold in Germany."

I nodded, my focus intensifying. "What's the situation, sir?"

"Dr. Erskine was working on a top-secret project when he was captured. We believe he's being held in the castle's dungeon, and time is of the essence. We need to extract him before the Nazis can exploit his knowledge."

I nodded, my mind already racing with strategies and contingency plans.

"You'll be working with Agent 13, our top operative," Colonel Phillips continued. "They're an expert in infiltration and extraction, and I have no doubt you'll make a formidable team."

I felt a surge of excitement at the prospect of working with a seasoned professional.

"Your mission is to infiltrate Castle Kaufmann, locate Dr. Erskine, and extract him to safety. You'll be dropped behind enemy lines, and from there, you'll be on your own."

I nodded, my determination solidifying. "I understand, sir. I won't let you down."

Colonel Phillips leaned forward, his eyes locked onto mine. "I know you won't, Hart. That's why I'm giving you this mission. You and Agent 13 are our best chance at getting Dr. Erskine out alive."

I stood, my resolve firm. "I'll get it done, sir."

Colonel Phillips nodded, a hint of a smile on his face. "I know you will, Hart. Good luck."


I began preparing for my mission, my mind focused on the task at hand. I headed to the armory, where I selected my trusty Colt 1911 pistol and a soldier's knife. I strapped the knife to my belt and holstered the pistol, feeling a sense of familiarity and comfort with my weapons.

Next, I made my way to the gear storage, where I collected my all-black tactical gear. I put on the lightweight vest, feeling the Kevlar padding conform to my body. I then pulled on the black pants and shirt, the fabric stretching snugly over my muscles. Finally, I laced up my boots, the soft leather creaking as I tied the laces tight.

As I dressed, I thought about my upcoming mission. I was to infiltrate Castle Kaufmann, a heavily fortified Nazi stronghold, and extract Dr. Abraham Erskine, a renowned scientist. I knew it wouldn't be an easy task, but I was confident in my abilities and those of my teammate, Agent 13.

I thought about Agent 13, wondering what they would be like. Would they be experienced, like me, or would they be new to the field? Would we work well together, or would our styles clash? I pushed the thoughts aside, focusing on the mission at hand.

I checked my gear one last time, making sure everything was in working order. My pistol was fully loaded, my knife was sharp, and my tactical gear was secure. I was ready.

I took a deep breath, mentally preparing myself for what lay ahead. I thought about Dr. Erskine, held captive by the Nazis, and the importance of getting him out safely. I thought about the castle, its walls and towers looming above, and the danger that lurked within.

I was ready to face it all, ready to do whatever it took to complete my mission. And with Agent 13 by my side, I knew we would be an unstoppable team.

I stood up, my gear in place, my mind focused. I was The Wolf, a member of the Strategic Scientific Reserve, and I was ready to take on whatever the Nazis threw my way.

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