
A New Beginning: Marvel reborn

After death, a former soldier and mercenary is reborn into a world of superheroes and supervillains, possessing incredible abilities and Navigating this unfamiliar realm. Tied to the Avengers, he must learn to harness his powers and confront the forces of evil threatening the Marvel Universe. This rebirth offers a second chance to forge a new path and become a hero. With his new life comes a new purpose: to use his abilities for good and find his place in a world where heroes and villains clash. English is not my first language, and I'm still working to improve my skills. I appreciate your understanding and patience. Thanks

Noob_Burn · Movies
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14 Chs

Chapter 4

Pov Levi:

In September 1941, I was thrust into the maelstrom of war, deployed to the front lines alongside my fellow soldiers. As we charged into the fray, my eyes burned with unwavering determination. Fresh from training camp, this was my baptism by fire, and I was ready to prove myself. Empowered by extraordinary abilities - regenerating at twice the rate of a normal human and possessing double their strength - inherited the some what unclear memories of my past life, I was a force to be reckoned with. My comrades watched in awe as I stormed onto the battlefield, taking down enemy soldiers with swift precision and deadly accuracy, my M1 Garand rifle an extension of my unyielding will.

As I emerged from the chaos of the battlefield, a soldier's voice rang out in awe, "Hey, Hart! You're a one-man army out there!" I had just taken down three enemy soldiers with ease, my movements swift and deadly. I flashed a grin, my adrenaline pumping, as I dodged a hail of bullets and charged forward. "Just doing my job, sir!" I replied, my voice carrying above the din of gunfire.

As we regrouped after the intense skirmish, the soldiers gathered around me, their faces etched with a mix of curiosity and admiration. "Damn, Hart, how do you do it" one soldier asked, shaking his head in disbelief. "You're like a force of nature out there!" another chimed in. I chuckled, my chest heaving with exertion. "Just training and instinct, guys. And a bit of luck never hurts!" I said with a wink.

A grizzled sergeant clapped me on the back. "You're a natural-born warrior, Hart. We're lucky to have you on our side." 

 The other soldiers nodded in agreement, their eyes gleaming with newfound respect. I smiled, feeling a sense of pride and camaraderie wash over me. We were a team, and together, we were unstoppable.


Colonel Richards, observing from the command center, turned to General Thompson and exclaimed, "That Hart kid is a game-changer! We need to get him to the front lines, tomorrow!" 

General Thompson nodded in agreement, "Agreed. We need every advantage we can get in this war."



After we returned to our camp, a soldier approached me and said, "Hart, the commander wants to see you." 

I made my way to the office, my heart racing with anticipation. I stood outside the door, took a deep breath, and knocked twice. After a moment, a voice called out, "Enter!" I opened the door and stepped inside, where Colonel Richards and General Thompson were seated. 

I saluted and announced, "Levi Hart, reporting, sir."They nodded and gestured for me to take a seat opposite them. 

General Thompson unfolded a map of the enemy's camp and pointed to the command center, "Hart, your mission is to infiltrate and take down their command center. We need to break their stronghold and gain the upper hand!"

I acknowledged the order, my eyes locked on the map of the enemy's position. "Yes, sir. I understand. We need to take out their command center to break their stronghold." 

General Thompson nodded, "That's right, Hart. Colonel Richards and I have been discussing tactics, and we think a stealth mission is our best bet." 

Colonel Richards added, "We need a small team to infiltrate the enemy camp, avoid detection, and take out their command center." 

I spoke up, "Sir, if I may suggest, I think we should split into two teams. One team creates a diversion at the eastern perimeter, while the other team slips in through the western side, avoiding their main defenses." 

General Thompson's eyes lit up, "That's a great idea, Hart. What else you got?"

 I continued, "We should also use the terrain to our advantage. There's a ravine that runs along the western side of the camp. If we time it right, we can use it to get close to the command center undetected." 

Colonel Richards nodded, "I like it. Let's get the team together and go over the details."


After the meeting, I was deployed to the battlefield alongside other soldiers. While they distracted the enemy, I joined the five-soldier team chosen by Colonel Richards and General Thompson to infiltrate the enemy camp. We moved swiftly and silently, using the ravine to get close to the command center. Our mission was to take it down, and we were determined to succeed.

As the battle raged on, our comrades charged forward with a fierce battle cry, taking down enemy soldiers with their unrelenting fury. Meanwhile, my team of five and I made our way to the western side of the enemy camp, our mission to infiltrate and take out their command center. We moved swiftly and silently, eliminating enemy patrols with precision and stealth. However, as we approached the center, we encountered unexpected resistance. The enemy had set up additional defenses, making it difficult for us to proceed.

"Guys, we need to reassess our plan," I whispered to my team, huddled behind a nearby crate. 

"We can't take on that many soldiers head-on."

 Maria, our team's sniper, nodded in agreement. "I've got a clear shot at the machine gun nest, but we need to get closer." 

I thought quickly, scanning our surroundings. "Alright, here's what we'll do. Jake, can you take out that guard tower with your RPG? Once it's down, Maria can take out the nest. Meanwhile, Sarah and John, you two provide cover fire from the north side. I'll sneak past the defenses and meet you all at the command center."

My team nodded, understanding the new plan. Jake took aim and fired his RPG, taking out the guard tower. Maria followed up with precision shots, taking out the machine gun nest. Sarah and John provided cover fire, keeping the enemy occupied. I slipped past the defenses, using the chaos to my advantage. We regrouped at the command center, ready to complete our mission.

As we approached the command center, I readied my M1 Garand, taking aim at the enemy soldiers pouring out of the building. My training kicked in, and I began to pick them off one by one, my shots echoing through the camp. My comrades watched in awe as I took down enemy soldier after enemy soldier, my accuracy unerring. Maria turned to me with a nod of respect, "Hart, you're a damn sniper!"

But our progress was short-lived. We soon found ourselves surrounded, the enemy closing in on us from all sides. I knew we had to split up if we wanted to survive. "Alright, team, scatter! Meet back at the extraction point!" I yelled, taking off in a sprint towards the west.

I separated from my team, drawing my Colt 1911 pistol as I ran. I took down enemy soldiers with quick, precise shots, my training and instincts guiding me through the chaos. I dodged and weaved, avoiding enemy fire as I made my way deeper into the camp.

But soon, I found myself face to face with an enemy soldier, his rifle raised and ready to fire. I reacted instinctively, drawing my soldier knife and charging at him. We clashed in a flurry of punches and kicks, our blades flashing in the moonlight. I managed to gain the upper hand, taking him down with a swift kick to the chest and a thrust of my knife.

I continued on, taking down enemy soldiers with hand-to-hand combat, my training and adrenaline driving me forward. I fought with every ounce of strength I had, determined to complete our mission and make it out alive.

As I approached the command center, I could see the enemy commander, a towering figure with a scar across his cheek, rallying his troops. I knew I had to take him down if we wanted to succeed. I charged forward, my knife at the ready.

As I approached the command center, I faced off against the enemy Commander. 

he sneered. "You think you can take down our entire camp?" 

I smiled grimly. "I don't need to take down the entire camp. Just you."

He snarled, drawing his sword. We circled each other, sizing each other up. "You're no match for me."

he taunted. "I've killed dozens of men like you." 

I shrugged. "Maybe"

With a fierce cry, he charged at me. I dodged his initial attack, but he was relentless, striking at me with powerful blows. I parried each strike with my knife, but I knew I couldn't keep this up for long. That's when I spotted my chance. As he raised his sword for another strike, I swiftly drew my Colt 1911 and fired a single shot. The bullet struck him in the chest, and he crumpled to the ground, dead.

Behind me, my comrades were taking down the remaining enemy soldiers, their gunfire echoing through the camp. I turned to see Maria and Jake standing over a pile of enemy bodies, their faces grim but triumphant. "Good work, Hart," Maria called out. "Let's get out of here!"

I nodded, holstering my pistol. We had done it. We had taken down the enemy command center, and we had made it out alive. As we made our way back to the extraction point, I couldn't help but feel a sense of pride and satisfaction. We had faced overwhelming odds and come out on top.


Colonel Richards and General Thompson sat in the command center, poring over the after-action report. Their faces lit up with smiles as they read through the details of the mission. 

"Well, well, well," Colonel Richards said, chuckling. "Looks like Hart and his team really pulled off the impossible." 

General Thompson nodded, his eyes shining with pride. "That young man is a true asset to our team. We need to recognize his achievements."

They called me into the command center, and I stood at attention as they congratulated me on a job well done. "Hart, your bravery and quick thinking saved the day," General Thompson said, shaking my hand. "You and your team have earned a well-deserved rest." 

I beamed with pride, feeling a sense of validation for all the hard work and risks I had taken. "Thank you, sir. It was a team effort. I couldn't have done it without my comrades." 

General Thompson nodded. "That's the kind of leadership we need more of. You're a true leader, Hart."

We talked for a while longer, discussing the mission and the implications of our success. The colonel and general were impressed by my tactical thinking and my ability to adapt under pressure. As I left the command center, I felt a sense of pride and purpose. I knew I had made a difference, and that I was exactly where I was meant to be.


Author note: Thank you for reading this chapter! I want to acknowledge that I may have made mistakes in my depiction of the American army and its ranks, as I'm not familiar with the specifics. I apologize for any errors and appreciate your understanding.

I'm a solo writer and rely on grammar correction apps to help refine my writing, so please bear with me if you notice any mistakes.

Thank you again for your support and encouragement! ✌️

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