
A Naruto Fan ends up in BNHA

Guy gets reincarnated into the wrong world. Disclaimer: None of the characters written in this fanfic are mine. It belongs to Horikoshi-sama. Disclaimer 2: I don't own the Cover Pic also...just an FYI head-up.

mugen95 · Anime & Comics
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49 Chs

Chapter 4

2 months later (10 months to UA)....

I had passed all my examinations and started my last year of junior high school. I have been going to the studio recording my songs and my fame is spreading rapidly. Many of my fan base is centred in Japan and in the USA. I'm in the top ten artists globally currently numbering #6. Mom was elated about my success and promised to get me a gift.

Mom came home from work a smile plastered on her face, "Neito, come here, I have a surprise for you." I reached out and took the bag she was having in her arms. "Open it! I know you are going to U.A. so I had this made for you." she said, excited.

I opened the bag and unwrapped the paper package. Inside was a full black skins-jersey like shirt, but the cloth felt sturdier, almost as sturdy and tough as jeans but comfortable like any jersey shirt is at the same time.

I pulled of my shirt and wore it. It was a snug fit, hugging me on all side, as if it were a second skin. The shirt had a turtle neck, but when I unfurled it to its maximum, is when I realized what this was. I ran to look at myself in the mirror, holy spaceballs!

It was Kakashi's face mask! The turtleneck extended into a face mask that fit my face exactly. I was so close to crying, this was the best gift I could ask for. I turned to my mom to thank her, but she was holding another bag.

I took the bag and opened it with less delicacy than last time, I was thoroughly excited! I opened the parcel the wrong way and something olive green in colour fell out. I looked at the floor at what I saw opened the dam to my tear ducts.

I picked it up with shaking hands, the familiar green colour, the high collar, the many upside-down buttoned pockets, the sturdy industrial grade metal front zipper, the red swirl pattern with an addition of three commas placed inside, in equidistance. It was a little heavy. This is exactly like the drawing I made...did she?...prabably.

It was the green sleeveless flak-jacket of the jonins in Naruto! I looked at mom no words could express how I felt. Before I said my thanks, I was again interrupted, something heavy with a metallic thunk hit the floor. I picked it up instantly recognizing it. A forehead protector! Hot Damn!!! This is like 10 birthdays put together.

The metal plate was blank without the symbol. There was a note attached to it...

The inside and outside armour is your mother's request. The forehead band was my own. The pants are also made of the same material. The are bulletproof and bladeproof to a level. Your design is simply one of the best I have seen. The application, comfort and the uniformity it gives is better than many hero costumes out there. And I personally love the face mask, as I too use one. If you have anymore designs please do not hesitate.

your uncle,

love, Best Jeanist

I couldn't be anymore shocked, I was gaping at my mom, she was grinning ear to ear seeing my expression. I must have looked like someone punched my guts out, eyes almost popping out and a dropped jaw, due to the sheer shock.

I opened the last package, it contained the pants with the same material of the shirt, albeit a bit tougher and thicker.

Of course I had one in my previous life. But to be gifted this, on top of that a real, functioning armour with actual protection? This is something else, this is acknowledgement that my mom had accepted who I aspired to be and gave her blessing.

I gripped the gifts tightly, my hands shaking, I threw my hands in the air and shouted, "YEEEEAAAAHHHH!!!!" Pure unadulterated joy sprang from my heart. I lifted mom into big hug lifting her into the air and hopping around, still shouting.

Nothing can stop me now. I have my mother's blessing, the power to race to my goals and the will to achieve my goal. As a bonus my mother was all back to normal!

This is probably the best day of my life.


These past two months have been the busiest for me. I have been collecting hair samples while using my quirk secretly on anyone who has a quirk... specifically hero hair samples. Why? Well I just got the idea from seeing the episode where All Might gives the lil' bitch his hair/power to eat it. So why can't I do the same? Except not eating.

If I just need contact with a target to copy their quirk, I could just keep a hair sample that has their DNA. It did not work at first but anything can be solved with time and practice and I had both. Now I need continuous contact with the sample to have the ability to copy the quirk. But if I touch the person I can maintain the quirk for 30 minutes.

It seems the type of quirk I could copy is also varied by the amount of time I can copy it for. For example, Emitter type quirks are easy to copy and can be used for a full 30 minutes. Although witha hair sample I could maintain it indefinitely as long as I have contact with the hair sample.

Transformation quirks are a bit complicated to use as I have to know everything about it, I can use it for 25 minutes. With a hair sample, I could use it for 30 minutes before I need a break for a 10 minutes before I can use it again.

But the more difficult type are the mutated quirks, I can hardly keep it for 10 minutes. But the only cinch was that I could use only quirk at a time, except for transformation quirks. I could maintain certain- but not all, transformation quirk for 5 minutes while I use certain emitter quirks, it is very limited.