
A Naruto Fan ends up in BNHA

Guy gets reincarnated into the wrong world. Disclaimer: None of the characters written in this fanfic are mine. It belongs to Horikoshi-sama. Disclaimer 2: I don't own the Cover Pic also...just an FYI head-up.

mugen95 · Anime & Comics
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49 Chs

Chapter 3

4 months later (1 year to UA)...

Mom had finally shook off her grief and she got a job in the same company she used to work. They were nice people who took her in after I explained the circumstances she had quit the last time and begged them to take her back.

I did not know we had a huge bank account. Almost all the money my mom had earned had gone into the savings for my future use and needs. I had to double back and check the account twice so as to not mistake it. It seemed my 'father' gave my mom and me some money before he went to fuck his new wife.

We had enough money to live comfortably for more than a decade.

A few days later...

I had quit my job at the construction at started focusing on my rise to become the DJ god. The construction company manager was even reluctant to let me go. I had to gift him a bottle of sake to appease the crying guy. There is literally no good music and almost all the EDM music was destroyed during the 3rd world war from 2021 to 2069.

The war started in 2020 when there was an outbreak of a manmade deadly virus, released by a certain country and what followed was a complete disaster. The war went on for 50 years. Many art, music, literature and other priceless things lost in the chaos. The internet crashed bringing the world back to the industrial ages.

Huh.. to think I just missed the starting of a world war. I guess I'm pretty lucky. Well its been 200 years since. Woah! look at the tine... Mom's gonna be back, I dint finish my homework.

I had gone to a recording studio to record my new single and with luck, gain some attention. I had asked my mom and she was the one who recommended this studio. I had talked to the manager and he let me in, he also asked permission if he could observe. I hesitated for a second, cause I dint want 'my' music stolen.

The manager had a wild look about him, he looked like a rock star to be honest. He said, "Oh I forgot to introduce myself properly. My name is Jiro Kyotoku, I was a former rock guitarist and vocalist. I'm the manager and owner of Jiro Rec." shaking my hand. "Ah yes, Jiro-san I have heard about you, you were rad back in the day." I said genuinely giving the guy a hearty shake.

"My name is Monoma Neito. I'm graduating next year and I aim to join UA next summer." I bowed a little introducing myself. "That's great Monoma! Even my daughter is going to UA next summer for the entrance exam. You might meet her. But lets get down to business. Before that I'm wondering something.."

"Aren't you a little young to have heard my music?" he asked a bit surprised. "Maybe, but I was into rock and old-school rock back when I was 7-10 years old, before my passion for electronic surfaced. I even wrote a couple of songs for it, although one is in Japanese and another in English." I lied trying to act sheepishly.

"Hoh? In english you say? that's great! come lets see these songs, do you have them on you, now?"he asked, I nodded in affirmative and asked him, "But what about my timings Jiro-san? Would I have to pay extra?" I was a little worried about paying more cause I dint want to be wasteful.

"Eh?! Screw that! I just wanna hear you play. You don't have to pay extra." He gave a pause thinking hard and then added with a wicked grin, "Tell you what? I will sign a contract with you if you can impress me." I immediately shook his hand, not letting slip of the opportunity.

"Before that, I need a band to play the BGM and the soundtrack, I will be on vocals." Jiro nodded, "You don't do anything half-baked do you? good. This will make it easier, I have just the thing."

I followed him inside a booth were a few guys were discussing something with their instrument near them. "Guys I want you to meet Monoma Neito, he prepared a song and wants you to play with him. What do you say guys?" Jiro announced.

The hairy bass guitarist whose name was Kokuo Shinji immediately jumped up, "Finally, we were getting bored right about now, and planning to go get some ice cream to kill time. Let's go!" he shouted enthusiastically, the other followed with the same energy.

After giving them the sheets and telling them the timings I took my place at the mike with my guitar. "You guy ready?"Jiro asked from the other side of the room through the intercom. I gave him a thumbs up.

"One...two... one, two, three, four." I started off with a guitar solo followed by the lead guitar and drums, playing an upbeat tune and at fifteen seconds I started singing, it was kind of a rock/heavy-metal song. The guys were elated when I started playing. It was the song from the anime in my world Gintama.[ RIZE- Silver.] I watched that anime just because he had white hair, but fell in love with the comedy, laughing my ass off from time to time.

There were some mistakes and backtracking but the whole room was quite after the session. Jiro-san walked in one across his chest and another on his gaping mouth. "That...was...DAMN GOOOOD!! Holy crap Monoma, where did you learn to do that!" he grinned shaking my shoulders "I just learned it by myself, music comes easy to me." This was true, for some reason music is like breathing for me, it just is."

The whole room was a ruckus, they wanted to go again but I stopped them, "I have a few more songs but I actually came here for my session." I said scratching my head, embarrassed.

I was lead into another room, where I set up my equipment. All the guys from Jiro-san's band came to watch. They were on the other side of the booth waiting to listen to my music.

I gave a thumbs up to Jiro-san, to indicate the start of the recording. I started off with a steady drum beat, then added the electronic keyboard loop. I waited and started scratching lightly. I quickly stopped the drum beat and started with the rhythm pad.

This one was from Animals by Martin Garrix. After I ended the song, I dint stop. I started a drum and electronic mix beat, increasing the tune and pitch gradually till I made a beat drop and increased the volume with a deep heart-throbbing beat. I decreased the volume until nothing was heard, I gave it 2 seconds and with a nasal voice, "I CAN'T STOP!" I increased the volume to half and started the beat and played the keyboard giving it a rhythm and a body to blend with the BGM beat. I recorded my voice and started 'scratching' with it continuously. {If you have not guessed it- "I can't stop" by Flux Pavilion}

I gave it a 2 minutes till I dropped the beat again and increased the volume and the bass to maximum. I let it go for a minute and a half and slowly decreased the volume and finished off with a fade. I gave the thumbs-up again to stop recording.

The red bulb, that indicates the room is recording went off and the door swung open, a Jiro-san with a flushed face and a wide grin grabbed my shoulder and said, "Sign with us..."

The songs I have used in here are present in real life. I have used them only because I respect them and I'm a huge fan of their work. Please don't sue me...??

✌cheers guys✌

Mugen Out!

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