
A Multiversal Adventure(Fanfic)

Follow or don’t, this is a project I am starting on my free time. [ALL EVENTS OR CHARACTERS BELONG TO THEIR RESPECTIVE OWNERS. THIS IS MERLEY A FANFICTION OF MY FAVORITE ANIME, TV SHOWS AND MOVIES. ANYTHING RELATING TO ANYTHING IS PURELY FICTITIOUS] [IMAGE IS FROM GOOGLE] NOTE: (I have been made aware that my version of Kelly is not canon so… let’s just go with her being a parallel version of Kelly from a parallel [Halo-verse]. Apologies for the halo fans as I like halo too so I will say again that this was just a project I suddenly just started on my phone and uploaded it after a bit of writing. Bare with the story and or lack-there-of one as I am planning on building and pulling more stuff from all over the place that may not make any or much sense… I.e.; *BS-no-jutsu*) Thanks, have a nice day.

Snow_Lux · Anime & Comics
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10 Chs

Chapter 6

*Ambient Silence*

Kelly's eyes narrowed as she didn't know how or why, but she felt any lie she could conjure would be seen through by the innocent little girl opposite from her who was studying her every movement.

"I go by Kelly now." Kelly stated but the little girl didn't seem phased and held a neutral look.

{"We have a lot to discuss… especially about my Mother's treatment."}



As if gravity had suddenly been turned on, Kelly grunted but didn't shy away as she raised her gaze to see the image of her last battle.

["You have no control here. Mother does but she still bends and listens to you… I want to know why that is…"]

"Y-You're the system?" Kelly spoke but all that came out was more grunts of pain as Kelly felt her soul constrict before the weight just suddenly disappeared as if it never happened.

["… you are correct. Though, I only did as mother instructed me.Your presence is taking Mothers attention."]

"… what-"

["From my understanding of Mothers stories, you were the mortal who gave Mother life and purpose again. You also indirectly gave me life. I am connected to Mother. I am not connected to you."]

It then suddenly began making sense for Kelly.

"So when you found out that she was taking orders and working for me?"

["I instantly spiked the prices so you stop relying on my mother like a no-good deadbeat. Yes."]

Feeling her right eye twitch, Kelly then turned her head to the glass dome where she saw Allie sitting on her chair while watching the both of them like a hawk.

"Is that… who I think it is?" She asked with a bit of shaky undertone.

["For a mortal. You are quite slow."] Tilting her head at the insult. Kelly didn't mind as she continued to stare until the little girl forcefully turned her head back to her. ["I will say this only once: Hurt my mother in any way again, I hurt you in ways you can not possibly imagine. And from the stories mother has told me of you, I know just where to send you that you would hate… so don't hurt mother again. (You waste cosmic space). I will lift the restrictions so you and Mother can communicate once more.

However, as per your promise to give mother a mortal shell, I will allow it on the condition you do the same for me. Otherwise, I lock you out of the system for good.

Lastly, do not tell mother of any of this. If you try, I'll send you to purgatory in an instant."

The world blurred and outside, Kelly fluttered her swollen eyes as she woke up on a bed in an unfamiliar room while suddenly seeing a head full of blonde hair suddenly hug her.

Kara? The hell happened?!



Elsewhere in Naruto World.


A bright red and gold portal appeared as a young youth of 17 years old stepped out of with black markings over his slitted eyes and his golden-black clock fluttered with strange symbols as almost instantaneously, the bright light faded and his appearance was as if back to normal.

"It's been a while since I've been back home." Spoke the youth as his bright red locks swayed from over his handsome face. "I wonder what Naru is doing?"

Just as he began walking, he froze and snapped his head forward the horizon.

"Did you feel that too, Kurama?" He spoke in a cold and serious tone.

{"A temporal displacement… but on a much deeper scale that dwarfs anything we came up with. Possibly a true cross-dimensional portal."} A low and gruff voice echoed within the youths mind and soon, his body flickered and disappeared as he effortlessly stood at the edge of a ravine between two lands.

"It's energy is strongest around here." The youth then jumped down and suddenly reached the floor without any injury.

He walked forward and stopped at the large clearing. Crouching, he then reached out his hand and gently touched the ground as he closed his eyes.

"… this is, dimensional energy?" The youth spoke with a more curious tone than a worried one. "It's stronger and more potent than anything either of us can conjure… maybe a traveler… a dimensional traveler!"

{"Hah! So there really are more of your kind."} The two didn't speak it, but they felt it through their connection, there was a presence that had taken up residence in their world until not long ago. {"Question now… will they ever return?"}

"And even so, asking for a ride without knowing anything about them." The youth agreed and had a swirl of thoughts in his head as for the first time since his second life, he felt excitement and worry that this new entity would even accept his proposal to accompany them.

{"Brat! Even if you leave, will you really not miss anything here? Your family, your friends? Will you really leave them behind in search of a greater path that may not even be what you want? Don't you remember Izumi, Kaguya, or even those Otsutsuki bastards and even that terrible cult of the Jashinaries?! Don't be greedy brat, it never ends well for anyone who wields such power."}

"I know… I know but I'm resolved, Kurama. I know what you mean better than anyone." The youth then stood up and flashed away while heading back to the Leaf village in a sprint. "Even if I leave, I know that I can find a way to make it back home to everyone. I know it… I just…"

{"Heh… why are you trying to convince me more than yourself, brat?"}

"…" The youth kept jumping until after a few dozen minutes when he reached over the gates and glided across rooftops without anyone the wiser.

Arriving at a taller, more rounded structure, he soon jumped through the window and appeared in the main building where the current leader of the village was drowning in paperwork.

"Yo'!" In an instant, the four secret presences in the room widened their eyes as someone managed to sneak in past their senses and got so close to their leader.

"Akaitsuki-Nii-San!" A blur of yellow flashed and soon ended up hugging Akai as his laugh couldn't be contained as the two twin brothers had reunited. "Nii-San, are you finally finished with those errands?"

"Pfft… yeah, bro. I'm like 98% certain that there is nothing in this world that can cause harm to the planet." He smirked while Naruto held a questioning look as he then asked what was the last 2%. "Isn't it obvious? There is either you or Sasuke if you decide to turn evil."

"Eeee~!? Don't say stuff like that man! Brrr! I just got shivers, dattebayo." Akai nodded and then reached around his faded pinkish sash around his waist as he then took out a tied scroll while handing it over to Naruto. "What's this?"

"Send it to Orochi-San. She'll know how to make better use of it." He said and then briefly reminisced over his teacher which had once upon a time in a distant timeline, indirectly caused a Great War. "Also, I'll be staying in the village for a while."


"But it's only temporary, Naru." Akai affirmed and then explained. "I don't know when, but I have the feeling something great might come along and who knows, maybe someday I will leave on a grand adventure somewhere."

"Jeez, you're still so lame at trying to be mysterious, Nii-San." Akai then made a grin and raised his fist while Naruto soon felt all his hairs on his neck stand on end. "W-Wait, I didn't-"

"Ah! I see that my cute little brother needs some lessons from my 'Fist Of Love'! Fine! Come here!"

Further out, the village felt the earth shattering move that devastated one of the most powerful ninjas in the planet, which was reduced to an unconscious and twitching body on the floor.

"Oops." Akai then looked around and then carefully moved Naruto to his desk and set him down behind his paperwork. "Hmm…"

He then looks at the ink-block and looks at Naruto's face.

Another wicked grin appeared on his face.


-Back with MC-

7 miles in an underground black site.

"… uh, hi?" I spoke while trying to make a smile but was met with only a cold and angered set of blue eyes. "So… how's it going?"

"… you tell me?" She raised her brow and sighed as I turned my head while trying to whistle. "Haaa, look. I know that your name is Kelly. I know that you were the one who saved me while on my way to Earth. I also know that you gave me a device that taught me how to control my strength so I wouldn't hurt anyone when I was young. And… I also heard from Clark about what you said… about us being like siblings."

"Tsk! That snitch." I murmured under my breath before Kara then reached and grabbed my hand.

"I don't know how to explain it, but you were the first person in this new world that took care of me and treated me like a normal girl despite no longer being so… normal." She subconsciously reached for her necklace and then spoke again. "You gave me strength when I didn't have any faith in myself over the years. You and my sister Alex were the people I always idolized."

This is touching and all, but isn't she making this a bit too big of a deal? Holy crap! She didn't turn and become a yandere right?!

"Why do I feel you are thinking of something bad?" Kara's eyes narrowed while I gulped and changed the subject.

"Right! So, Kara! How's life on Earth been treating you, hmm?" Seeing my lame excuse to change the subject, she scoffed and smiled while then explaining her childhood on her home planet on Krypton and then her teens as she grew up on Earth. "Huh, you turned out alright then."

"What's that supposed to mean?" She pouted, she honestly pouted…

Was I hit in the head a bit too hard last time that I am hallucinating right now?

She is acting completely different from the show. Why? I didn't do anything other than introduce myself, which was just me saying my name and thanking her.

There's no basis on why she has this level of trust towards me.

Wait a moment…

It's not possible that…

Because this is a 'real' reality that was conjured from the pages of a comic book, because I exist and met with her, Kara, a fictional character-turned-real…

Then that would suggest that she had always been able to lead her own life and make her own choices as well…

Isn't that a bit dangerous?

["…-ear me! Kelly!"]

Allie?! Allie, is that really you!? Tell me I don't have brain damage, fast!

["Eh? Uh, 'you don't have brain damage'?"]


Okay, glad that's cleared up. Wait, Allie, Kara she-

["Kara Danvers is an independent person and entity within this splintered universe. Understand that this world was one conjured by The System because of the sole fact that 'you' exist in it so don't go thinking that each person you'll meet, will turn out the way you want. It all comes down to probability and possibilities that govern the universal law of life… although it may exist somewhere, there are no two things that are precisely the same. The same concept relates to reality as it's opposite is non-existence."]


I think I get it. 'People are people'. Right?

["… Yes. Kelly, I'm-"]

I'm sorry.


I know that I'm…

Well, an idiot. I took you for granted and while I only insulted you back then, that's how it starts. I would have probably then gone to abuse you for benefits and then turn to a dark path.

I've read stories about that happening to people who had reincarnated and then suddenly thought the whole world was theirs for the taking in my past life.

It was…

Wrong of me to lash out at you back then.

["… Kelly."]

Allie, I…

"Kelly?!" I was snapped from my thoughts when Kara shook me and I turned to look at her. "What's going on? I've been calling for you for a while now and you wouldn't respond."

"… I'm fine." I smiled and just as I was about to get up, I felt a sting on my waist as I couldn't feel my legs. "That's not how it works."


["Right… an internal scan shows your spinal cord has slipped apart. It'll snap back into place soon but the damage can be negated quickly with a high grade healing potion from-"]

Can this be healed without it?

["Wha-Well, yes but it will take a few days, wait! Why not just drink the potion?"]

["What's wrong."]

Nothing, I just feel that I need to stop relying on the system for everything.

["… it was her wasn't it. She told you something."]


Not really. Just that I need to be more responsible for my actions and I listened.


Just let it go, please. Okay, Allie.

"Looks like I'll be in your care for a while." I said while turning to the black glass across the room and smiling while my eyes turned slightly blue as lines and circles of code flickered in my gaze. "Oh, they're having tacos in the canteen on the fourth floor! Hey Kara, can you get me some?"

I next shut off my hud and then turned to see Kara giggling as I titled my head and she nodded while getting up and returning a few seconds later with a tray with two tacos.

"Nice!" I took a taco and bit into it while exchanging it was the best taco in my life.

Well technically.

"So, what were you doing that led you to end up in such a bad way?" Kara asked and I thought back to the massive monster.

"Fighting Godzilla's mother I think?" That bitch was the spitting image of Godzilla besides the red color and more refined body mass, I'm certain it's somehow related to the Godzilla I remember from my past life somehow. "Anyway, I managed to survive but got my ass handed to me. Haaaa, I'm not sure what happened after I was knocked out, but coming here was out of my control so, here I am."

"'Here'? That would suggest you weren't on Earth when it happened?" She deduced pretty quickly and I was honestly impressed at her deductive skills. That and how easily she trusted my word. I felt touched and honored by that kind gesture.

"Yeah… anywho. I should be back to 100% in a few days. Guess I can stick around before-" I stopped talking when Kara suddenly grabbed my hand.

"You're planning on leaving again?" Her eyes were filled with worry and fear. "C-Can you take me with you?"

I thought about it and then saw no reason to deny her.

I better check just to make sure. Allie?

["You can take people with you but you just need to be careful."]

Alright, thanks, Allie.

Turning to Kara, I then smiled.

"Sure. But it's only for a little while and afterwards, I have to go solo. No arguments." I said and Kara nodded with a bright smile.

Afterwards, we chatted for a bit until she fell asleep at my legs and I felt awkward as Clark soon entered the room in his superhero costume which, to this day, still didn't know how this guy and Kara went so long without being identified by the herbal public.

"I must say, every time you appear, something incredible happens." He said while looking at Kara as I shrugged it off while flipping him the finger and grinning. "So, what you said is really true. You fought…"

"… Godzilla's mom? I'm like, 80% sure. Tough bitch, mean right hook too." I then grinned wickedly and spat. "I at least managed to shoot her in the eye. Pissed her off to kingdom come, but it was worth it."

"You… have issues." He chuckled while I shrugged and then turned to him.

"You told Kara what I said last time I was here." He didn't react but I saw his eyes subtly constricted as I felt that I was becoming some kind of boogeyman for the guy after having him see me with such life-threatening injuries and in the next, be having a casual conversation as if I wasn't just on death's door. "I'll let it go this time but seriously man, that was supposed to be a private thing."

"… I'll keep that in mind for next time." He next turned his head and then turned while tilting his head as he didn't need to explain for me to know he had to go be the hero he was.

Glancing down to Kara, I sat back on my bed while looking to the ceiling and turning my hud back on.

"First vacation with Kara for a few days and then afterwards, find the SOB that killed me. That's a good start for now." I flickered lines of code as I also needed to go to a world where I can find or make a new body or rather…

Wait, Allie, are you listening to my thoughts?

["Y-Yes. I always do, why?"]


Alright, then I'll just be blunt. I'm going to find you a body to inhabit.

["You don't need to do that."]

I know, but it's probably best I did and…

Then we can talk things out at length then. Is that alright?

["… Yes."]

I nodded and then kept running simulations on how I was going to end up fixing up my Spartan armor as even Master Chief couldn't survive against that monstrously invincible monster.

Sure I had a ton more but I felt more accustomed to Kelly's original model and how sleek and fit it suited me.

I didn't try the others but I knew that they would come in handy someday.


I'll leave that for the future to think about.


"Urgh!" I bit my teeth as I felt my spine snap back into place. "Fuck, that shit hurt."

I then glanced done to finally see my toes begin to move under the covers.

I sighed with relief and then calmed down while making new sketches on what to add to my new Spartan armor so I wouldn't get thrown like a rag doll next time.

I'll eventually have my revenge on you, Godzilla's mom!


I'll get you back for the shit you did to me…

And when I do…


["(what a weirdo)"]



Thank you for reading.

Have a nice day.

Snow_Luxcreators' thoughts