
A Man Blossoming at Thirty

Once a multimillionaire, I found myself on the brink of bankruptcy at the age of 30, about to savor life. My wife of six years not only handed me divorce papers but also adorned me with a glaring green hat. In the depths of life's trough, I serendipitously encountered a captivating female CEO. Determined to reclaim my innocence, I resurrected the glory of yesteryears. Armed not only with vengeance against my enemies but also a mission to make those who once looked down on me pay the price for their shallow judgments!......

flybees · Urban
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32 Chs

Uncovering Evidence

Samuel was blatantly making things difficult for Seraphina Bloom, his smug expression nauseating to witness.

Edward, the general manager, was rather self-centered, prioritizing his own interests. He didn't want this situation to jeopardize his career.

He spoke up again, "Alright, enough arguing. We'll purchase this proposal, but whether we use it or not is another matter. The finance department will settle the payment with Alex Phoenix. Meeting adjourned."

Typical case of "your problems are not mine, as long as I come out unscathed."

It was a win-win situation, taking care of Samuel on one hand, benefiting me on the other, without putting Seraphina Bloom in a difficult spot.

Edward emerged as the ultimate winner, truly living up to his role as the general manager with his cunning maneuvers.

Of course, it worked out well for me in the end. After all, I got paid.

After the meeting, Seraphina Bloom and I returned to her office.

She seemed a bit upset, and I didn't dare to say much to avoid getting scolded.

Unexpectedly, she spoke up first, "You should go to the finance department and collect your payment. I've applied for an additional fifty thousand on top of the initial twenty-five thousand we agreed on. Deducting the previous five thousand I gave you, you're owed twenty-five thousand more."

I nodded cautiously and asked, "What about you?"

She sat back in her chair, sneering, "Why do you care? You've got your money."

"Now I understand why you insisted on my proposal. The internal competition in your company is intense."

Anlan forced a bitter smile and replied, "As you've seen, whether it's Edward or Samuel, they all have their own agendas. 

The general manager wants to retire with his reputation intact, while Samuel aims for the general manager's position. I'm the only one genuinely concerned about the hotel's well-being."

I wasn't naive; I could see that Seraphina Bloom struggled with her interpersonal relationships.

From the meeting just now, it was evident that Samuel had better connections than her.

So, I comforted her, "In our country, it's crucial to handle interpersonal relationships well. Your boss, Edward, is skilled at this. You should learn from him."

Seraphina Bloom shot me a glare. "Don't lecture me here. Just go collect your money and leave!"

"Hey, do you think I'm actually happy about this?"

"Not happy? You got your proposal used, didn't have to implement it, and got paid. How many people get such good luck?"

I sighed. "You don't understand. I was hoping this proposal would turn things around for me, but I didn't expect this outcome."

Seraphina Bloom waved me off. "Forget it, let's not talk about this. Go to the finance department and get your money. I have work to do."

I took a few steps, then hesitated. "By the way, what are your plans for the house in my hometown? You said we'd discuss it when I got back."

Seraphina Bloom glanced at me wearily. "I'm not in the mood right now. Let's talk in a couple of days."

I nodded understandingly. The house wasn't going anywhere, and there was no rush.

But there was something else on my mind. I turned back to her. "Can I ask you for another favor?"

"Go ahead."

"Can you retrieve the hotel's surveillance footage from the morning of June 28th?"

That was the day my wife and that middle-aged man visited the hotel. I remembered it clearly.

Seraphina Bloom furrowed her brows. "What for?"

"I need to find someone. Can you help me with that?"

After hesitating for a moment, Seraphina Bloom picked up the office phone and made a call, summoning someone to her office.

Soon, a security guard arrived.

She instructed him, "Take him to review the surveillance footage from June 28th."

The security guard nodded, and I thanked Seraphina Bloom before following him to the surveillance room.

After locating the footage from June 28th, I started watching from 7 a.m., the time I remembered.

Sure enough, at around 7:20 a.m., I saw my wife and Ethan on the screen.

The hotel's cameras were high definition, providing a clear view. Ethan looked familiar to me.

Upon closer inspection, it was my former client, Ethan!

And he was Ava's husband!

What the hell was going on?

In the footage, my wife and Ethan entered the elevator and started kissing.

The security guard coughed awkwardly, asking me why I wanted to see this.

Of course, I couldn't admit that the woman was my wife; it would be too embarrassing.

So, I simply said, "Can you copy this footage for me?"

The security guard seemed hesitant. "Sir, this is our guests' privacy. It might not be appropriate."

I was furious, pointing at my wife in the video. "Don't you want to know why I'm watching this? Let me tell you, that woman is my wife!"

The security guard was dumbfounded, then quickly said, "I see. I can give it to you, but I need approval from higher-ups. Go report to General Manager Seraphina Bloom. I'll copy it for you."

I knew the hotel had to protect guests' privacy. If this footage leaked, it would harm the hotel's reputation.

So, I didn't press the security guard further and went back to Seraphina Bloom's office.

Seeing me return, she asked why I was back.

I approached her and said directly, "I need that surveillance footage. The security guard said I should report to you."

Seraphina Bloom frowned at me. "Don't you know the hotel's surveillance can't be leaked? If it causes any losses, will you take responsibility?"

I urgently said, "It's really important. Please, I promise nothing will go wrong."

"I don't need your promise. Tell me why."

"Because...because, oh, forget it! Just agree to it. I'll thank you for it."

"If you don't tell me, I won't agree. This isn't a child's game. Just because you think we're close..."

Before she could finish, I cut in, frustrated. "Because that video shows my wife being intimate with another man! Do you understand now?"

Seraphina Bloom seemed stunned by my outburst, her big eyes blinking at me.

Fuming, I wanted the whole world to know that I'd been cheated on.

After a moment, Seraphina Bloom softened her tone and said, "Fine, I understand. Go ahead! I'll inform the security department."

I stormed out of her office, slamming the door behind me.

Before leaving, I made sure to collect the final payment of twenty-five thousand from the finance department.

Then, I went to the security department and obtained the footage. This could be considered evidence of infidelity!

I never expected the man my wife cheated with to be Ethan, that bastard!

After all I've done for him, he dares to sleep with my wife!

I wanted him to suffer, to never be able to redeem himself!

Yes, I was angry. Only those who've been cheated on can truly understand the pain.

As I stepped out of the hotel's gates, ready to ride my electric scooter, I witnessed something unexpected, leaving me dumbfounded on the spot.