
A Man Blossoming at Thirty

Once a multimillionaire, I found myself on the brink of bankruptcy at the age of 30, about to savor life. My wife of six years not only handed me divorce papers but also adorned me with a glaring green hat. In the depths of life's trough, I serendipitously encountered a captivating female CEO. Determined to reclaim my innocence, I resurrected the glory of yesteryears. Armed not only with vengeance against my enemies but also a mission to make those who once looked down on me pay the price for their shallow judgments!......

flybees · Urban
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32 Chs

Trapped in Deception

In the parking lot, next to a BMW 5 Series, I saw Hardy and Samuel standing together, whispering something to each other.

Why were these two together?

I felt puzzled instantly.

One was my former subordinate at my previous company, the other was the deputy general manager of Seraphina Bloom's hotel. They shouldn't have any connection, let alone be so close.

I cautiously approached and listened in on their conversation.

First, Samuel said, "Thanks for providing me with this information. Otherwise, that woman, Seraphina Bloom, would have had her way."

Then, Hardy, with a smirk, replied, "Prime Minister Samuel, it's my duty. Alex Phoenix still thinks he can make it in this industry, what a pipe dream!"

"Haha," Samuel chuckled, patting Hardy's shoulder. "You've done well this time. We're using your proposal."

Hardy's face lit up with satisfaction. "Thank you, Prime Minister Samuel, for your appreciation. I'll give it my all from now on."

Suddenly, Samuel lowered his voice and asked, "By the way, was Alex Phoenix really paid back by his partner, or is there something more to it?"

That was what I wanted to know too, so I perked up my ears.

Actually, I've always suspected that it wasn't as simple as it seemed. My partner did drink, but he was quite strong-willed. Otherwise, I wouldn't have partnered with him in the first place. He wasn't the type to be easily swayed by alcohol or money, and he was diligent in his work, never making mistakes. So why did he suddenly fail?

But after all this time, I had no evidence to prove my friend's innocence or that we were set up.

Hardy seemed to have some hidden secrets. He furrowed his brows, pondering for a moment before saying, "Prime Minister Samuel, it's better if you don't ask about this. It won't benefit you."

Samuel laughed, "Fair enough, it's not my concern. It's your industry's affair. I only care about my own business."

I didn't hear anything useful and felt disappointed.

But I realized the problem wasn't simple, and Hardy must know a lot of insider information.

It wasn't until Samuel left that Hardy got into the BMW and drove away smoothly.

Of course, I didn't plan to confront Hardy for the truth right away.

I wasn't stupid; I wouldn't get anything by confronting him out of the blue. It would only alert him.

After he left, I rode my electric scooter and called Ava.

I asked if she was at the hotel, saying I had received the money.

She confirmed she was there, so I headed to her hotel.

When I reached her room, she was wearing a semi-transparent lace dress that was both revealing and alluring.

Her scent filled the entire room, thanks to the excessive amount of perfume she had sprayed.

As soon as I saw her dressed like that, I immediately told her, "Put some clothes on."

"Why? I always dress like this at home!"

I glared at her and said, "I don't care how you dress at home, but here, where I can come anytime, you'd better behave!"

Ava rolled her eyes at me and grabbed a small coat from the bed while saying, "Fine, I'll put this on!"

I watched her put it on before saying, "Give me your bank account number and write an IOU. I'll transfer the money to you now."

As soon as she heard about the money, she got excited and quickly wrote down the IOU.

I glanced at the IOU; it seemed pretty standard. It looked like she had borrowed money quite often.

After taking the IOU, I took out my phone to transfer the money to her.

At that moment, she looked at me with a seductive gaze and said teasingly, "Don't you think I look like your kept mistress?"

Surprisingly, she did.

But I still gave her a stern look and said, "I've transferred the money. Check it."

She immediately grabbed her phone and checked, then exclaimed with joy, "Received it! Received it! Love you! My benefactor!"

It was true. Ava had always been like this since college, what people would call promiscuous.

So, I was used to it and didn't bother pretending to be righteous. Instead, I said, "You said you had something to tell me after I transferred the money, remember?"

Ava seemed surprised for a moment, then her face darkened with a smile, as if she had some difficult news to share.

I sensed something was off and pressed, "What's the matter? Is it about my wife?"

She shook her head but frowned, saying, "I'm not entirely sure. It's about your bankruptcy."

I furrowed my brows, remaining silent, waiting for her to continue.

Ava bit her lip, as if trying to recall, before finally asking, "Have you ever thought that your company's bankruptcy wasn't accidental but deliberate?"

I had indeed considered this many times.

I tightened my brows and asked, "Just spit it out!"

"I'm not sure of the details, but I've heard some rumors. It's said that someone framed you. I don't know who exactly, but you were set up."

It seemed to be true. Ava had no reason to bring this up if she didn't have something to gain.

And I had always felt that I was set up. Suddenly, I fell silent.

Ava continued, "What about your partner? If you go find him, maybe you'll get some clues."

"He's gone crazy. What's the use of finding him?"

"Do you know why he went crazy? Do you really think he couldn't handle this matter? Don't be ridiculous!"

Ava's words left me stunned.

My classmate had a strong will, and his family conditions were decent too. He shouldn't have gone crazy over this, right?

What was the reason?

Maybe I really should go talk to him.

I nodded and then said to Ava, "Where did you get this information?"

"I, I..."

Ava suddenly stuttered, but under my pressure, she finally spoke, "You know my ex-husband, Ethan, right? I found out about it when he came home drunk and I checked his phone. He had conversations with someone else, and I even took screenshots."

"Show me."

But Ava looked at me, half-smiling, and said, "What's in it for me? I kept those screenshots as leverage, but Ethan didn't care at all."

I chuckled, "If he didn't care, why should I give you anything?"

Ava rolled her eyes and took out her phone, showing me the screenshots, saying, "Consider it a favor. Take a look."

I widened my eyes and stared at the contents of the conversation on the screen, feeling like my head was about to explode.