
A Man Blossoming at Thirty

Once a multimillionaire, I found myself on the brink of bankruptcy at the age of 30, about to savor life. My wife of six years not only handed me divorce papers but also adorned me with a glaring green hat. In the depths of life's trough, I serendipitously encountered a captivating female CEO. Determined to reclaim my innocence, I resurrected the glory of yesteryears. Armed not only with vengeance against my enemies but also a mission to make those who once looked down on me pay the price for their shallow judgments!......

flybees · Urban
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32 Chs


For two hours at noon, I worked on the PowerPoint presentation with Seraphina Bloom. Her work efficiency was impressive; she didn't waste time chatting and focused solely on work-related matters.

We didn't even take a break for lunch. She insisted on treating me to dinner if we succeeded.

So, I asked her, "Why do you insist on using my proposal?"

She simply replied, "Because your proposal is excellent!"

But I knew it couldn't be that simple. While I admit my proposal is good, using it would bring her a lot of pressure.

I didn't press her further and immersed myself in the productive work atmosphere.

We sat next to each other, our arms occasionally brushing against each other. She smelled nice, which was distracting.

She caught me staring at her, but instead of mentioning it, she warned me, "Stop staring, or I'll gouge your eyeballs out!"

I was startled and quickly averted my gaze. She could be quite intimidating when she wanted to.

After two hours of hard work, we finally completed the PowerPoint presentation.

Seraphina let out a sigh of relief and said, "I've grown to like your proposal more and more. I hope it gets approved!"

At 1:57 PM, Seraphina led me into the meeting room.

It was filled with people, mostly leaders from various departments.

In the past, I wouldn't have been nervous in such a situation, confident in my programming skills. But now, after more than a year, standing in front of so many clients, I felt anxious.

After connecting the computer to the projector, I started the presentation we had just worked on with Seraphina. I briefly 

introduced myself and then began explaining the management program. Although I hadn't dealt with these technicalities in a while, everything flowed smoothly.

After about ten minutes, I finished explaining the application of the program. It wasn't overly detailed, but it was enough for them to grasp.

When I finished, Seraphina was the first to speak. "I think this program is excellent. It helps us maintain our customers while enhancing internal management. I have no objections."

Next was the hotel's general manager, Edward, whom Seraphina had told me about. He was middle-aged, a bit overweight, but had an air of authority.

After Seraphina spoke, my attention shifted to him. His agreement was crucial.

After a moment of contemplation, he finally spoke. "I think it's good, just as Seraphina said. We're striving for a five-star rating in our city, and we need a program like this, especially in the age of big data. I believe it's viable."

I felt relieved hearing his approval. But before I could fully relax, dissent arose.

"Mr. Manager, I don't think it's appropriate," said another deputy general manager of the hotel, whom Seraphina had also informed me about. It wasn't surprising that he opposed it, considering the competition between him and Seraphina. He stood up, his opposition palpable. "Firstly, his proposal is fine, but..."

He paused, and all eyes turned to him, including mine, suddenly nervous.

He glanced at me and continued, "Firstly, his proposal is fine, but he's problematic. Mr. Manager, you may not know, but he had a company before that went bankrupt because their program leaked a lot of customer data. It was quite infamous in their circle."

His words sent a shiver down my spine, dredging up memories I'd rather forget. I felt paralyzed, as if someone had a grip on my throat.

At that moment, Seraphina spoke up. "Edward, what he says is true, but it's not entirely his fault. It was his partner's negligence during work that led to the incident."

Samuel interrupted rudely, "Please, stop! You don't have the right to explain here."

It was humiliating, being lectured like a child in front of so many people. But I remained composed, refraining from arguing. It wasn't weakness but self-restraint.

Samuel continued his tirade, but I tuned him out, focusing instead on Seraphina's changing expressions. She seemed to be deliberating something important.

Suddenly, a commanding voice cut through the chaos. "Quiet down," it commanded.

It was Edward. He fixed his gaze on Seraphina and asked, "So, you knew about his past? Is that true?"

Seraphina nodded, confirming it, but she didn't elaborate.

Edward pressed further, "How can you guarantee that his program won't cause trouble?"

After a brief silence, Seraphina spoke firmly, "I'll stake my entire career on it. If his program causes any data leaks, I'll resign from my position and never work in this industry again."

It was an unexpected declaration from Seraphina. She was using her entire career to vouch for me!

But Samuel wouldn't let up. "Even if you make such a promise, what difference does it make? If something happens, it won't just be about money; our hotel's reputation is at stake!"

Listening to the discussions, I finally understood why Seraphina was so adamant about using my proposal. I was unwittingly drawn into a high-stakes power struggle.

Amidst the heated debates, I realized the gravity of the situation.