
A Little More Time

Both parents of Tabitha has left her alone, now Thalassius took her in to take care of her instead. But how will they overcome difficulties together? Will they reach the end together?

Isha783 · Fantasy
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7 Chs


heard from nobles that Keziah's wife has been killed by the emperor himself. I knew something like this would happen to that girl, seeing how she knows how to use the magic seal on her. And the fact that it's something dangerous and should not be used unless necessary.

Then the next thing I heard was the fact that Keziah fled away from Okiyama and returned to Kleamantra. Which was the last thing I expected. Then I heard the next day that he didn't flee away, the reason he came back to Kleamantra was because the emperor himself banished him.

And as I was walking in the streets of the plaza, I came upon a poster saying the Ivory family is looking for a magic teacher for his children. At first, I was even confused as to why the poster said 'children' instead of 'child' as I knew he only had one child. But then again a noble gossiped to me that Pierson had taken Tabitha in as his adopted child.

But why was he looking for a magic teacher despite knowing the fact that magic is temporarily banned? Like always, I can never understand what this man is thinking unless I have the ability to read his mind.

I read the poster one more time for details and came back to my house to write a letter to be sent to his place. I didn't write my real name as I knew Pierson would decline immediately, instead, I wrote 'Montavia'

As I was writing more into the letter, a certain note then came to my mind. It was on my desk and I never knew who put it there. Someone like me, as a powerful mage, I would immediately know who it is by the trace of their magic since you can't enter here unless you use magic to break the barrier. But this person seems to be powerful as well as they can hide a trace of their magic.

But the words written on the note were: "For when the moon shines brightest, one will receive my blessing, and that one will be the light in the darkness."

I never understood the meaning behind it, who was it from? Who's the person they're talking about? How did they know where I was hiding? And lastly, my real name was written at the end of the note. How did they know? Is it someone I know?

Eventually, my letter arrived at Pierson fast and I received a letter back. He says he'll accept, and if I ever want to stay in I am allowed to do so. Ha, he never changed, did he? He always trusts people so much, this is why kindness ruins him sometimes.

My original plan was to meet Tabitha once she turns around 17 or so, that way there can be a lot of things she knows and I don't have to teach her the basics. But this opportunity was in front of me and I could've let it go but I didn't.

But then again my time is running out and I don't know when I'll die. It can be any second now so I took that opportunity. After all, I made a promise to someone.

In two days, I'll be meeting Tabita. Hm, less time to prepare huh?

Let's see, has Tabitha even awakened her powers yet? If not then, it will be a problem yet not a problem at the same time.

Jeez, I've sent over 25 letters to be sent to Thalassius in the academy, but not at least one letter came back to me for his response. Is that kid ignoring me purposely? Does he have any idea that the things I wrote are important? I was even scared as I wrote a vision I got that contained the future of…


The sound of a door breaking can be heard from her room throughout the house. She then hurriedly gathered all her stuff scattered on the table and hid them somewhere, she took out her sword and slowly walked out of her room in alert

As she looked around trying to look for a figure, a shadow then began walking towards her. The man had a dagger in his hand. She recognized this man, he was an enemy. What is he doing here right now? Shouldn't he be dealing with other things? After all, she had just recently burned down his hiding place.

"Servia… I finally found you."

"What do you do? What are you doing here?"

"I'm here to get my revenge of course, what else?"

Servia didn't respond, instead, she stared at him blankly before rushing to him in an attempt to stab him. But he dodged it perfectly and Servia fixed her position and stabbed him successfully this time.

"Hah! I haven't even positioned myself to kill you and you already stabbed me? How about we fight serious-"

He couldn't even continue what he was about to say as Servia chanted a spell and sealed him up. He vanished as soon as a yellow stroke of light danced gracefully around him and disappeared to take him where there was nothing but endless darkness.

Soon enough, she coughed up blood and fell on her knees on the floor. Upon using too much magic, she exhausted herself. It was even surprising as she passed the age limit of 600. She's now 699, turning 700. Though her appearance says otherwise, she's looking as if she had just entered her 20s.

She rarely shows other people what she actually looks like, instead, she takes the form of those ceased ones that were beautiful during their 20s.

Back then she always used to live peacefully, but then after the war that suddenly emerged, she gained more than just one enemy, causing her to live in many different places as her enemies can sometimes see through her.

She wanted that ability to last longer, the ability to take other people's forms as she was very insecure of her original looks. And most importantly, even though she's already tired of living, she still wants to live longer. She has a feeling that this era would be much more interesting than the previous era.

Servia watched her lovers die, watched them grow old and take the appearance of an old man and she stayed the same. Servia watched everything unfold before her eyes, she watched as her grandchildren grew from a fetus to a beautiful teenager and then to an old woman. It hurts her every time someone she has by her side all the time dies so casually like that. Not just that, some died so brutally too and she couldn't do anything to stop that.

Even the strongest can be the weakest at some times.

Servia always wondered if can do something close to exploring another universe perhaps. She wanted to know if there are other worlds where she existed and she didn't possess any powers, she wanted to know how it feels like to live like a normal person. But she knew something like that would be impossible. Unless?

Servia sighed before picking up a suitcase and putting in everything she needs. Clothes, antidotes for some reason, a notebook with a quill pen, and many more things, she managed to fit all of her things in that suitcase. She knows that once she opens this everything would spring out and fall everywhere. But what can she do? These were the things that she needed.