
A Little More Time

Both parents of Tabitha has left her alone, now Thalassius took her in to take care of her instead. But how will they overcome difficulties together? Will they reach the end together?

Isha783 · Fantasy
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7 Chs


Almost everyone possessed magic, and I've been wondering if I do too. I asked Delilah if she can do magic and responded yes. The same goes for Pierson and Aeris. I haven't seen them use their magic so I never knew, and the books I read contained information that not everyone has magic. And today, I'll ask Delilah if she can use hers

I walked to where the gazebo is and saw her reading a book, I walked up to her and asked her

"Delilah? You said you know how to use magic right? Can I see?"

"Do you want to see it?"

"Yes! I'm curious"

"I guess I can show you what I recently learned?"

She hand out her palm and a leaf grew out from the center of her palm


"This is all I can do for now, but father said I'd be able to grow something bigger if I train more"

"Do you think I have magic too?"

"I can't really answer that but I'm sure you do! You just need to awaken or if you're already awaken then you should try. You can know you have magic by imagining an item, and the item you're imagining appears in front of you. Start with something small like a pencil"

"S-should I try?" Delilah closed and set her book down upon hearing my words. She now has her focus on me and I tried imagining a pencil appearing, but no matter how hard I tried nothing happened

"You'll get it someday! Just keep trying but don't push yourself too hard. You might faint, don't be like me who tried that and fainted because I was so desperate. Oh and! After you accomplish summoning the pencil, take a break for at least 2 days. Although during those days you'll get headaches as your power is trying to awaken"

"What happens next?"

"I don't really remember what happened next after I awakened mine but father told me not to use magic until he finds the right person to teach us. And! The night before you awaken your powers, you'll have a dream of yourself looking at something"

"I don't get it.."

"That something you're looking at is usually related to your powers. But the books say that it can also relate to your future. It's just I don't know whether it's true or not but I heard from my father that Thalassius saw his future. But you know? The dream I had relates to my power, you see I was looking at the walls, each wall had a different plant attached to it, a vine, flowers, mushrooms and others!"

"I see"

"Well! Excuse me for a while~ I have something to talk to my father about"

I stared at her confused, but she then walked away with a smile on her face. Well… I hope she won't do something mischievous because of that smile of hers

"Dad!!" Delilah called for her father in his study room. The man himself was sitting down holding a paper on the other hand, while on the other he's writing down something on another paper

"Yes dear? Do you need something?"

"Dad… Is it possible for you to find a teacher for Tabitha and I?"

"Teacher? You already have a lot dear, is there something wrong? Have they been treating you both badly?"

"No it's not like that! I love my teachers and you know they won't do something like that. What I meant was, for you to find a teacher that can teach us magic"


"Yeah! Isn't it time for us to know more about magic?"

"I'll think about it okay? I'll ask Thalassius if he can give us permission to allow Tabitha"

"She needs permission?"

"I know she's our family but Thalassius is more related to her than us. Remember Delilah, Once a Vandeleur becomes curious, their curiosity never stops. This is why some Vandeleurs died because of their curiosity towards danger. How about you go read books about simple magic and help Tabitha dear?"

Delilah walked out of her father's room and went to get Tabitha to read a few books relating to magic.

Tabitha opened a book and it contained Delilah's magic information. Apparently her magic is called Kelisemeisus, a magic that can summon a tree, vine, all types of plants and flowers. One thing unique about is the fact that the flowers that the user can summon can kill, heal, enhance a person for at least 20 seconds although the duration can bring up higher depending on the user's capabilities. Another surprising fact, a user who can use Kelisemeisus can also learn Wajiabrinonian also known as Water magic.

"Jeez, why are the names so complicated? Why can't they just give the techniques simple names?" Delilah whines to which I responded by saying

"I don't know I like them though"

I then turned a few pages and read out the information it contained

"Can't pick a weapon? Sword and a bow is advisable to those who can use Keliseimus, animals are friendly towards the users, But be careful as it does not apply to all living creatures there is. The user can command and communicate with the animals. If lost at a place, try communicating with an animal that can be seen wandering in random places as they know the place more than people do. But remember that using either a sword or a bow can have advantages and disadvantages. Most users used a bow and sword is rarely used. What about you Delilah? What weapon will you choose?"

"Hm… I'd go for a bow since it's good for long distance battles, but I want to change history! I'll go for a sword!"

"Hmmm. That's not bad"

"Oh oh! I just remembered something!"

"What is it?"

"Dad said that there's a book that contains all the members of the Vandeleur's! It contains the magic power they have, the weapons they used, what good they had done to the people! Maybe you can learn some information? After all, some powers get passed on. There can be a chance that a Vandeleur passed their own power to you! Even better if they are the most powerful back then!"

"Should I try?"

"You should but you see, only Thalassius has all the books of every Vandeleur. But I don't think Thalassius and father will allow you. Yes maybe in the future they will but who knows?"

"But why?"

"I don't know? But you know? I've read a book about my grandma who has the same power as me and I found out that she's actually a powerful sidekick! I want to read more about her book so that I can learn her magic. But ever since I told father that, he took the book away"

"Maybe it contained information that you mustn't learn for now?"

"Maybe, but why?"

"Who knows? Maybe it can bring danger like how ancient magic spells are sealed away because the magic are mostly dangerous"

A maid then came in and told us that dinner is ready to which Delilah responded by whining, time sure does go back fast especially when you are having a happy atmosphere with a person.

While eating, Pierson told us that he has finally found a person for us. Actually it was recommended by Thalassius and allowed me to learn magic. This person didn't say who she is truly but noted that we should called her Montavia and next week our lessons will be starting