
A Legend of A legend

Two siblings find out there the decendants of the hero Link and are now hunted by Ganondorf. But can they save the new Hyrule or will Hyrule fall to evil and darkness. Read and find out meet interesting characters and discover what this modern Hyrule has to offer as these siblings' journey takes them to the past and recollect the lost Triforce before Ganondorf takes control.

the_blue_blur · Games
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12 Chs

Lost Woods: The Lost Village

Tack Started waking up to what seemed to be talking but in an old and forgotten language. As he looked around he saw people in forest green tunics and with fairies and as he looked around more he saw Carly with her arms tied to a tree branch across from him."CARLY!!!" Tack called to his unconscious sister trying to break free from the rope around his hands.

"Ahhh, your awake," a female said poking Tack with a stick. Tack realized he drew unwanted attention with that yell to his sister, "The chief is deciding what to do with you and your friend."

"Don't even think about laying your hands or weapons on my sister," Tack said with anger in his eyes. The strange forest people just stared at him with a grin.

"We don't like outsiders!" A young man said in a forest green tunic but with a weird design.

"Cheif Midona!!" All people said at once. As the chief walked down glaring at Tack the people started bowing.

"We Kokiri do not allow outsiders to pass into our domain," Cheif Midona said with a snarl "So till we decide on your execution you will hang there!"

"The Kokiri were nice people what happened to you!" Tack said but the Kokiri just left without a word. Tack heard rustling in the bushes getting closer and closer. Then when it was at the last bush a weird-looking kid jumped out and slashed the ropes gesturing to follow him and without question, Tack grabbed Carly as well as their weapons laying on a stump and followed it. As Tack ran with Carly on his back he realized this mysterious kid looked like something that was described to him by his parents but he couldn't remember what.

"Who and what are you?" Tack asked as he followed close behind the kid. The weird kid kept quiet and lead them to a secret camp with other kids like him. "Woah, so many kids like you."

"Their skull children." a young girl with green hair and a skull mask said.

"Gah!" Tack jumped at the sudden answer to his question. Cause of the sudden jolt Carly started to wake from her unconscious state. Tack put her down as she rubbed her eyes.

"Morning all weady?" Carly said cutely yawning. As she fully woke up she noticed she was at a campsite with weird-looking children. "Where are we??" She said looking around.

"You're at the old Kokiri village." The green-haired girl answered, "This place was beautiful but it was overrun with monsters, and the people of this village left."

"Who are you?" Tack asked.

"I'm an outlaw to the Kokiri, once their protector but Cheif Midona chased me out of the new village calling me the cause of the monsters," The outlaw said rubbing her arm she looked like she was about to cry "and if I know him he'll have everyone searching for you so it's best if you lay low for a few."

Tack and Carly nodded and walked around taking in the wonderful sights of the camp and forest area surrounding them.

"This place looks amazing!" Carly said in awe as she sat on a tree stump.

"Yeah, but how are we going to get to the mine?" Tack thought aloud. The siblings sat there quietly thinking when suddenly they start hearing a bunch of screams and cries for help all around them. A bunch of Stalfoes were attacking the village. The houses were being destroyed, the trees being knocked down, and the skull children were running away. The siblings jumped into action and started to fend off the Stalfoes. Once the Stalfoes were defeated the inhabitants of the village started repairing the damages that were left from the battle.

"Thank you so much." The green-haired outlaw said as she walked over to the siblings.

"It was our pleasure." Tack said smiling.

"Oh by the way, where are you two headed?" The outlaw asked

"We're headed to the mine," Carly said smiling cutely.

"The mine!? They're dangerous!" The green-haired girl said surprised "But if you still go you'll need the right tools, follow me." Tack and Carly followed the mysterious girl to a nearby hut and walked inside to see chest sitting in the back of the room.

"Are the tools in that chest?" Tack asked curious about what was in the chest.

"Yes, the items are in that chest." The Kokiri said as she stepped to the side allowing them to pass. The siblings walked up to the chest and lifted the lid. As Tack and Carly looked inside they saw a few brown bags. Tack looked inside the bags and found bombs.

"Bombs?" Tack questioned.

"Bombs are the items you'll need to get passed cracked walls, fallen boulders, and defeat certain enemies." The green-haired girl said informing them of the things they might encounter. Just then a skull child ran in.

"Ms. Guardian, The Kokiri found us!" The skull child said with urgency in their voice. Tack notice their panicked expression as they spoke.

"Do you need help to defend the village?" Tack asked ready to help.

"No, you two need to get to the mine. Defeat the one causing the chaos, We'll be fine here," The Girl in the skull mask said grabbing a spear. "We'll keep them distracted." The siblings nodded and watched as the girl and the skull child left just after receiving a map of the wood. Tack knelt down allowing Carly to get on his back and ran toward the direction of the mine.