
A Legend of A legend

Two siblings find out there the decendants of the hero Link and are now hunted by Ganondorf. But can they save the new Hyrule or will Hyrule fall to evil and darkness. Read and find out meet interesting characters and discover what this modern Hyrule has to offer as these siblings' journey takes them to the past and recollect the lost Triforce before Ganondorf takes control.

the_blue_blur · Games
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12 Chs

The Village and The Woods

Tack and Carly raced across Hyrule field to Ellie's house. As Ellie's house came into view the siblings notice that the door seemed open. As they started to slow down to a walking pace they saw that the door was dangling from its hedge. Both siblings showing worry on their faces sprinted full speed into the house. They searched the damaged and messy house yelling "ELLIE" but to no avail. As they got to the living room they saw the portrait of the hero of twilight torn by three sharp claws.

"Where's Ms. Ellie?" Carly asked worried with tears forming in her eyes.

"I don't know, Carly." Tack said noticing paper on the coffee table. Tack walked over to the table and picked up the paper and read it out loud.

'Dear Tack and Carly,

You may be wondering what happened and where I am well Ganondorf raided my house probably looking for answers to where the master sword is but, I left before he attacked and I sent my horses to Ordon village. a good friend is taking care of them. He's the mayor of the village, he's also my brother. And I'm safe I'll return after the threat is taken care of. P.S. Tell my brother I'm still waiting on him to return the book I lent him'

"Does it say where she went?" Carly asked with worry and tears in her eyes.

"No, it's probably because she didn't want Ganondorf to know cause it says she left before he came" Tack answered while hugging his sister.

"What do we do now?" Carly said reading the note.

"We go to the Zora shop to get the upgrades and then defeat that monster in the water temple." Tack said grabbing the note for later. The siblings ran out of the house towards Hyrule castle town.

"Ok, here it is," Tack said walking into the store with his sister "Hello, mister Milo?"

"Hello, Tack and Carly," an elderly Zora said walking up to the siblings "what can I do for you two?"

"We need upgrades for our Zora armor please," Carly answered while handing the elder her and Tack's Zora armor.

"What kind of upgrade?" The elder said

"Umm, I think it was iron boots." Tack said trying to remember.

"Oh I don't have the materials, I need Kokiri iron but you can find the iron somewhere in Ordon village." The elder said grabbing the Zora armor and placing them on a workbench. By the time he turned around to tell the siblings the danger, they'll face on their way to Ordon village the siblings had already left to go to Ordon.

"The map says it's south from the castle" Tack said walking through Hyrule field with his sister.

As they got halfway across the field it became night and monsters came out of the ground and charged towards the heroes. Tack and Carly draw their weapons and begin running towards the monsters and start slashing and shooting at them. After 10 minutes of mowing down the hoard of monsters, they enter the Faron province.

"We made it!" Carly cheered.

"Yeah with minor bruises," Tack said with a painful smile.

The siblings start walking and out of nowhere, they smell lantern oil getting closer and closer.

"Do you smell that?" Carly says pinching her nose.

"Yeah, it's coming from there." Tack said pointing to a little house with a pot over a fire. As they walked closer they saw a woman with what looked like an afro sitting next to a pot of lantern oil.

"Oh hello there young ones!" the woman said with a cheerful voice "where are your parents?"

"Dead.." Tack said with a saddened voice.

"Oh, I'm so sorry." The woman said with regret in her voice "well what can I do for y'all?"

"We need a lantern and some oil please," Carly said.

"Aren't y'all a bit too young to have a lantern?" The lantern shopkeeper asked.

"We're the heroes of Hyrule sent by the princess." Tack said with great urgency in his voice.

The shopkeeper sat in shock as she handed them a lantern and a bottle of lantern oil.

"Oh, I was so excited that I forgot to introduce myself. I'm Fiona!" She said getting over the shock quickly "what's y'all's?"

"I'm Tack and this is Carly," Tack said taking the oil and lantern.

"Well it was nice meeting y'all," she said waving at the siblings. Tack and Carly were walking toward a trail leading to a gate. As Tack opened the gate the siblings felt a nice, cool,  relaxing air feel the area around them.

"Just a little farther and we'll be at Ordon village," Tack said as they were in front of a bridge leading to the Ordona province.

"That canyon is really deep!" Carly said sticking close to Tack. The siblings cross the unsettling, but yet sturdy bridge. Once they crossed the bridge they ran to Ordon village as fast as their legs could go. As they got to the village they heard people talking, playing, and just being happy.

"Wow, this place looks like a city," Tack and Carly said simultaneously looking at a big village. There were more houses and the whole land looked bigger, but it was still a small city.

"Who are you, kiddos? Where are your parents?!" An elderly man's voice asked seeming upset.

"They're dead...and we're the new heroes of Hyrule, I'm Tack and this is Carly." Tack said with sadness and anger in his voice.

"Well, you kids should be inside! Or are you troublemakers that disobey lord Ganon" the elder said

"LORD GANON??!" the siblings said looking shocked and confused.

"Yes and now go back home so lord Ganon doesn't harm this village!" He said as he went back inside and slammed the door. The siblings still dumbfounded walked over to the mayor's house and knocked on his door.

"Hello anybody here?" Tack called out on the  porch of the mayor's house, There was no answer Tack knocked once more "Hello?"

A young man walks out from behind the house "Oh, Hello who might you guys be?"

"I'm T--" TAck started to say before getting cut off by his sister.

"I'm Carly and this is Tack, we're the new heroes of Hyrule!" Carly said excitedly, Tack swore he could see hearts in her eyes.

"Well, hello I'm  Jackson, the mayor of Ordon," Jackson said studying the siblings "So you're the new heroes of Hyrule?"

"Yes, and we came for some Kokiri iron to bring back to a Zora so he can upgrade our Zora armor," Tack said Being direct and in a hurry.

"We don't have any at the moment it seems the miners keep being turned away from the Lost Woods," Jackson said pointing towards a BIG TREE that can be seen from where they stood "And now nobody dares go there, but if you are the heroes can you go and see what's going on."

"We will see what the problem is and make it to where your miners can enter," Carly said with a smile.

"Thank you I, now I must go feed the horses," Jackson said gratefully as he walked away.

Carly started skipping towards the lost woods on the outskirts of Ordon with Tack not far behind a bit confused. The siblings ran across to the Faron province. They turned at an entrance with a sign saying "Lost Woods".

"Woah these woods are so big and lively," Tack said in shock and awe. The siblings walk deeper into the woods when they heard leaves rustling all around them. The siblings started running when suddenly they were hit by something hard and they fell to the ground.

"C-Carly..." Tack managed to muster as he blacked out next to his unconscious sister.