
A Latino in DxD as Ben 10

"Ren, in a mysterious way, has died and ended up waking up in the world of High School DxD, along with the Omnitrix and having the body of Ben 10. Will he manage to overcome his challenges and become the most powerful? Or will he fail in the attempt? Read below to find out."

Metal_Cooler · Anime & Comics
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3 Chs

Chapter 2

Welcome to the Demonic Nobility

The Ultimate Villain

In a quiet corner of Kuoh Academy, Issei, Matsuda and Motohama were sitting on a bench, engrossed in a heated discussion.

Issei: (excitedly) Guys, I can't help it! Dragon Ball Z is my favorite series, and I've always had this question: Who do you think is the best main villain: Freezer, Cell or Majin Buu?

Matsuda: (scratching his head) Hmm, that's a tough question, Issei. But I would say Cell. He was a combination of all the saiyajins, and his perfection made him awesome!

Motohama: (raising an eyebrow) Even though Cell was powerful, I can't ignore Freezer's brutality. That guy destroyed the planet Vegeta without batting an eye!

Issei: (nodding) You have valid points, guys. But let's not forget Majin Buu. His regeneration and ability to absorb others made him unpredictable.

As the discussion continued, a young man passed behind them, almost unnoticed. It was Ren. He wore the mysterious Omnitrix on his wrist, a power that no one in the Kuoh Academy knew about, with the clear exception of Sona Sitri.

Ren: (to himself) Wow, a discussion about Dragon Ball Z villains. I can only understand it from the Omnitrix translation. Interesting, but I have my own business to attend to.

Without anyone noticing his presence, Ren continued on his way while Issei, Matsuda and Motohama continued their passionate conversation.

Initiation into the Student Council

After passing by the place where Issei and his friends were, Ren finally arrived at the new building, where Sona Sitri's student council and nobility is located. Ren knocked on the door three times, until Sona was heard saying that he could come in. After that, she entered the place and waved her right hand.

So this is the new member, president. - Tsubaki said.

Yes, that's him. By the way, Ren, did you sleep well in the hotel room you stayed in? - said Sona.

Actually, yes, much better than the internet cafe I slept in the previous days. I really appreciate that you paid for that room. - replied Ren.

Don't thank me, I would never let my subordinates sleep in such deplorable conditions. Yesterday I forgot to ask you exactly where you are from, you should tell me more about yourself. - commented Sona.

Ah, yes, that's right. I come from a colonial city in Mexico called Durango, a place in the north of my country. - said Ren.

So a city with Spanish architecture, sounds interesting. - Sona added.

Yes it is. This place is known as the land of the movies, where they usually shoot old western movies. - Ren added.

When I was told about your origin, I thought you were going to be a brown person. I never imagined you would be a white man with brown hair. - Tsubaki said.

"I'm not offended by the comment, but I'll give you some advice: don't base it on what Latin America is like according to Western movies and entertainment. Unlike what many people think, Latinos are also white. Remember that the place is full of people with various ethnic backgrounds, and stereotypes are not okay." - Tsubaki commented.

"Yes, I'm sorry. I think I should get to know Latin America better. I forgot to introduce myself. I am Tsubaki Shinra, the vice president of the student council, and I will help you with anything you need." - Tsubaki said.

Ren nodded at Tsubaki's words and introduced himself as Ren Sanchez.

"Tsubaki, Ren will need to urgently learn Japanese. Since my demon piece is in a single transformation, he is still human and does not have the advantage of understanding languages like demons. I'm going to need you to look for Aika Kiryuu. She is the only non-demon affiliated human who knows both Spanish and Japanese at Kuoh Academy."

Tsubaki nodded at Sona's orders and went to carry out the assignment given by her leader, while the Sitri girl began to explain the responsibilities and rights Ren has, not only as a member of the student council, but also as a member of her nobility.

Sona Sitri introduced Ren to her after explaining her responsibilities and rights, introducing all the members of her nobility that she didn't know yet.

After all this business, Aika Kiryuu would be the one to teach Ren the Japanese language. Though, of course, Sona paid this girl to do all this. As for the stationery and the rest of the stuff, Sitri would take care of it. That included Ren living in one of the guest rooms of the Sitri mansion, giving her the finishing touches before joining as an official student.

Festive Welcome

Sona Sitri's mansion was filled with celebration and joy. Ren, the newly accepted member of the nobility, was in the spotlight. Sona, with a warm smile, approached him holding a freshly baked cake.

Sona: (with gratitude) Ren, we are delighted to have you as part of our noble family. I want to welcome you in the best way I know how.

Ren: (gratefully) Thank you, Sona. I am thrilled to be a part of this.

However, Ren knew that Sona didn't have a reputation for being a great cook, and he didn't want to hurt her feelings. At that moment, an idea flashed in his mind. He activated the Omnitrix and transformed into Upchuck, the alien with the ability to devour and transform matter into energy.

Ren, in his Upchuck form, took a slice of the cake and began to eat it enthusiastically. Sona looked at him in surprise as the cake quickly disappeared.

Sona: (amazed) Ren, you're enjoying the cake at full speed!

Ren, with a mouthful of cake, made an approving gesture and nodded. He was determined not to let Sona feel bad about his cooking.

Sona: (laughing) Well, at least someone can enjoy it.

Ren continued to eat the cake as Upchuck, avoiding any negative comments about the taste. The good thing about this alien is that he can eat and enjoy almost anything, even those considered inedible, without throwing up. Meanwhile, members of Sona's nobility watched Ren's unique ability with curiosity and admiration.

The scene was filled with laughter and joyful conversation, and Ren, with her kind gesture, managed to make everyone feel welcome, no matter what the cake looked like.

Sona, encouraged by Ren's good reception of the cake, decided to offer it to the other members of her nobility. With a smile, she extended the plate to one of her guests.

Sona: (enthusiastically) Please try my cake, I'm sure you'll love it!

However, as the members of the nobility took a look at the cake and smelled it, they began to make excuses not to try it.

Tsubaki: (feigning a cough) Oh, Sona, thank you, but I seem to have an urgent engagement.

Momo: (nervously) Unfortunately, I have to leave soon. Thank you for the invitation.

One by one, the members of the nobility found excuses not to try Sona's cake. The situation was becoming uncomfortable as Sona wondered what was going on.

Ren, still in his Upchuck form, watched the situation with interest. He knew that his species had a different taste in food, and what humans found good was often unpalatable to him. But when Ren, using Upchuck, tasted Sona's cake, he found it an exquisite delicacy.

Ren (as Upchuck): (surprised) Wow, Sona, this cake is amazing!

Sona: (relieved) Do you really like it, Ren?

Ren (as Upchuck): (nodding) Yes, it's delicious, I can't resist it!

Sona smiled gratefully as Ren, using Upchuck, enjoyed the cake voraciously. For him, Sona's food was a real treat.

The scene concluded with Ren, using Upchuck, being the only one enjoying Sona's cake, while the other members of the nobility discreetly withdrew, without having to taste it.

Ideas in Motion

Ren was in his room after a dinner with Sona's cake and a bath.

Come to think of it, I don't like the idea of being in 2008. There's no Android for me to have fun with, let alone none of the AI I used to interact with. How I miss Copilot, Bard and Chat GPT to do my writing and solve the doubts I had in my other life.

Although I'm late with Android, I have the Omnitrix and one of the transformations is Grey Matter. If I think about it, with this transformation I could create my own AI. I'm not going to wait until 2022 to have the equivalent of ChatGPT in this supernatural world. The human world and the previous world are very similar, and I'm going to take full advantage of this fact.

I have knowledge of the future. Another thing that would be cool, besides AI, would be to create an equivalent to Telegram and TikTok. To make The Holy Martian Empire a reality, I need a lot of money and financial resources.

Another urgent thing to solve is to learn laws. Because if I accidentally transform into Alien X, I will end up trapped. I need negotiation tools, and studying law is just what I need. I also need to reverse-tech the Omnitrix to learn how it really works, because there is no Azmuth to repair it in case of damage.

I think I should start with recreating the mechamorph armor of Retaliator (Azmuth's father). This will allow me to defend and repair the watch in case of problems, of course without the flaws of the original.

The last thing for now is to try to recreate the Ascalon sword, but the one from Ben 10, not the one from Dxd, because Ben's Ascalon is very powerful and surpasses all the swords that were presented in Dxd.

Well, tomorrow I'll start with my ideas. It's time to sleep. - Ren said, turning off the spotlight and lying down on his bed.

To be continued...

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