
A Latino in DxD as Ben 10

"Ren, in a mysterious way, has died and ended up waking up in the world of High School DxD, along with the Omnitrix and having the body of Ben 10. Will he manage to overcome his challenges and become the most powerful? Or will he fail in the attempt? Read below to find out."

Metal_Cooler · Anime & Comics
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Beginning Of Love

Resisting temptation

"Sona Sitri passes by the door of Ren's room; for a moment, she wants to open the door, enter and satisfy her basest desires. 

No, this is not right. I admit that I like it, but I must not give in to my baser instincts. This should be based on love and mutual respect. Sometimes, I hate to be this kind of demon. It would be better to propose a date for next weekend and let love flow naturally. - Sona thought, quickly retreating from the door of Ren's room. 

What Sitri doesn't know is that, in Ren's room, there is a hidden female angel, with 7 pairs of golden wings, golden halo and blonde hair, who is secretly watching over young Ren. 

Well done, Sona. You managed to evade temptation. - Reasoned the hidden angel. 

Ren accidentally uncovered himself in his sleep. The angel quickly made sure the boy had his blanket, tucked him in and gave him a tender kiss on the forehead."


The next day, Ren got out of bed at 4:00 a.m. and found that his room had clothes in his size, with no idea how Sona got custom clothing. Ren decided he needed to train and gain skills outside the Omnitrix, as outside his enemies would show no mercy and he even believed they would try to damage the watch. So he donned the sports suit.

Once Ren had changed into his sports suit, he opened the front door of his room and stepped out into the room, meeting just as he walked through the door with Sona Sitri.

"Good morning, Ren," Sona Sitri said.

"Good morning, Miss Sitri," Ren replied.

"I see you are taking your training seriously. I'm glad you are. Follow me; nearby there is a sports unit for you to get in shape," Sona suggested.

After that, Ren and Sona went for a workout, where Ren first performed warm-up exercises, then jogged lightly and finally ran a little."

"You should not push yourself too hard. Remember that exercise should be gradual, little by little, until your body gets used to it, or else you will end up in a hospital," Sona said.

"Okay, you've got a good point there," Ren replied, taking his training in stride.

An hour of training passed, during which Ren, upon finishing, was tired. Miss Sitri also accompanied him in this training and guided him, although she, being a demon and not a human, has much more stamina than she appears.

"I will give you 10 minutes to rest. When this time has passed, you will continue with the magic training," Sona ordered.

"I understand," Ren mentioned.

As Ren took a break, Sitri asked her the following question, "Is your name really Ren or what happened here?", Sona prying Sona a little on the subject.

"This is not my real name, in fact, I can't remember many details of my personal life; it's as if they were blocked out. I have no idea what happened here. The only thing I could come up with is to use Ren. From the little I can conjure up in my memories is that my last name is Sanchez. I'm beginning to suspect it's some sort of temporary amnesia," Ren commented.

"If I may, I know some mind magic. Maybe I can help you with this," Sona suggested.

"Okay, I give you permission," Ren said.

Sona placed her right hand on Ren's head and made a magic circle of the Sitri, where she channeled magic. In doing so, she attempted to unlock the sealed memories, but within minutes of doing so, Sitri was thrown within three feet of Ren.

"I never imagined his occlumency barrier to be so powerful. I couldn't even manage to break through the mental barrier," Sona thought.

"Are you all right?" spoke Ren, helping to lift Sona.

"Yes, I'm fine. I couldn't access your mind. You have a very powerful mental shield. Maybe in your past you studied something related to illusions or something like that, because only in this way can it be explained that you have made this powerful shield," Sona expressed.

After this, the 10-minute break alarm for Ren began to sound, so Ren had to accompany Sona as far as her magic training was concerned.

Ren was in a quiet place next to Sona Sitri after his physical training. Sona smiled kindly at him and began to explain:

Sona: Ren, now is the time to explore your magical abilities. Despite being human, you possess impressive magical potential. The magic in this world is diverse, and I want you to understand it.

Sona raised her hand, and a small sphere of magical energy formed in her palm. Then, she tossed it gently into the air, and the sphere began to spin and emit a warm glow.

Sona: Magic is an extension of your will and energy. Look at this sphere. Try to feel its energy and, when you feel ready, try to do the same.

Ren looked at the sphere with determination and began to concentrate. His hands trembled slightly at first, but little by little, he began to feel a connection with the magical energy around him. After a few moments, he managed to form his own sphere of energy.

Sona: Very good, Ren! You have taken your first step into the world of magic. Now, try to control it and manipulate it to your will.

Sona guided him through some basic exercises, such as changing the shape of the sphere, increasing its size and changing its color. Ren struggled, but little by little, he began to master these magical concepts.

Sona: You are a talented student, Ren! Your magical potential is impressive, and I am sure you will go far in your magical training. Magic is a powerful tool in our world, and with your determination, you will surely become an exceptional magician.

Ren was inspired by the initial exercises and decided to take it a step further. He concentrated on his magical energy, remembering the Contego he had seen in Ben 10, and began to form a rectangular shield of protection.

"As he concentrates intensely, the air around him distorts slightly, and a rectangular shield of magical energy appears in front of him, protecting the upper half of his body. Sona is impressed by this achievement, as Ren did not use a magic circle or any other artifact to manifest the shield.

Sona: Ren, that's amazing! You have created a shield of protection without any external artifact, like a magic circle. Your skill and your connection to magic are truly remarkable.

Ren's shield glows brightly, demonstrating its strength. Ren struggles to maintain it and, surprisingly, manages to keep it up for 10 seconds before it finally dissipates.

Sona: You even held it for 10 seconds! That's impressive for someone just starting out in magic. Your potential is amazing, Ren.

Ren is proud of his accomplishment and smiles at Sona's praise. He is determined to continue to hone his magical skills and prove his worth in the world of nobility.

Sona: We will continue to work on your magical skills, Ren. I am sure you will become an exceptional magician and a valuable member of our nobility.

Sona observes Ren's enthusiasm with a warm smile, but also notes that she might be running out of steam.

Sona: Ren, you have done an amazing job today. I am impressed by your progress and your potential. However, it is important to remember that magic takes time and patience. Don't push yourself too hard.

Ren nods, recognizing the wisdom in Sona's words.

Ren: You are right, Sona. I really appreciate your teaching and support. I will take things slowly and keep learning step by step.

Sona nods, satisfied with Ren's response.

Sona: That's the attitude, Ren. Magic is a long road, but I'm sure you'll go far. Rest and recover your energy. Tomorrow we will continue your training."

Before Going To Kuoh Academy

Hours later, Ren went into the shower to wash off any sweat and dirt he may have accumulated during his time entertaining Sona Sitri. After showering, he went to his room and changed into his Kuoh Academy uniform. It didn't take long for him to be ready. After this, Sona knocked on the door three times and asked Ren if she could come in.

"Go ahead," Ren replied.

Sona came in and handed Ren a new backpack, filled with all the school supplies he might need.

"Thank you, dear Miss Sitri. I appreciate it," Ren commented, taking the backpack and placing it on her back.

"All right, remember that breakfast at Kuoh Academy is served at 8:00 a.m. We should be going now. At 7:15 I will be ready in the limousine to take us to school. Try not to be late," said Sona.

"I understand," Ren said.

"You must not be so formal with me. As long as we are not in a serious setting, I want you to refer to me by my first name and not using my last name. So forget about calling me 'president' all the time. I know it's customary to use last names in Japan, but at least don't do that with me in public. Also, you must not mention my real last name in front of the Kuoh Academy student body, because in the human world, I am Sona Shitori, not Sona Sitri," Sona mentioned.

"It was very clear to me, Sona," Ren expressed.

They both left Ren's room and went to the entrance of the Sitri mansion, where the limousine driver was already waiting for them.

The driver opened the car door and they both got in.

Although the driver, before getting into the car as well, noticed that both Ren and Sona were holding hands, to the point that they looked like a couple. He didn't comment, but simply thought the image was cute. He simply continued with his work.

About 20 minutes passed, after which they arrived at the academy, where Sona and Ren got out of the limousine.

What surprised everyone was that they were both holding hands, which made everyone suspicious if Ren was Sona's boyfriend. Knowing that Sona was considered in Kuoh Academy as the cold and strict student council president.

Aika Kiryuu arrived in front of Sona and Ren to start the job Sitri is paying her for.

"So this is the boy I have to guide during his stay at the academy and teach him Japanese. Nice to meet you, my name is Aika Kiryuu," said Aika.

"The pleasure is mine, I'm Ren Sanchez," Ren mentioned, shaking hands with Aika.

My First Day At School

After meeting Aika Kiryuu for the first time, we both went to Kuoh Academy, walking while talking.

"I imagined you with a dark complexion," Aika Kiryuu said.

Why do Japanese people have this stereotype of Latinos, thought Ren a little tired of this.

"Well clearly I don't look like that. I look more like a European man. However, I must tell you that you shouldn't believe everything you see in Hollywood movies, since Latin America is made up of people of diverse ethnic origins from different parts of the world. But changing the subject, how did you become interested in learning the Spanish language?" asked Ren.

"The truth is that I started with this Spanish thing because I saw a Mexican entertainment show called 'El Chavo del 8' on a DVD," commented Aika.

"That's how your interest in the Spanish language started, but as far as I know, 'El Chavo del 8' has a Japanese dub," Ren clarified.

"Yes, but it's not the same. You lose some of the funny moments of the show, plus I don't particularly like the voice they put in the Japanese dub of Don Ramon. He's my favorite character. They ruined him. I was so annoyed that I asked my parents to pay for a course to learn the Cervantes language, to listen to the original and at the same time understand it," said Aika Kiryuu.

"It's a bit of an odd motivation, but a reasonable one. Or look, it looks like we've arrived," Ren reported.

Ren and Kiryuu arrived at the main building, where she led him to the main classroom and began to explain various classes they will be having and the rules of the school.

Of course, seeing the new classmate in the classroom attracted a lot of attention. It never crossed their minds that there would be a student from Latin America.

As the minutes passed, the 2-B students began to arrive.

My knowledge of the Japanese language may be poor, at least for now, but my theoretical knowledge at least allows me not to be at the bottom of the table. It's a pity that the vast majority of my personal memories are unavailable; apparently I have some sort of temporary amnesia. - Ren thought as he waited for the bell and the professor's entrance.

A few minutes passed, the math teacher, Kazuya Tanaka from 2-B, arrived, being aware of the new addition and his special situation. He called Ren together with Aika Kiryuu, who was acting as a translator.

"So you are the new one, you should know that I am not against a student from abroad joining, what I do ask is that you get up to speed as quickly as possible with the Japanese language so that you don't depend on Kiryuu so that we can understand each other," commented Professor Tanaka, as Aika translated it to Ren in Spanish.

Ren, upon hearing his companion's translation in his native language, replied as follows, "Kiryuu, tell him he's right. And that I plan to master it as a priority." And she relayed this to the teacher in Japanese.

"I'm glad you understand the situation, I welcome you to the class. Stand in front of the classroom and introduce yourself to your classmates," said teacher Tanaka as Aika played it.

Ren then followed the directions of his teacher Tanaka. He stood up, made a slightly awkward bow salute and said the following:

"Hello, my name is Ren Sanchez, I come from Mexico. You can all understand that I am now using a high-tech experimental translator watch that allows me to help me communicate with you. I am aware of the limitations of the communication problem. I will catch up as soon as possible so as not to depend on anything to talk to you. Please forgive me if I am not able to follow your habits for now, I am new to Kuoh".

The classmates applauded and understood. After this, Ren and Aika sat down and math class began. They spent several hours, going from class to class, until it was time for dismissal, where Kiryuu accompanied him to the end of the school day.

The Rendezvous Between Ren and Sona

The afternoon was tinged with warm tones as the sun set over the horizon of the Demon World. Sona Sitri, in her elegant red dress, waited patiently in a corner of the garden, where roses were blooming and the intoxicating scent of the demon filled the air.

Ren arrived, the Omnitrix glowing softly on his wrist. Sona stepped forward with a charming smile.

"I know we've shared many experiences together, Ren, but today I wanted something special," Sona said in a soft voice, with a mischievous glint in her eyes.

Ren nodded, intrigued. "I'm up for anything, Sona. Tell me about it."

Sona held out her hand, and Ren took it with a smile. Together, they walked through the moonlit garden.

"I had a very special place in mind for us," Sona mentioned as she led Ren into an elegant demonic cafe. A table was set up with flickering candles and soft music.

They sat across from each other, and Sona looked at Ren sincerely. "Ren, since you came into my life, everything has changed. I can't help but feel more than camaraderie with you."

Ren nodded, feeling flattered. "I appreciate it, Sona. I also value our friendship."

Sona smiled sweetly. "I want more than friendship, Ren. I want to explore something deeper with you. Would you like to give something else a try?"

Ren, though surprised, noticed the sincerity in Sona's eyes. After a moment's thought, he replied, "I'm willing to try, Sona. But I want it to be something special, based on respect and affection."

Sona nodded, her face lit up with happiness. Together, they shared the evening, immersing themselves in a new phase of their relationship.

The appointment took place in a relaxed and pleasant atmosphere. Sona and Ren shared laughter and conversation, strengthening their connection. When they left the demonic cafe, the night was in its fullness, but something in the air changed.

Suddenly, screams echoed in the distance. Sona and Ren exchanged worried glances and headed towards the source of the sounds. Upon arrival, they saw a renegade demon wreaking havoc, wreaking havoc among the unsuspecting citizens.

Sona clenched her fists with determination, and Ren adjusted her Omnitrix, ready for action.

"Ren, it looks like the night is not going to be as quiet as we thought," Sona said seriously.

Ren nodded. "We won't let this demon ruin everything. Let's stop him together."

They prepared to face the threat, sharing a determined look. The scene faded with them joining forces, ready to challenge the renegade demon and protect those in danger.

Ren and Sona Vs Renegade Demon

It's time to be a hero. - Ren said, selecting Overflow in the Omnitrix and acquiring his transformation. Sona looked at the new alien, noticing that it had water containers and tubes in its body, which meant that the extraction of the vital liquid would be very easy. Therefore, she activated two magic circles of the Sitri clan to start fighting her enemy.

"I'm going to do an aerial reconnaissance to make sure there is no danger to civilians," Ren commented.

"Sounds like a good idea to me, you do that. I'll deal with it on the ground," Sona commented.

Ren used hydrokinetic flight, applying maximum pressure with his arms, while Sona checked that the renegade demon was not chasing anyone on the ground.

After several minutes, Ren and Sona verified that the place was clear and there were no innocent people. She came walking while he landed on the spot, where the renegade demon had already noticed their presence.

"Looks like we'll have our fight today against an enemy as a couple," Ren and Sona said at the same time.

"I never thought that the Sitri heiress would stoop so low, relating to an ordinary human," the renegade demon mentioned mocking Ren.

"You are no one to tell me who I relate to romantically," Sona replied, creating a whip of water with the magic circles of her hands.

Ren did not reply with words to his taunting foe; instead, he launched a powerful shot of water toward his opponent's forearm.

The enemy dodged Overflow's water and threw webs. Ren, creating two aquatic blades, split them in two, while Sona punished the renegade demon with three lashes to its body.

"They are wretches," cried the demon Renegade.

Ren propelled himself with his right arm and threw a powerful punch at the hell being, asking who the ordinary human was. The blow drew a little blood from his nose, but the demon countered with a punch to Overflow's belly. Although it hurt, it proved to be very resilient.

The Renegade demon approached and was going to scratch Sona, but she took advantage of the water available on the spot to send a powerful water dragon at it, which prevented the attack from being successfully executed.

Ren boosted Sona's attack to the maximum, making the water dragon grow bigger and more powerful. The two joined their abilities to finish off their enemy.

"Damn you," shouted the renegade demon as the powerful aquatic dragon exterminated it.

The sound of the Omnitrix was heard, Overflow disappearing and Ren returning to his human form.

"We made it," Ren commented.

"That's right," Sona said.

Ren and Sona stared into each other's eyes, moved closer and ended up kissing each other on the lips, celebrating their first fight against an enemy as an engaged couple.

To be continued...

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