
A King Legacy

Severus Snape, is a inhuman/wizard hybrid unaware of his nature until the end of his Fifth year when the soul of his inhuman ancestor appeared to save him from his own path of destruction

Kalmar2000 · Anime & Comics
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3 Chs

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Severus Snape had returned to spinner's end after the end of the Fifth year, devastated at losing his best friend.

He hadn't meant to say that word, he was just angry when she smiled as he was hanging in the air and he snapped at her. he tried to apologise but she turned down his apologies even after he waited outside her common room for one week,

he laid down in the bed of his room at home, hugging his knees.

He is alone now his mother had died in a car accident caused by his father... according to the police officers he was drunk.

Sometimes he wondered if he should just end it right here and now and join his parents. But then he didn't want to die either... because ... because he was coward to commit suicide....

Severus fell asleep while his mind was heavy with is thoughts of guilty and sorrow... what he didn't known, while he was asleep a figure that was observing him from the astral plane.

the man had a scarlet and black crown like helmet in scarlet suit with black tips, the man pulled severus consciesness from his sleep to the astral plane to have a talk with him...

" Severus " He found himself in a pink-red environment face to face with a strange man older than him. He was pale and had a long face, vibrant green eyes he was dressed in a tight red robes.

" hello severus my name is Randac the first king of the inhumans and your ancestor "

-----2 years later----

two years had passed since his first reunion with his ancestor, the man or inhuman belonged to a civilization created by the Kree empire, a alien civilization.

they were created to be soldiers... against the krees enemies the skrulls empire... but that is just history

Randac counseled severus that something things are not to be as they wanted and to learn from his mistakes.

teached him knowledge about the inhumans from scientific field to culture.

and lastly he trained severus developing in inhuman or nuhuman potential. thanks to his ancestry severus gained an enhanced condition far superior to the finest humans athletes and godlike psionics powers similar to his ancestor.

Randac explained that the only reason severus had obtained a power beyond the standart inhuman condition was because of his magic acting like the terrigen mist, so acording to randac his inhumans psionics and energy manipulation abilities will continue to grown has long as his magic grows.

Severus stared at the mirror in front of him to look at the result of his 2 years long

training with his ancestor Randac.

He was 17 years old now with his nose back to its original shape no longer broken while there were muscles present in all his body as he had developed an 8 pack due to the heavy training regimen Randac created for him. now he is not the scrawny boy from before... now he is now a lean and muscular young man that could make single womans fall to sin if he wanted.

His hair were cut to the head and were slicked back spiky as they were now grease free.

He wasn't presumptuous but he can say that he is a handsome man, if those girls always coming to stare at him in the restaurant he likes to eat he also worked at.

Ever since his first encounter with randac Severus decided to start fresh and reinvent himself which he began by withdrawing his name from Hogwarts and leave that asylum all together.

He then began using the Galleons from the Potions he sold to his acquaintaces of slytherin to convert them into Pounds and buy some new Muggle clothes such as jeans and shirt with jackets and get multiple jobs as a

construction worker to help train his physical condition.

Severus also took admittance in a nearby High-School and took entrance tests and passed with perfect scores due to the revision he did for them in the past 2 months in his summer.

Overall, he studied the field of engineering, biology, genetics, chemistry due Randac influence and surprisingly he liked and became a skilled engineer and scientist he even fixed his father Car's and selled it.

because the car only brings bad memories to him...

he found job in a oficine close to his home as a part-time job to hone his skill in mechanics, beyond making potions to sell.

However, he still was anti-social despite his many achievements, something that randac always points out...not out of arrogance but out of irritation upon aimlessly being annoyed by people and the result he had fewer friends, which was better than what he had at Hogwarts.

There was also the fact that he was hated by the jocks who tried to bully him for being a drunk's. let just say that after a fews beatings they stoped bothering him ...

And strangely they started inviting him to their partys. he tinks that they respect the strong.

Today, he had graduated from High School and received an offer to study engineering and biochimestry in havard on a Scholarship due to two scientific articles first about gravity, robotics and nano technology and the other about genetic and new ideas to treat genetic deseases he writed and publiced in a scientific magazine of london.

acording to them article truly revolutionary because it solved a lot of questions that the scientific and academic community had for a lot of time

Severus was still a Slytherin at heart and it would be against his nature to question such an offer as that.

He then stared away from the mirror, ending his musings and started packing is things in his suitcase.

in two years thanks to randac help he had also mastered the use of Non-verbal and Wandless magic and all he had to do was stop using his wand and train physically and mentally.

Soon enough, in three months he got a hang on it and later he became a master.

He wasted no time before wandlessly/Non-verbally levitating his clothes and putting them into his suitcase alongside his books on magic and science, toothbrush NEWTS results and all his wizards certifications as he didn't want to have problems with the MACUSA the most powerful magical country of the world.

All thanks to the extension charm and appareted to the airport.