
A Journey To Remember (Multiverse Story)[Yangred]

Unlike my other stories this isn't a commission starring my oc. this story actually belongs to on of my friends that went missing and haven't heard from since may 2020. before he disappeared he and I were working on a story together. so it hit me pretty hard to slowly notice he just stopped appearing online after a while. I just felt like posting and sharing his story that I enjoyed and was actually a part of his last project we both worked on before he disappeared. This story is about the misadventures of Dark the embodiment of darkness, as he traverses the multiverse.

Leekz01 · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs

Chapter Four

*Chuckle* This brat is weird...but I like it!

"Okay kid I accept ,but I warn you, if and your guild will bore me I'll leave"

"Ha! Then you don't have nothing to worry about, with us you'll always be in an adventure!"

"*Tsk*...cheeky brat...hey Light, change of plans, we are going with the kid to join their guild so hurry up and come here!"


"And for Fate's sake, can you outrun them already?! You are faster then them!"

"But I was having fun!"

"Just do it!"


Suddenly he surpassed us without even looking back

"Are you stupid?! Where are you going? The kid is the one to knows where to go, follow him!"

"Geez, calm down"

Every time I'm with that idiot, I can feel all my years on my back


"What are you guys laughing about?!"


"Good, then let's keep moving"

"Damn. he is just like Erza"



"Don't worry about it Lucy, one day I'll explain it to you, or maybe I will not have to"


One day later

The magic council, Era

"These idiots of Fairy Tail did it again! This time they destroyed half a port!" Shouted a caped wizard

"I quite like those bunch of fools, personally" Said a blue-haired man

"Indeed they are quite the fools, yes, but they've assembled many wizards of talent and ability" Answered an old man with an extravagant hat

"Indeed, so let's just leave them be, without those fools this world would be boring" Continued the blue-haired man

"*Sigh* Okay then, now that this problem has been resolved I would like to talk about another problem that has been discovered in the town of Hargeon" Said an old man with a wooden stuff

"Oh Cheirman, is this another problem caused by Fairy Tail? Because if..."

"No, this time it's not their fault. I found out, thanks to a messenger that some kind of portal opened in Hargeon and that two figures exited from it"

""...What?!Someone from Edolas is here!?""


Immediately the room got quiet

"We don't know, but that doesn't mean we shouldn't be careful, so if you find any information about these individuals I would like that you bring it immediately to me!"


"Good, then this meeting is finished"


In the meanwhile

"Here we are guys, welcome to Fairy Tail!"

*Urgh* We finally arrived, I can't believe it

""It's incredible!/Awesome!""

It seems both Lucy and Light are impressed, but I must say it's really a big building

"Are you ready Happy?"


What are those idiots thinking?

"Then let's do this!"



I don't think that normal people would open the door with a kick...

""Welcome back""

"Oi Natsu I heard you created another trouble, this time you destroyed half Harg-"




Yeah, I wonder that too Lucy

"That information you gave me was a lie, wasn't it?!"

"How would I know?! I've just told you some rumors that have been going around! It's your own fault that you misunderstood you idiot!"

"What'd you say?!"

"You wanna go?!"

*Sigh* What the hell?

"Now, now Natsu this isn't something to get-"


Oh look a flying cat

"Wow, I've actually made it to Fairy Tail! I can't believe it, I'm finally going to be part of one of the most powerful guilds in Fiore!"

Lucy...are you stupid?! There are tons of guys kicking the shit out of each other and you are day-dreaming?!


Wait, where is Light?

"ORA!ORA!ORA! Take this!"


"Damn that hurt! Well, now it's my turn!"

No...no...I...I joined a guild full of LIGHTs, I...I don't think I feel very good right now

"Ah?! So Natsu's back? Perfect, we are gonna finish what we started, Natsu!" Said a black-haired brat

"Gray...your clothes" Said a brown haired girl

"Shit! Not again!"

"This is why all the men here have no class"

"All this whining and crying before noon, what a bunch of babies, IF YOU WANNA TALK THEN TALK WITH YOUR FISTS!"

"He's actually encouraging them?!/He's actually encouraging them?!"

*Chuckle* It seems that Me and Lucy think in the same manner

"Outta of our way!/Outta of our way!"

And another one goes flying

"My, how noisy they are" I turn toward the voice and I find a brat with two women near him

"Hey brat if I were you I would-"


"Too late"

The brat then dusting himself off turns toward the women

"Girls, I'm gonna mix it up just for you all!"

"Kyaahh good luck Loke!"

And so Loke goes towards his death...

"What's with this pleace, there is not even a normal person here?"

"Oi, I take offense to that"

"Sorry apart from you Dark"

"That's better"

"Oh~ Are you newcomers?"

Both me and Lucy turn toward the voice and to welcome us is a white-haired girl

Wait, this girl...

Ability activated: Soul searching

Maybe I am seeing things

"Who the hell are you?" "Mirajane!"

Why these two are looking at me like that?

"What, do I have something in my face?"

"Dark, you don't know who she is?" "You don't know who I am?"

"Why, is it weird that I don't know her?"

"Well you see, usually people, especially the guys remember her after all she-"

"Hahahah don't worry about it, you said you were Dark-san right? Well my name is Mirajane, Mirajane Strauss, it's a pleasure"

"Yeah...me too"

"Um, are you sure it's okay not to stop them?"

Nice job Lucy

" Of course, they are always like this and anyway-"


Damn they got her right in the face

"-isn't it fun?"

Oh I can see her spirit trying to fly away, better pray for her

*Clap* *Clap*

"Mirajane-san?! And why are you praying?!"


Hey wasn't that the black-haired brat?

Oh, Lucy has flown away too, it seems today everyone is trying to be a bird

"My underwear! Someone catch it!"

Gross, brat, gross. I'm not going near that thing


Why is she shouting? He's only naked

"Miss, cold you lend me your under-"

"As if!"

Nice punch Lucy. I'll give you a 9

"These indelicate oafs are causing you trouble?"


Oh yeah he was the only one that hadn't flown away today

"Man talk with their fists!" "YEAH!"

Oh no...just no... Light has found someone with his same passion


Ok I think this is enough, I can't stand this chaos any longer

"Guys could you-" I tried to say

"Argh, you guys are so loud, I can't even relax and drink, I've had enough out all of you!" The brown-haired girl said activating her magic

"Guys, please-"

"Now you've done it Natsu" Said the black-haired brat activating his magic


"Roooooar" screamed? the muscled guy activating his magic too

"What troublemakers you are" said "Loke" activating his magic


"BRING IT ON" shouted Natsu making his punch take fire



"Finally, I couldn't stand this chaos anymore, now could you please shut up or I have to get mad?"





"*Chuckle* You handled it good kid, only saw them like that when Erza is here"

I turn towards the voice and I find a really short old man smiling at me

"Ara, you were here master?"


"Yes and I was going to intervene till this kid didn't stop himself this fight"

"Are you a new recruit kid?"

"Yes, I'm here with Lucy here and my...twin Light"

"Well my name is Makarov, glade to have you on board"

After that he jumped and landed...with his head on the hand rails before he recovered himself and turned toward the guild

"You have done it again you rascals. I received again a bunch of complains on paper from the council. Seriously all you can do is to make the council angry at me...however SCREW THE COUNCIL! Listen up, magic is an unreasonable power but is born from reason, it is the combination of the spirit that flows withing us with the spirit that flows within nature itself, incarnated in physical forms. One cannot progress in magic by being mindful of the watchful eye from above, be not afraid of the council and follow the path you believe in. That's what it means to be a Fairy Tail wizard!"



"Good and with this you are now a mage of Fairy tail Dark-san"

What's up with the -san?

"Thanks Mira"

"Y-you are welcome Dark-san"

"So, now that I am a wizard what can I do?"

"Well you can now accept different kinds of request, from those that have a big reward to those that give instead small reward"

"Hmm and what do you suggest?"

"Me? Well you are a beginner so I think something easy at first so that you-

"Damn it!" You turn and see a kid dashing for the exit crying

What was that about?


Turning toward the mission board you find Natsu punching it, then after that he takes his bag and begins to exit the guild

I look at the back of Natsu as he exit the guild

That kid...he is really a good person, to care about someone you don't even know, that it's not even part of your family...

"Hey kid!"

"Yeah Dark?"

"Good luck in helping the father of that kid, I know you can do it so I'll wait for you here" He looks surprised for a second, then he grins

"Ha! You can count on it" And with that he goes off

Good, now it's Lucy's turn, where is she? Ah, found her!

"Aren't you going with him Lucy?"

"What do you mean Dark?"

"*Sigh* There is no need to deny it, you want to go and help him too, so what are you doing here, go"

"I...you are right Dark, thanks..."

"See you... and try not to cause any trouble!"

"Geez, these kids are gonna be the death of me"

"Ufufufu~ you really care about them don't you Dark-san?" I turn and find a Mira looking at me amused

"I don't know what are you talking about"

"*Chuckle* There is no need to deny it Dark-san, I can see it clearly that you care about them"

"*Sigh* Think as you want woman, I don't really care"

"Ara~ Are you embarrassed?"

"What?! No!"

"Yes you are!"

"No, I'm not"

"Yes, you are"





...*Sigh* What the hell am I doing...

"*Chuckle* You are really funny Dark

*Background in the guild*

"Master, what are they doing?"

"Eheheheheh the pleasures of being young"

"Master, you are doing that creepy face again..."

"H-how dare you, my face is not creepy!"

"Sure it isn't..."

*Back to the conversation*

"We are behaving like children"

" Chucke* I think the only child here is you Dark-san"



"Don't use that -san, just call me Dark"

"O-ok D-Dark"

Why are her cheeks glowing red?

"But I must say Dark, you are quite bold"

"What do you mean?"

"What do I mean? Dark, you are making me call you with your given name without honorifics, usually only those who are-forget it"

Only those who are? What is she talking about?

"Dark, are you perhaps a bit dense?"

"What? What do you mean by that?" And why are you looking at me like that?

"Ah, that explains everything, don't worry about it Dark, now if you excuse me I have to return to work" And with that she walks off

...Girls are weird


After that talk with Mira, I was approached by that brat from before, what was his name again? Ah yes Loke and he seemed a bit pissed

"Hey newcomer, I want to talk with you, follow me" And with that he begins to walk and sit to a table

Well he seems pretty mad, better to talk with him

He spends two minutes just looking at me, and honestly it begins to creep me out so I decide to break the silence and ask him

"So brat what do you want to talk about?" Oh, his eyebrows is twitching, I think I made him more mad that before

"What do I want to talk about? Newcomer, do you know what did you just do?"

"Hmm... no?" Oh now both of his eyebrows are twitching, I thing he's gonna explode

"You made Mirajane-chan sad!"


"You were getting so along, then at the end you made her sad! I can't forgive you for-"

"Sorry to interrupt you but how did I make her sad?"


"Well first I asked her to call me Dark and not Dark-san-


"-and after that she told me that I was quite bold, but when I asked her what did she meant by that she answered asking me if I am a bit dense"

"And? How did you answer?"

"I asked her what did she meant by that and, instead of answering she just looked at me strange and walked away after saying that she had work to do"

...? Why he is not talking anymore? And why is he giving me a look full of pity

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Instead of answering he begins to cry

"Hey whoa, why are you crying?!"

"It's-it's just that I feel so sad for you"


"You...you are one of these people eh? Don't worry, even if you are like that I'll be your friend Dark, after all if you are like that you'll need a friend"

What the hell is happening?

"Well now that the problem is solved I can go now, bye Dark, and don't worry, one day I'll explain it to you!"

...What the hell just happened?


Ok, after that "talk" with Loke, I asked the master a place where I could train so that nobody could distract me, and he directed me to this place, a forest near the city.

I decided to train in my magic because at the moment I'm not really that strong and that fight in the ship proved that there are people out there way stronger than me so I began to train...

But the problem is that, while I was training someone had decided wisely to distract me and now I can't concentrate anymore, the only good thing is that that someone is now half beaten to death by me

"I said that I was sowwy..." Said the idiot

"And I said that I don't care, now for your fault I can't concentrate..."

*Sigh* Better to forget about it.

So is there a reason why you decided to come here?"


"Go on then"

"Well you see I got to know this fantastic guy here at the guild-"

"Let me guess, Muscle man?"

"How did you know?! Wait, his name is Elfman!"

...because you two are nearly the same person

"Don't worry about it, so what were you saying?"

"Ah yes, so I was with Elfman aka Muscle man and we decided to see who was the manliest man in the guild-"

... I don't know if to be amazed or scared about this thing

"-the only problem was that nobody could be the judge for our challenge because weirdly enough everyone run off-"

They are smarter that I thought

"-so I thought why don't I let my precious twin be the judge for this competition, so I asked the Master where you ran off to and he said that you were here

That bastard, he saved himself and the others by using me as a shield, I swear I'll make you pay Makarov! But for now it's better to save myself

"Listen here Light, I'm sorry but I can't-"

"Who has said that you have the right to choose?"

Shit, I have to run, now!

Fortunately he didn't expect that so I surprised him by running away, the only bad thing in all this is that I had to run from Light for all day till night so I couldn't train anymore.