
A Journey To Remember (Multiverse Story)[Yangred]

Unlike my other stories this isn't a commission starring my oc. this story actually belongs to on of my friends that went missing and haven't heard from since may 2020. before he disappeared he and I were working on a story together. so it hit me pretty hard to slowly notice he just stopped appearing online after a while. I just felt like posting and sharing his story that I enjoyed and was actually a part of his last project we both worked on before he disappeared. This story is about the misadventures of Dark the embodiment of darkness, as he traverses the multiverse.

Leekz01 · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs

Chapter Three

Some minutes later, after separating from Lucy, Natsu and Happy

Well, that was really fun, I hope to meet again these brat after all they are really fun, but now what do I do?

Well, I could always go and find Light


Pfft yeah sure, that guy can take care of himself...probably, let's instead explore this town, after all this is the first time I'm out here and I want to enjoy this as long as possible. Let's see, first I want to see what a " sea " is, they say that it's quite beautiful, after that I'll search the shops around here and finally at the end, I want to see if I can find a library around here

"Well, better to get moving"

Five minutes later...



I'm sure that I was going towards the so called"sea", then I got distracted for a second because I was watching the sky and sum, but after that I looked at it for too long I couldn't see anymore, then I began to panick and I began to run around until I could see again.

"And now I'm fucking lost, great, there's not even someone around here to ask for direction...wait, is that a library? Well, at least I can do something now, hell they might even be able to help to understand where I am right now"

And so I calmy walked towards the door and then I knocked


"Oi, is anybody in there?"


Seriously? "Come on, open up, I need some help!"


*Tsk* It seems there's nobo-

*Clank* *Thud*

"SORRY FOR THE WAIT, I WAS JUST-I WAS JUST... Huh? Nobody is here, but I thought that someone knocke-oh! Costumer, here you are, what are you doing on the ground?"

Woman, I'm going to kill you slowly

"Ah! Sorry mister costumer, please let me help you!"

"D-don't worry about it, can we please just enter into the library and pretend that nothing of this has ever happened?"

"O-oh, of course, thank you for your kindness dear costumer"


So right now I'm in the library and I'm waiting for the girl to finish "cleaning" some things, but I must say this place is really old and are those... plants? Wow, I don't know why, but I feel more at peace now



Startled by the noise I turn around and I find the girl from before on the ground with a couple of books around her

*Sigh* This girl is sure an airhead

"*Sigh* Not again..."

"Here, take my hand"

"Oh, thank you for your help kind costumer"



"My name is Dark, not costumer"

"Oh then you can call me Kyna" and with that she gave me a smile

"Hmm...So Kyna, why you were so surprised before?"

"T-that's because here at the library we don't receive many costumers due to his location, so I was pretty surprised when someone was at the door, b-but let's forget about what happened before, you are here because you want to buy a book, right cos- I mean Dark?!"

"...Yeah" she changed suddenly the moment she began talking about books

"Perfect, so what can I do for you?"

"Well I would like to see a book that can give me more information about the history of the world"

"Oh? Are you interested in history Dark?"

"Yeah, you could say that...wait, can you also find me a book that talks about magic?"

"Of course dear costumer!"

Quickly going toward the shelves, she began to pick some books while humming some sort of song

"So, these are the books that I personally think will help you with your problems"

"Hmm...let's see what we have here"


In the end I choose "The History of Dragons" because the talk I had before with Natsu made me a bit curios about them, so, as soon I saw that book, I asked Kyna to lend it to me so that I could read it. I spent an hour reading it, but in the end the information that I got was this:

More than 400 years ago, Dragons were the rulers of the land and humans were considered to be merely a food source for them. In the east, specifically Ishgar, Dragons lived in harmony with humans, while in the western countries Dragons were vile and attacked them. As the makings of an intense war were beginning to form, Irene Belserion, known in her country as the queen of Dragons, came up with the idea for Dragons to be able to pass on their Magic in order for humans to aid them in the war, later being known as Dragon Slayer Magic. However not all humans can maintain their sanity for long as three different adverse side effects began to contaminate the Dragon Slayers, including Irene.

Later, a Dragon proposed a truce between them, believing both species could live in harmony. This soon led to a civil war known as the Dragon King Festival between both factions: the pro-humans and their opposite. Eventually, some humans were taught Magic by the Dragons and were requested to join the war. Before long, the tide of the war shifted into the favor of the pro-coexistence faction. However, both sides overlooked a potential threat: the humans who were taught Magic by the Dragons. Many a Dragon were slain, and thus, the humans became known as Dragon Slayers. In one case, a Dragon Slayer killed many Dragons, both friend and foe alike, and bathed in their blood, and turned into a Dragon himself: the reputed Black Dragon and self-proclaimed Dragon King, Acnologia.

After finished reading I was gonna close the book, but then I found an old note after the last page:

"Dragons are extremely powerful creatures, so powerful, in fact, that a form of magic had to be created to combat them; their scales are so strong that, aside from Dragon Slayer Magic, no other form of Magic can pierce through them. This conceived notion does not, however, apply to Acnologia, who was unaffected by both regular and Dragon Slayer Magic. Dragons can also be wounded by their fellow Dragons.

Dragons are extremely intelligent; they are able to speak the language of humans and can thus impart upon them their knowledge, as well as communicate with them. Some, however, do not seem to be happy with making contact with humans, who they consider to be inferior, and ignore altogether. Some Dragons even think of humans as one of their food sources. Dragons also all possess the basic ability to perform Enchantments, which they do to bestow Dragon Slayer Magic upon humans.

Signed: Zariah Pendragon"

Pendragon? *Chuckle* Nice surname for someone who studies dragons, well better to give this book back to Kyna

And so with that I raised from my seat and calmy walked towards the entrance where I found Kyna working on some books

"Oh Dark! Already finished? Did you like it?"

"Yes and yes, it was really interesting especially the last note"

"Note? Ah yes, that's from my great grandmother, she was an adventurer and a mage. I heard from my grandmother that one time she even met a dragon, crazy right?"

"Yeah...crazy...anywayl I think it's time for me to go, I still didn't finish exploring this wor-I mean town"

"Really? Can't you stay for more?"

"Unfortunately I can't, but don't worry I'll come back"


"Oh? Is that a promise Dark?"

"Yeah, sure"

"Then I'll wait for your next time visiting, bye Dark!"

And with that I walked away, but I couldn't stop removing the feeling that maybe I would never be able to realize that promise


After reading the book, saying goodbye to Kyna and promising that some day I would return, I left the library and continued to explore the city. Only after two hours I found the sea and I was shocked from the view

"It's incredible..."

I could see the sea and the stars at the same moment and what's more the light of the stars were reflected on the surface of the sea

...If I stayed home I would have felt and seen all these things today...it seems that I need Light an apology, after all coming here wasn't such a bad idea

"Really nice...isn't that right guys?"


"Knew it... Wait, Happy, Natsu, what are you doing here?!"

They just scratched their heads in sync with a smile before answering me

"Well, we wanted to explore the town a bit and so we passed all the time-" But he stopped talking when he heard some girls

"Hey, did you hear, that over there is Salamander's ship!"


"Yeah, they say that he's the famous Fairy Tail wizard that came to town"



At the sound of surprise coming from Natsu I turn towards him

Damn kid, what a scary face

"Oi, you okay brat? You seem a bit pissed of"

Instead of answering, he turned toward the ship

Weird, he would usually get angry with me if I call him a kid, what's going-...oh damn it!


"*Urgh*...Sorry...Hey Dark"


Those eyes... they are the same of Light when he has a stupid idea in mind

"Would you like to come with me and crash a party?"

Hmm? What is this kid-...I see...

*Sigh* Fuck it, I'll do it

"Ok brat I'm with you"

"Great! Wait...you called me brat again!"

And he's back, great...

"Yes and?"

"That doesn't make any sense! You don't seem that much older then me!"

If you only knew brat

"True, but I am more mature than you"

"What is that supposed to mean?!"

You just proved my point brat*Sigh* Better to change subject if not we'll never "crash" this party

"Hey Natsu, could you please tell me how we can reach that boat? After all we can't fly over there"

"Heheheh, that's what you think!"


"Happy we'll be the one to take us there! Isn't that right partner?"


"Are you trying to tell me that that cat is strong enough to take us both over there?"


"I see...Oi cat!"


"Drop me and I'll make sure to cook you and then eat you, are we clear?"



"For a moment there I thought he was Erza"

"Aye m-me too"



"Hey you idiots, are you ready?!"


"Good then let's go"


P.O.V change: Lucy

What's the matter with this guy?!

Using magic for evil and tricking people!

So this is what it means to be a Fairy Tail wizard?!

"You are the worst kind of wizard there is!"


What? Who is in there? ...I can't believe it!

"Dark, Natsu!"


P.O.V change: Dark

I look around and find many women being carried by different men. But one girl caught my eye in particular


What is she doing in here?!

"Dark, Natsu!"

She seems really relived to see us, so that means that maybe she's not here because she wanted to

"Come on Natsu, we need to save her-are you throwing up again?!"

"*Urgh* S-shut up!"

*Sigh* This kid is really a pain in the ass, but for now it's better to concentrate about these guys. Wait, why all the girls are sleeping and are those tears near Lucy's eyes? Has she been crying?


"Uh? What did you say?"

"Who made her cry?"

"Well, I think that would be me"

I turn toward the voice and I find the same guy full of darkness from before. If I remember right his name is Salamander

"She kept talking about that wizards should not use their power to trick people or do something bad*Tsk* Like I care, it's thanks to magic that I can find so much merchandise"

"Wait with merchandise you mean..."

"Exactly, all these girls will be sold to Bosco"


"Once we reach that place they will be sold to the highest bidder..."


"And finally they will spend the rest of their life to serve their new master!"




Eyes of the Abyss (Lv.2)

You can show to those who deserve it what does it really means fear. Those who have enough courage to look in your eyes will only see their death and/or despair.

At this level it only works against those who have a weak willed mind. It work only against humans and animals. You can't use it against your allies.


In that moment all the man that looked at me became white as sheets and began to scream

"W-what is that?!"

"Monster! It's a monster!"

"Please, I beg you, let me live!"

"What's happening?! Why are you all idiots screaming?"

"W-what's happening? Dark, do you know why they are like that?"

"Sorry Natsu I don't know-"

It's best if you don't know kid

"But now is not the time to worry about them...Oi Happy, get Lucy out of here!"


"What?! No, hurry, capture her again. If she goes to the council we'll all be finished!"


"Hmm? Where do you think you are going? Natsu, you take care of Salamander. These guys are mine "

"Ok, but be careful, there are many of them" And with that he goes after that guy

Now let's see...who do I begin with?

"Guys don't worry, we are many while he is just one, we can defeat him!"

"Y-Yeah you are right, come on let's do this!"

"*Chuckle* You guys really think you can defeat me? Not only you made me mad, but now you are underestimating me... don't expect to walk out from this fight in one piece"

I begin to evade their punches and kicks, but it seem that I was the one that underestimated them. In the end, I was able to evade most of their attack, but some of them were still able to reach me

"Okay, now no more games now"

I immediately begin to run towards the mob of enemies but at least second instead of going in, I slide under the legs of the first guy and after that he fells I get up and evade a fist coming from my right. After that everything is a blur, I begin to kick and punch with everything that I have and in the end it seems that I am the only one still standing

"*Uff* Good...it seems I defeated everyone, now I just need to fin Natsu and...? Wait, what's that noise?"

I approach a window and what I see outside makes me scared, really scared

"Why is there a giant wave coming toward us?! Damn it, I need to run before it's too-"


... Damn that hurt...I don't understand where did that wave come from? *Sigh* better to forget about it and find the others

"So you are a Fairy Tail wizard huh?

Huh? That seems like Natsu's voice

"I never saw you and that's weird, after all I'm a Fairy Tail wizard"

Oh? That's an enteresting development

"What?! Is that true Happy?"

Hmm that voice... yeah it's Lucy and it seems she is with Happy, good that means that everyone is alright

"Not only you are a bad guy, but you also pretend to be from Fairy Tail, my family!"

"And what are you gonna do about it boy?! Prominence Typhoon!"


I get up immediately from the ground, but the same moment I begin to run towards him it was too late. The flames had hit im

"It was too easy"

You...! I'll make you-



"I can't belive how gross this fire tastes!"

How the hell? Is he eating the flame?

"Now that I've eaten, I'm all revved up. Are you ready?!"

"Roar of the Fire Dragon!"


H-he destroyed that ship with just one attack. Wait, he can eat flames and he also used a move called Roar of the Fire Dragon... is he a Dragon Slayer?

"Damn you mage of Fairy Tail!"


The same moment Natsu hit him with that attack, the man was immediately lanched away at cause of the force of the attack

...Wow, so this is the power of a Dragon Slayer...but didn't he go a bit overboard? He destroyed the entire port

*Thump* *Thump*

What is that noise?

I turn towards the street and I find a group of man following...


"Ah! Dark, please help me, this guys are following me since this evening!"

...How did he even...*Sigh*

"Don't worry, just come here and we'll explain to them-Whoa?!"

What the hell?! I'm being carried away! But who...?!

"Natsu, Lucy?!"

"Dark, we have to escape! These guys want to take us in prison!"

What? Why...oh yeah, maybe they are pissed about him destroing this entire area

"*Tsk* You are the one who did it, so why should they try to put me in prison?"

"Well, you were here with me, so maybe they would think that you alse caused some damage"

"...Kid, I hate you...anyway, that doesn't explain why I should come with you"

"Well Lucy here wants to join our guild, so I thought why don't you join us too?"


"It we'll be great and even your twin can join us, come on!"

Do I really want to join his guild?