
A Journey To Remember (Multiverse Story)[Yangred]

Unlike my other stories this isn't a commission starring my oc. this story actually belongs to on of my friends that went missing and haven't heard from since may 2020. before he disappeared he and I were working on a story together. so it hit me pretty hard to slowly notice he just stopped appearing online after a while. I just felt like posting and sharing his story that I enjoyed and was actually a part of his last project we both worked on before he disappeared. This story is about the misadventures of Dark the embodiment of darkness, as he traverses the multiverse.

Leekz01 · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs

Chapter Five

Well for now I think it's better to train, after all I'm still in the forest given that yesterday I was so tired that I fell asleep in the trees and so I couldn't return to the guild, but thanks to this, now I can finally train without that anyone may disturb me.

Training roll(Spell Crash) DC (40/80/100)

Your roll: 82 = Great success

I trained for hours, trying to understand this power that I gained when I came in this World. At first I could only destroy a tree with one punch, now with just one punch I can send a tree flying numerous meters, I can destroy boulders and I also noticed that my control over this spell has increased. Truly, magic is awesome.

Crash (Lv.3)

At this level the user can destroy a boulder and can send a tree flying numerous meters away.

- you can now control a bit this spell, so now you can use it for about 10 turns then you will damage the part of your body with which you are using your magic


Well it seems today is gonna be a good day, why? Well:

I didn't meet Light this morning

I could train in peace

I made great progress with my magic

Truly today is gonna be a good day

Ability activated: Soul searching!

W-what is this?! T-this darkness, this despair, I-I never felt so much darkness, this is wrong...Wrong! A normal human shouldn't have so much darkness...Where is it? Where is it coming from?!


I turn toward the voice and I find a human?

...God how much darkness this guy has? It's like a black sun that moves but instead of bringing life it brings...Death...

"Who are you?"

"Ah, where are my manners, usually...people call me the Spriggan Emperor but you can call me... Zeref and you, what's your name?"


"Dark? What an usual name, but I like it"

"Is there a point to all this brat?"

This guy...I don't like him

"Brat?*Chuckle*...It's been a long time since someone called me that, and yes Dark, there is a point to all this, I just want to ask you...What are you?"

This brat...

"You see, two days ago I was sleeping then suddenly I felt something weird for one second. It was short but in that one second I felt a darkness so strong...so deep that I felt a chill for a moment, so I decided to investigate the cause of this reaction, but when I reached the place where I heard that sensation you were not there, so I kept looking, and finally here you are, so let me ask you again... what are you?"

This brat is beginning to piss me off

"Hey brat don't you know it's rude to ask for information without giving any in return? I've never seen anyone... so vile in my entire life. So what are you? And if you want to know I'm Dark. Literally" I added with a glare

The brat looked at me surprised for a second then his face returned blank and said " Are you saying that you are the Darkness itself? The representation of all the Dark magic? Doesn't that mean that there are other representation of all magic? This is incredible I-"

This brat is making a monologue, better to stop him

"Brat stop you got it all wrong"

"? What do you mean?"

"I mean that I am the representation of the darkness that exist in every living being not of just a magic"

"! Are you serious?...Then prove it"

"?Prove what brat?"

"Prove of being what you claim to be, if you are the darkness itself then you can see what I am, right?"

"Brat, I don't even know if to call you human"

"...What do you mean?" ...He's getting angry, I can see it in his eyes

"You are like a sun, but instead of bringing life you bring death, also I can see desperation in you, I don't know what happened to you but it must be pretty bad" After saying all that I watch carefully the face of kid, it goes from shock to pain then it returns to be blank

"So you are really the darkness itself huh? Tell me, are you perhaps also immortal?"

? Why this change of subject? "Yes I am why?"

"Then you should know what kind of desperation I am living right now" What is this kid...wait...

"No...it can't be...kid please tell you are not-"

"An immortal, yes like you"


"You see, I was cursed"

"! A curse, but it's impossible no human or monster could have the power to create something like that"

"In fact it was a god that cursed me"


"H-how did you manage to anger a god?"

"I was trying to bring back to life my brother-"

"Kid are you serious? That's something you should never attempt to do"

"I know that! B-but he was my brother, I had to save him..."

Ahh why the good kids are always the ones who have to suffer the most?

"And? Did you save him?" He looked at me surprised for the change in my tone, but then he smiled and said

"Yes, yes I did"

"...Tell me is your immortality the only reason why you live with such despair?"

"No, the other reason it's because my course doesn't only makes me immortal, but it also causes me to exude a black miasma that instantaneously kills all life it touches and the only way to stop this is that I have to forget the value of life"

...this is crazy...

"How old were you?" He looked surprised to that question

"I think I was pretty young, maybe sixteen"

Damn, so young

"I'm sorry that you had to suffer like that"

"Don't worry it's not your fault, also I don't think I'll have to suffer for long"

"Why?" I asked

"Because my brother will kill me and put an end to my suffering"

...ok I think he went a bit crazy there

"Are you serious? You prefer to die?" He looked at me with a glare and asked

"And what would you do eh?"

"I would try to find a cure"

"Do you think I didn't try already to find something like that?"

...he is right, then what else can I do...wait

"Hey is this curse you are talking about a dark curse?" Please tell me that I am right

"Yes it is, why?"


"Because maybe I can cure you" This time he didn't bother to show his disbelief

"B-but how? This is a curse created by a god, it's not that easy"

This kid is trying to make me angry

"Kid look at me, I am darkness itself, NO FUCKING GOD CAN KILL ME, especially one that use DARKNESS to fight, so try to believe in me!" He looked at me with a bit of hope, the first time that I saw that in his eyes, but I can also see that he is insecure.

It seems I have to say that damn word


"Ok I'll believe in you...for now and if you can cure me, I'll be always in your debt... now if you excuse me I have to go if not I'll begin releasing miasma and given that I don't want to hurt you it's better if I hurry, goodbye Dark" And with that he goes away

"Bye brat" I say to the wind


With the problem now solved I decided to finally go to the guild and talk with Mira hoping that she's not still mad about yesterday even if I don't understand why.

The moment I enter the guild I find everyone talking, drinking or talking about what happened during their mission

"Maybe I should take a mission too..."

"You must"

Surprised I turn towards the voice and I find Mira giving me a not so nice smile

"What do you mean by that?" At my question Mira's smile grows larger

"Well you see your brother decided to have another contest against Elfman, but this time they decided to see who could eat the most, so now..."

Oh god please no



"Have to pay for him"


"H-how much?" Why I am so afraid?

"200,000 jewels" She said smiling


I think my soul just broke

"Just how much did they eat?" At my question Mira tilt her head an thinks about it

"Sorry but I lost count"

"I think that the next time I see him, I'll kill him"


"Why are you laughing?"

"Well your brother right now is suffering from all the food that he ate, so right now he's at the toilet"


"Hahahaha that's what you get you idiot!"

I think I heard a "Shut up", maybe it was my imagination

"Heheheh so Dark there is another reason to why you are here?" She asked curios

"Well yes, first I wanted to apologize about yesterday-" "Oh Dark there is no-" "Even if I didn't understand what I did wrong yesterday" I said bowing


? Why she is not talking?

"Mira?" I looked up and I saw that she was not there anymore

Weird, oh well at least I apologized... WAIT I FORGOT TO ASK ABOUT MY HOUSE!...I'll have to sleep in the woods again, damn it

*Meanwhile in another part of the guild*

"He's so stupid Cana"

"Leave him alone Mira, he's dense, even you said that"

"Yes I did but I didn't think that he was THAT dense"

"What can I say, man are like that"