

Chibi, son of Danuja (a rich businessman of Japan) wants to acquire the Oshima town (an island of 7 volcanoes). As Tokyo is developing rapidly, so is the production of waste material. Chibi, with his dominance in his father's business empire, is willing to take all the waste material of tokyo and other little cities of Japan and dump it into the volcanoes of Oshima. After Danuja comes to know about Chibi's plan, he recalls the dream he always had to destroy the Oshima town. Danuja's biggest enemy Eito. The tales of Rivalry between Eito and Danuja were known to the two generations of Oshima town. Eito had a past that has a part of him stained in blood. He has left all that behind and trying to live a normal life with his grandson Akio. When Eito comes to know about Danuja and Chibi's plan, he decides to take a stand for the people of Oshima as he knew that the biggest one of the seven volcanoes is still active and if the city waste gets dumped into it, the volcano may erupt again. Will Eito, while facing the demons from his past, succeed in protecting the people of Oshima? Will Danuja and Chibi, succeed in making their empire bigger? Only the fate will decide.

Sunnyy_Parkhi · Action
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11 Chs

Chapter 9. ULTIMATUM

March 1990, two months left for the new member of our family to come. But as they say, good times always pass with a blink of an eye and the bad times stay till those eyes shed tears. Danuja was so into the fraud that time. He was planning a huge scam in Oshima and leave from here to never return. He was planning to sell all that land at the outskirts of Oshima near the active volcano which is of no

use. He started searching for people who had less knowledge of lands and he manipulated them and took all the money from them to get out of Oshima. He knew that we won't listen to his bullshit so he didn't attempt coming to us. But some innocent people of the town got caught into his trap and I came to know about this.

I held an urgent meeting with those people and told them that the land is good for nothing and just a waste of money, the volcano may erupt at any time and resulting the lava to destroy those lands for good. As a respected citizen of this town I had to do this. Daisuke did not wanted to get into any sort of trouble, as he was going to be a father soon. Somehow Katsuki came to know about it and everyone in the town admired her. I with help of Katsuki helped all those people who were going to invest in Danuja's land deal. He later he suffered a major loss. Obviously he did not liked what Katsuki and I did.

Meanwhile, Daisuke was working as hard as he can to earn more and make his family secure. He started being tensed and not sleeping and eating properly, he was ignoring me and his wife. Katsuki knew that it's the time he needs her the most. She went to him -

Daisuke - (tensed) It's better we don't talk right now, I am tensed and I don't wanna argue with you in this condition of yours.

Katsuki - so now you are telling me that I shouldn't talk to my husband.

Daisuke - It's not like that. I just don't wanna trouble you.

Katsuki - let me come to the point, you are doing great my dear husband. You are giving your best to make our future secure I know and I'm pretty sure that you are gonna do that well.

Daisuke - I don't think so. There is not much sale in last few months.

Katsuki - there are ups and downs, that doesn't mean you should lose your hope and sit idle. That may end up having nothing in your hand. Do it for the baby. Do it for us. We are in this together love.

Daisuke - from where do you bring this optimism? I don't know what I would have been doing now if you weren't with me.

Katsuki - (laughs) trust me, I'm lucky for you.

Daisuke - indeed you are. I love you.

Katsuki - well, that's nice. Me too.

It was september, Akio had entered in our world. We all were so happy. But volcano had erupted one month before and it most of the farms and fields were vanished by the lava at the outskirts of Oshima. Glad everyone is safe,

most of the land which Danuja was making a deal of, vanished. The people got angry of keeping them in dark and trying to take their money, all the people of Oshima decided to kick Danuja and his family out of the town and they did so. But before getting kicket out, he was seeking for revenge with me and my family. One day, I was busy in what I do daily, making the axe. I saw Danuja coming at our place. He saw me and stopped in front of me.

Danuja - I know what you it's all because of you. Did I do anything wrong with you.

Eito - All I know is, I wont let you make a base of your palace with innocent people's money. Not even a single penny.

Danuja - you look after the entire Oshima, but who will look after your family?

Eito - oh that shouldn't bother you.

Danuja - You are a hunter, aren't you. But I will hunt your family down. I can kill your family right at this moment but I won't do that. I want you to be in complete fear of mine that when I will come for your family. You pulled me back where I started. I will definitely thank you with my return gift. Till then, enjoy the fear.

(Saying that much Danuja went away.)