

Chibi, son of Danuja (a rich businessman of Japan) wants to acquire the Oshima town (an island of 7 volcanoes). As Tokyo is developing rapidly, so is the production of waste material. Chibi, with his dominance in his father's business empire, is willing to take all the waste material of tokyo and other little cities of Japan and dump it into the volcanoes of Oshima. After Danuja comes to know about Chibi's plan, he recalls the dream he always had to destroy the Oshima town. Danuja's biggest enemy Eito. The tales of Rivalry between Eito and Danuja were known to the two generations of Oshima town. Eito had a past that has a part of him stained in blood. He has left all that behind and trying to live a normal life with his grandson Akio. When Eito comes to know about Danuja and Chibi's plan, he decides to take a stand for the people of Oshima as he knew that the biggest one of the seven volcanoes is still active and if the city waste gets dumped into it, the volcano may erupt again. Will Eito, while facing the demons from his past, succeed in protecting the people of Oshima? Will Danuja and Chibi, succeed in making their empire bigger? Only the fate will decide.

Sunnyy_Parkhi · Action
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11 Chs

Chapter 10. THE LOSS

November, the month of our shinto festival. All the people of Oshima were excited, they were meeting and cheering in joy. Kids were having fun in the carnival. Me and Daisuke were out of the house, Katsuki was looking after baby

Akio. We were getting late so we started walking towards home. Katsuki was wearing a Kimono (japanese outfit), holding Akio in her arms. She heard footsteps coming her way inside the house. She turned back, it was Danuja

holding a knife in his hand.

Katsuki - (instant shock) ugghh what do you want?

Danuja - well lemme tell you the truth, I just came to take away your baby. Give him to me.

Katsuki - (angry) are you out of your mind?

Danuja - I am gonna tell you a short story. I am a husband whose wife thinks that he is a loser and the wife leaves the husband one day. My wife thinks I am not rich enough to fullfil her wishes. She ran away with another man

leaving this letter behind.

Katsuki - your wife just used you for the money and when she realised that you won't be enough for her she chose someone else over you. It's her fault. Why are you blaming yourself and becoming self destructive. There is lot of life left Danuja, we will help you out. We and the people of Oshima will do something for you. Trust me.

Danuja - (crying) are you serious? You all will help me.

Katsuki - yes for sure, my friend.

Danuja - Daisuke is really lucky, he got a companion like you. You are so sweet. I am sorry that I thought of taking your son away.

Katsuki - (sighing in relief) it's okay Danuja

Danuja - ( in anger) I should kill you. Just imagine the pain Daisuke and Eito will suffer when they see your corpse. Wait, it's not at all Daisuke's fault, why should he live and suffer alone. He should also die in peace. The one who will suffer should be Eito.

Katsuki - (crying) ohh god I beg you, don't do this to us. Please.

Before Katsuki could say anything, Danuja slit her wrists with the knife in his hands, Akio fell down from her arms. And she too fell off on the floor and started screaming in pain. Daisuke and I were out of the house heard her scream and started running towards home and we saw Danuja coming out of our house. I was in complete shock when I saw Katsuki's wounded hand near

the door. Daisuke couldn't bear this and started running towards her and when Daisuke ran towards the door, Danuja threw the knife at him and that got stuck in Daisuke's chest And he too fell on the ground, near the door craving for one last hug with his wife and kid. I ran towards Daisuke and held him in my laps, took the knife out of his chest and I screamed at Danuja. Till then he had held that axe and I ran towards him to rip him apart. Before I could do anything he chopped off my right arm from

the shoulder, I screamed in pain and I had a knife in my left hand, I moved that in air two times and the third one got Danuja's lips sliced, It gave a huge cut on his face and lips. He saw the other people of the town running towards him

and he dropped that axe and ran for his life and he never returned since then. This, was a major loss to our family.