

Chibi, son of Danuja (a rich businessman of Japan) wants to acquire the Oshima town (an island of 7 volcanoes). As Tokyo is developing rapidly, so is the production of waste material. Chibi, with his dominance in his father's business empire, is willing to take all the waste material of tokyo and other little cities of Japan and dump it into the volcanoes of Oshima. After Danuja comes to know about Chibi's plan, he recalls the dream he always had to destroy the Oshima town. Danuja's biggest enemy Eito. The tales of Rivalry between Eito and Danuja were known to the two generations of Oshima town. Eito had a past that has a part of him stained in blood. He has left all that behind and trying to live a normal life with his grandson Akio. When Eito comes to know about Danuja and Chibi's plan, he decides to take a stand for the people of Oshima as he knew that the biggest one of the seven volcanoes is still active and if the city waste gets dumped into it, the volcano may erupt again. Will Eito, while facing the demons from his past, succeed in protecting the people of Oshima? Will Danuja and Chibi, succeed in making their empire bigger? Only the fate will decide.

Sunnyy_Parkhi · Action
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11 Chs

Chapter 8. UNRAVEL

After Danuja and Chibi were out of town, people started being afraid of his attack on the Oshima town and dumping all city's waste in there. But Eito's house was filled with silence. There was Eito himself, Akio and Kaori. No one

said anything for some minutes and then seeing Eito emotional, Akio got up

and sat down near his legs -

Akio - what happened grandpa?

Eito - (wiping tears) what's the date kid?

Akio - November 30, 2010. What's the deal grandpa?

Eito - hmm. It was August 1989.

Akio - I didn't get you?

Eito - Let me tell you.

(Eito starts narrating the entire past)

August 1989, Oshima was green everywhere. Everyone was so joyful and cheered up all the time. Entire Oshima gave a happy vibe to everyone each day. I was a hunter at that time. I knocked out many wild bulls and also encountered with a couple of tigers in the town.

Everyone was happy. I had a beautiful small world of my life as a family. My son Daisuke and his newly wedded wife. They were so into each other. Daisuke was a carpenter. He used to make tables, chairs and stuff for

entire Oshima and people of Oshima used to pay me for killing wild animals toprotect their farms. Danuja was a land dealer at that time. His son was nearly three to four years old. He and his wife always used to have some issues with each other. Danuja was mad for money. Because his wife was never satisfied with what he had in

the house. So he made that land dealing into a fraud business. He started to thug people in the name of profitable land and less price. He started losing his

respect in everyone's eyes in the town. He was not so into the money business. All he needed was power to dominate people. There were many good things happening and some brawls too, that happens everywhere.

By the way our home was so different than others. Because we had Katsuki in our house, your father's wife. She was good at everything, managing our house, taking care of me. Her hands were magical in case of food. And she also used to guide your father in case of money matters and regarding work issues.. She made our house, home. I still remember the taste of rice balls she made. Daisuke and I were so in love with those rice balls which Katsuki made. She completed our world. She was a blessing for Daisuke. He lacked confidence always, Katsuki was the one who cheered him up all the time. She believed in him.

I was fascinated with making new kinds of axes. So I was making my best and strongest axe till date outside the house and Daisuke was busy in finishing work of his making huge table. Katsuki shouted Daisuke's name for a couple of times and Daisuke ran inside to see what had might happened,

Katsuki seemed completely fine. Daisuke asked her -

Daisuke - what happened, are you alright?

Katsuki - you are asking wrong question. You should ask " is everything alright with you both?"

Daisuke - (confused) who's there with you. Nobody, it's just. (thinking) ohhh wait a minute. Whaaat...????

Katsuki - (blushing) yeahh . We are going to be four.

Daisuke - (emotionally happy) god, I'm so happy today

(after saying this, Daisuke kissed her forehead with happy tears in his eyes)

Katsuki - is that for me or for the baby.?

Daisuke - you already had it enough, it was definitely for the baby.

Katsuki - damn you , I Hate you.

Daisuke - yeah, so do I. Let this baby come, i will give him your place.

Katsuki - haha, that's not possible. You are so in love with me.

Daisuke - okay, you win.

Daisuke came to me and told me the news. We were so happy, I was going to be a grandpa soon.

Daisuke and I called each and every house in Oshima and gave a small treat to our beloved neighbours and friends. God, we were so happy. Everything seemed perfect as a fairytale.