
Chapter 4

5:30 a.m the city seemed like its getting up from it slumber, you can see a few cars bustling by , if you look closer you can see a couple of joggers , if you look even closer you can see a beautiful youth wearing a uniform doing a hand-stand off of a ledge of a building. You might asking if this youth insane, lost his marbles, did someone replaced his brain with a coconut filled with marbles....green marbles might I add . Don't ask me I'm just the narrator of this tale.... a lonely, sad narrator huuuh.

Hyuk Pov

I can feel the strong ripples of the wind brushing against my body huuh.... life is so boring no one would understand my pain. Because of my max out intellect its hard for me not to feel bored so doing thing like this makes me feel alive. I slowly start a one-hand stand a start to smile then 'ringing' I sigh huh time for school. As I got to my feet and stretch a little while collecting my things and putting it in my bag.

I smirk "time for some parkour", I slowly start to back up , then with a powerful burst of speed I ran. My feet hitting the ground as I sped to the edge of the building and launched myself 12 feet in the air with the wind flapping in my face. I did a landing roll on the next building as I can't help but think "This is to fun".

Narrator Pov

7:00 school as started and people are hurrying in their classrooms and if you look in one classroom all the girls and including the female teacher are doing their makeup. "Oh my god he's almost here ",one girl starts to freak out . "Shut up bitch you don't want to scaring him away with that big ass mouth of yours" harshly whispered another. The door slide open and in came a prince like figure with kind eyes and smile.

"Huh I'm way too handsome for my own good"Hyuk narcissisticly thought. While he walked past while all the girls gushed and the guys glare. He coolly sat in his seat and saw his childhood 'friend' Byung-soon. She shot of icy look at him and said " What are you looking at sociopath". Without a blink of an eye Hyuk showed a 'sad' look in his "Wow that saddens me Byun-soon with all of our history together". "What a bitch" "Arrogant hoe" "She is just mad that she is number 2 and will always stay that way". All the girls around them started to hiss out mean comments. Byung-soon didn't even blink unaffected she took of her textbooks and quietly wait for the teacher to arrive.

Entering the classroom was the teacher but she was not alone she awkwardly asked " Hyuk this police officer has some questions for you ". Everyone in classroom became quiet even Byung-yoon had a change in face . The rough middle aged police officer coughed and calmly said"It's nothing to be worried about just some simple question". Everyone mostly the girls sighed with relief "Sure officer I'll gladly answer your question" Hyuk replied with a handsome smile. And calmly walked out the classroom. "Officer the question you want to ask me was?"."Oh yes I want to know if you know any Ae-young?"......roses are red, violets are blue, to find out more ummmm go eat some glue???

If your wandering why the feeling of the story is changing that is because I evolving from loser writer to ok writer

Smellyfoot101creators' thoughts