
Chapter 5

Hyuk showed a 'sad' smile "Yes I heard of her..... she was the classmate that killed herself right?"The middle aged police officer scanned his face quietly to find a changed look, a sign of guilt but he didn't find any and he was already late for work ."Oh well thank you very much and here is my card with my number call if you change your mind"The police officer calmly said. Hyuk glanced at the card " Have a good day Mr. Jae-beom "he replies with a bright smile.

As the Jae-beom turns around to walk away something he saw froze him......a smirk on Hyuk face,... it was for a split second but he saw it. "Excuse me but what are you-"He was getting ready to ask but "May I help you officer " A bald glasses wearing teacher came up ask. "No.....nothing I was getting ready to leave " Jae-beom hesitantly replies.

Seoul, Gangnam Police station

Jae-beom was sitting at his desk quietly thinking when 'SMACK ' he jerks up surprised. "Chief wwhat's going on "he asked timidly. "Oh nothing I'm just wandering why my best officer is day dreaming"The chief responds with a 'smile'. Jae-beom quickly did a standing salute "No sir my 100 percent focus is serving the people of Korea"he responds loudly.

"Aissshhh your way to loud for your age"The chief replied while quickly walking away and picking his ears. Jae-beom lets out a sigh and sits back down while checking his phone.

Back at Joongdong Highschool

It was lunch time everyone was bustling going to their groups of friends, or running to be the first to buy bread. When a wild bruised looking youth walked in "Oh look it's Dong-won" "Wow someone actually beat that maniac" all the student walked around him,... it was like Moses and the red sea. Dong-won coldly glanced at his so called 'classmates' and walks into his classroom. When he walked through the door everyone went silent. "Boss" "Dong-nim " "Honey" everyone one of them shouted while crowding him.

"Boss why did you go after Hyuk and his crew alone" a shaved headed boy cried out. "Yeah do you know how dangerous that was " a scarecrow like figure also said. "Did that bastard Hyuk do this to you face honey?" a pretty but delinquent looking girl ask. Dong-won ignored everyone and went to his seat. He processed to lay his head down the desk and close his eyes. "OK everyone clear out boss is in a bad mood " The scarecrow boy announced. The surround people all nodded and cleared out. Dong-won noticed they were gone let out a single tear and softly said "Ae-young I'll kill that bastard Hyuk just wait".......find out on the next episode.

UUMMM I'm not sure if I'm doing a good job, don't hesitate to comment telling me my mistakes or some ideas of where i should take this story. Well that is all I hope you enjoyed reading.

Smellyfoot101creators' thoughts