
Chapter 3

??? Pov

Where am I .... all I see is nothing, "@#$#@&^&" , huh what is that noise? "2$^&^*%^&*" what the hell is that, "@#$oppa@$#@$#%wake@$#$#up".Who is that calling me??? "Oppa wake up ",the sobbing noise begging. Who is- Ae-young "AE-YOUNG WHERE ARE YOU!", I desperately cry out realizing my sister is crying out my name. "Oppa where are you " she sobs out. "Ae-young where are you!!!". I dash toward the sobs "OPPA HE'S COMING!! " she screams. My heart drops "nononono", I run faster "AE-YOUNG WHERE ARE YOU!?!"I scream out. "OPPA SAVE ME!"she screeches frightened.

There I see a door "AE-YOUNG I'M HER-"i cry out but something stops me dead in my tracks. She..... She is on the ground covered in blood. "AE-YOUNG!!! " I scream my hearts feels like it is getting stabbed with thousand needles. I stumble over and embraced while sobbing for a few minutes when I heard " It's all your fault....you should have protected me.....you failed". I break out to a cold sweat , trembling I slowly pulled her away to see it. A huge smile on her face with missing eyes "AaAAAAAHHH"...

Policemen Pov

I"m waiting for the kid to wake up huuh.... my wife is going to be pissed passed 8:30 . I better get ready to leave "AAAAHHHH" the kid hollers jerking up. Fuck that scared the shit out of me .....It took a couple of minutes to calm him down"Are you okay now" I asked carefully. " Yes thank you very much " He says while getting up to bow. " No NO ssit down its okay haha" I laugh awkwardly scratching my head. He goofly laughed too huh what a cute kid not as wild as he looks. "Now do you want to tell me what happened.....did that gang of kids jump you" I asked carefully . "No ...just one"He says timidly but with hatred in his eyes. " Who " I can't help but asked "Who beat you up". The boy paused for a moment "The guy who killed my sister"......find out more on findoutmore.com

If anyone is wondering bad guy mc

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