
Chapter 2

Random Pov

"God it's cold", I whispered , my hands feel numb, the only way to stop it is to keep clenching and unclenching them. I can't help but sigh with relief when the train finally pulled to a stop . When the doors opened and I saw him, .... a beautiful prince like boy exit the train. Maybe I'm paranoid from my work as a detective but this guy gives me a bad feel as he and his gang of friends walk past me smirking. Wait a moment ..... I quickly look at my watch its 4:00 why isn't there a crowd of people exiting. I rushed in the train and I saw an unconscious bruised up looking boy on the floor. I quickly scanned the train everyone looking fearfully at the exit . I can't help but look back and thought did they do this to him. I shake my head and rushed to the boy, pulling out my phone I called an ambulance.

Hyuk/Mc Pov

" Wow that guy is to persistent ", I thought while coolly walking,"I already maxed out Athletics meaning all my physical abilities are at the highest limits as humanly possible and with max Intelligence I easily mastered a couple of martial arts huh man life is so easy". I turned and saw the pretty girl those pawns were talking about and thought," Why not I have the time". And I walked over and said .......... Find out next on Mario kart 101

Another chapter because why not

Smellyfoot101creators' thoughts