
Chapter 1 or Sample 1

Seoul, Korea

"Damn look at this body", whispered a burly rough looking student. "Dude she looks like a kpop idol", pretty-boy looking student 2 whispers back. Number 2 looks hesitantly next to himself," Right Hyuknim you can easily get this girl with your looks". Student 1 nods his head quickly in agreement " Please boss we don't have your godly good looks". The devilishly handsome youth next to them smirks and thinks" Status".

Appearance: Max

Intelligence: Max

Athletics : Max

"Sure why not it's not like we have better things to do", He responds with a smirk. Before he gets up the door on the train slams open " HYUK YOU BASTARD I KNOW YOUR HERE", a handsome but wild looking youth screams. Everyone on the train jumps from the noise and quickly looks over. "Dude you seriously have issues man didn't I -", yawns Hyuk in boredom but interrupted with a sucker punch. He leans his head in the right moment for it to miss. Hyuk smirks and threw a lighting quick punch of his own ...Find out next time on Dragon ball Z

Hi beginner writer but level 100 novel reader. I created this novel because I'm tired of boring modern day system novels involving singing and acting. And there will not be supernatural entities. There is no skills list in status because that is retarded. If the mc wants to learn something he will learn quickly because of max intelligence. And as you noticed already he maxed out all of his stats if you don't like piss off. Lastly I'm writing for fun so I'm not going to be consistent. Thanks

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