
A good guy in Jujutsu Kaisen

A guy reincarnated in Jujutsu Kaisen. But, he did not met god. MC will be a good guy, saving people and stuff. So, if it is not your cup of tea, you are advised.

Embra · Anime & Comics
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10 Chs

Chapter 5

Chapter 5

"I am sorry to bring you here forcibly but, I want to make a deal with you, young sorcerer."

To say that Embra is wonder-struck is an understatement because he still feel himself dreaming to see a woman of divine beauty and a serene voice that is no doubt how a goddess voice would possess, in his opinion.

"I am but, a apart of my own being. Someone interfered in my ascension to godhood and I lost a part of my soul, trapping it in a cursed flower nearby. Unfortunately, my main being has already ascended to godhood, thus, completely discarding a part of soul that is trapped in a cursed flower that you saw being devoured by the cursed spirit."

Embra has no idea what she is talking about but, he at least get the general idea. So, he continue listening while ignoring about the fact that he was dragged forcibly to this plane of existence in his spiritual body which looks almost transparent in the place they are in.

"I asks of you, please don't let me be devoured by the cursed spirit or I will lose this soul before my main self found a way to re-absorb back."

Looking at the woman asking for help from him, Embra feels compel to helps as he always did in his whole life. However, he is literally on the verge of death and he knows it; he knows he can do or not. So, he answered apologetic to the woman in front of him who almost looks like begging,

"As much as I like to help you, I see no way how I can help you. I can feel that the moment I go back to my body, I will die; if not because of my injuries, then by that cursed spirit attacks. So, sorry." (Embra)

Hearing him, the woman in front smiles satisfied before coming near him and offer him the 'blue spider lily' flower that the cursed spirit was holding.

"I am really glad to hear that. Your desire to help me is genuine enough for me to trust you. So, let's make a pact with me. I will give you all the Curse Energy the flower has adsorbed over the millennium and guide it to heal you and makes you stronger. In return, I ask that, .... "

".. HAHAHA..." (Embra)

'This is hilarious. I was prepared to die just a moments ago. Readying myself to embrace the death and stuff, and this woman here offers to heal me back and even makes me stronger??? HAHA. What a cheap joke.' (Embra's thought)

Embra laughs wholeheartedly as he finds the situation hilarious. However, he do not see himself at the disadvantage in the deal that the woman proposed. Sure, he is not yet experienced when dealing with the cursed spirit and the binding vows but, he had a hunch that it would be a shame to not make a deal with the woman right now and choose death.

"Alright. Why not. It sounds good. But, let me remind you one thing. I made a self-binding vow to save people who I can save. So, as soon as you force me to go against my vow, I will cancel the deal with you." (Embra)

"Yes, it is perfectly fine. Now that the pact is concluded, let me introduce myself. I am Konan, pleased to make your acquaintance." (Konan)

The smile of the woman do not waver. No, in fact she seems happy, more like, satisfied with Embra condition. Embra who sees that made his choice and accepts the flower which goes inside his chest as soon as it touches his hand.

That moment, Embra's whole spiritual body was filled with overwhelming pale blue energy that starts to combine with the measely amount of dark yellow energy in Embra's spiritual body before becoming golden colored energy very quickly and make him feels omnipotence, like he can literally do anything at the moment.

'This feeling... Ah~ Damn. This feels good. I feel like I can do anything right now. Haha. I am starting to understand how Gojo feels when he come back from death. Our situation of coming from death may differ but, this sense of omnipotence...' (Embra's thought)

While still feeling omnipotence, his spiritual body is returned to the physical body with a wave of the woman's hand and at that moment, Embra saw a glimpse of the 'core of cursed energy'.


*Burst* *BOOM*

The cursed spirit who is about to hit Embra's hit to obliterate it completely was thrown back by the golden aura that exploded out from Embra's body, catching him off guard before looking at his upper left hand that now feels like something missing.

"!!! What?! The flower! Where is the- !" (CS)

Confused, he looks around for the flower before landing his sight on Embra who is already getting up while his injuries are healing at the fast speed.

"No! No, No, No! You BASTARD!!! Give it back!!" (Cs)

It is no surprise that the cursed spirit roars out because the flower which he spent centuries looking for and almost devoured it at a moment ago is now absorbed by the sorcerer in front of him who got in his way to ascension. The flower that is supposed to help him in his ascension, the energy in it that is supposed to make him stronger, and the soul of the flower which will push him to his next evolution is now completely assimilated by a sorcerer who did not even know the existence of the flower till now.

Realizing that it is now no longer possible for him to get the flower back, the cursed spirit is beyond furious. He is beyond angered, which comes to show through the absurd amount of killing intent that is almost crushing everything around him, except Embra who is unaffected completely because of feeling the overwhelming amount of CE flowing through his entire being.

"YOu!!! YOU, trash. I will fu*ing destroy you!!! Your soul won't have a chance to reincarnate when I am done with you, TRASH!!" (CS)

Slowly, Embra begins to open his eyes that are now sharper and more powerful than it was. He checks his whole body that is now completely recovered from its near-death state. However, before he can adjust to his situation, a huge amount of CE in front of him caught his attention.

"Domain Expansion: Demonic Hell Temple" (CS)

With a calm expression, Embra observe how the cursed spirit is constructing 'Domain Expansion' with immerse quantity of CE, which comes to manifest in the form of a literal hell on earth with a ground that is crying a horrible scream, the surrounding that is corroding Embra's clothes quickly and a more demonic version of the cursed spirit.

To say Embra is impressed is more than an understatement because unlike before, he can now sense the flow of curse energy clearly and he saw how the domain expansion is constructed efficiently, in a controlled manner and how the innate technique of the CS is embedded into the domain.

'How beautiful. His flow of CE is much much more efficient than mine from before. The way he embedded his innate technique is also impressively done. Domain expansion, huh? It is not impossible for me right now to attempt it but, in front of his refined domain, mine won't last now. So, I have no choice but, to defeat him in his home ground.' (Embra's thought)

As soon as Embra's observation ended, he quickly claps his hand to activate his technique which manifest a giant standing Buddha Golden statue with 30 hands with many joints in each hand. Embra feels himself being able to control the hands more efficiently than he has ever done before and while he is marveling at the fact that he has broken through his bottleneck, the cursed spirit is seething in anger.

"Bastard!!! Taking away the result of my centuries worth of work is not enough, you are standing up to me with the power that is not your own??!! I will f** kill you. There won't even be a speck of your whole existence left. RRGHHHH!" (CS)

'Angry at me now, ei? I can understand your frustration of seeing the fruit of your labor being taken away by a complete stranger. I feels sorry for you. I would have been happy for you if you had good intention with the power you will gain but, unfortunately you are not. So, at least, I will sent you off with good intentions. May you reborn in next life with good purposes. 100-Type Guanyin Bodhisattva; first hand' (Embra's thought)

The battle starts with a giant golden Buddha hand that attacks vertically to the cursed spirit who is aiming for the torso of the Buddha where Embra is. Normally, in a domain, the opponent would feel various domain effect as soon as one is inside one but, Embra's technique protected him from all of them because his technique, the golden Buddha statue is basically CE in a Buddha form.

No matter the technique, it is useless, if it can't penetrate the CE of the opponent and this is what exactly happening currently with the battle of Embra and the cursed spirit. Because of the domain, the cursed spirit become three times stronger in terms of overall abilities at the cost of his own CE burning away at a fast rate.

Nonetheless, the battle was never in his favor. Every attacks he made, every golden hands he destroyed, every part of golden statue he destroyed whether by close quarter or domain attack, he was attacked back at the double strength. No matter he he do, he was never able to get to Embra who is inside the golden statue, which is tough like an invincible mountain.



Embra looks pitifully at the frustrated cursed spirit in front of him, who is repeatedly hitting the torso of the golden statue with bloody hands while the domain is crumbling away because of the lack of support of CE. While looking at the cursed spirit with pity, Embra realized a lesson, a lesson that he will not forget.

'Just five minute ago, I was on the verge of death. He was overpowering me. Defeating me with ease. But, now, the tables has turned; just because I was there at the right time, at the right situation. If Konan was not there, if I had met the cursed spirit at the normal circumstances, I would be dead, without a doubt.

Alas, it seems, I was not fated to die today. But, I learned a valuable lesson, if I want to realize my goal of wanting to help as many people as I can, I need overwhelming strength to back it up. There are many ancient cursed spirit like him and this will definitely be not the last time I see one. I need to get stronger.

Thank you, Mr. Cursed Spirit. I will curve this lesson in my heart. You once show me mercy to kill me painlessly. So, let me return the favor along with a prayer. May you reborn in a good life.' (Embra's thought)

Putting his hand together, Embra prayed from the bottom of his heart before deactivating his statue, making the cursed spirit stumble. The moment he then looks up at Embra who is closing his eye, seemingly praying, the cursed spirit feel boundless hate, and anger, which makes him run at Embra at full speed to kill him, only for him to be embraced by a warm set of hands from both side and before he can do anything, he heard the words of sorcerer who he wanted to kill with everything he has,

"May you reborn in a good life." (Embra)

'100-Type Guanyin Bodhisattva; zero hand' (Embra's thought)


WHile being embraced, the cursed spirit perished from existence by a blast of pure CE from the mouth of Buddha statue that appeared behind the cursed spirit without his knowledge.