
A good guy in Jujutsu Kaisen

A guy reincarnated in Jujutsu Kaisen. But, he did not met god. MC will be a good guy, saving people and stuff. So, if it is not your cup of tea, you are advised.

Embra · Anime & Comics
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10 Chs

Chapter 6

Chapter 6

After the fight with the cursed spirit, Embra was seen taking a rest in one of the changing room of Gym while asking his friend, William, on phone, about what happened to the school by giving excuses that he is on a date with a senior, outside school.

Turns out, the fight between Embra and the cursed spirit reaches to the extent that it was reported as an alien spaceship crashing while the occasional 'booming' sounds were assumed as signs of its soon explosion and Embra's last attack that created a loud explosion sound was regards as the destruction of the ship.

Embra almost laughs out loud at his unusually enthusiastic friend who is almost frantically explaining things. Though, inside, Embra is genuinely happy that no one was hurt in their fight as the fight happened at a nearby forest where chunks of earth and tree roots can be seen everywhere like a literal spaceship getting crashed, though there is no fire, surprisingly.

"What is that you are talking? I sense no CE or soul in that thing but, I can hear the voice. Are you perhaps talking to an another person through that thing? How does that works?" (Konan)

'The what now? Is she asking about the ph- AH! She is an ancient spirit. Oh! OK. This is gotta be interesting.' (Embra's thought)

At first, Embra looks back at Konan like she is an idiot for asking the question but, realized soon that she is an ancient spirit who was trapped in a cursed flower for a long time. Briefly, he thought how lonely would it be for her to be trapped inside a flower for so long and feels sympathy for her.

True, he has not experienced how it feels to live alone for hundreds of years but, with the thoughts alone, he knows that he will not be able to stay sane if that happened to him. So, he answered every single questions of the curious little soul that is floating in the air, Konan, with patience.

Her soul, or more like spiritual form, cannot be seen by anyone but, Embra. And it seems, she is taking advantages of it by going through things while asking almost unending questions to Embra who is changing his clothes now. While answering her questions, a thought occurs in Embra which he asked Konan after he has finished changing and clean his body of any dust and stuff.

"- So, With this little thing, called, headphone, you can walk around while listening to music? That is unbelievable." (Konan)

"Haha. Is that so. Hey Konan..., Do you want a body?" (Embra)

Konan was caught off guard with that question which seems to comes out of nowhere. The question makes her think deeply about her past hundred years as a spirit trapped inside a cursed flower. She thought about her lonely days as a mere piece of her original soul, able to do nothing but, control the CE that the flower absorb so that she will not be corrupted and turned into a cursed spirit.

But, as fate would have it, the very first person who found her is a cursed spirit that wanted to devour her for his own greed and ambitions and she is on the verge of giving up, only for Embra to appear, thus, giving her hope.

As soon as Konan sensed Embra, she instantly knows that Embra is not a person who will use her for his own greed. Seeing his innate technique, further confirms her opinions of Embra earlier because she instantly see through the essence of Embra's technique that he himself did not realize till he was on the verge of death.

Manifesting the will of user.

That is the essence of Embra's innate technique and in the battle, Konan saw how Embra manifest the Buddha statue with the will to defeat the cursed spirit for the sake of saving people. Further, she also saw Embra's determination to exorcise the cursed spirit even at the cost of his own life and that is when she knew, Embra can be trusted.

That is why she saved Embra, and made a pact with him, which she did not regret because she get to see many unknown things that did not existed in her times hundreds of years ago and she is more than happy to see so many changes. But, accepting a body while she is just a piece of her previous self, that carries some risk.

"-nan. Konan. You okay? Did I say something wrong?" (Embra)

Konan looks at Embra's worried face and feels warm to be able to feel the warmth of another soul but, she tilts her head before confirming something with Embra.

"Something wrong? Tell me, Embra. How much do you know about 'cursed doll technique' or 'curse flesh manipulation' or any Shikigami technique?" (Konan)

"Um... I don't know them at all but, I know someone who does. He should be able to help creating a body because he is good at creating shikigami. In fact, he should already be inform of my fight and might come to meet me soon." (Embra)

"AH. So, you do not know. Well, Embra, I don't mean to deny your good will but, I will refrain from having a body now because I am but a piece of incomplete soul, meaning, it would be hard to get a body for me and even if I got it, I would risk myself being destroyed if something were to happen to the body I will inhabit. So, for the moment, I would like to decline your offer, Embra." (Konan)

"*gasp* O-Oh! S-sorry. I legit did not know that. I am sorry, Konan." (Embra)

Konan chuckle a little at Embra's embarrassed face, which makes him skip a heartbeat.

"*chuckle* It is alright. I believe you because if you had lied, the pact would have triggered as she indirectly almost broke your side of deal. Beside, you haven't completely absorbed all the CE stored in the flower. If not because I am holding back the remaining three fifth of the CE, your body would be loaded with so much CE that it would turn you into a curse spirit." (Konan)

Gulping in nervous, Embra shut his mouth while internally scolding himself for almost self-destructing himself. Konan further chuckle at Embra's innocence and decided to change the current awkward topic to something fun by asking him every single thing she is curious.

She follows behind him by floating near him and watches how he returned to school while out of breath and go about his day by helping the teachers and cooperating with the authorities before returning to his home early with his friend. While Konan is being surprised by the culture of a foreign country and Embra is being crushed to near death by his worried mother, a presence arrived near Embra's house which instantly got Embra and Konan's attention.

As Konan is already inside Embra, she is not sensed by the other party and Embra internally relieved that Konan is a careful person.

It took Embra, one hour to reassure Amelie, Embra's mother, that he is unhurt before he excused himself to his room to sleep. Of course, he didn't sleep and as soon as he closed the door and confirmed with his haki that his mother is already cooking for him, he opens the window of his room, letting the presence from earlier come in.


"You have quite a doted parent, young Embra."

"Ahaha. What can I say, Monk Weizaya, she loves me as much as I love her. We are each other's only family member, you know?" (Embra)

"True. I have heard about her for a while already but, seeing in person, she really is a loving mother." (Monk)

While Embra and the monk are exchanging pleasantries, Konan is keeping her guard up to assure that she is not seen by the monk who seems to be your usual foreign monk with a bit chubby physique. The reason is not because of her careful nature being at work here but, the immerse amount of CE that she can feel form the monk that is undoubtedly bigger in quantity than Embra's.

"Right, are you here for what happened this morning?" (Embra)

"Yes. I have analyzed the CE in that place and found out three different CE with one of them having overwhelming evil quality and immerse quantity of CE. And, I thought you would be in a not-so-healthy state, to be honest. So, please tell this monk of how are you unharmed and how did you get stronger for at least three times than the last time we meet." (Monk)

"Of course, it all started from the moment I sensed the cursed spirit near the southern side of school where canteen is. Then-..." (Embra)

Only excluding the existence of Konan, Embra told the monk of what happened because he trusted him. The monk and him met three years ago when he was exorcising curses in another city. There, he learnt the identity of the monk being the head of the temple responsible for 'Jujutsu' side of Australia and after the third meeting, Embra begins to trust the monk who wants nothing but, the safety of Australia.

The monk also learnt of Embra's self-binding vow and come to trust and respect him enough that the monk ordered his disciplines to put up barriers around Embra's house and protect Embra's mother with a shikigami 24/7. Unfortunately, Embra declined the offer to enter as a discipline of the Buddhist temple, thus denying access to the techniques and resources of the temple.

However, tMonk Weizaya himself took a liking to Embra. So, he did not pressure him to join the temple and even occasionally check up on Embra's health. And, this time is no different either, as the monk is genuinely worried for Embra first before asking about the situation.

Half an hour later, the monk learnt of everything that happened and he is more than shocked to learn that Embra consumed the 'Blue spider Lily' flower.

"You have consumed it? The flower? How are you still alive? According to what this monk understand, the flower should be more than a thousand year old if it can resist the ancient curse spirit. How are you still fine after consuming it? Even this monk is not confident enough to safely consume it." (Monk)

"Ah, that? I took a binding vow. So, I cannot reveal it to you. Sorry." (Embra)

Instead of pressuring him further like Embra expected, Monk Weizaya nods in understanding before asking him with genuine concern,

"I understand. I will not ask you further, but, please come looks for me if you are in need of help. I will be glad to help you." (Monk)

"Of course. Please take care of me when that time comes." (Embra)

More than satisfied with what he has learned, the monk left not long after, leaving Embra to finally relax after a long day, he falls asleep till dinner, not knowing that he got famous, more than he would have liked.