
A good guy in Jujutsu Kaisen

A guy reincarnated in Jujutsu Kaisen. But, he did not met god. MC will be a good guy, saving people and stuff. So, if it is not your cup of tea, you are advised.

Embra · Anime & Comics
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10 Chs

Chapter 4

Chapter 4

I am not sure about how much time has passed but, I am sure, we have exchanged hundreds of punches with neither side losing. During these exchange, I used full advantages of that fact that I have more attack angles by utilizing joints in the Buddha hands and I realized something.

He is getting weaker.

It is true that every single attack of his destroy one of my Buddha hands every time they met but, I can simply reform it back because of my immerse CE that I have accumulated by helping and saving many people. With every Buddha hand he destroy, he hit him back with more than four attacks, damaging him over time.

Moreover, the flower he is trying to devour is also helping me reduce his overall focus, his CE and his strength. In a fight like this where the enemy is slowly losing strength more than me, the fight is guarantee to win as time is on my side but, I have his uneasy feeling in the back of my mind, seeing his furious expression.

No! He is not furious.

He is desperate.

Desperate to survive!!

And, no way in hell, am I letting him survive. He is gotta be exorcised before he can 'ascend' as he mentioned, even if it cost me my life. This is my responsibility as one with power.

P.O.V changed

What the hell is with this damn sorcerer? His hits are getting stronger!! Just what kind of self-binding vow did he took? Damn it.

Wait! Those eyes. The fire of determination burning strongly in his eyes, to exorcise me right here even at the cost of his life. F*** It sicken me to see those good-virtue people. It disgust enough to the extent that I want to destroy them, torture them, gave them despair.


Curse this damn flower. It is still resisting me even after I am focusing more than half of my CE to devour it. It has been half an hour since I am trying to devour this damn 'Blue spider lily' flower, which has the ability and quantity to gave me more than enough curse energy to help me ascend to a higher being than a cursed spirit.

For centuries, I have been searching for this flower to be able to ascend and attain the title of 'King of curses' that only one in history has able to get so far.

No way, I am dying here. No way I am failing here. I didn't come this far to only come this far. I will surpass all of the ancient cursed spirits in the world by ascending to a higher being!!!

This damn sorcerer will not stand in my way! I will devour the flower later. Dealing this damn sorcerer come first.

'Cursed Technique: Melody of the Deepest Hell'

P.O.V Changed

As soon as the cursed spirit used his technique by whistling with one of his mouths, a sickening whistle can be heard that makes Embra falter a bit, making him switch from attack to defense immediately.


'What the hec- My senses are getting haywire.... Shit. Am I even standing now.' (Embra's thought)

The whistle disrupt the five senses of Embra who is beginning to hallucinate and making him unable to focus on his technique. However, his suffering did not end there yet as the cursed spirit lungs at him after pulling out the flower and holding it in his upper left hand.

"Buahaha!! You enjoying your hallucinations, sorcerer?? Haha. You are more entertaining than I thought but, you are in my way to success. So, Die." (CS)

'No, fu*k. I can't hear him properly now. Fu*ck. Last resort then! 'Ultra Flow'. ' (Embra's thought)

While hallucinating about hearing hellish voices and seeing hellish things, Embra decided to use his last resort that he took reference from one of his favorite anime power, 'Ultra Instinct'.

However, unlike Goku's ultra instinct that let the muscle of the body to instinctively attacks, Embra's technique, 'Ultra Flow' works by creating a barrier of constantly flowing CE, 2 feet around his whole body, which is directly connected to his observation Haki.

"!! You dodge it? Che." (CS)

Embra dodged as soon as he feel an attack penetrating his CE barrier. Embra could pull this feat off even while hallucinating because his Haki is a spiritual power, completely independent of his physical body and five senses which are being influenced by the technique of cursed spirit currently.

'Shit. Being physically stronger and having a variety of attacks, he also have a cursed technique strong enough to influenced all of my five senses. If I did not have conqueror haki, this would be game over already. It seems I am going to die here today. Then, I will drag you down with me, cursed spirit!' (Embra's thought)

A normal sorcerer would have given up at this point, but, Embra, who has a strong sense of responsibility, is different. He has long since prepared to die when he decided to become a sorcerer and made a self-binding vow to save as many people as he can.

Thus, as a final fight in his life, he decided to use everything he can. First, he burst out his conqueror Haki while dodging the onslaught of deadly attacks, successfully stopping the whistle to for some moment at the cost of his spiritual power and a third of his current CE reserve, bringing his CE down to just measly 10% of his total.

*Haki Burst*

"!!" (CS)

'A mental attack? This guy is he still not giving up?' (CS's thought)


While the cursed spirit is in his own thought, he suddenly received received a strong punch to his torso that seems to have hit his soul directly. He instantly caught the next attacks of Embra, and again feels like being hit in his soul.

"guh. You bastard. Why don't you just die!!" (CS)

The cursed spirit screams furiously at Embra who do not have an ounce of listening, much less replying and continue hitting the cursed spirit with his fist, fully coated in his 'Armament' haki. Of course, the cursed spirit do not let Embra hit him continuously and retaliate with his full force.

Now that the cursed spirit is not focusing on devouring the flower anymore, he is utilizing all of his CE, making his attack two times stronger than before. On top of that, he is also using the abilities of 'distortion' and 'impact' with every fist that hit head on with Embra's Haki coated fists.

In a fight of four hands vs two hands, it is obvious who is going to win. Even though, Embra could fight in CQC, it is clear as day that, he has no actual CQC training, thus receiving attacks on his ribs, head, and shoulder where his haki is not coated. His haki coated hands are also not doing well against the strength of an ancient curse spirit either, as it is damaged internally with every time he is hit.


The curse spirit roars loudly in anger while attacking Embra with his all, breaking Embra's bones with every hit and ended it by punching Embra's head with so much force that the left side of Embra's skull cracked before being flung across the battlefield, that no longer looks like a forest.

"*huff* *huff* I admit, you are the strongest sorcerer I have ever met in my life. Your annoying attacks that hits my soul is also good. You have polished it well. But, it is time I kill you, cockroach bastard. You have stood in my way of ascension long enough." (CS)

'Th- The fu* is he saying... F* I can't even move my body anymore. shit. This is the end, it seems... Mom, I am sorry. Please forgive me for dying before you. I love you more than anything, Mom.....' (Embra's thought)

With blood clouded right eyes and destroyed left eyes, Embra could not see anymore. With both of his eardrums being destroyed, he could not hear anymore. With all of the broken bones and almost destroyed internal organs, he knows that he can no longer live and death is just a moment away. So, Embra thought about his last words to the woman he comes to treasure in this life.

He didn't know how he comes to this world or how he got the power but, he is satisfied with the way he has lived this second live of his. He regrets about being unable to see his mother anymore but, he is pleased with the facts that he saved many people's lives and cleansed the world of some curses and curse spirits.

"HAha. Finally give up?! Good. I will at least sent you off painlessly. Die!!!!" (CS)

Embra has already made up his mind but, before he could feel the cold embrace of death, he feels himself being separated from his physical body. It feels like to him that someone forcibly pull him apart from his physical body and that completely makes him alert.

'Wh-what the- Am I being separated? From my physical body? Who i-' (Embra's thought)

However, what he saw in front of him was not the cursed spirit or complete darkness of void, but, a woman that almost looks like a celestial being; floating in a place with complete whiteness all around.

"I am sorry to bring you here forcibly but, I want to make a deal with you, young sorcerer."