
A good guy in Jujutsu Kaisen

A guy reincarnated in Jujutsu Kaisen. But, he did not met god. MC will be a good guy, saving people and stuff. So, if it is not your cup of tea, you are advised.

Embra · Anime & Comics
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10 Chs

Chapter 3

Chapter 3


Just before I enter the premise of school, I sensed a presence of a curse spirit that is stronger than me in terms of CE. If it is in anywhere else, I would have changed my clothes and confront them, but, I cannot do that here, right in the middle of school's front gate.

Left with no choice, I decided to speed up to the direction of a school's Gym while giving excuse to William that a girl is waiting for me there, which makes him roll his eyes before heading off to where bikes can be parked.

I may not looks like it but, I am quite handsome with my short black hair and 'U' shaped jawline, making me one of the top 10 popular guy in school. Add to the fact that I cam also the captain of a football team and a top-grade student, my popularity in the school is cemented, hence, quite a number of girls confessed to me, though I always put them in a friend zone.

Oh right back to that curse spirit. I have been keeping an eye on it with my haki and it seems, he is just around the school gate, not getting inside.

'He should not be able to feel my Haki, because no curse spirit has ever done that.''

However, I should took into possibility that it can sense my Haki and may or may not possess a technique related to 'soul'. If he really does possess it, that would be quite a challenge. Shit, I should properly take the fight away from school.

After my analysis, I run in to the gym before changing into my sorcerer uniform in one of the changing rooms. Quickly running out unseen by anyone because of my speed, I arrived at the southern side of the school where canteen is.

'I am pretty sure, curse spirit don't eat normal food, though. I wonder why he is he-?!'

My thoughts stopped suddenly as soon as I spotted the curse spirit that is weakly leaning on the canteen walls while holding his hand over his stomach where a bit of green blood can be seen. What stopped me in my tracks is not his four-arms, two-faced inhuman appearance but, a flower that he is trying to pull into his stomach, which he stopped as soon as he spotted me.

"A sorcerer. Damn, This is definitely not my lucky day. Scram, trash. Scram before I kill you" (The cursed spirit)

He tried to threaten me with his killing intent and his CE but, my focus never left the blue flower that is embedded in his stomach. It is like the flower is calling me, asking me for help, and something inside me is also compelling to save the flower, which I have seen for the first time.

'I was confused, more like contemplating, what to do. But, it seems, someone answered it for me.''

"You are eyeing for this flower? Not a chance, trash. I spent years trying to find it and I am not going to give it away easily. So, Die." (CS)


Listening to the screaming of my instinct, I hurriedly get away using 'geppo', one of the Rokushiki techniques, which I replicated from my memories of One Piece. I looked back at the place I was standing before and see a part of the roof getting ripped out like someone torn apart it with bare-hand.

'What the f*? I didn't see anything! Is it sort of like an invisible hand? Shit, long ranged will put me disadvantage it seems. Fine, CQC then.'

Using the combination of Geppo and Soru, I appeared a few feet away from the cursed spirit who has no trouble following me and attacks me as soon as I land on the ground. I am certain now. This cursed spirit is definitely stronger than me, a few times at that, too. But, he is weak right now, because of the flower in his stomach that seems to be attacking or resisting him from the inside.

'This is a perfect time to get rid of a strong cursed spirit like him from the world.'

Steeling my resolve, I claps my hand, activating my innate technique, which manifest as a dark yellow Buddha statue around me with ten hands.

'100-Type Guanyin Bodhisattva'


His invisible attack landed on the Buddha Statue that is enveloping me, giving me no damage but, an area around me is not so pretty because of that shockwave.

He seems surprised and that is when I attacks him with my palm which the statue imitated me by also attacking the cursed spirit with a fast palm strike made up of pure CE, that blows him away to the forest.

Deactivating my technique, I hurriedly follows him up and decided to end this quickly, before everyone in the school come here. The reason for deactivating my innate technique is because of its insane consumption of my CE which I have to use sparingly in this fight against a stronger opponent.

'Analyzing his attacks so far, he seems to have some invisible hand but, my experience in dealing with curses tell me otherwise. He first attacked me with his upper right hand, which tore away the part of the roof. Just now, he attacks me with his lower left hand which seems to bounced off of my defense.'

'Tearing away and hitting! Two different types of attacks from two different hands. Meaning, his other hands must also have different affects. Then, I should expect four different types of attacks from his four hands. Now, the problems are what are the attacks of other two hands and are the attack fixed with each hand?''

'Che, what a troublesome enemy. On top of being stronger than me, he has variety of attacks. I am at disadvantage here.'


An invisible attack randomly landed on me again which I blocked it with my technique in the nick of the time and I hurriedly tried to find him among trees. On top of being stronger than me and having more variety of attacks, he seems to be faster and skilled enough to hide from my Haki. No matter how I looks at it, I am at a disadvantages.

However, I claps my hands again calmly, not being afraid or nervous. I am a sorcerer who have vowed to save as many people as I can with a power I have been gifted. If I run away from an enemy just because I am at a disadvantages, it will be an insult to all my hard works I put in these years. Beside, the enemy is clearly an ancient curse spirit. Taking him out here even at the cost of my life, can save many future victims of his. So, I cannot falter here.

Taking a deep breath, I put all my focus into defending by fully activating my technique again, which manifested in the form of a dark yellow Buddha with ten hands, each with three segments. A cannon ball like attack hit my defense again which I quickly traces it with my Haki that I have already spread out 1 km around me.

An attack hit me again, this time at me back and before I can trace it back, attacks from various directions begins to hit on my technique which still stood strong.

'So, he does not want to give me a chance to breath, huh? It is good that he is a prideful type or I would have to be chasing him around, right about now.'

'Nonetheless, he really is fast, isn't he? He is running around me in a circle while attacking me with those attacks that hit like a strong punch. Managing to stay hidden while attacking me at high speed is quite an unbelieva-!!'

'That's it! The third hand's power. That is hiding! Seeing that he haven't use those attacks that seems to tear something apart, it is safe to assume that he can use the abilities of his two hands at the same time. But, the question is is he bluffing this or not? '

*Boom* *Boom*

"Damn it, you are still un-scratch even after all this?! You sure makes things interesting aren't you, trash. I will be taking things up a notch, don't disappoint me and give me entertainment before I ascend to higher being, TRASH!!!!" (CS)

I didn't even have the time to question what does his words even mean before I was attacks again, but, this time, instead of sending out attacks, he attacks me directly at front. His upper right fist that seems to be surrounded by tiny bits of distortion impacted on my technique heavily, almost breaking through it, less I overload it with CE at last second.


The shock wave alone destroyed trees around me, uprooting them along with chunks of earth, which instantly create clearing around me who is still enveloped in a dark yellow Buddha statue made up of pure curse energy.

'I see. he is not 'tearing apart things' but distorting them.'

"Buhaha. You are still standing after that? It wasn't nearly my strongest punch but, this is good! THAT IS GOOD! When was the last time I had fun? Two centuries ago? Buhaha. I don't care anymore. For now, don't die till I have had my FUN!!!" (CS)

Again and again, he hit me with all of his three hands that seems to have two various effect of 'distortion' and, 'impact'. He is no longer using his 'hiding' ability, making his presence more evil than anything I have ever sensed before in my life. Moreover, it seems, he can use his different attack abilities with other hands, too. Plus one to mountain of disadvantages I have against him.

Only his upper left hand is still trying to put the flower in his stomach. I am starting to understand that, he is trying to consume the flower to get stronger and the flower is resisting it successfully with each second go by and I can still hear the crying of help from it.


The attacks stopped. Not because of his attack got to me but because of one of the Buddha hand blocking his attack. My CE is now down to half because of my technique and I think, it is about time I counterattack him because I have gotten used to his speed now.

"Ho? I thought you are only going to stay inside your technique and buy time for reinforcement to come but, you are attacking now? Interesting." (CS)

"It took me quite a bit of time to get used to your speed, but, I can deal with it now. Let's start the round two, shall we?" (Embra)

"HAHAhA. I like you. You definitely have spirit. Now, Sorcerer! let's see how will you deal with an ancient curse spirit who have lived for 400 years! " (CS)

Completely discarding defense, he and I clashed again. He with his fist enveloped in 'distortion' or 'impact' technique versus me with my Buddha hands that are completely made of CE and strong enough to destroy a concrete wall of 1 inches thick.