
A good guy in Jujutsu Kaisen

A guy reincarnated in Jujutsu Kaisen. But, he did not met god. MC will be a good guy, saving people and stuff. So, if it is not your cup of tea, you are advised.

Embra · Anime & Comics
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10 Chs

Chapter 2

Chapter 2

Since I was eight when I first awaken my technique, I have been training. First is my body, which wasn't hard as I was an active child. Mind department was not also hard, as I was a 38 years old employee of a black company in my past live, meaning I have been through some pretty shits, which I am definitely not going through again in this life.

Observation Haki comes easiest to me as I can spread a kind of invisible bubble around me, enabling me to sense everything in it, including innate objects, as a 3D model in my mind. I am pretty sure, that is not how observation Haki works in One Piece, but, well, I took what I got.

Armament Haki was a little difficult at first but, I get a hung of it six month after training and could coat my fist in a thin layer of Armament Haki. The most challenging for me was Conqueror Haki, which I still do not have control over. Every time I use it, it burst out like an explosion with me as the center. The explosion radius depend on how much Cursed energy, or CE for short, I used.

Speaking of CE, I seems to have a great control over it. It didn't even took me a month to find the curse energy in my body and flows it to all body parts, enhancing it and enabling me to exercise to extreme.

Mom worries about my sudden interest in working-out, which I gave an excuse of wanting to gain a six-pack and a muscular body. She still worries me but, at least, she now supports me going to abandon factory outside town to exercise.

I was happy at my mother's acceptance, and feel love at her for supporting my sudden and absurd dream. Surprisingly, my happiness doesn't end there yet because as I run around tow to exercise, I happened to help a lost old man by accompanying him in a park till his son come looks for him.

I would have sent the old man home but, his fuzzy memories didn't remember it, thus making me decide to just talk to him about some random things till three hours later, his son found him.

The moment I heard the gratitude from the son and felt myself proud to help an elder, I notice myself getting stronger. It was not a first time for me to help an elderly or a stranger. In fact, I always help those who are in need as long as I am able. That is a kind of person I am, but, only after helping that elderly, was I noticed myself getting stronger.

I noticed myself having a little bit more CE, a little bit more efficient control over it, and a little bit more understanding of my technique and practical usage of it. At first, I thought maybe that elderly is special or something but, after 8 years, when I was 16, I finally understand how my self-binding vow works.

It works by karma. For example, if helping an able man carry a bag for him got me 2 points, I got 10 points helping an elderly carry things. Meaning, helping those who are really in need of help or desperate need of help, got me more point. But, that doesn't mean that I will only help those who are only desperate. I will help everyone as long as I am able to.

I mastered my technique in those 8 years. No, more like, reaching a bottleneck.

I managed to reach to the level where I can cover my whole body in Armament Haki, see 1 km with 'observation', and controlling the 'Conquer' to only affect those who I wanted to in the maximum radius 500 meter. Moreover, I have successfully replicated 'Rokushiki' technique of One Piece and '100-Type Guanyin Bodhisattva' of Netero.

Though I cannot control all 100 hands because of my limit in CE and mastery over it, I can expertly control 10 hands easily because of my impressive control in CE manipulation. The reason for my growth is simple.


I have been fighting curses and curse spirits in this whole town and in nearby forest which is an hour away with my trusty bike. Mom would sometimes worry about me if I arrived home late but, I always assure her that I am helping people, and whenever she hears that, she would always say that she is proud of me. I swear, she is an angel walking among us.

Anyway, that is how I have been getting stronger till I reach 16 and had to go to high school. My bottleneck is sometimes annoys me with how I always feel that I can do this and that better but can't. It is like blindly walking in the dark and something is stopping me in the front, clearly a wall that I believe I can overcome but, can't find a way around or pass it. It is un-explainable by words.

"... ra! EMBRA!!!" (William)

"W-wh-What?" (Embra)

I almost lost control of my bike because of his loud shout and I was about to shout to him before he beat me to it.

"I thought you fall asleep. What are you thinking so hard about?" (William)

"Oh, Curious? Then, let me tell you my greatest plan for my future. First, I am going to -" (Embra)

"Stop! Stop! Stop! I get it. You don't have to tell me that 'great' plan of yours again. *sigh* Why do you even make effort to plan the future. Just leave it to future you." (William)

"*twitch* Future me is also me. What is the difference?" (Embra)

"It is... You know what, never-mind. School is in sight now. Bye." (William)

*sigh* What did he mean bye? We literally go to the same class. That dude is insufferable in his 'sleepy' mode. Oh yes. He has a few mode like, 'serious' mode and 'I-don't-give-a-fuck' mode. My favorite is when he get serious though, because he once solved 100 high-school math exam problems with just a glance.

It was a final exam at that time and that jerk was sleeping throughout the whole exam. He would have failed had I not wake him up with an eraser to his head, fifteen minutes before bell ring. I was speechless that time because half of those problems are new ones which the 'bitchy' math teacher added with the excuse of 'teaching you to prepare for unexpected things in life'.

How the f* he even reach the conclusion that unseen math problems and life is related will always baffle me, along with how the hell did the lazy bastard that slept through a whole exam and only answered at last minutes, got the first place in the whole f*ing school.

I got second in that exam because I awoke him and since then, I swore that, I am definitely not going to wake him up in exams ever again.

But, that damn Shikamaru-wanna-be got first place every single damn time! I still can't believe I always lost to the guy who envy the cloud every single time he looks up to it. Che.


!!! Shit. This presence! A cursed spirit.

Did I curse him too much that a cursed spirit is manifested immediately? Moreover, judging by the cursed energy it carries, it is a damn strong one, probably stronger than me.

I will be damned.

Well, time to get to work, it seems. Can't get the people here get hurt.

Yosh, man up, Embra.