
A Glitch In The System(DC)

A man is transported unknowing into the past. the past of DC. let's see how our protagonist survives this world. i do not own DC in any shape or form besides my original characters.

GodofTruth · Anime & Comics
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46 Chs


Just felt like posting these before weekends end <3

Zooming my way through Gotham I saw the populace gloomy it left a frown on my face.

Just how bad was Gotham to be so gloomy and grim.

Finally making my way to the hideout of Zucco I saw that batman and robin had already taken down the goons.

Walking up I saw them fighting 5 large goons which were holding machineguns.

These guys were packing some mad heat.

The goons blasting away fired nearly everywhere nearly hitting me if it weren't for my enhanced instincts which were somehow coming to the full effect I could feel some new powers emerging from in me.

Batman unable to throw a Batarang at them was unfortunately forced to use his chi to use as a shield to stop the incoming bullets from hitting robin.

Seeing them struggle a little I decided to throw a smoke grenade which left an opening for us to blitz through the enemies knocking each one in the head causing them each a concussion.

Batman not bothering to engage went in and came out with a man that was similar to Zucco though he was a bit more buff.

You would think the guy would've escaped by now.

"Where is he," Batman yelled at the man.

"What do you mean bats," The man replied smiling this left me with an off feeling.

"You know what I mean wheres your brother," Bruce yelled holding him up from the collar.

"Oh, he's close alright. A little closer than you think," Before a guy knocked out Robin.

Batman seeing robin being hit was tazed from behind causing him to stagger before putting a collar on his neck which prevented him from using any electronics and chi as chi was a sort of energy.

Seeing this all unfold I quickly grabbed robin put a tracking chip on batman and gapped it.

Though my tracker seemed to still work it seems it was a drainer.

Making our way outside I saw large amounts of goons with assault rifles just how much were they packing.

Making our way to Wayne Manor I waited for Robin to recover.

Looking at the tracker I found they were making there way to the circus so I looked at robin before moving his recovery was taking too long so I decided to quicken things by teleporting to the nearby Building draining 90% of my chi this was an emergency occasion.

Looking down I saw them trying to remove batman's cowl which wouldn't flinch.

Stealthily I Knocked down the guards outside before entering ducking down to hear Zucco's monologue.

"You attacked my brother So i decided that I'm going to kill you bats it seems we can't get off the cowl so were going to do it the old way and chop off your head," Zucco declared before he ordered his henchman off.

This I found stupid.

Watching him about to throw chop his head off with a battle-axe was interrupted when a motorbike crashed in with robin.

Getting up I decided to strike now but with my chi exhausted and the hench-men coming in I decided to battle then only using my chi as shields to block the bullets before closing in on them.

Throwing a dick at one the henchmen caused them to trip and bang their head with the machinegun.

The goon watching his friend fall down turned to see him which left me with an opening.

Grabbing out a flashbang I threw it towards them temporarily blinding them causing me to blitz them and karate chop their necks.

Jumping on their falling body I kicked downwards on the rest of the henchmen.

Finishing them off and tying them I looked up to see in above a high building 2 figures.

One looked like a humanoid dinosaur while the other a middle-aged man.

Realizing I saw them they turned away before disappearing.

I must consult with the elder gods.

Seeing them I decided to talk to batman Once I finished.

Walking into the circus I saw Zucco falling before Robin swooped in and saved him.

This surprised me that would take a lot of will power to do.

If i saw my mother and sister's killer I wouldn't know what to do Knowing my father He would be unkillable and restless doing everything he could to get back at him.

There was once an incident where I was once bullied for my introvert personality when My father heard of this he was angered greatly.

I never saw that family again though they still alive they were somehow not able to come back to new york.

When I went to see him about it I could hear him muttering a phrase which would stick with me.

"An eye for an eye although makes the world blind is worth the trouble as it is damnable"

Looking at Bruce he looked at me before nodding he was fit for the team.

Tying him up with the rest of the criminals we eventually made our way back to Wayne Manor.

Watching dick walk to his room I stopped him.

"You had a lot of courage to not let that man die," I said leaning on his door frame.

"Yeah," He murmured before he dug into his bed crying.

This wasn't my place to comfort him this was time for him to let it all out.

Walking down to the Batcave bruce was on the computer.

"So found anything on them?" I asked walking behind him.

"No, unless you want me to contact your father," He replied before he got up and turned toward the elevator.

"Get some sleep Anakin you're going to need it," He stated before he elevated up.

Looking at the computer he found nothing I didn't want to bring my dad into this so I decided to listen to bruce and get some sleep.