
A Glitch In The System(DC)

A man is transported unknowing into the past. the past of DC. let's see how our protagonist survives this world. i do not own DC in any shape or form besides my original characters.

GodofTruth · Anime & Comics
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46 Chs

Bloody tree

Watching my son go into Bruce Wayne's plane and flying off I realized I still viewed this world as fiction.

These aren't characters in a comic anymore these were real people.

I just sent my son with the most paranoid human ever just how insane am i.

Looking at my son I realised just how much of an influence I was to him leaving me.

That day I caused his bullies to disappear and my overprotection had somehow bloomed a seed of caution in Anakin.

Though it was too late that seed of caution bloomed into a tree of paranoia which was cultivated by Bruce Wayne in the end.

Watching him be intent on training and trying to take me down really scarred me as a father.

Though I cant change him maybe this is for the better if I ever did go rouge who would be there to stop me.

Superman? I could turn him human. Batman? He is human although skilled I basically trained him. Cyborg? He still had a human heart. Darkseid? I basically already defeated him. All of them I could kill in a second.

Though what of Wonderwoman my wife and kids no I wouldn't go as rouge to kill them or...

I needed to start looking into this life as my own and not a fantasy.

Looking into the moon I sighed just what have I become.

Looking into the forest it looked peacefull tranquil.

Deciding to get a rest i went forward and slept on a tree branch and decided on my future just what had life in store for me.

Sleeping I awoke to loud thumping which woke me up looking down I saw teen punching the tree.

"Oi you little sh*t stop making noise," I shouted before going back to sleep.

Hearing the kid shouting something he was screaming "It was all my fault,"

Though the thumping never stopped turning down I saw him crying which confused me did I really just make a teen cry from my words alone.

Something about this kid wasn't right.

Teleporting in front of him I stopped his incoming punches.

"Look kiddo what's wrong you seem to obviously be not well, A teenager trying to fight a tree aint sane," I said before looking at his uniform he was an outer disciple and seeing his hands I was shocked.

His hands were broken completely and bloodied.

Looking into the tree I saw blood plastered into the wood.

"Greeting's Grandmaster I am sorry for disturbing your sleep i am sorry," He murmured before he completely fell onto the ground crying pulling his hair in frustration and depression before he bowed to me and walking away still clentching his broken fists.

Looking at this broken kid he reminded me of myself before coming to this world.

A lonely frustrated teenager that was unable to stop something which he could've.

He wore shredded outer disciple clothes, had a large scar down from his nose to his upper lip and had dark grey hair.

Walking toward him I pulled him back stopping him.

"Look kid whatever you're frustrated about won't be solved by just punching these trees," I stated before healing his hands.

The looking at me just stared at me before he continued walking not looking back.

Trying to get his attention I held him in his spot before trying to stop him.

Turning his head he glared at me with tears in his eyes dripping down onto his uniform

Looking at his eyes i was right those were the eyes of hate, Coldness, and self-loathing.

My eyes.

"Look kid I know you're frustrated about something but just know I'm here for you," I reassured before he nudged my hand and kept walking tearing up.

Watching him walk away I decided to get information about him the next morning it was really late looking at my watch.

Laying back on the bloodied tree I thought back at the kid I needed to guide him.

Or he might just end up like me a half-insane person trying to have fun in a world where he once called fantasy.

The next morning I went toward the teachers and asked about a student with a scar starting from his nose to his upper lip which they said was a student named Kenshiro.

Listening to Kenshiro's story I felt grief within it.

The kid had nowhere to go byt to his adoptive father and ended up here which is where he was bullied and ridiculed before being forced to fight for his life.

The kids upbringing didn't help with his temper ethier His mother was an abusive alcoholic and would often smash bottles on his arms leaving his body not only broken and weak but left his mind in parrel.

This although sounded cliche didn't mean it was right to just scoff it off as another cliche this was actually happening.

Listening to the gossips of the students I found out more about Kenshiro.

He fell in love with an Inner disciple and fell for her schemes eventually causing him to kill his only friend only to find out his friend was right in the end.

The more I found out the more cliche it was.

Going back to the bloody tree he returned and kept punching the tree not wavering and not bothering his injuries the bones in his hands protruding.

Looking at the kid's determination i was about to gift him instant strength before I stopped myself.

He wasn't going to earn anything by gaining instant strength.

He needed someone to guide him on the right path.

That, someone, was me.