
A Glitch In The System(DC)

A man is transported unknowing into the past. the past of DC. let's see how our protagonist survives this world. i do not own DC in any shape or form besides my original characters.

GodofTruth · Anime & Comics
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46 Chs

Why you mad

Revan looking at the gardens of eggs smiled devilishly. Awaiting he stared into the sky before muttering"my revenge will come."

The next week went by in a flash and The Flash arrived just on time wearing the clothes under his suit

Today was extremely cloudy not allowing for any sun to pass-through

"Here are your improved weights wear them. today we are training your foundation to increase your arsenal of moves just basic kicks and punches will get you nowhere if you were to fight a villain on equal terms what would you do?" Revan questioned him before throwing the clothes towards Barry.

"I am going to teach you martial arts if you make a mistake I will slam this egg on you, " Revan smiled before he got into a stance.

"Like this, " he continued.

Revan seeing the flash attempt to get into formation smiled before hurling the egg towards the flash which shocked him. He had never been caught off guard before.

"Your posture us stiff loosen up, " Revan signalled before circling around barry.

The flash understanding loosened his muscles.


"You trying to fall asleep are you trying to get egged, " Revan chuckled before hurling the egg toward Barry but when attempting to run was still hit in the face.

"Again. This time loosen your shoulders and tense your feet make sure to keep your feet face forward, " Revan spouted before chucking another egg toward Barry.

"Hey! What was that for, " Barry screeched.

"Just felt like it, " Revan chuckled before he continued to correct Barry's posture and then continuing on.

"Now when you kick you don't tumble back as you have your left leg already behind you to support your body, " Revan stated before kicking into the air flawlessly in an instant leaving an afterimage in its place.

"Because I have trained my martial arts to perfection I can do sets of moves without thought. watch me punch, " Revan continued before hurls of afterimages of punches could be seen yet Revans arms couldn't be seen moving.

"You will master this in time but before that let me show you how to punch, " He said before sliding his right leg back and holding his hand back before hurling his fist forward.


Barry was astonished. looking up he saw the cloudy skies brimming with Life. The sun could now be seen.

"That is what I call a serious punch you will able to do that if you set your mind to it now show me your punching posture! " Revan screamed with intensity a montage of eggs then occurred.


"Useless how will you ever save someone like that! " Revan shouted.


"Are you trying to get guys with that posture! I don't think Iris would like seeing this!" Revan continued.







"What is it with you and the eggs!" Barry screeched he was tired if the intense training not too mention the clothed weights which were pulling him down.

"Well let's just say a certain incident occurred during the streets of New York city 1986 I had a bad day and a hooligan dressed as you appeared, " Revan smiled before chucking him another pair of weighted clothes.

"I'll show you old man!" Barry muttered before zooming off the air twirling into shockwaves unsettling the air and causing Revan to smile devilishly.

"A clock always ticks forward unless tampered with. Revenge is always a never-ending cycle. Isn't that right Bruce," Revan chuckled before turning to face the both of them.

"We are creating a team Revan its compso-," Bruce stated before being interrupted by Revan.

"Oh, I know of your team of super friends why are you here," Revan smiled staring at batman.

The eyes he stared back at with was not the eyes of a father but predator long dormant since the ages of dinos.

It was the same eyes he had when he looked down at the people of Egypt.

These eyes were of that of an emperor.

"Why should I join your team?" Revan questioned.

"Because we need someone like you and because its the right thing to do," Batman pleaded.

"The right thing isn't absolute its bias and therefore negated. You don't need me you have shazam and superman so I'll ask you again why should I join a team of hypocrites that cant kill a single person to save millions but call themselves heroes" Revan bellowed releasing an aura of dominance.

Batman staggering back couldn't answer his years of training and mental had never been enough to stop the monster in front of him.

"I can kill all humans on earth because its the right thing to do as they kill animals everyday so why does it comes down to a human you hesitate to pull the trigger? Because you'll cross a line you'll never come from? No. It's ignorance. You are too weak-minded to see what the other side holds." Revan stated before stopping his aura.

"Because if we were to kill someone we'd cross a line we'd never recover from," Batman retorted as staggered back up recovering from the pull of Revans aura.

"Doing the right thing doesn't exist. Its a social construct built up by society. a few years ago blacks were used as slaves cattle of a sort but now those types of things like that are looked down on as heinous and insidious. What people do are not based on a spectrum of right or wrong. It's based on what you want to do. The reason why "The right thing exists" is because a larger amount of people chose to do what they wanted to do maybe subconsciously or consciously. It all came down to because they wanted too. So let me ask you again why should I join," Revan stated staring into the stars.

Batman staring into the floor looked up.

"You know Revan I always wondered just who you are why you are so powerfull and do nothing with it in the age of modern technology but I understand. The reason why I want you to join is because... I see you as a threat and I know you know me like the back of your hands as if you read my life on the pages of a book. I feel anxious about what you could become if you were to turn on us and I fear the day you snap. I want you to join us because I want you to leash down superman as well as the rest of the heroes if they too ever turned to the other side. You are the only person who I have seen is crazy yet sane to control our team so I plead will you join our team." Batman pleaded.

"I've already known you see me as a threat. you see everyone as a threat, I will not join the team to just babysit you, heroes, there is a reason why I retired. If the universe ever was at stake you will find me but I like my life as is. Now hurry off now. You ruined my mood," Revan stated before teleporting home and hoping to play a game of cod.

"Time to ruin other peoples moods," Revan snickered before entering though half way through the game he saw an interesting set of comment and replies in chat.

[ST3X_BLAZE: DioA$$MNCH3R is cheating He's hacking. Get reported f#$#t.}

[DioA$$MNCH3R: You're just trash. Git gud]

[JATORO420: Dio you hacker I'm coming for dat ass]

[DioA$$MNCH3R: Oh you're approaching me!]

"The hell is these kids up to nowaday," Revan smiled before turning off the pc his gamer tag was GODFATHER on all his gaming platforms and was thinking of streaming. Though the names these kids were playing on were hella sus. Jojo had no been released in this universe.(Secret message at the bottem)

You thought it was a secret message but it was me Dio!!!!!