
A Glitch In The System(DC)

A man is transported unknowing into the past. the past of DC. let's see how our protagonist survives this world. i do not own DC in any shape or form besides my original characters.

GodofTruth · Anime & Comics
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46 Chs

Time is wack

The new novel is out One piece blurred its kinda in the process of writing and will be updated slow. Kinda feel unmotivated to write recently so updates will very. Exams suck.


Standing from afar I saw the ceremony of heroes. They were being awarded medals of honor. Standing I hid my presence to watch I smiled.

"So what's your guy's Team's name called?" The president asked turning to the team.

"We ain't a te-," Superman replied but was interrupted by Shazam.

"We are the superfriends," He proclaimed proudly.

"What kind of name is that," Superman retorted a little annoyed on his naming sense.

"How about the justice league," Anakin suggested.

The heroes hearing him smiled.

"Sounds good to me," Green lantern spoke smiling.

"Yeah has a nice ring to it," The flash replied aswell.

"Justice league it is," The president said before announcing the team's name.

"I prefer to work alone," Batman Retorted before walking off and disappearing into his jet and flying off.

"Hypicorite," I mutered the guy had the bat family is techniqualy the leader of the justice leauge superman being the posterboy.

Superman, as well as the team understanding, flew off leaving to do what they needed.

Diana, with the twins left in separate direction but eventually made it to a secluded area to discuss.

"That was quite the show," I smiled as I hugged my children as well as kissing Diana.

I was wearing casual clothes sandals, shorts, and a hoodie I was quite tired of wearing the getup and mask.

"Where were you father," Aphro and Anakin asked surprised as I had just teleported in front of them.

"Tieing up loose ends with an old acquaintance," I smirked.

"Was this a test father?" Anakin questioned.

"Why of course it was to see how far my children were in this world Darkseid is not the only danger towards our world I wanted to see earths mightiest heroes face against him and let's just say I was not disappointed," I chuckled as I ruffled Anakin's hair.

Anakin understanding walked off with Aphro leaving just Diana and me.

"Although your methods are brutal I understand why you are doing this our children must be armed to protect themselves," She stated before kissing me as I carried her to a cafe and had lunch in Central city.

looking around I saw a familiar red speedster eating with his girlfriend.

My revenge is near I smiled as I finished my meal.

Diana also needed to go do some shopping as the milk was running low and proceeded to go shopping leaving me alone with my target and his girl.

The flash finishing with his date walked off.

Putting on the mask I walked towards and tripped him over which confused him as he stumbled on the ground.

"You know for the fastest man alive you're pretty slow," I chuckled.

Barry looking around looked as if hed a had a heart attack and panicked his face was filled with fear as he now knows that I know his secret identity as well as his girlfriend.

The flash pulling on his suit went on defense.

"Who are you and how do you know who I am!" He shouted getting ready to attack in a weird stance.

"Why so serious? I just want to train you I need to repay a favor after all," I chuckled before taking off my mask.

The flash calming down stood unguarded before I wacked his ankles causing him to flop on the ground like a fish out of water.

"Meet me outside of town at this location knowing how fast you run don't be late or ill increase your training remember I know who you love," I chuckled handing him a sheet of paper before walking off.

Seeing him confused he wanted to retort but when he looked behind he saw nothing. looking below at him I chuckled before muttering "I'm gonna need some eggs."


(The next morning)

The flash arriving to the destination was greeted to me be shirtless and wearing baggy pants.

"You have the fastest body indeed barry but not the fastest mind you make erratic mistakes that can be solved by simple things although it is apart of your personality it may just cause your life," I stated before lunging towards him.

I had limited myself to only 2% of my physical strength against him. The flash seeing me try and punch him laughed and tried throwing a barrage of punches and kicks but were all blocked by me.

Holding his legs I crushed them. Letting him suffer a bit I started to monologue" Your confidence in trying to defeat me was futile you don't just rush into a fight with just kicks and punches you access you opponents strengths and weaknesses before you attack now that you have no legs what do you do?" I smirked before healing him and walking back to my position.

"Damn old man," He shouted before blitzing towards I thought of allowing him to hit me and see his reaction.

Pooomth! Allowing the punch to connect and allowing my body to move back I was hit to the ground.

"How's that for you ol-!" He shouted before he was interrupted by me as I had just tackled him to the ground and breaking his ankles again.

"See what a monologue does when you don't have the strength to stop any interruption you don't talk until after you defeat your opponent completely just because your opponents down doesn't mean he's dead or incapacitated you have to use your brain barry, not your legs," I demanded before healing him again.

This carried on this time he was focused and quiet.

BADOOMTH! the flash using his kick created air blades that flung towards me. He was finally getting creative. when he was doing kicks as he saw it had no effect on me he created tornados to disorientate me this nearly did but I managed to fly up from the tornado and kick his neck.

"You are improving we will stop here, Take these clothes they are special as they weigh more then they look each piece weighs 20kg(44pounds) I will increase it each training session meet me here every week on Monday afternoon," I smiled before disappearing leaving an exhausted and sweaty flash. (no homo)

Looking at my cartins of eggs I smiled" You will be used soon."