
A Glitch In The System(DC)

A man is transported unknowing into the past. the past of DC. let's see how our protagonist survives this world. i do not own DC in any shape or form besides my original characters.

GodofTruth · Anime & Comics
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46 Chs


(3rd person)

Revan looking at Vandel stopped laughing and removed his hands from his shoulder while looking into the sky he sighed.

"How goes your first goal child," Revan asked facing my back towards him.

"I was doing well until that baldy and his weird bug friends decided to slaughter my entire army, thank you for your help" He responded before looking down

His kids looking at their father were shocked not once in their entire lifetime did they their father look down when speaking to someone unless they were beneath his feet.

Looking at this strange man they looked at him with awe and inspiration just how strong was this man to not only defeat that baldy but also gain their father's respect.

"Good, Good just remember. That second goal of yours is going to be back-breaking" Raven replied before fading away into the darkness.

Everyone besides Rex and Vandel stood there in awe looking at where Revan had just been.

Vandel looking at where Revan disappeared stared into the sky and whispered

"Show off"

(Revan POV)

Looking at the group from a high mountain i turned away.

I decided to meditate more now although my strength had increased considerably i needed more power.

My Chi had now turned into a golden colour while my chi pool increased to 6 lakes.

I needed to increase my chi.

(Years later)

Over many years, i had decided to create a martial arts school for everyone i wanted to train while training and teaching others.

I had the idea when i went shopping for food market when i saw a little boy and girl get picked on by men they were slave dealer.

Although i wanted to walk away and not deal with it this weird feeling kept me still.

So i helped them by doing flashy moves of martial arts.

You see martial arts is useless when in front of absolute strength and immense speed.

So i practised it over the many years to perfect my 2 applications of Chi.

Chi boost and chi constructs.

Trying to walk away the kids kept following me bugging me to teach them as i shopped for food.

So eventually i taught them and created a martial school.

the names of the two kids were Kirito and Yuri.

they were good students but were very uptight when around me as if they bent their back a little a wooden pole would be struck up to their arse it was kinda funny for a while until i told to relax.

As having a student being tense around you kinda get weird when they just stand there looking at the wall.

The school taught basic moves for outer disciples and taught chi control for inner disciples which i chose wisely.

They were to take a test made by my two students who were now full-grown adults.

I only taught them a little chi manipulation and gave them a basic book about it.

I never taught Vandel chi as an already intelligent, immortal being, with countless experience in his hand would be overkill.

That was his conquest, not mine.

I named my school Haki referencing will power and strength basically representing me.

My students became teachers and i came in once in a while to eat the noodles that i would cook from the market.

The uniform given to my student was Goku's uniform with the colours being white and black while inner disples had black and white teachers, on the other hand, wore Jedi robes.

The pattern on the back though was a Japanese symbol meaning river as to represent me.

Some schools would hold tournaments which i applied to join seeing young people get hurt was fun.

Looking at the arena there were 4 stands where we could sit down each representing a school.

Mine had the Japanese symbol the other was a dragon, A bear, and a weird symbol.

Looking into the other row i mentally shook my head the person sitting across of me was shocking I saw Ra's al Ghul.

this was troubling.

How would i know well the guy was wearing the signature green cloak from the comics.

It didn't help as everyone was staring at our schools uniform especially me as i had worn my mask 24/7 not ever revealing my face since the stone age.

Ra's al Ghul not afraid of me started walking toward me.

"Do you mind taking off the mask?" Ra's al Ghul asked gesturing me to take it off.

"No" I stated not even bothering to look at him before grabbing the bowl of noodles that was next to me eating it.

Ra's al Ghul not pleased tried kicking my bowl of noodles which failed terribly as he was struck down onto his feat by my BM power.

"Oh, You dare disrespect me, huh but you are unqualified to do so. i do not fight the weak. I destroy them." I said before closing the tubes to his lungs and opening them causing him to start chocking uncontrollably before laying on the ground spazzing out.

His student tried fighting me but was easily capacitated by my powers and students.

every one of Ra's al Ghuls students was left incapacitated.

This left the bear martial arts school and that other school left.

I stared at them before altering their memories making them forget about this day entirely looking at my students i decided to leave the school to my students not with giving them increased life span before i come back.

"My 2 beloved students i now leave this school to you 2 may i see you again when we meet until then," I said before disappearing again.

Back at my secluded cave I layed there staring at the stone ceiling.

tension is brewing near the north and east let's try a way to suppress my powers until then i said smiling.

Remember to comment and leave a review on the novel. I hope you enjoy the novel. Don't be shy to leave any suggestion in the comments. :))))))) <3

Short chapter bu iam getting ready for all the characters that are going to pop up guess what year im going to get into too. ;)


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