
A Glitch In The System(DC)

A man is transported unknowing into the past. the past of DC. let's see how our protagonist survives this world. i do not own DC in any shape or form besides my original characters.

GodofTruth · Anime & Comics
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46 Chs

Operation Nova (Fixed)

(1941 General soldier pov)

"Those dammed Germans won't move from their damm post. when is back up getting here? I shouted we had been in this damm trench for 7 months and reinforcements were of no sight.

Our morale was hitting an all-time low. We were losing this war if no reinforcements arrived here in 2 months.

We had hit a stalemate with the German forces there was no way we were getting passed them without external help, in fact, enemy troops kept getting more and more firepower.

Why did i even inlist this just seemed like a lost war. Those guns they were packing fired twice as much as we could in a second.

This was no man's land we could cross the other side we just couldn't.

That's when he arrived that damm nigger. (sorry for N-word racism did exist back then please don't take offence)

He came in wearing a gas mask. we obviously outcasted him as he stood 6th with a well-toned body he was too big as well as hiding his face.

Looking at him i could help but despise him.

Orders came in from the army tacticians saying we blitz our way through into the Nazi trench. We were goners i looked at the men i called brothers and peaked at the enemy side we were going to rush

Looking over i saw rows of machine guns lined up across their trenches

we were going to get destroyed.

The operation was called operation Nova probably referencing how we were going to die like an exploding sun.

The Machine guns i believe is what it is called could kill 7 men in a second and they were thinking of making us blitz our way into the enemy trench what type of bullsh** was that i had a wife and a kid i wanted to go back.

I wasn't ready to just die yet i had a life back home i wasn't ready to just leave that all behind.

I had a son and a wife.

Damm it. Damm it all if we were going die we were going to at least take some of them down with us.

(5 minutes before the blitz)

"Brothers were going to die in this battle i know we are going to get shot down by the Nazi forces." I paused before resuming "But if we're going to die were going take them down with us lets show them what freedom tastes like" I shouted

"Hoorah" Screamed everyone but that one nigger staring at him i pointed at him." I hope you die nigger" I shouted before moving to the front of the trench ready to climb up and run i earned quite a snicker from some of the boys.

Looking at that nigger he seemed unfazed and picked up his M1 Garand holding onto it with one on both hands like a pistol.

I looked at the boys and laughed is he trying to kill himself oh well his death i smiled before preparing to climb.

"10...9...8...7...6...5...4...3...2...1..0 now. rush em now" I shouted before climbing up and dashing toward the nazi trench which we immediately heard gunfire.

Looking around I saw many of my brothers gunned down not wanting to join them I ran even faster turning to see the nigger i was shocked he was dodging the bulletS while shooting the enemy machine guns causing them flare-up.

How did i know i saw the german trenches spark up with lights all around.

This nigger no. This solider was pushing the Germans back.

He kept dashing forward doing backflips and shooting his M1 Garand's towards the Nazis.

He would often let go of his gun and then pick them back up to shoot. as if he was reloading in seconds.

This guy was no solider he was a damm legend.

Getting distracted i was shot in the leg trying to get up i was then shot in the arm.

I immediately closed my eyes and lost consciousness.

(After Operation Nova failed)

Waking up i saw that i was being patched up by a nurse confused i looked around to see that soldier sitting on a chair reading a newspaper.

Looking at it i saw that we failed the push and that the boys still standing in the trenches needed support.

Trying to get up I couldn't. I couldn't feel my body.

The nurse seeing me struggle told me some unfortunate news.

"I'm sorry to say General Richard but it seems the bullets wounds had hit certain nerves in your body causing you to be unable to move your body," She said frowning looking at her papers before looking at that soldier.

"Fortunately Mr. Osmosis here carried all if the heavily wounded soldiers back to the main base, though I believe you'll never be able to move again" She dimly said before going back to the counter

Suddenly that soldier walked up to me and looking at me through the eye hole of his mask.

he was still wearing that strange gas mask.

"Why do you still wear the mask I asked staring at him," I asked wondering what was beneath the horrid mask that's when he spoke.

"To hide my identity," He said before pausing "You know there are things worse than death" He whispered to me staring directly into eyes.

It had felt as if he was looking directly into my soul.

Never in my life had I felt this fear staring into his lifeless eyes.

Even during operation nova I only felt anxiety but I was eventually willing to fight in the end.

I felt as if was starting at demon no monster that shouldn't have been provoked.

finishing where he left off I suddenly couldn't breathe.

I started to panic why did he save me if he was going to kill me anyway what was the whole purpose of doing so.

I tried screaming but I couldn't my voice had been suddenly stolen.

"Regret is a strong thing, Mr. Richard. Death is but a quick-release you feel nothing when you die. But regret. it looms over you like a storm raining down on you. It never stops. Don't you think it's weird that 2 bullets caused immense damage to your body? Yep, that was all me. I checked your pocket and saw you had a wife and a kid. What do you think they'll see you as? An asset nope they'll see you as a liability enjoy your life in bed hehe" He said whispering before bursting into laughter.

That day I saw a monster hiding among people.

It's a sight I'll never forget in my life.

Such is the regret of my life.

A wolf dressed as a sheep, no a Demon among men.

(Revan POV)

Leaving the poor sucker with his friends whom i also paralyzed the ones who snickered with him.

I then left to go see the big boss though he was just a retired general that decided to unretire and join the war effort.

He wanted to see me as my feats were heard from him as a soldier cable of pushing a fortified nazi trench by jumping and shooting around doesn't go unnoticed by the higher up especially when they're your boss.

"You wanted to see me, Bose," I said leaning on the wall looking at him.

"Yes, ill need you to help the birds in the sky. We need more intel on the germans. Do you know how to fly a plane" he said looking at me through the mask.

Looking at him smiled.

"Yeah learned from an old friend of mine," i said.

i was clearly lying but something told me that agreeing to this might lead me to something extraordinary.

"That's settled then meet the man in the hanger," He said before i started walking to the hanger i decided to wear the pilot uniform.

This blocked my entire body as my skin was hidden from view as only the face was left exposed which was covered by my gas mask.

Looking forward i decided to meet who i was flying with.

They all seemed normal until i spoke with one soldier whose name was Steve Trevor.

Smiling i went shooke his hand.

"Revan Osmosis," I said gesturing my hand for a handshake which he reluctantly shook.

"Steve Trevor, the Best pilot in the god damm world," He said before smiling at me.

"Oh, is the right well best pilot of the world don't let me down when we're in the air" I retorted before walking away and grabbing the manual of the plane.

Grabbing the manual i read over it and decided to hop on one of the planes and look at the control.

"Oi rookie you having trouble looking at the buttons," he said smiling.

"No just looking at the controls plane can differ to one another like a car you know," I said reading over the manual again as to have missed anything.

Understanding he nodded and walked away.

this is going to be one hell of a ride i thought before getting out and grabbing a meal in the cafeteria.