
A Glitch In The System(DC)

A man is transported unknowing into the past. the past of DC. let's see how our protagonist survives this world. i do not own DC in any shape or form besides my original characters.

GodofTruth · Anime & Comics
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46 Chs

Omega forehead

Staying in my bar I felt large openings surrounding the area.

Walking outside I saw people being taken by the parademons.

Walking back to the counter I decided to watch from the new and only join in when they needed me the most this is how the justice league was formed right?

Eh, we'll see how it'll end up. actively trying to save these fools would be a waste of my time they weren't being killed just captured.

Looking at the news I saw that heroes from around the area were here.

though one I didn't expect to show up was Krag the current champion of Wakanda.

It seems Darkseid was going to be unfortunate to meet more than he bargained for.

Looking into the list of heroes I smiled.

My wife, My daughter, My son, Batman, Superman, Green Lantern, Aquaman, Shazam, cyborg, Krag and the flash.

Aphro carried a giant sledgehammer and from my observations has the superpower Organic manipulation.

She was once angry when I decided to stop spoiling her and ended up messing up Wakanda's plant life which i had to fix.

Her smile always warms my heart just like her mothers.

I didn't really get to see martian manhunter or robin though robin more recon and info for today as the threat seems too high.

Using my phantom speture I spectated the fight it was going to be interesting to see what the outcome would be without my intervention.

Looking down I saw Darkseid... Bulkier and wearing armour.

This was a first he was never seen wearing armour ever during his run in the comics it seems because of my ass-whooping he decided to upgrade himself along with army they seemed bulkier aswell.

"Where is your world current champion I choose not be believe such a man who has defeated me to die as one of you mongrels," He declared still showing that cocky attitude.

"What do you want alien," Superman retorted getting ready to fight.

"I want your world destroyed looking around I sense his presence yet not... You with the white armour you reek of his blood though you lack his strength looking at you with the red and blue attire you seem just a spec of his strength... You must be the current champion of this world," Darkseid shouted preparing his gauntlets.

"I was going to save these for him though it seems I must use them early for you," He declared as his gauntlets started to glow red and his veins started to protrude.

"I got this. Green lanterns light!" Green lantern shouted before rushing toward before being smacked away onto the building down to the floor and being barraged with punches by two Parademons. (Search this up on youtube [Green Lantern Light Show])

Flash seeing this decided to help him out and run into circles creating a tornado pulling away from the Parademons from him.

Superman and Shazam decided to jump in and punch Darkseid but because of their lack of team chemistry ended up bumping into each other before being smacked away by Darkseid to the oterside of the city.

Aphro looking at phantom smiled towards him.

"So hows it been brother still training that big head of yours i assume," She chuckled getting into a stance ready to pounce onto Darkseid.

The taunt had no effect on Anakin as taunts were used regularly on the streets so this was no new news for Anakin.

Anakin also getting into stance teleported behind Darkseid and struck his electro gauntlets into him before Aphro follows in suit and smashed in onto him.

Wonderwoman seeing them work to help each other smiled and continued on slaying the other parademons which were extremely hard to deal with.

The other heroes trying to help were stopped by the other parademons which were trying to attack the other citizens.

Anaking infusing his hands with chi wrapped it around his hands and making rotations around it like a Rasengan before punching Darkseid toward Aphro who infused her chi into her hammer and slamming it sideways.

Darkseid getting annoyed started infusing his hands with unknown energy before using his omega beams and then teleporting through it and punching Anakin and throwing him towards Aphro.

"You have his's trick but not his power do not test me, weaklings!" He declared running towards them and slamming them onto the ground which was interrupted by Diana.

"You would think your father would be here by now," Diana sighed before using her chi to jump kick Darkseid away which only staggered him a bit.

Darkseid now overflowing with energy punched toward the Anakin, Aphro, and Dian causing them to be frozen.

"You reak of his power though you lack his strength donot try mortals," Darkseid declared before using his omega beams and splitting into ten different beams knocking the other heroes beside batman who dodged the omega beam using a parademon.

"You in black you are impressive you are the first mortal to dodge my beams," Darkseid announced before putting his hands behind his back and walking back to his platform.

Batman seeing this threw C4 batterings toward him which did nothing.

Darkseid had taken the rest of the heroes along with my kids.

Though It pained my heart I needed to do this to save and locate the other prisoners via soul tracker I placed into them when they were young.

Anakin always disappeared through weird portals which always confused me it was if he was going into a different dimension.

Walking toward batman he seemed alarmed but after seeing my mask he calmed down before putting his batterang.

"Ever thought of just using chi instead of carrying around your gadgets?" I asked.

"If i ever run out of chi how'll will I escape I'm only human after all," He stated before taking off his mask and walking toward a shop and wearing a coat.

"You trying to find the big boys?"I questioned also following suit though I switch my mask for a mouth mask and sunglasses.

"I know you aren't going to face Darkseid head-on. It would be too easy wouldn't it?" He stated before whistling for the parademons to come done.

"Indeed my kids are just enough besides the rest of the heroes could do this on their own they just need to build some team chemistry bruce," I stated before being carried away first.

Batman seeing being carried off before also being sweeped off his feet.