
A Fox in Twilight

Romance consists of Alice and Mc Cain Fennix was a semi normal teen who went on a trip to Europe with his family but was taken because of his looks. After being shipped to his new owner he had changes forced upon him before he could finally escape.

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16 Chs

Trust and The History of Cain (2)

(Day earlier than intended and slight short but here it is.)

Cain fell to to ground breathing heavy as everything around him was incinerated. Landing on his knees in a pool of molten metal as it poured down around him. Slowly he could hear the sounds of people rushing around as he staggered to his feet.

Looking around he was now in a pit in the floor filled to his ankles with molten metal. Looking at his feet he felt no pain from it, in fact it felt like he was standing in mud. Hearing the all to familiar sound of the hydraulic door opening Cain looked up and to his surprise the door looked fine as it was just out of the initial blast.

Seeing the door open Cain looked at his hand and tried to remember what happened just now. The feeling of warmth that surged forth from him. Pulling as he may the feeling didn't return but he could almost feel it. Looking back up he could see the door start to move to the side.

He started to panic as he tried to repeat what just happened. 'COME ON DAMN IT MOVE!' He screamed internally but the three men that charged in the door dropped the guns in their hands as they gripped their heads. Their forward momentum continuing as they stumbled forward into the pit just past the door.

In their stupor they three men while clutching their heads in pain fell into the molten metal at Cain's feet splashing it onto him. Again the magma just slowly dripped from him like mud but the same couldn't be said about the others.

Falling face first into the metal the clothing on their bodies ignited fallowed by their flesh as the water in their skin boiled releasing steam. They struggled briefly before they went into shock and died. Cain just looked at the results in shock.

'Did I do something or are they just stupid?' Cain just watched the sizzling corpses for a moment before he could hear more rushing from outside. Stepping past the bodies he grabbed a gun as he climbed out of the pit before heading out the door.

As he left the door he turned to the left, from what he remembered the fat man whose eyes always looked at him like he was his greatest meal on the planet headed that way when he leaving. As a bonus the sound of foot steps were coming from the right.

As he ran he continued to try to summon the flames. Although they drained him they were extremely powerful and he needed to be able to use them if he encountered something he couldn't normally solve.

Cain's body flashed as his enhanced strength and speed showed its worth. He weaved through the halls as he smelled his surroundings. His nose picking up the faint sent of the fat man. He only ever seemed to come to check progress then leave immediately after and that proved beneficial to Cain as he came to a dead end where the scent ended.

It looked like a plain wall but there was a finger scanner on it. "Fuck!" Cain slammed his fist into the wall with all his strength. The sound of metal creaking came out as a small dent formed but it was far from enough. Cain placed his hand on the door and closed his eyes.

"Come on, burn for me." Wisps slowly started to flicker from him. The gun barrel starting to melt and fall from his other hand as they slowly stabilized. Opening his eyes his hand started to melt through the wall as his face split into a grin.

He however was startled from his joy by the sound of rushing footsteps behind him as some guards rounded the corner. In his panic as he saw over his shoulder as they raised their guns and start to shoot at him. Spinning around with his hand still outstretched flame spewed out in a arch. Anything in it's path burning rapidly as it quickly passed through the wall beside him till he was pointing at the gunners.

The bullets passing into the flames melted quickly but not quite fast enough as several still impacted his body. The slag just gouging into his skin instead of penetrating into him due to being liquid. The rage from being shot channeled into the flames causing them to expand.

After a few moments the flames slowly stoped before starting to extinguish. As his vision cleared up Cain's mouth hung open as the carnage was shown. The hallway was gone… as well as the floor above it…. and the floor above that. The flames took out a area the size of a basketball stadium.

Cain's labored breath all that could be heard along with the latter of rain as he could see rain falling from a above into what was left of the laboratory. Cain slowly walked forward as he looked around in shock. He was now just in a hole in the ground that appeared to be about 50 feet deep. Looking back the place he was standing was the only untouched surface. The wall before revealing a melting elevator shaft.

Cain looked down at his hands as the wisps floated around them. His labored breathing being the only indication that he did anything. Standing in the middle of the pit of lava buck naked Cain started to laugh as he roared out. Laughter and will echoed throughout the surroundings.

The rest of the base above ground fell to their knees as the sound of mocking laughter rang through their heads and scream out in pain. Cain's eyes narrowed as his laughter came to a halt. The screams entering his ears causing them to twitch.

Bending his knees Cain jumped up his body colliding with the side of the pit as his hand dug into the side. Climbing up he was greeted with a small building that looked to be a security outpost and a large fence with watch towers placed around it.

Cain's face still spouted a smirk as he walked up to the building the door melting as he just walked through it. Inside the door there was several people stationed that were struggling to their feet. Cain's figured blurred fallowed by thuds as they fell to the ground with their necks crooked. Picking the one closest to his size Cain stole his clothes. Leaving from the building he picked a random direction and started running.

Some time later his excessive use of his abilities draining him more and more as he started to slow down over time. While jogging though the woods to save energy his ears perked up as he heard the sounds of dogs closing in…..


"...and that is when I guess I lost consciousness." Cain finished up his story as Carlisle sat and listened with rapt attention catching a few important parts that peaked his interest. "So I was right on the not human part I guess." Carlisle spoke sad smile on his face as he gazed at the suffering boy.

"Ya… I'm some sort of fox thing now." Leaning back on the bed and closing his eyes as he sighed. "So what now? Want to lock me in a lab and see what makes me tick I'm sure it would be interesting." The sarcasm practically oozing from his voice.

Chuckling slightly Carlisle gave his reply. "As much fun that sounds like I got another idea." Cain looked at the handsome man sat on the chair as the later continued. "I'd like to adopt you." Cain's eyes widened as he was greeted with a smiling face.

"You see me and my wife can't have kids so we adopted. Although we aren't the same as you we know how it is to be different. I want to give you a home where you can be yourself. I know this is a lot so you can take your time just know our door is always open." Saying so he stood up and started to walk to the door as Cain soaked in the offer.

However as he reached the door he was stopped. "Wait! I don't need to wait." Cain paused and let out a deep breath. "I know it's probably stupid but I felt as if my chest screamed in excitement at your words." Pausing once again to build up his courage.

"I don't know how this will go but… please adopt me."