
A Fox in Twilight

Romance consists of Alice and Mc Cain Fennix was a semi normal teen who went on a trip to Europe with his family but was taken because of his looks. After being shipped to his new owner he had changes forced upon him before he could finally escape.

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16 Chs

Spicy Morning and Off To School

In the silence of the night in a dark room the rustling of cloth could be heard. However, there wasn't much movement to be seen. Two figures could be seen atop the bed in the center of the room. The sounds coming from the top of the bed were smooth and rhythmic.

These figures were Alice and Cain. Alice lay atop Cain's chest her hand slowly tracing letters across it. Obviously taking far more time than necessary to write out her story. But Cain didn't mind his eyes were closed as his arm that held her traced the outlines of her back.

'.... Jasper and I followed my visions and joined the family.' Alice traced out all she knew of her past for Cain. She wanted him to know everything about her. He had already shared his past with her not that there was much to it.

Cain's eyes opened slightly as she finished his eyes glowing dimly in the moonlight. His gaze was gentle as he kissed her head while pulling her up deeper into his embrace. 'So you are the reason our family came to Forks? I'm glad. I'm not sure how things would have gone for me without everyone.'

Alice buried her face in the crook of his neck as he wrapped both arms around her. His hands rested on her small back as he showered her own with kisses. Her body squirmed lightly under his touch as her hands pressed against his broad chest. 'You were already the best thing to happen to me long before I even knew.'

His tired eyes slowly closed as he spoke to her. His hands slowly moved as if to make sure she was still there as he drifted off to sleep. Alice hearing his heart slow and breathing steady just enjoyed the feel of his embrace as she watched him sleep. His hands moved subconsciously in his sleep as his long day came to an end.


The grey sky showed signs of brightening as Alice was still on Cain's chest and was playing with his shoulder-length hair. Her slender white fingers intermingled with his bright blue hair as she lay nestled into his side.

Even tho she couldn't sleep since becoming a vampire the passage of the night brought her more rest than she has obtained since she turned. The house around them slowly started to awaken as the start of the day was upon them. The noise of everyone moving about caused the ears atop Cain's head to twitch.

His eyes fluttered open only to be greeted with a pair of beautiful caramel. "Morning." Alice's sweet voice rang in his ears as yesterday flashed through his head. 'Good morning.' Cain's voice echoed in her head as he pulled her into a kiss.

Her cool lips touched his hot lips bringing an equilibrium. His arms pulled her tightly into his embrace as the kiss deepened. His slightly rough tongue dived into her mouth to enter an unprecedented war with hers.

Her hands gripped tightly to his shirt as they rolled on the bed. Cain's much larger body pinned Alice to the bed as his hands roamed up the back of her shirt. Her hands gripped his hair as she deepened the kiss. His breath became more labored as her senses were filled with her scent, her taste, her sound, and her touch.

Everything driving into him made him lose himself to her. Alice wasn't faring much better. His existence brought her something she couldn't remember ever feeling. Warmth, her long cold body scorched by his heat after a long freeze.

Just as Cain's hands were moving to remove her clothes a voice sounded. "I know you two are excited but we need to be getting to school soon." Emmett showing his lack of tact yelled from downstairs. Shocking the new couple from their engrossment.

Their lips parted reluctantly as Cain stared down at the disheveled Alice. Saliva shined in the dim light from the corner of her lips. Her hair and clothing were disheveled showing more of her pale collar and cleavage. Cain wasn't much better as his own pale skin was flushed and a strand of saliva flowed from his mouth to hers. His smooth hair was in a mess as it slowly seemed to fix itself.

"Sorry I couldn't control myself." Cain spoke while looking away from her alluring figure beneath him. Alice's gaze locked onto the profile of his flushed face as she smiled. "It's ok.." Sitting up using Cain's body as an assist. Her small tongue ran up from his deep collar to the bottom of his jaw causing him to shiver. "I don't want you to." she whispered in his ear just loud enough for him and only him to hear her words.

Stunned Cain could only watch on as she slipped out from under him and ran out the door. Her lyth figure held his gaze long after it passed through the doorway. The young boy stuck in his thought could only think one thing. 'Holy fuck.'


Cain came down the stairs after a few minutes of getting ready. As he reached the living room he was greeted by Emmett and Jasper smirking at him. "Not a word." He said to them as he sat on the couch beside them. Emmett ignored his warning as he elbowed him. "Steamy morning already?"

His words earned him a punch to the shoulder. "I said not a word and where is my part of your bet? Don't think I forgot." Cain narrowed his eyes at Emmett who just shrugged it off and wrapped his arm around his shoulder. "Hey hey don't worry we were all like that at the beginning. The feelings never go away but we just learned to hold back."

Jasper nodded in affirmation while keeping an eye on the stairs in caution. Just then a voice rang from upstairs. "Shut up Emmett or you are sleeping outside again." Emmett's smile quickly went away as he pulled back from Cain.

Figuring the girls would take a while to get ready as normal Cain couldn't help but notice the lack of someone he expected. While looking around he spoke with slight anger still in his tone. "Where is He at?" Catching on quickly to who He is Jasper lightly chuckled as he replied. "Edward takes longer than the girls. He is for some reason very meticulous with his hair." Emmett's laughter sounded as he agreed. " Ya he spends more time on his than they do."

This calmed Cain's anger some as he thought of the other boy's hair. "Ya, he seems like the type." just then Cain caught a whiff of something from the kitchen. The scent caused his stomach to growl as he quickly added into the kitchen.

In the kitchen, he was greeted by Esme currently working hard on making breakfast sandwiches for him. Seeing him enter Esme greeted him with a smile. "Morning Cain take a seat it will be ready soon." Her smile brightened as she quicker her pace of making the sandwiches.

Doing as he was told Cain quickly sat at the table. Where he was joined by Emmet and Jasper. Even though tho they wouldn't eat they still wanted to chat with him. Not long after Esme brought him his breakfast as she joined them in small talk.

Slowly everyone started to join save Carlisle as he already added off to work. When Edward came down the star he was greeted by a glaring room. He slowly walked up to Cain and spoke. "I am sorry. I overstepped. I didn't think of how you felt or what you had been through." He held some guilt in his voice. As for if he was completely honest Cain could feel he was still holding something back.

Cain's gaze held his for a long time in the silence. He let it go for the sake of his new family. "I'll forgive you for everyone's sake." His open words held forgiveness. 'But I will not forget what you have said.' But his inner thoughts spoke differently. His voice was calm but his heart was cold. He would watch how Edward acted in the future.

He loved his new family already. He loved Alice even more and he would not lose them. Everyone could tell Cain still held uncertainty toward Edward but nobody could blame him. Edward's previous words held so much venom.

Soon after a quick patter could be heard from the stairs as Alice bounded down them. Her outfit stunned Cain as she approached. It was simple consisting of light grey jeans and a hoodie. However, the hoodie was what stood out. It was a blue fox-themed hoodie.

Alice giggled as she wrapped her arms around his neck and planted a kiss on his lips. His hands automatically wrapped around her thin waist as he stared at her. Her short spiky hair poked from under the hood that held two pointy plus ears.

Smiling wryly Cain couldn't help but think. 'She definitely planned this.' Because how else could she get such a specific thing so quickly? "Really? Should I start calling you a vixen instead of a pixie now?" Alice just giggled as she hugged him tightly.

"I wanted to match you so I had it specially made." Everyone else chuckled as they watched the awkward expression on his face. "Ok, now off to school we don't want Cain to be late to his first day now." Esme clapped her hands drawing their attention as Alice was the last to be ready.

They all headed out the door as Esme saw them off with a smile. Edward is the odd man out with all the couples holding hands. Alice takes it a step further by hanging from Cain like a backpack. Jasper Edward and Edythe use the Volvo while the rest went for the jeep.

Cain looked at the jeep for a moment before looking at Alice and then to the woods. "Alice, can you get down for a second?" She begrudgingly got off as he looked at the woods as if it was calling for him. Turning back to Emmett and Rosalie he questioned. "Do you think I can go for a run? At least till we get to the main road. I'm starting to feel stuffy and all these trees are making me excited."

His blood started to boil remembering his first run. Emmett just laughed. "Sounds fun how about we race? Looser has to do one thing the other says." A large grin splits his face as he got excited. "You're on I'll even give you a handicap. Though it won't be much of one I was going to let Alice ride my back." Cain hosted as he started to remove his shirt and shoes. Past experience showing only pants survive the change.

Alice quickly woke from her stupor of watching Cain strip and jump on him excited to ride him. "I can ride along? Yes!!! I have been wanting to do it and I haven't even gotten to see you change in person." Cain's body started to expand as he went to all fours. His body became covered in blue fur and one long tail appeared behind him. His razor-sharp teeth gritted from the pais as his face twisted into a snarl from pain.

'God that still sucked. However much less so than before.' His voice sounded out to everyone as he stood tall. His transformation was much faster and less painful than before so he at least had that going for him. His body shook lightly as if to shake off the pain. Alice seeing him fully changed hopped on his back holding him like a koala. Her hoodie was almost a perfect match for his beautiful fur making her almost completely disappear into his fluff.

"Sooooo soft!" Her triumphant voice came from his back as his large head turned to Emmett. The large boy is now dwarfed by his size and strength.

"Is it too late to back down?" His only answer to his dismay was the foxy grin on Cain's face.