
A Fox in Twilight

Romance consists of Alice and Mc Cain Fennix was a semi normal teen who went on a trip to Europe with his family but was taken because of his looks. After being shipped to his new owner he had changes forced upon him before he could finally escape.

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16 Chs


(... I feel I entered a weird rabbit hole in this chapter but I like it so I'm going to keep it.)

Cain stood stunned for a moment before a tear formed in his eye. He had no clue how much he wanted to hear those words. Even though it was a new home with a different family, he wanted to hear it.

The past months of solitude and torture was to much for anyone. The one thing keeping him going was the thought of home and now it was gone. However he has a new one. Even though it's not the same the wave of relief over his body was evident.

Esme seeing the tears running down his face came up to hug him. Her arms wrapping him as the damn broke. Even though her embrace was cold he felt as if it was the warmest place on earth. Esme didn't say anything as she held him. She had been told about his past and it made her heart hurt just thinking of it.

Looking up at her husband she was greeted by him looking at Cain with sorrow. Carlisle was always a tender heart and seeing others in pain hurt him. But to make matters worse he already saw Cain as a son between the adoption and him possibly being Alice's mate. To go from one sterile environment to another couldn't of been easy.

Carlisle placed his hand on Cain's shoulder and spoke gently. "Your home now, everything will be fine." They stood at the entrance of the house for a long while before Cain finally calmed down. But as he calmed down he grew embarrassed.

The first time in his new home he broke down in tears in front of his new mother. "Sorry…" Cain could only weakly apologize as he hung his head. Hearing him Esme's hand stretched up and stroked his soft hair as she spoke softly. "It's perfectly fine you have been through a lot. Just take your time."

"I'm sorry Cain I should of realized how much you disliked the hospital. It couldn't of been easy." Carlisle said apologetically. In the past week Cain had obviously been uncomfortable but Cain made it seem like it wasn't a big deal. "No it's fine Carlisle I didn't even realize myself how stressful it was to me." Cain assured him that it was fine as he left Esme's embrace.

Esme watched Cain with a gentle gaze as he spoke to Carlisle. This had been the time she felt most like a true mother in a long time as her current kids were quite 'mature'. The scene however was soon interrupted by a low grumble.

"Well I guess you are hungry. I figured you would want something other than hospital food as I have heard roomers on how bad it is." Esme's face brightened as she looked as the embarrassed Cain. "Sorry it must be a inconvenience to you. I'll get a part time job soon to take care of my own food. I can't keep bothering you considering…"

"It's fine I'm glad to cook for you. I love to cook and I designed a beautiful kitchen but since we don't eat normal food it's only been used by me for practice." Esme quickly interrupted him she didn't want to loose her chance to cook. She stayed at home and took care of a house so having something else to do made her happy.

"In that case I'll have to inconvenience you then." Cain spoke with a excited smile because now that he wasn't having a break down he could smell the food. Clapping her hands together Esme exclaimed lightly. "Great! Since this is you first meal here I may of good overboard so don't feel pressured."

Overboard was a understatement as she got to caught up in the excitement the table for eight was half covered in different foods. Seeing this Cain and Carlisle smiled wryly at the excited woman who was introducing each item on the table. Cain sat down and started to eat as Carlisle left to do something else.

Esme sat beside him as she added more food to his plate as he ate. "This is all really good! How are you so good at cooking? You know since you don't eat normal food and all?" Cain questioned in between scarfing down the food around him.

Esme chuckled lightly before growing somewhat sad. "I use to cook all the time before my change. It was one of the things that distracted me from the bad in my life… but even after my change food no longer tasted good. However I still enjoyed cooking so when I talked to Carlisle about it he said to do it anyway." Esme smiled as she remembered her struggle relearning the kitchen without being able to taste the food.

"There was actually a period of time I was a small time chef. I loved watching people eat my food. So having someone I can be honest with and cook for again makes me happy." Cain listened intently as he ate. The food in the table quickly disappearing as his appetite had grown post change.

"I'm glad to hear I can help as well as have my own personal chef. But I do feel a little bad being the only one eating I would give you some of my blood but I heard you were 'vegetarian'." A small frown showed on his face as he continued. "Honestly with my regeneration increasing I could probably produce quite a lot. But I'm not sure how my blood will work with everyone."

Seeing his frown Esme was slightly confused on the later part but soon understood. "It's because of what they did right" Cain nodded and spoke. "Ya I was subjected to so many things I'm not sure how much of me is different. This isn't even the form I'm most comfortable with anymore. So I'm not sure if my blood could harm everyone otherwise I'd be happy to provide. It probably wouldn't hurt me anyway."

Esme just shook her head. "Even if we could we wouldn't. We wouldn't want you to ever think we were just food to us. We would even like to turn you into one of us but again we don't know what could happen." Esme put her hand over one of his as she looked him in the eyes.

"From the moment you accepted my husband's offer you are one of our precious family. No matter what we are here for you." Cain's eyes started to water slightly as he nodded. "Yes Cain you are a member of our family now and nothing will change that." Carlisle said as he walked up to the table.

Placing somethings on the table as he took a seat opposite of Esme he continued. "These are for you. I was able to expedite quite a few things thanks to my connections." On the table was a new wallet, a blue flip phone and a set of keys that only had a few on it.

"Sorry if you don't like the color. I thought it would be fun to have a matching one. The keys are to the house and a few other things and in the wallet is a bank card and a new license because I'm positive you don't have your old one." Cain picked up the phone and looked through it.

"Thanks you didn't have to do this though. I would of gotten one eventually." Cain was really grateful for everything but it was just so much so fast. "As I said before you are now our son Cain. You don't need to worry about anything we are far better off than you can imagine. You just need to do what you want and enjoy what life has to offer."

Cain had no response to Carlisle's words. They had already said and done so much for him how could he continue to argue. "Ok." Was all he could say in the end as he got to the contacts in his phone. "I've already saved everyone's number in your phone so you don't have to worry about it later." Esme said from the side as she saw what he was doing.

Cain's eyes wondered over the eight names in the phone adding them carefully to his memory. Alice, Carlisle, Edward, Edythe, Emmett, Esme, Jasper and Rosalie these are the names of his new family. The new home that he has been given.


The three of them just sat at the table and chatted for hours as Cain munched on the food before him. Time passing in a flash as the husband and wife shared stories about the past while Cain added some of his about his.

After a while Carlisle looked at his watch and spoke. "The kids should be home soon. Cain why don't you go take a shower and get changed. I'm sure you are tired of smelling like a hospital. Top floor first door on the left is the bathroom and third door is your room. There should be some of Edward's old clothes they may be a little tight but they should do till we go shopping later."

Cain lifted the collar of his shirt and sniffed and indeed he smelled like the hospital causing him to frown. The shirt was actually something Carlisle had brought him before he guessed it was probably again from Edward. It clung tightly to him same with the pants but he liked them like that anyway.

"Ya… I guess I should. This isn't exactly my favorite smell right now. Plus I have to make a good impression on my new siblings right." Cain smiled as he stood up. Esme started to pick up the dishes and take them to the sink as he walked to the stairs.

"I'll put the leftovers in the fridge you are welcome to eat them whenever. Make sure to call us if you happen to need anything we are just a shout away. And Cain you don't need to hide here do what makes you feel most comfortable." Cain looked back slightly and nodded before slowly his blue ears and tail appeared behind him.

Again cain was surprised by the size of the house as he walked up the stairs as his tail flowed behind him. Stopping slightly at all the graduation caps and chuckling slightly before continuing. Coming to the top of the stairs he was greeted with a long hallway and as Carlisle said to tithe left was a bathroom.

Walking towards his room to get a change of clothes he looked around. However he stopped not long after as he saw something in the room between his and the bathroom that caught his eye. There was a large amount of blue being reflected off something in that room.

Walking closer he saw a bunch of paintings around the room making it look partially like a art studio. Think nothing of it his curiosity got the best of him as he was in awe at the beauty and detail of the paintings on the walls. Most finished but some stopped halfway as if the artist had lost their muse.

As he slowly looked at all the paintings he finally caught the sight of the source of the blue light. On the side away from the door there were several paintings of the same subject… a large blue fox. Cain approached the paintings in a daze. Closing in however he froze as his eyes caught the other common aspect.

His had reached out subconsciously touching the small figure in the most recent painting. A beautiful pixie like girl sat under the fox's tail while leaning against it. Her petite hand stroking the soft fur of the large animal.