
A Fox and His Vixens (+18)

Naruto gets thrown into a situation every man dream of after an amazing night at home. Each chapter has +13,000 words Original Author: The Storm Master 567 you can find this story in Fanfiction.net

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16 Chs

Kushina, Satsuki, Izumi, Mikoto, Ayame, Tsunade, Yukiko & Aki (+18). Part 2

Growling into the bosom of Yukiko, he began to thrust into Aki's mouth, idly noting that Tsunade took one of his balls into her mouth and made erotic slurping sounds. As he slowly picked up speed, he could feel that Aki was about to let him go but…he couldn't allow that!

Eyes widened to the fullest when she felt his hand rest on her head and push her head back on his cock when she tried to move back. His hips bucked into her tight throat, making her gag at the sudden forcefulness. 'He's using my mouth like a vagina!' Aki thought in deep lust, her wide eyes dipped down as she accepted the thundering prick fucking her throat. Her idle hands went down to her womanhood and began to slide two fingers along the slid, teasing herself.

"Ahhh! Naru-sama! Yes!" Yukiko yelled like a pig as she was suddenly assaulted by his manly fingers digging into her moist majesty. "Make your fingers slick with my dirty whore juices! Watching you throat fuck Aki-chan is so fucking hot!" The greenette huffed, her arms holding his head into her bosom he wouldn't leave.

Tsunade took her lips off his balls and decided to watch Aki get her throat fucked by the blonde Uzumaki while he played with Yukiko's tits. But, she was still jealous that he was paying attention to them over her. With a small pout, she made her way to the other side of Naruto and took his hand in hers. "Finger-fuck me." Her brown eyes stared into his dark blue that swirled to see the busty nurse at his side.

"Don't mind if I do." His muffled voice reached her ears before she moaned hotly as two fingers entered her tight hole. 'Nice and tight. Same with this bitch.' Naruto thought to himself in mad lust as he was now fingering Tsunade and Yukiko. The blonde teased Yukiko's nipples before gently biting them. His blue eyes lit up in bliss as he felt the familiar liquid squirt into his mouth. 'Breast milk!' Naruto sucked the juicy, milking, breasts with greater force. His hands were soaked with her woman juices and it only made him jam his fingers in and out of her harder than before.

"Oh~ fuck! You're drinking my milk! Naru-sama is milking me like the fuck-cow I am~!" The moaned nurse shouted with a happy smile and blush as she couldn't stop the fluids, both from her lower mouth and nipples, from flowing.

"Naru~." He glanced over to see his blonde MILF lover looking at him with longing eyes. "Don't slow, please. Please keep fingering me." Tsunade begged, feeling her lover slow in her fingering and it made her mewl in sadness. "Iya! Thank you!" The woman yelled in happiness as his head left Yukiko's bosom, making her growl in anger, and lips were now wrapped around her large areola, trying to milk her like the busty greenette.

Yukiko was angry that she was now just getting fingered, but she accepted it and began to suck on her still leaking breast. She moaned at her own taste and began to greedily suck herself.

'I'm loving this!' Aki shouted in her head as she loved getting man-handled by her favorite student. The power he had over her, like he was the one at charge of whether she lives or dies, made her woman juices gush harder down her legs, flowing like a river. She managed to breathe through her nose and drenched her saliva around his prick.

"So close, Aki-chan!" Naruto mumbled between his sucking of the heavenly teats of Tsunade and fingering of her and Yukiko. "My cum is gonna blast in your mouth. Make sure to drink it all." He advised the shivering beauty on her knees.

Aki's eyes rolled to the back of her head as she finally reached her climax that shook through her form. Even though she came, she didn't stop tightening her throat around him. Body trembling, tits shaking from the thrusts, tears, sweat, and juices stained the floor. Her vision was becoming hazy and she barely noticed Naruto take his fingers out of the women and frame her head and push her head down his cock while thrusting up.

Naruto couldn't hold himself anymore. After biting the quivering Tsunade's boobs, getting a nice blast of her milk, he let his lips leave her chest fruit. His hands left their mounds and ignored their mewls before face-fucking Aki like he does his other bitches.

Muscles tensed, an animal-like growl escaped his lips, as he panted like a dog in heat as the other busty nurses at his side licked his skin. Growling and grunting as he fucked her mouth, he gave one last push and roared. His ejaculation shooting straight into Aki's mouth, down her throat, and stained her stomach.

After a few minutes of cumming, it prolonged by Tsunade and Yukiko, he let out a pleased sigh and his tool was released from Aki's tight throat. "Damn. That was good, Aki-chan." The blonde said with a happy smile and large blush at finally cumming inside the bustiest woman he knew.

Barely conscious, clinging to being awake, she leaned her head back and swallowed it all. Her body quaked harder and her arms wrapped around her still clothed body as another orgasm rocked through her. After it was done, she panted before looking back at Naruto who was looking back at her. With his stare, everything went blank for Aki.

Blue eyes widened at the sinful gleam in Aki's eyes and how quickly she ripped off her top, releasing her juggling orbs. He licked his lips at finally seeing those delicious orbs free to his sight. The Uzumaki, Tsunade and Yukiko watched the now bold nurse stand and rip off her skirt and panties, showing her dripping wet mound. Naruto so wanted to lick that!

Tackling him, making the two squeal in shock at being pushed away, Aki kissed him with passion, pressing her breasts against his chest. "Fuck me! Fuck me now! My virginity is for you and you alone. Make me a woman!" Leaving the kiss, she begged the blonde like a mad woman.

"I like this side of you, Aki-chan." Naruto groaned out in a lustful grin at the beauty above him. It was a shock to him that this woman was a virgin, given how she looked and dressed, but he wasn't complaining. To take such a gorgeous woman's virginity…he's be an idiot not to take it! Grabbing her by the waist, he pushed her to the ground, back pressed against the wooden wood, and loamed over her. "Sorry, Yuki-chan, Tsu-chan. But Aki-chan needs my attention." Naruto glanced over at the two who smiled at him.

"It's alright. Just be sure to give me a good ride after Aki." Tsunade said before giving him steamy eyes and a sultry smile. He returned the smile and nodded.

Aki's eyes teared up and toes curled as he lined up his cock-head against her womanhood lips. Nervousness and anticipation filled Aki's system as she stared at Naruto, who stared right back. Love was the clear emotion in his eyes and it made her face crimson. "Are you ready?" He asked, his voice rough in lust.

Smiling, she gave him a little kiss and leaned back. "Yes. I'm ready. Thrust into me." Aki told the teenager who nodded after getting the okay.

With great care, Naruto slowly slid himself into her, making her close her eyes tightly as a small squeak came from throat as her lips quivered in pain and pleasure. "Yga~!" The blonde groaned loudly as he sheathed all of him inside the woman's hole. Some blood escaped her pussy and Naruto didn't move an inch, it took all of his power to not cum from such a tight hold her lower walls had around his sensitive rod.

A little tear escaped her eyes and a happy smile graced her lips. "Finally! I'm finally a woman with the man I love!" She said with her tears rolling down her face and body shaking in the aftermath of losing her purity.

Naruto looked at the woman with wide eyes before they dipped down in love and lust. "I love you too, Aki-chan." Giving her a sweet kiss, he began to bang his hips in and out of her. "Your insides are so amazing!" He grunted.

"And your cock is so big and hard! It's so manly~!" Aki moaned as she bucked her own hips against his, her tits swaying up and down with each thrust. "Please, grab my tits!" After seeing how his eyes locked onto her melons, she knew what he wanted and begged for it.

His head and lips couldn't be on her melons fast enough. "Finally!" Naruto's muffled voice reached her ears as did her joyful moans reached his own. "You won't believe how much I've wanted to taste these!" Naruto sucked on them with mad glee while he thundered his prick in and out of her deflowered womanhood.

"There yours! From now on, all I have is yours! My heart, soul, pussy, mouth, ass, and breasts are yours to ravage whenever you want!" Aki mewled sultry, holding his head between her jiggling bosom that framed his head.

"Better believe I will, dattebayo!" Naruto's shouted as he continued to lick, nip, and suck her heavenly tits while he ploughed his Aki-chan into the ground, her voice music to his ears. He could hear her erratic heart beat and it made him crave to hear how it would beat when he climaxed.

While they fucked, Tsunade and Yukiko prepared themselves for their turn by getting them ready. Tsunade's hand was rested on Yukiko's tit, rubbing them, while her other hand was palming her dripping mound. Yukiko was doing the same thing but went rougher, pinching her hard nipples and getting open-mouthed moans from the busty blonde. Yukiko decided to shut her up with a tongue kiss that Tsunade melted into. Both closed their eyes as they imagined it was Naruto doing it to them.

The blonde heard the lesbian sounds from behind and it excited him to know they were using their bodies to please themselves and being watched, so his hips picked up speed, almost bruising Aki's own. His sudden increase made the beauty scream like a bitch, her orgasm coating him in juices, and her eyes rolled to the top of her head; a perfect agehoa. "FUCK!" Aki yelled to the heavens as she had the best orgasm of her life by the Uzumaki who only put more force into his fucking, her tight vaginal walls making him grit around her boob, prolonging her orgasm.

Just feeling her walls tighten around him made the blonde growl deeply into the bosom and let out a silent roar as he felt his seed shot deep into the screaming Aki. His cock spitting out didn't stop his fucking for one second. Wanting to feel those delicious lips again, he left her teat and silenced her yell with his lips, tongue ramming down her throat and tongue-fucking her like he does his other cock-starved women.

'He's fucking me like an animal! I love it! I love him!' Aki thought to herself as she let herself go in desire for the blonde destroying her now pussy. The fact that she was losing her breath and Naruto didn't seem to want to let her leave his lips, his hands holding her head close, she felt like she was about to pass out. In some panic, she started to claw at his back, but it only made him growl into the kiss and thrust into her with greater force.

'Fuck! She's so tight! Take all my cum, you bitch!' Roaring in his head and into the kiss, Naruto thrusted one last time before shooting his load deep into her womb, passing her cervix. The feeling of his cum staining her insides and the lack of air caused another amazing orgasm to hit her full force and her shaky hips bucked against him, her lower lips spasmed around his thrusting prick.

Cumming for a few more minutes, shaking in the other's hold, Naruto leaned away from her tasty lips and stared deep into her lovely eyes. "Are you alright, Aki-chan?" He asked, concerned as her tongue was out of her mouth and was making gurgling sounds.

After riding out her amazing climax, she heard what he asked and smiled. "Yes. In fact, I feel better than alright. I feel complete. I have you to thank." Aki said with a sweet smile that made Naruto blush brightly.

"Thank you, Aki-chan." He thanked before his eyes dipped once more. "Can you still go? I want another thing before going to the others." Naruto asked the woman while glancing over to see the panting, red-faced, forms of Tsunade and Yukiko who seemed to coat each other in their female cum.

"I'd do anything for you, Naru-kun. Take me anyway you wish." With the okay, he pulled himself out, both missing the heat and connection, he turned her around on her hands and knees. Naruto took a second to look at her red bottom and licked his lips. 'This is going to be fun.' He mused to himself as he let his hands rest on her skin. Aki shivered under the strong hands on her booty. 'Any touch makes her quiver. What a slut!' A perverted grin crossed his lips.

Aki was blushing hard as she felt his hands on her bottom. Even though she never had sex until now, she could tell what he wanted now. And, if she were honest…she wanted it too. "Can I take your ass, Aki-chan? Can I fuck this virgin ass like I fucked your now adult pussy?" Naruto's husky whisper entered her ears as she felt his body pressed against her sweaty back.

"Yes. Like I told you, Naru-kun, everything I am belong to you. Don't worry about me, I can take you." She whispered back, her eyes staring into his with love. Nodding, Naruto lined his prick against her rosebud and slowly let his cock slowly inch inside her anus.

His slowly entering prick made the nurse squeak and grit her teeth, trying to not scream in pain from the invading member. Her eyes were closed tight as her rear's insides expanded, like her front lips, as Naruto's giant cock infiltrated her person. "Ahhh! You're all the way inside me~!" Throwing her head back in pain and pleasure, she screamed as she felt his cock bottom out, his hilt hitting the end of her lower cheeks.

"Can you take it or do you want me to go a little slower?" Naruto drooled at the delicious feeling of this tight ass massaging his twitching prick, but he was still able to think about his lover and her pleasure. "No. Just…fuck me." She whispered softly, slowly bucking her ass into his lap, telling him she was ready to get butt-fucked.

"Your wish is my command. Aki-hime." He enjoyed the large blush Aki now sported and the sputter that came from her lips. The sputter changed into a strangled yell as Naruto pulled himself out of her tight bottom before plunging right back in with upmost force, rocking her body. Aki was glad that she held herself up or she would have been sent straight to the floor. "This is a nice ass! Fuck it's so tight around my cock!" Naruto whispered in her ear, his tongue now licking at the shell.

Her mine was in complete lust as she felt his body over her, dominating her. His strong hands molded her cheeks and her voice came out in loud squeaks as his thrusts became faster and stronger with each second. "You-You're fucking without mercy~~!" Aki screamed as she threw her head back. She began to pant like a dog in heat, her body caked in mixed sweat of hers and Naruto's.

"You told me to, Aki-chan!" Naruto growled as he used her bottom to bring her on and off his cock as he ploughed her into a moaning mess. "And I'm fucking you like you wanted! Do you want me to stop? Do you want me to stop fucking you like you wanted!?" Naruto asked her, a dark smirk on his face.

Her eyes widened in terror. That was something she didn't want! "No!" Getting her voice under control, she shook her head, tears rolling down her lovely face. "Keep going! Use my ass as your cock-sleeve! Get yourself off in my ass! Make me scream! Naru-sama~!" Unable to hold herself back, she acted how she was inside. A woman who wanted to be fucked by a man who she would call her master.

Blue eyes darkened and stopped his slapping of her lush ass to grab those hanging watermelons she calls breasts. giving them a good squeeze, making her milk shoot out, he turned her dazed face to his. "You asked for it, bitch! Get ready to be fucked stupid!" He slammed his lips on hers as did his hips slam even harder into her red cheeks.

'Cock! Cock! Naru-sama's cock is destroying Aki-chan's pussy!' Like Kushina before, she was drunk on her lust and could only think like a babbling whore. She loved how hard he was being with her, how his hands molded into her breasts, and his balls slapping her dripping womanhood, making erotic wet sounds.

"Aki-chan's asshole! Aki-chan's asshole is so fucking tight around my cock! I love it! I love Aki-chan's body!" Naruto growled between the kisses. His hands pressed even harder into her tits and he smirked into the kiss as he felt the familiar liquid squirt from the juggling globs of flesh. "Fuck! I wanna' cum! I wanna' cum inside this nice fat ass of yours! Would you like that? Would you like your Naru-sama to give you a nice big, fat, anal creampie!?" Growled the teenager as he thrusted himself in and out of the sweaty Aki with greater passion than before, almost breaking her hips. He left the sloppy kiss, the saliva that dribbled down her lips made her hotter.

His speed only furthered her pleasure and screamed so hard she thought she wouldn't be able to talk for the rest of the day. But, somehow, she managed to mumble out some words Naruto barely heard. "Aki-chan…Aki-chan gladly accepts her Naru-sama's seed! Give Aki-chan's slutty ass a nice load! Aki-chan's mind is going blank~!" The way she said her own name along with his made him growl and the familiar churning in his balls to grow tighter.

"Take it all!" With one last roar and thrust, he pinned her to the ground and fired his seed straight into her tight anal muscles. Aki's head flew up and she screamed as hard as she could as she felt her pussy climax, squirting all over his legs and balls, with her breasts lactating, staining his hands and floor.

Trembling, Aki mewled when she felt herself be turned around and his lips soon captured her leaking tit, drinking her milk, with his other hand getting dirty with her titty milk. Her breath was knocked out from her and all she could think of was the twitching cock that continued to spew seed and her milking breasts.

Minutes of just slurping and squishing sounds passed before the lactation ended with a few squirts and Naruto finished it off with one last, loving, lick and kiss. Panting, Aki's face flush, her head rolled to the side, a happy smile on her face with sweat dripping down her form. "Naru-sama…Aki-chan loves Naru-sama." Aki whispered with love in those light brown orbs of hers.

Taking deep breaths, Naruto smiled at his lovely blue-haired lover. He ran his fingers through her sweaty hair. "Naru-sama loved his Aki-chan." He whispered, making her blush even harder. "Can you still go for more, Aki-chan? My cock needs to fuck your sweet body again." Naruto said, his voice dripping in need to go another round with Aki.

Aki looked at her lover with slightly wide eyes before smiling sexily. "Naruto-sama is such a beast. Don't worry, your Aki-chan will take more of your love. Fill me until you're satisfied." The beauty gently told her lover, her delicate hand caressing his cheek.

"Alright. This time," His sudden smirk made her curious and horny. She yelped a little as Naruto's hands wrapped around her waist, and was now rested on top of him, prick sliding across her dripping mound. "I want to watch my sexy nurse Aki-chan ride my cock." The blonde told his lover who blushed.

"Hai. Aki-chan will do this for Naru-sama." Blushing brighter, she slowly slid herself along his prick, getting it nice and wet, before raising herself over his member, it standing tall, before slowly letting her hips descend his tower again. "Deep! It's deep inside my pussy again!" The busty blue-haired nurse mewled as her hands rested on his strong chest. A bright smile graced her lips when she felt his heart beating a mile a minute. "I'm so happy…your so excited Naru-sama." Aki thanked her lover who blushed and looked a little sheepish.

Wanting to wipe that look off his face, she slowly slid up before slamming herself down, her breasts giggled for his viewing delight.

"Oh, you know it. Aki-chan's hot pussy is so snug around my dick. It's truly wonderful to be inside this sexy nurse whose pussy is clinging me to tightly." Naruto said between grunts as his hands rested on her wide hips, not thrusting up as he wanted her to have her fun and be in charge.

"My pussy is hot for you and you alone…Naru-sama." Aki moaned huskily, her head dipping down to cover them in a curtain of her silken blue hair. "Iya!" Moaning when his prick hit a great spot inside her, she dropped down to his chest, her massive melons squashed against his own. "Hold me, Naru-sama. Hold me tight as we make love." Her heart fluttered as Naruto wrapped her in a bear hug. She thanked him by twerking her hips on and off his tower a little slower, but rammed him back deep with a strong thrust down, making them both shake and sweat harder.

"My sweet Aki-chan's body…It's so soft and delicious! I want to gobble it up." Naruto groaned out, his head buried between her neck and took a deep inhale and lightly licked and sucked her neck. Aki's scent was like a drug to him and he put it close to his Kushi-chan's scent, which he loved to smell more than anything.

"Uga~! Naru-sama is licking and smelling me. Do it more! My body belongs to you. My heart, body, mind and soul are yours to ravage and claim whenever you desire. Aki-chan loves Naru-sama so much she can't live a life without him." Aki's voice was coming out in a whisper, voice tired from the yelling,

Naruto responded by leaving her neck and kissing her with all his might, making her dizzy. He now decided to move and thrust his cock up when she twerked down, making her moan deeply into the passionate kiss. He kept his arms firmly around her back, nipples scraping against the other, sending a tingling feeling down both of them.

Blue and light brown stared into the other as they made love. Aki was blushing brightly at how much love was behind his stare. 'I love Naru-sama!' She thought with happy tears rolling down her cheeks. "I'm…close." Aki muttered between the lip lock.

"Me too." Naruto answered, voice just as weak in lust as hers. "Let's cum together." Slamming her down hard, he shot his seed deep within the shaking orgasm beauty who shoved her tongue down his throat, surprising him at the sudden action.

Hips bucking into one another for several miniutes, the climaxes finished and let the two new lovers a little winded. Aki, having her fill of Naruto's lips, ended the kiss and buried her head between his neck. "I love you. Never leave me. I'm yours from now on." Giving him one last lick, Aki's eyes lowered and fell into a blissful slumber. Her dream was filled with having a baby with Naruto, making her giggle with drool and large blush.

"Hehe." Chuckling roughly, he slowly let himself out, moaning as he missed the warmth and stuffed cunt, he slowly laid her on her side. "Sleep well, my lovely Aki-chan." Giving her a light kiss on the nose, he was about to get up but was bodily thrown into the couch.

The blonde was about to yell at his lovers who did this but couldn't as his mouth dropped and his eyes almost popped out of their sockets. Tsunade and Yukiko were wearing their nurse's outfits properly again and had sexy smiles directed at him.

"Fufu. My, look at this, Yukiko-chan. Our patient seems to have some swelling in his lower area." Tsunade giggled as she got into her character as she lightly touched his junk.

"Oh yes. What should we do to reduce the swelling?" Yukiko asked in fake curiosity as her hands roamed up and down his heaving chest. She could feel his heart beating fast; the sex with Aki really turned him on.

"What I'm worried about is if he can still cum after filling our Aki like that. Should we check if he can still shoot cum?" Tsunade asked her friend with a lustful grin she returned. "That sounds like a wonderful idea, Tsunade-chan." She then leaned into the hunk and whispered. "Let your sexy nurses ease your rod, Naru-sama." Lightly kissing him, Yukiko ran her tongue up and down his body, teasing him, before she got to her knees with Tsunade at her side.

"Should we give him the 'special'?" Yukiko asked as she slowly wrapped her delicate fingers around his member and pumped up and down, getting a low groan from the sitting blonde. "I think he does." Naruto's eyes rolled down to see what he wanted most. They ripped open their shirts, showing their delicious tits to him, before he was enveloped in twin flesh pillows that ran along his veiny prick.

"Oh fuck! Your tits are so fucking soft!" Naruto groaned, his hands resting on their hair. He gritted his teeth, not wanting to let this end too fast. A double titty-fuck was something he enjoyed whenever he was nailing two of his ladies at the same time.

"Fufu. Thank you, Naru-kun. Your cock feels healthy between our breasts. Are they making you feel better? It's twitching so hard." Tsunade's sexy voice made his hips jump further into their tit sandwich, his cock head barely peeking out of their combined pillows pleasing him.

"I know." Yukiko whispered, her hot breath making him twitch harder in their hold. "Naru-sama wants to probably cover us in his jizz. Isn't that right? Don't you want to cover us in your semen? If so, go ahead. We want it so bad." The greenette said as she leaned in close to lick at the pre-jizz leaking head, her nipples scrapping against the blonde nurse's.

"Come on, Naru-kun. Shoot your seed before fucking my mature cunt. I've been dripping ever since I heard you fucked Yukiko." Tsunade said, her hot voice sending shivers up and down his spine.

"Fuck! You can't say that and not expect me to blow!" Naruto roared as he thrusted his cock up, straight into Yukiko's lips, before shooting his load. Yukiko moaned happily on his prick before, having her fill, let go for it to spray over the two.

"Yes~! His dick-milk is covering me~~!" The busty blonde moaned happily, opening her mouth wide to catch the shooting seed. Tsunade shook when the seed landed in her mouth. 'Taste amazing!' She couldn't wait to have it inside her cunt, ravaging her.

With deep breaths, Naruto's prick stopped shooting and he watched Tsunade rub in his cum before standing up and straddling him, her arms on the back of the couch to hold herself up. "Don't worry. I've lost my virginity some time ago. You can fuck me full force." Tsunade then sat down, her wide hips and walls taking his cock hilt deep in one swift motion.

Blue and brown eyes widened the second they bottomed out. Small acking sounds escaped Tsunade's lips with Naruto throwing his head back and moaned loudly. The woman was so hot inside! It felt like he was going to melt in the tight twat. "Fuck! This is the biggest cock I've ever taken!" After regaining her mind, she began to bounce along his shaft like a man woman, her hair bouncing with her body. "My mind…its going blank! Keep screwing that fat cock up my pussy, Naruto-kun!" Tsunade begged her new lover, mouth spilling drool as her face was lit up in a deep blush.

Strong hands slapped her shaking bottom, making her squeal, head snapping back at the pain mixed with pleasure. "Damn right I will. I fucking love older women's pussy's! There's nothing like it!" Naruto growled as he bucked his hips up, slamming her down when he did. It made the woman's hair fall out of her twin-tails, giving her an even sexier look that the blonde absolutely loved.

Grabbing her now released hair, he brought her head down, hairs length away from kissing her, before whispering huskily. "After I'm done with your cunt, this nice fat ass is going to take my cock and you'll take it like the whore you are!" Naruto didn't give her time to say anything as he slammed his lips onto hers, raping her mouth as his cock raped her twat without any mercy.

"Holy fuck this is hot~." Yukiko decided to take a seat back, her plump rear resting on the wooden floor, as her hands played with her breasts and mound. Just watching him fuck Aki and Tsunade was making her wetter than the last time they fucked. "Punish her Master. Give her that cock before turning to this whore who's needed your cock for so long." She whispered to herself, a large blush staining her creamy skin.

The blonde Uzumaki heard it, but he would tease her later. Right now, he had a Senju to fuck and he would do just that. Her body was built for fucking, just like the others. It made him go rougher into her mound as he pulled her back down his shaft as he thrusted up with even greater force. If she wanted his full speed, he'd give her what she wanted without hesitation.

"You're…hitting the back…of my womb! It's…not sup-supposted to go that…far~!" Tsunade mewled and slurred between the lip-lock as his cock-head continued to bang against her womb, sending jolts up and down her body. Her juices began to stain his shaft, making the sex better for them both.

"Well…it is…now!" Naruto growled between kisses as he rolled her plump ass cheeks while he fucked into her tight mature twat like an animal. Letting out a manly grunt, his blue eyes stared into her lustful brown. Her sweaty skin slapping against his, lips battling his own, tits squashed against his chest, and her musical moans were driving him crazy. Wanting to have her beneath him, screaming like a whore, he pushed her down to the floor, her back barely hitting the floor, golden hair spraying across the floor, with her legs flailing behind Naruto's rutting hips.

"Ahhh!" Having to leave the kiss for air, Naruto was met with her shout of pleasure from the sudden switch and stronger humps. "That's right, Naruto-kun! Fuck this naughty nurse bitch who's enjoying this young cock! Make me see stars with this mighty cock! Show me who's boss!" Tsunade begged, her tongue out for Naruto to grab and roll between his fingers, wetting them in saliva.

"Look at these tits." Naruto said, his eyes now firmly planted on those jiggling orbs of life. "Time for a taste!" His head swooped down to take one of her nipples in his mouth, licking the sensitive nub, while his other hand continued to spank her supple bottom until it was hot pink.

"Oh God! Oh God! Keep going! It's been so long since someone had sucked my breasts! Milk them to your hearts content!" She allowed Naruto to suck her nipples. It pleased her to know how much he loved her body and she couldn't stop herself from submitting to him, stopping her own motions and letting him take her in any way he desired.

Grabbing her ankles, he fed more of himself into her and smirked when he saw her eyes were crossed from ecstasy. His hips slammed in and out of Tsunade's tight snatch, earning louder moans from the squirting beauty.

This was the hardest fuck Tsunade had ever received in her life. No other man could fuck her like Naruto was and she was becoming addicted to it. Her hands lazily trickled through his dark with sweat hair as he continued to suck her melons, intent to milk her. "Iya~!" Moaning weakly, her brown eyes widened when she felt breast milk shoot into his mouth.

Naruto couldn't believe how almost all his women could lactate. Knowing her white fluids were squirting into his mouth, he greedily drank the fluids that rejuvenated his stamina and make him wilder. "Fuck me harder, you beautiful stud! Fuck that horse-sized dick inside this screaming MILF!" Tsunade moaned softly, her hot breath hitting his ear.

Doing just that, he wrapped her flailing legs around his neck and pushed himself off the couch, now leaning over her, his lips reluctantly leaving her milking bosom, he began to pile-drive into her. "Yeah!" Roared the teen as he ploughed into Tsunade's greedy walls that swallowed his cock whole. "You're taking me like a pro! You really are a whore, Tsu-hime! I bet you just love getting this tight pussy fucked! Isn't that right? You just love getting fucked like a bitch while having these giant tits sucked off!" His dominative personality was in full bloom as he didn't let up on his slamming against her red pussy, obviously sore from the constant crashing.

"Yes~~! I love having hard cock inside me! To have people suck on my breasts until I milk like a cow! But, now only Naruto-sama can milk this dirty nurse cow! This cow will only provide milk for you!" Tsunade yelled, looking at her lover with devotion as she could feel he loved what she said, his cock so deep inside her twitching erratically.

"Wonderful! This cow can start by taking my milk deep inside this twat!" Leaning down to kiss her, he squeezed her leaking jugs harder, milk squirting out, before he exploded into the busty blonde with a muffled roar. The kiss also muffled Tsunade's squeal that escaped her lips at feeling the life giving fluids push past her cervix and spray directly into her womb.

'I-I-I'm going to get pregnant! I'm going to carry my master's child!' Tears of happiness and upmost pleasure rolled down her beautiful eyes as she squirted her milk and female jizz on Naruto's shaking form. His orgasm taking a lot out of him.

With shaky hands, he uncrossed her legs and slowly took his cock out of her mewling form that quickly dropped to the ground in a huff. Tsunade greedily gulped down air as the kiss and orgasm left her shaking. "So…fucking…good!" The beauty yelled with a large blush. Brown eyes stared at the lustful panting Naruto that was staring at her bottom. Smirking, she turned around and presented it to him, enjoying his gasp. "Go ahead, Naruto-sama. Like you told me, fuck my ass now that you've stained my pussy." She enticed him by wiggling her supple anus. "Ahh!" Eyes widened as a strong swat to the bottom was given to her.

Naruto smirked at the beauty who shook and moaned as he slapped her ass. He also noticed that her pussy was gushing out the combined juices of their sex. "Don't talk back to your master. He remembers what he said. Just for that, your ass is going to get punished." The blonde warned his lover with another strong slap that made her head fling back, mouth wide open to release another pained/pleased scream. "You like pain. Good. You're going to love this."

Tsunade didn't have time to wonder what he meant as she was suddenly slapped with something other than his hand. "AHHH!" She screamed even louder as the instrument was brought against her sensitive skin. 'A whip!' Glancing over her shoulder, her mound moistened to see the toy he used was a whip. It made her even hotter as he had Yukiko at his side, his hands massaging her large ass.

"Hehe. Looks like you enjoyed that. Thank you, Yukiko-chan." Turning to his green-haired lover, he thanked the woman who was leaning into him with a happy smile.

Yukiko had gotten over her orgasm after she saw Naruto spray Tsunade with his jizz. She thought about a great idea as she knew he would fuck her ass next. The beauty had left the room before coming back with a tool she thought would make her Naruto-sama happy. "You're welcome, Naruto-sama. Did your Yukiko-chan do good?" She asked looking at him with a large blush as she felt him feel up her bottom.

"Yukiko-chan did a very good job for her master." Naruto said, gently patting her head, making her purr in delight. "But you need to wait for right now. I've got to punish this slutty nurse." He said and pointed at the couch. "Just watch and I'll fuck that ass after this." The blonde promised as he gave her a sweet kiss that made her blush.

"Thank you, Naru-sama. You're too kind to your slut." Whispered the beauty sultry before sexily walking her way to the couch, shivering as she could feel his eyes on her bottom, before plopping down. Yukiko slowly spread her legs, showing her mound, and lightly fingered herself to her master and Tsunade.

With a nod, he turned his attention to the pouting Tsunade. "N-Naruto-sama…are you going to whip me…again?" She asked, hopeing he'd do so.

"You know I will." Naruto said with a nod and raised his whip high. "And you'll thank me with every whip, right?" It wasn't a question and Tsunade knew it. She nodded her head. Smirking, he let the whip met her supple ass in a loud cracking sound.

"Thank you Naruto-sama!" Tsunade screamed for her master, pussy juices gushing from her abused mound. She could feel her bottom stinging from the sensation and knew she had a small whipe like on her skin but that only made her hotter. It was like he marked her as his.

Naruto continued his whipping for an unknown amount of time, enjoying the shouts of Tsunade and the way she said 'Naruto-sama'. He also enjoyed the softly moaning Yukiko not too far from them. He wanted to lick that gushing pussy of hers, but he wanted to fuck the ass that he neglected the last time. Raising the whip one last time, he said in a dark, husky, tone. "This is the last."

"AHHHH!" The second the cord hit her ass, Tsunade squirted like a sprinkler system, covering her master's legs and the floor. "SO GOOD! TSUNADE'S PUSSY IS SQUIRTING ALL OVER HER MASTER!" Tsunade squealed like a pig while bucking her hips back.

Licking his lips in dep hunger, he didn't care if she kept squirting. He wanted to fuck that ass now! Hand still on the whip, he grabbed her long arms and tied them together with said tool. Before her mind could comprehend what was happening, Naruto shoved all of his cock into her bubble butt and mercilessly railed it. "Fuck yeah! This butt is perfect for my cock to fuck!" The blonde Uzumaki roared as he used the hold of her bound arms to fuck himself harder into the woman who's mind shut-down.

All Tsunade could see was black splotches in her vision and feel the cock destroying and stretching her asshole so wide. Loud screams roared from her throat as she couldn't stop herself from the never-ending orgasms she was met with. Her anal muscles tightened around his twitching cock, making it more enticing for her master. "Thank you…Naruto-sama." Tsunade got out with a hoarse voice that he barely heard. Brown eyes rolled to the back of her skull. "Your cock…I love it! Give Tsunade-chan's dirty asshole more of your cock! I beg you! Use me to your hearts content!" The Senju begged her lover, her head slung back and sweaty hair resting on his strong shoulder that shook with his thrusts.

"FUCK!" Roaring into her ear, Naruto turned her head to his and looked at her with steamy eyes. "Good to know, bitch. This ass is so fucking tight I'm already close to blowing. You really are a depraved whore who loves getting fucked. It's my job to do it!" Growling, he used her hair and slammed her head into his, their tongue clashing in a sloppy duel that left both lover's shaking with barely contained lust.

'Cock! Cock! Tsunade wants Naruto-sama's cock milk inside her ass!' Tsunade yelled in her head as she bucked herself harder against her stud of a lover who seemed like he could go forever.

While he wanted to keep fucking this nice bubble butt of Tsunade's, it was hard. Her anal muscles squeezed his tower so well that his cock was already twitching. He felt a familiar churn in his sack that banged into her gushing cunt. Roaring into the kiss, he pushed her into the ground and bucked his hips in and out of his new whore like a mad man. "Take it!" Leaving her lips, a roar escaped his throat as he went as deep as he could before letting his cock-head spurt its seed.

"YES! TSUNADE-CHAN IS GETTING A NICE CREAM-PIE FROM NARUTO-SAMA'S GIANT COCK!" Yelling to the heavens, Tsunade bucked into his shaking hips, making sure she took it all. She mewled in disappointment when she felt some of his jizz spew from her ass.

Naruto felt it too but he didn't care as he just loved fucking this big ass of hers. Panting a little, he softly licked her sweaty neck and pet her sweaty hair. "Amazing…Tsunade-chan's ass is the perfect cock-sleeve for me." He told the woman with a hot whisper and loving smile.

She returned the smile. "Yes. My holes and everything I have belong to Naruto-sama. Let Tsunade-chan rest. She needs rest before going again." The brown-eyed woman told her lover who sighed before taking his still shooting cock out of her. "Iya~!" Tsunade moaned happily as her back was coated with his seed. The heat of his seed and the exhaustion from the fucking got to her and she passed out like the still unconscious Aki.

"Your turn, Yukiko-chan." Turning his body to his first nurse lover, he licked his lips at the sight, his cock ridged. Yukiko was spreading her legs wide, her hands sinking into her thighs, and gave him an enamored look, her lips puckered.

"Wonderful, Naruto-sama. Your Yukiko-chan has been waiting for you to fuck her ass. I've made it ready to receive. Go all out. Fuck your slave like only a real man can." Her slutty voice and gaze made the male nod softly before rushing her, pushing her flat against the couch, and lined his cock against her bubble butt.

Thrusting his cock back, he looked at the panting Yukiko, her sweaty green hair stuck to her glowing body. "Take this cock!" Roaring, he jammed all his member into her waiting backdoor. The beauty screamed loudly as she took all his cock-meat.

"God! Cock! Naruto-sama's cock is inside my ass! He's reshaping it for his cock alone like he did with Yukiko-chan's pussy!" The beauty yelled, arousing him with how she talked. He didn't know why, but when they referred to them in the third person and said what he did to them just made his heart beat faster and faster. "I can feel it! I can feel it fucking me! I love it~!" She squealed with a happy smile.

"Slutty bitch!" He reprimanded the beauty with a rough tit slap that made her anal muscles tighten around his tool, her pussy juices shooting a little on his chest. "Squealing like a dirty fucking pig while having your ass fucked by a younger man! How did you get so fucking perverted!?" The blonde asked, loving the way her body responded to him.

Tongue rolling out, her lustful daze at being fucked was knocked when her brain processed his words. "I became like this when you fucked my tits, mouth, and pussy all those days ago! I've been waiting for you to fuck my ass, the last part you didn't claim, since then! It's even better than I thought!" Yukiko yelled, her arms wrapped around her head, letting him get a full view of her jiggling tits.

Knowing that she was giving him an eye-full, he released her hips and grabbed those soft mammaries and massaged them furiously. "That's good to know. My slutty pig squealing nurse had been craving me for days. It makes your master happy. Tell me, tell me what you are!" Naruto demanded, staring at her slowly crossing eyes.

"I'm a pig! I'm a dirty pig who gets off on having her master fuck her slutty ass and cover her in his Godly cock-milk! Drench me in your scent! Make sure people smell your seed on me whenever they walk past!" Yukiko begged, her mind going crazy from the overwhelming pleasure. His slamming hips made her ass sore, but the pain added to her pleasure. Tears of delight rolled down her fucked-stupid face. It seemed her words were the right to say as he became even rougher with her slutty body.

Naruto pushed even harder into her anal muscles and giant tits. A lustful blush grew on his face as he watched the laying woman shake and moan as he continued to slam his tool in and out of her tight bottom. "These slutty tits are calling me." Whispered the blonde before leaning down and bringing her left teat into his mouth, sucking them with fever.

"Naruto-sama~!" Yukiko screamed her master/lover's name at the sudden sucking and deep-dicking at a new angle and ferocity that caused her mind to go blank for a second, throat hurt from the scream that ripped through the room that stunk with the lustful sessions. "Your cock! More! Give your dirty pig bitch more! Cum inside me!" She begged.

"Don't worry your slutty little head." He cooed, his breath tickling her bosom. "I'll make sure you're soaked in me after this. But, where do you want me cum?" Naruto asked with a smirk as he could guess where she wanted his seed.

"Both my holes! This dirty bitch wants both her ass and pussy flooding with your coups amounts of cum!" She begged, her lustful orbs staring at his blue ones that looked up at her.

Leaving her large breasts, he grabbed her wet hair and turned her head to the side and buried his face into her neck. Her lovely scent drove him crazy. "If so, then you'll truly be my slave. Does that sound good to you, Yukiko-chan? Does the thought of a teenager being your master, using your pussy, ass, breasts and mouth as a cock-sleeve make you hot?" He grunted out in a husky whisper.

"Iya~!" The bitch yelled, the feeling of him was too spectacular for her. "Yes! Yukiko would greatly love that! She desires to be your fuck-toy! Besides, young men cock is the best! They're so full of life! But, Naruto-sama's young cock is the best! It's the only thing that can fuck Yukiko-chan from now on!" Yukiko babbled, her drool staining the couch as she was rutting her hips against her stud of a lover/master.

Licking and nipping at her neck, giving her shocks and shivers of bliss, he fucked himself harder and deeper into his woman. Hips became a blur as he was focused on making Yukiko fall into a coma of lust and cum covering her entire being.

Roughly grabbing her hair, he turned her to his face and kissed her, ending her shouts, with his hips destroying her anal muscles. Opening his eyes, he stared into those dazed violet orbs he loved to see. Violet saw what the gaze meant and she matched it with her own. They were about to climax. 'Fill me up, Master! Fill this bitch's dirty skank body with your delicious cum!' She thought as his thrusts rocked her whole body, the couch straining under the harsh pressure and treatment.

'Fuck!' Roaring in his head and the kiss, Naruto unloaded his prick-milk into his sexy green-haired lover. He loved to hear the orgasmic muffled squeal that was given as he shot himself into her ass.

"Cumming! Cumming with Naru-sama's cock!" Yukiko yelled, the kiss ending, with her eyes rolling to the back of her skull. Saliva dripped down her face as she felt his cock-milk spew out of her abused bottom. "No~!" With wide violet eyes, she stared at her master who took himself out. "Don't pull out! Your cum will spill~! Put it in, put it in me. This time, fuck my pussy!" Yukiko begged her lover with wanting eyes.

Gritting his teeth, he grabbed her thick thighs and made her lean into him as he stood up. Yukiko's arms wrapped around his neck, her hot breath tickling his skin. "Stupid bitch! That's what I'm going to do now! As punishment, I won't cum until I'm sure your about to pass out!" He didn't give her time to speak before smashing her down on his prick, easily spearing her fully, and captured her lips to muffle the ecstasy filled scream of the bouncing beauty.

Yukiko didn't do anything other than scream, hold onto her lover, and try to kiss her back. Key word try. Naruto didn't relent of fucking her into a coma like he promised. 'I love it!' The mature beauty thought as her pussy walls tightened around the pleasure stick, squirting all over it. He used the slick juices to go even faster and harder into his bitch.

The blonde could feel his leg muscles strain a little under the pressure as he used it to really make her scream and climax over his cock. He didn't know how long he stood, but he did know she came around him like five times. And, as he promised her, he didn't cum once. His blue eyes gazed into the rolled back violet with tears streaming down her face and went to their connected organs, making the slapping of wet skin sounds even more arousing.

Needing air, he pulled her close to him, her tits having been milked almost fused with his sweaty skin. "Cum. Take my cum and pass out!" That was all he gave the beauty before bringing her down on his prick while thrusting up, getting to her womb, and unleashed the last of his load for the session into the mindless woman.

'Cock…Master's cock milk…Yukiko-chan loves being…Master's whore.' Yukiko thought before her head laid between his neck and promptly passed out. The session being too much for the nurse to stay awake.

Panting heavily, Naruto smirked a little as he felt the unconscious Yukiko still squeeze around his blasting tool. "What a whore." With a husky voice, he soothed her hair before enxiting her mound, groaning a little, before carrying her to the bed and placing her down. He soon grabbed Aki and Tsunade and laid them down too.

A little tired himself, Naruto got between them and sighed blissfully when the three nurse's grabbed onto him. Yukiko grabbed his right arm, Tsunade his left, and Aki had her body pressed against his check. All had happy and satisfied smiles on their lovely faces. Smiling to himself, he slowly closed his eyes and took a quick nap. The male Uzumaki wanted to be rested to have fun with his Kushi-Kaachan and Ko-chan.

Part 2

SopitaCxcreators' thoughts