
A Fox and His Vixens (+18)

Naruto gets thrown into a situation every man dream of after an amazing night at home. Each chapter has +13,000 words Original Author: The Storm Master 567 you can find this story in Fanfiction.net

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16 Chs

Kushina, Satsuki, Izumi, Mikoto, Ayame, Tsunade, Yukiko & Aki (+18). Part 1

After taking his sixteenth and seventeenth lovers, Naruto left the two Yamanaka's in the dirty cum-soaked bed and was now making his way to his home before going to the Uchiha house. He was told by his Kaa-chan that they wanted some time with him. While he wanted to go back to his kinky Uchiha lovers, the blonde could feel that his body need his Kushi-chan. With a quick nod to himself, he made his way home, before going next door.

"I'm home!" Naruto announced as he took off his shoes and walked through the doorway and headed to the kitchen, seeing at the light was on. Kushina was surprised to hear her darling son home and not at next door, giving it to the Uchiha's. Turning around, she smiled at her lover who stood at the entrance of the kitchen with a smirk and blush on his face. She knew the reason was because of her dress. Since they were in such a relationship, they all agreed that they could walk around naked if they desired. And, since she loved getting him horny, she was now wearing a naked apron.

"Not that I'm not happy to see you, why are you home Naru-chan?" Kushina asked her Naru-chan with a sweet smile. Walking up to his gorgeous mother, he brought her in a tight hug. "Can't I visit my sexy Kaa-chan?" He asked with a cheeky grin.

Giggling a little, she gave him a quick kiss on the lips before turning around, still in his arms. "Well, I guess not. But, are you going next door? Miko-chan has a nice surprise for you." Kushina said, knowing what her lesbian lover was planning for her son. She softly moaned when Naruto's hands began to roam.

"I know. But I wanted to have another taste of my Kaa-chan. And, I wanted you to know I got another MILF while having my fun with Ino-chan." Naruto told his mother while letting his hands familiarize themselves with the body he couldn't get enough of and knew so well.

"My, my. How naughty of you, Naru-chan. Fucking Ino-chan and Hiromi-chan. I don't think I gave you permission to fuck her." She chastised before putting down the spatula and turned around, facing him with lidded eyes. Her sexy arms wrapped around his neck. "You're a naughty boy. What am I going to do with such a horn dog of a Sochi?" Kushina said with fake annoyance.

"I can think of something you can do to 'educate' me." Naruto said with a perverted grin. His hand rested on her hip and the other now planted on her large jug. Before he could continue to play with her, Kushina lost her lustful look and it turned a serious, stopping him. "What's wrong?" He asked, concerned.

"Before we continue, I just want to tell you something." She said with a small blush and smile. Her hand went to her stomach. "I'm pregnant." Like Kushina thought, he froze with a shocked face before it broke out in the biggest grin she'd ever seen. The hug tightened and she was soon lifted off the ground and twirled around.

"I'm going to be a daddy! That's wonderful!" Naruto said, truly happy to hear this. "I love you, Kushi-chan!" He exclaimed, bringing her in a deep kiss, full of love and lust. The beauty reciprocated the kiss while letting out little happy tears, since her lover was so happy about the news. Ending the kiss, he couldn't help but ask. "So, when did you find out?"

"A few weeks ago. Apparently, you got me knocked up our first time together, all those nights ago." Kushina said with a blush and giggle.

Naruto chuckled a little before smiling. "Still. I can't describe how happy I am. So," That smile turned husky as his hands now rested on her ass and gave it a nice squeeze. "Why don't I show you?" He asked, his voice heavy with lust. Just knowing she was carrying his child made him harder than ever.

"Guess you want something else to 'eat'." Kushina said, her voice dripping with lust. Naruto just nodded his head. Turning the stove off, she swayed her hips until she brought herself on the counter. "Come on then, Naru-koi. Lick all my dirty pregnant cunt juices to sedate your hunger." She begged, spreading her twitching lips wide for her lover.

The blonde Uzumaki moved as quick as he could and was now kneeling before the dripping pussy of his Kaa-chan, his pants ripped off to show how hard he was for her. Her womanly scent drove him crazy and he licked his lips in desire. "Thanks for the meal." Naruto teased before putting his lips on her mound, greedily sucking on her lower lips.

"Oh~. That's good. Right there. Keep going, my baby boy." The redhaired Uzumaki begged her lover breathlessly. "Your tongue is so…powerful!" She shrieked, loving the way his tongue continued to hit her G-spot.

'Hm…Kaa-chan's pussy! I can't get enough of it! I could drink this all day for the rest of my life and never get tired!' The eighteen-year-old thought in a drunken haze as he continued to tongue her caverns. His tongue peaked through and began to tease her clit while keeping his lips planted on her womanhood. Naruto smirked a little when her hands grabbed his hair and pulled his head deeper into her legs.

Kushina's moans were becoming louder and louder as his tongue focused on her sensitive clit. "Suck me! Keep sucking my dirty clit, you dirty boy! Lick your slutty Kaa-chan who gets off on her Sochi-kun's manly tongue!" Her dirty moans and voice furthered Naruto's arousal and licking.

Taking his lips away from her mound, he lightly licked her thigh. "Don't worry, Kushi-chan. I won't ever leave this cunt that will birth our love child." Naruto promised with a blush before shoving two fingers in her hole, making her moan. Her sexy body shook against his fingers as she leaned back.

He brought his face back into her pussy only his tongue going to her clit and gently sucked and licked at it while fingering her at a fast and rough pace. Naruto thought he was about to cum from hearing her voice and tasting her alone but managed to hold himself back. He wanted to please the mother of his child first, before he let his lewd desires reach their head. "Do you like it?" His muffled voice asked his shaky Kush-chan. "Do you like having your big, fat, pregnant cunt finger-fucked while having your clit liked? I can tell you do. Your squeezing me so tight. Kushi-chan is such a whore to get off on her son making her quiver like this." The blonde teased his lover. Naruto knew how much it turned Kushina on, along with himself, to know what they were doing was taboo.

Violet eyes widened in pleasure at his words. She couldn't stop herself anymore. She needed him inside! "YES!" Kushina screamed at the top of her lungs as her orgasm hit her like a train, squirting all over his mouth. Not wanting to miss her delicious liquids, he opened his mouth wide and took all her essence. As he continued to drink her, he could feel his cock-head leak out some pre-cum and stain the floor. "DINK ALL OF ME!" The bombshell MILF ordered her lover who never had to be told.

Minutes of swallowing buckets of female juices passed before Kushina's orgasm tampered off and she fell back against the table in a huff. Her crimson locks sticking together as she had a light sweat going. "Delicious." Her blush increased when she heard his husky complement. Hooded violet eyes locked onto the hard on that was inches from her lips. "Can you help me with my problem now, my love?" Naruto asked with a blush and grin.

"Oh! Your cock head is pulsing in pain. Let me make you feel better." Kushina said, her voice low with love and lust as she took the head in her mouth and gyrated her head around it, licking the head while doing so. "If feels so good to have you over me. It makes me so hot." Her muffled voice reached his ears as he slowly let her get him off with her skilled mouth that knew all his weak spots.

"H-Holy fuck!" Naruto groaned loudly as he felt Kushina grab his hips and bring him closer, shoving his cock even deeper into her mouth. "Y-Your mouth…!" It was all he could say as he couldn't stop his hips from pumping away in and out of her throat. "P-Please…use your tits!" He begged his lover.

Smiling around the tool, she did as told and surrounded her flesh pillows around his thundering cock. She shivered when she squashed his hot member between them. 'So…manly~.' Kushina thought with delirious lust as she began to lick at the head that peaked out of her cleavage.

"Shit~." He let out a haggard whisper as he watched his cock slam in and out of her giant breasts. Needing those nice orbs in his grasp, he lifted his hands from the table and supported himself with her breasts that he began to tweak. "I…can't get enough…of your body…Kushi-chan!" Naruto yelled, unable to control his hips and hands from playing with her sensitive breasts.

"That's right! Even with all those other whores, only I can please you like this." Kushina slobbered out as she soaked his prick in her sweat and saliva. Her words had the effect she craved as his head shot out a little blast of his stored jizz. She let her throat vibrate around the quaking tool that seemed close to spray her tits, face and hair in white.

Her sexy voice and rather possessive tone made him harder than ever. Sweat dripped down his blushing face as he rocked himself harder in and out of her amazing titty-fuck. "You're such a pervert, Kaa-chan. I love it!" He exclaimed with a manly grunt as he jammed his cock into her mouth. Sinful blue and violet eyes connected and nothing was said as they stared at the other as the teenager used the MILF's body to pleasure himself.

Grunting hard, he pinched her nipples as hard as he could, making her eyes widen in shock and pleasure before yelling. "Take it all!" Spurt after spurt, Naruto shot his spunk. Regaining herself, she kept her red lips around her son's spilling head and took it all down her throat with ease. Tears streamed down her lovely face as she moaned around his rod, her female juices exploding to the floor.

It was beginning to become too much, some of the white milk spilling from her nose, so he took himself out with an erotic pop. But, that still didn't stop him from aiming his cock at the woman and shot rope after rope of cum at her beautiful face. Kushina moaned happily as she felt the warm liquid drip down her skin and into her breasts. Taking deep breaths, licking the jizz that stained her cheeks, she finally managed to get herself up. With her eyes glazed over, breasts and beautiful red hair streaked with white, she gave her lover a dopey smile.

"More~." She cooed, spreading her shaky thighs for him to see her needy hole. "I want my insides painted white, now." Kushina have him a sexy smile after sexily licking her breasts off. Stalking his prey, he pushed her down and lost his dark grin and was replaced with only love. The look made her feel rather shy and her heart flutter. "W-What's with that look…Naru-chan?" Kushina asked her lover.

Cupping her cheek, he made her face him. "While I would love to just throw you down and fuck your sexy body like I usually do, I want this to be a little more special. I want to make slow love to you. I want to show you how much I love you and how much I love knowing you're having our child." Naruto whispered, never letting her look away from his blue orbs.

Violet eyes shimmered with upmost love with happy tears running down her flushed face. Blinking the tears away, she nodded. "Nothing would make me happier, Naru-koi. Love me." Kushina begged her lover with raw emotion in her voice. Slender arms wrapped themselves around his neck, bringing his head between her tits.

Groaning a little, he slowly let his prick enter her hole. The mother and son moaned against the other because of the slow insertion. Kushina's mouth formed a small 'o' shape as she had never taken her Naru-koi slowly. It was usually fast but now she could feel all of him in ways she couldn't feel before.

Naruto was in the same boat as he slowly buried himself into his sexy Kaa-chan's pussy. It was an amazing feeling he wanted to savor as he kept his head between his pillows. The blonde couldn't stop his lips from sucking at the skin between her cleavage. Jamming the last inch of himself in her, the two stayed still, just savoring the feeling of each other.

"Can…you hear it…? Can you feel it?" Kushina's soft voice reached his ears as he felt her fingers run through his blonde locks. "My heart…is beating…so fast for you. It's…it's never beat this fast before…in my whole life. It shows…that this was…meant to be. I love you…so much." The MILF said without shame, happy tears still rolling down her face with some sweat dripping down her red locks.

The combined sounds of her voice and heartbeat along with how calming her heartbeat was to him, almost made the teenage fall asleep in her hold. Only reason he didn't was because of how good it felt to be inside his first lover. "Yes. This feeling…I can't even describe it." Naruto said breathlessly. "I love you…so much, Kushi-chan. I'm so happy you let me take you those weeks ago." He said, happy about that night that changed his life for the better. Naruto didn't know of anyone else who was lucky enough to have multiple lovers and all were okay with it.

"Fufu." Kushina giggled, her sensual voice sending shivers down his spine. She let her hips talk for her and began to slowly hump up, telling him that she wanted her baby boy to begin. The second born Uzumaki did as silently told and thrusted himself back into the softly moaning woman as she was now getting what she wanted. Her moans grew in volume as she felt Naruto begin to suck her flesh harder, obviously intending to leave a mark.

They'd given each other so many marks during their sexual encounters it was a regular thing whenever they fucked. Kushina returned the gesture by letting her nails sink into his back, making him growl into her delicious flesh. "It's wonderful, my love~. Keep going. Keep sucking me while you fuck my pussy~." The beauty cooed.

It was getting harder to breath normally for the teenager as he continued to slowly plough his Kushi-kaachan into the table. He let his hands rest on her wonderful hips to assist him in his thrusts. Taking his face out of her cleavage, he let his lips and tongue attach themselves on her hard peach-colored areola. Naruto lavished her tasty nub with gentle attention while his other hand massaged her hips and sides.

"Yes, dear~!" She shouted, happy at the suction. Her hands rested on his head with her other shaky hand on his ass, pulling him deeper into her wanting mound. "Suck me harder~. If you do, you'll get the milk you desire so much." Kushina told her lover as she knew how much he loved drinking her breast juice.

Wanting that milk now, he squeezed the teat he was eating and he wasn't disappointed in her tightening walls and the milky liquid that shot into his waiting mouth. 'Kushi-chan's titty milk~!' Naruto thought in a lustful daze as he drank the sweet substance like a man who just crossed the desert without any water. "More milk." Taking his mouth off her shooting breast for a second, still squeezing the flesh to spurt more of her milk out, he begged his lover. "I want to taste more of you. I need it all." He demanded. Blue eyes taking a crazed glaze as he stared at her liquid that ran down her plump breast.

The Uzumaki beauty shivered at the crazed voice and look as she rutted her hips on and off Naruto's. "Don't worry, baby. I'll give you as much as you need. Dink all of me. I'll keep making more for you to devoured." She spoke breathlessly. Wanting something else, Kushina decided to push him to the ground.

Unable to hold himself on his feet from the sudden push of his Kush-chan, he fell to the ground with his lips and dick still attached to her. Said lips were soon released as he groaned heavily at her sexy body atop him, riding him slowly. "K-K-Kushi-chan!" He screamed.

She gave him a sexy smile as she rested her slim fingers on his strong chest, purring at his built that made her insides quiver and burn. "Just enjoy it. Let me ride this big cock like the whore I am. I'll show you such pleasure." The MILF promised as she grounded her sopping womanhood along his manhood.

Naruto softly nodded his head as he let the love of his life do what she promised, rock his world. He let his hands rest on her plush bottom and gave in a nice squeeze, making her moan at the rough touch. Pulling herself up his shaft, she began to bounce herself on and off him. She licked her lips when she saw her son's eyes lock onto her swaying breasts that hit her chin with each thrust.

Red lock surrounded the two as her head couldn't stay back anymore. Sinful blue and violet stared at the other as they continued to make slow, passionate, love. Naruto gasped as she increased her speed and power along with how tight she held onto his thundering prick. Kushina felt like she was about to explode on her lover, her love juice coating his big dick as she screamed in lust.

Sitting up, he grabbed her screaming mouth in a passionate kiss. His hands left her bottom as he held her close by the small of her back, her giant breasts pressing against his chest. The beautiful MILF screamed into the kiss as her son speared her innards. To her, her son was the perfect man. He was strong, kind, and knew how to be wild and soft in the sack. Leaving the kiss, sweat dripping down their bodies, Naruto spoke in a gruff voice. "I'm cumming. Make sure to take it all, my love." The blonde advised his love.

She barely heard her lover but could only nod dumbly. Her violet orbs were crossed as she couldn't keep her tongue in her mouth anymore. 'So…good! His cock! His cock is so good!' Kushina thought to herself as she couldn't stop cumming against the hard tool inside her womb.

With one more strong thrust, the blonde shot his white seed into the place where he was born. He let out a manly grunt as he continued to pump his spurting rod in Kushina's whole. Her pleased screams were music to his ears. Wanting to hear more, he let his head go to her breasts and suck so hard on them until the milk came out.

Her mind was blank the moment her son came inside her. The shaking woman's mind hazed a little as she felt her breast milk leave her. She could only guess her lover was drinking her dry. "N-N-N-Naru-koi~~~~!" Finally regaining her voice, she shouted like a bitch in heat as she squirted her milk into his greedy mouth and love juice along his member.

Mother and son didn't care how long they came together, but they were now on the floor, still connected, holding each other close. Kushina's breasts were still stained with her white milk with sweat rolling down their hot bodies. Naruto had his face in her hair, taking in the womanly scent that he would never get tired of. "…Wonderful." It was all Kushina could mutter as she was slowly losing consciousness. Her hand slowly rubbed her belly.

"That's what I was thinking." Naruto whispered, kissing her forehead. His hand met hers and stroked her stomach. "I can't wait to see what you look like when you get further along." He said, knowing his lover will get more gorgeous to him.

Kushina giggled happily. "While I would love nothing more than to stay like this, you need to go next door. They've been waiting for some time." She said with some sadness. The son shared her sadness as he didn't want to leave his mother alone, but he had other lover's that wanted him and he hadn't played with for a few days.

Seeing his Kushi-chan sad and pout compelled him to wipe that look off. Pecking her lips, he smirked at her. "Don't worry, Kushi-chan. I'll come back and give you a good fucking tomorrow after I have a taste of Yukiko-chan." The blonde promised his first lover.

Giggling, she nodded in thanks to her lover. "Fufu. You're so kind to your slutty Kaa-chan. Have fun Naru-koi." She gave him a little peck with a light blush.

"Alright. I love you." Giving her one last meaningful kiss, moaning in displeasure, they disconnected and Naruto placed her on the chair. "I love you too." Blowing a kiss his way, she smiled gently as he walked away.

Feeling more energy running through his body, mentally thanking his Kaa-chan and her amazing milk once more, he made his way to the Uchiha house, wondering what they had planned this time. Knocking on the door, he was not expecting to be pulled in, blindfolded, hands tied behind his back, and pushed against the locked door. Three deliciously busty bodies were pressed against his right, left and front. "G-G-Girls? W-What's going on?" Naruto asked, his voice heavy with lust. He didn't know why, but being bound excited him. 'Now I know why they like this.' The blonde mused to himself.

His musings were ended by his second MILF lover's sexy soft voice. "We thought it would be fun to show you what we felt when you did this." She said, rubbing her large tits against him. He could feel her hard nipples through his shirt, telling him she wasn't wearing anything to protect those melons of hers. He wanted to see what they were wearing and it made him growl a little.

"Do you like it, Naru-kun?" It was Satsuki's voice that reached him. "Now you're at our mercy to play with. Do you find it arousing?" She wondered, hoping he liked what they were doing for him as she wanted him to fuck her hard. It had been a few weeks since they last fucked and she's been craving him ever since. The reason she hadn't jumped his bones sooner was because of Mikoto and Izumi sedating her lust with their bodies.

"Yeah." Naruto's gruff voice made their bodies quiver in desire. "But, since I've neglected you girls, you're in charge of me." Taking a deep breath, he let out. "Then, let's go to the 'play room'." The moment Izumi said that, he was whisked away downstairs. Said room was just a BDSM chamber to use whenever they wanted to do some super kinky sex.

He let out a small grunt as he was pushed onto the small mattress he knew was in the middle of the room, since he fucked them so many times on it. Blue eyes were now introduced to the dim light of the room and what the sexy Uchiha ladies were wearing. If they hadn't ripped his pants off, he was sure his erection would have split them. "…Fuck!" Naruto exclaimed in wild lust of what was in front of his dark with lust blue eyes.

They all wore kinky BDSM dominatrix outfits, but all knew that those roles would be reversed after they had their fun. The attire consisted of all black. Their gloves going to their biceps, high-heeled boots going to their knees. Panties that did nothing to cover their sex and held up in a flimsy string. Finishing it off, they all wore a 'top' that consisted of two ropes that held up their breasts for him to devoured. Naruto's favorite part of the look were their cherry red lips that were set in lust-crazed smiles.

"Fufu. Thank you, Naru-sama." Izumi thanked her master as he went to the bed and kneeled to his left. Her gloved hand trailing his body. "Just relax while we take care of this big cock." She advised her master with a slutty look.

Voice lost, all Naruto could do was nod, anticipating what the beauties would do to him. He groaned as his third Uchiha lover leaned down and gave him a sloppy kiss. Those groans increased when he felt two hands on his shlong. Blue eyes glanced down to see Satsuki and Mikoto stroking him off.

"It's been such a long time since I've seen this." Satsuki pouted as she soon lost it as she purred. "But, now I've got it so close. Time I enjoy." Knowing her youngest hadn't had him the longest, Mikoto let her hand off his tool and watched Satsuki take him to the hilt without any problem.

"Wow. Look at you, Satsu-chan. Swallowing dick like a cheap slut." Mikoto teased, feeling raunchy as she watched her beautiful daughter take Naruto's cock like a pro.

Taking herself off his tool for a minute, she spoke. "I can't help it. He tastes so good." Satsuki took him all the way to the back of her throat while moaning hotly. The vibrations sent shivers up Naruto's spine as he groaned louder into the steamy French kiss with Izumi.

Biting her finger, the MILF could only shake in need as Naruto's attention was on her daughters and not her. "No fair." Pouting, she went to his other side and began to kiss and lick at his neck muscles. Her slender fingers sensually running along his chest.

The male Uzumaki's whole form was shaking in lust at what he was introduced to. They were all so amazing. Satsuki's mouth and tongue running along his cock was making him a little hazy with said haze growing as he was tongue fucking Izumi. His skin was prickling as he enjoyed Mikoto's licking and fingers sliding over his chest, flicking at his own hard nipples.

It was just too hot for the hormonal eighteen-year-old to handle. His hips began to buck into Satsuki's waiting mouth. Her gagging sounds made him blush in arousal along with his dick twitching erratically inside her tight throat. Ending the kiss, saliva connecting the two, he moaned. "S-Satsu-chan! I-I don't think I can last longer!" Naruto warned his lover who only hummed harder around his tool.

"Do it, Naru-kun. I want to see you spill all that dick-milk into my dear Satsu-chan's throat. It makes me so hot thinking about it." Ending her licking, Mikoto whispered into his ear, stimulating him.

Naruto was introduced to a feeling he just loved to feel. Two orbs of flesh wrapped around his pole and massaged what Satsuki wasn't eating. "Enjoy my titty-fuck, Naru. Just spray all that baby milk down my throat. I want to taste it. I want to taste it so bad. Give your Satsu-chan her reward for being such a good whore of giving you a titty-fuck." Satsuki begged hotly, her entire body red from embarrassment and lust at what she was saying.

The blonde couldn't take it after that. Roaring, he let out multiple shots of his spunk. His white seed sprayed the woman's face, black hair, and cleavage. Satsuki moaned happily, eyes closing, as she savored the feeling of her skin being coated in his warm seed. Its feeling caused her own climax to hit her and she yelled with a happy smile and large blush. "Cumming~~!" She screamed as she shook in ecstasy.

Naruto looked at his lover with loving eyes. "Are you okay, Satsu-chan?" He asked as she had been shaking for a few seconds. Satsuki recovered after hearing his voice and shakily nodded, semen dripping down her face from her black locks that seemed to mold into the room, like the rest of his Uchiha lovers.

"H-Hai. It-It just felt soooo~ good!" Satsuki moaned, her fingers rubbing in the cum she was covered in. "But, I want it inside now." She said, her face taking its usual expression whenever they had sex: lust-crazed. "Go ahead. It's only fair as I haven't had a taste of you in a while." Naruto said after getting nods from his other ladies.

Squatting over her love, she slowly let herself drop on his large pole. "Uga! Finally! I've got you back inside me~!" Happy tears ran down her face as she him to the hilt, her lush ass brushing against his sack.

"Shit~!" The blonde groaned out, his hands tugging at his restraints. All he wanted to do, was grab her hips and bang into the sexy Uchiha that was slowly riding him. Her black hair flying in the air as her blush coved her sex-loving face. "God! You look so sexy like that, Satsu-chan. Can't believe I went so long without fucking this sweet pussy of yours." Naruto moaned as he enjoyed how tight her twat was around his tool.

"T-Thank you, Naru-kun!" Satsuki stuttered out as she continued to ride his cock like a whore. One of her hands planed on the bed as she ran her fingers through her sweaty locks, knowing he loved it when his lover's hair was disheveled in the act of love making. "W…Watch my breasts bounce for you!" She begged her lover, arching her back for him to see her large melons swinging in the air.

Still at his sides, Mikoto and Izumi were panting with large blushes as they watched the younger beauty ride the giant cock like a slut. Their horny, hot, bodies rubbing against his tied arms, trying to lessen the heat of their cores. "Oh~, it looks so hot." Mikoto whispered.

"I know. Naru-sama's cock is pounding little Satsu-chan so roughly." Izumi said, her hand massaging her plump breasts. Turning to her mother, she grabbed her face and leaned in for a deep kiss. Both ladies smirked into the kiss as they felt his arms they were grinding against tighten.

Naruto felt like he was about to explode any second at the two whores kissing each other so passionately close to him. That, and the constant bouncing and sexy moans of his Satsu-chan were music to his ears and her tight walls pleasing to his pulsing member. "Fuck~." Whispering, the blonde began to lightly thrust up, getting a loud scream from the woman connected to his hip.

"That's right, Naru! Fuck that big cock in my whore pussy! I want all that dick inside me! My entire body is shaking! Can you feel it? Can you feel how much I want your milk?" Satsuki asked lewdly, her body set in crazed lust as she was being fucked by the love of her life with her mother and sister getting him hotter by kissing so close to him.

"Yes. I can feel it. Your cunt is so tight around my cock. It's so hot." Naruto moaned, loving the way her core heated against his tool and massaged all the right spots as he continued to hit her womb with each pump. "My body…I don't think I can hold out much more! Make sure to let your womb gobble all of my baby batter!" The blonde demanded of his lover as he pumped himself deeper and harder into her squirting womanhood. His tongue reached out and caught the mixed saliva of the Uchiha's above him. He wanted more of it! He couldn't wait to get out of these restraints and fuck these teasing bitches as hard as he could.

Tears ran down Satsuki's eyes as she threw her head back, tongue refusing to stay in her mouth. Light hiccups of utopia-like pleasure escaped her lovely face as she increased her pounding on Naruto's twitching cock. 'So, fucking…full!' Satsuki thought in a daze of passion.

Growling, Naruto yelled. "Cumming!" Giving her one stronger pump, he pierced her cervix, before shooting a giant load of semen into her baby chamber. The feeling of her lover cumming inside her caused her own amazing climax to hit her full force.

Shaking, eyes closed in order to savor the feeling, Satsuki moaned. "So…good, Naru-kun. I love you~." The beauty soon fell back, her pussy letting his gushing tool that spurted a little more seed on her white skin, and moaned at the heat of his milk on her.

Panting in slight exhaustion, Naruto opened his eyes and was about to tell the two kissing bitches above him to stop, when they did on their own. Mikoto gave her lover a saucy smirk and wet kiss he leaned into. Her soft hand framing his cheek while both moaned happily. Izumi bit her lip in lust.

The kiss ended with the black-haired MILF staring at Naruto. "Make sure to look at this." She told her lover. Naruto raised his eyebrow in some confusion before he was lifted to his knees by the mature ladies.

Izumi kept him stable as Mikoto sexily crawled to her youngest. Face inches from her dripping pussy, the mother licked her lips. "Thank you for the meal, Satsu-chan." Whispered the beauty before she dug into the spoiled mound.

It was only because of Izumi holding him, that Naruto didn't launch himself at Mikoto and began to fuck her as she ate the moaning Satsuki's womanhood. His breath hitched as he one hand grab his cock with the other hand tracing up and down his body with her large breasts squished against his back.

Licking his ear, she whispered sensually. "Do you like it, Naru-sama? Do you enjoy watching my slutty mother lick my dirty little sister's cunt that's filled with your man-milk? It gets me so horny to see. I can tell you're horny. Your cock is so fucking big in my hand." Izumi said, slowly stroking off his pre-cum leaking rod.

"I do." Naruto whispered as he felt his throat growl. "I want to spray my seed deep inside the MILF pussy. I want to watch as she climaxed over my cock while slurping all of Satsu-chan's juices. Then, I want to fuck this delicious body of yours." The blonde told the woman of all the things he wanted to do to them.

"Sounds wonderful, Master." Izumi said. The beauty slowly led him to the licking mother whose ass was shaking back and forth. Her lower cheeks bouncing with each sway. "Let me see you slide that big cock in my slutty mother's cunt that wants all this young stud's cock." She begged her lover.

He didn't need to be told twice. Lining his tool against her wet lower lips, he pulled his hips back, before ramming all of himself deep into Mikoto's waiting snatch. The resulting scream sent off her own climax with Satsuki's following.

"K-K-Kaa-chan! Your tongue~! It feels amazing!" Satsuki, now awake, shouted in bliss. She was used to her mother licking her pussy that she relished in having her eat her garden whenever Naruto came inside her. "Make sure to take all that man-milk in that slutty mouth and cunt." The youngest Uchiha demanded of her mother, shaky hands now holding her face into her squirting hole.

Mikoto could barely breath as she was stuffed into her daughter's cunt, while getting her mound railed by her animal-like lover who refused to slow for even a second. 'Can't…take much…more!' The beauty thought as she could feel herself losing herself to the lust. All she could think of was having Naruto's milk inside her, impregnating her like he did Kushi-chan.

The sight and feelings of Mikoto's pussy, the MILF eating out the squirting teenager, and Izumi's sexy body on his back was something Naruto was enjoying to the fullest. He thanked his Kushi-kaachan for her milk before he came here, or else he might have blown by now from such a steamy session. "Izu-chan, let me kiss you." Turning his head, he told his third Uchiha lover.

Izumi brought her tongue to meet with her stud lover. Her hands sensually ran up and down his chest, getting close to the connecting parts of her mother and man who took her virginity. 'I'm so happy to be in this relationship.' The stacked beauty thought in happiness as she continued to tongue battle her master.

All Naruto wanted to do was slap Mikoto's shaking white ass until it was red while fingering the kissing Izumi until she came around his fingers. But, he would settle for fucking the tight pussy of the MILF while mouth raping the college Uchiha.

"Oh God!" Mikoto's muffled voice called out as she continued to tongue her daughter. "Naru-kun is fucking me so hard! It's amazing! You taste so good, Satsu-chan! You've grown up to taste so delicious!" The beauty said, blushing bright red at what she was saying. Her arousal at the max at what she was doing for her lover and she couldn't stop her dirty mind for saying what she wanted.

Her words were music to the other three's ears. As a reward, both Naruto and Satsuki began to play with Mikoto harder. Satsuki wrapped her long legs around her head, bringing her head deep into her pussy, while her hands began to massage her squashed tits. Because of the sudden action from Satsuki, the beauty's walls tightened around Naruto, threating to tear off his cock. It only made him go harder into his thrusts. "Damn!" He let out a manly grunt, voice husky, as he released Izumi's lips. "Your mother is such a whore, Izu-chan, Satsu-chan. She's gotten so tight from eating her daughter and getting fucked by me." His lips kissed at her shoulder muscles, making the beauty squirm into his body.

"I know. Her tongue is so good! I can see why you like it when she gives you head, Naru!" Satsuki said, knowing how much her lover liked it when her Kaa-chan blew him. Now that she was on the end of her tongue, she knew why.

Izumi, wanting some of her sisters loving, reluctantly left her master, making him growl in anger of her moving away, before crawling to Satsuki. She shivered a little as she could feel his eyes boring into her backside. Reaching her sister, she watched her mother lick her dripping sex with such fever. It made her own insides drip on the mattress. "Wow. Breathing out, Izumi's hands went to Satsuki's breasts.

The sudden feeling of having her sister palm her breasts like that made her scream and walls tighten around Mikoto's invading tongue. "N-Nee-sama!" The beauty moaned as she could feel her body tense, orgasm about to hit. "T-That feels so…good~." After feeling her touch her for a couple minutes, while having her pussy licked by the moaning mother who was getting railed by the blonde Uzumaki, Satsuki breathed out in bliss.

Naruto's body shook in pleasure and losing restraint as he felt Mikoto's tight cunt squeeze his thundering pole while he watched the sister's play with each other. The two kissed sloppily, making lewd noises that they knew he loved to hear. "Gua! Mi-Mikoto-chan! I-I'm close! Make sure to take all my cock milk deep inside that slutty MILF pussy of yours!" The blonde warned his sexy lover of what was about to happen in the next few thrusts. He could feel her walls twitch heavily along his tools, telling him she was about to have her own orgasm.

Needing to breath, Mikoto managed to get out of the hold, seeing as Satsuki had lost most of her strength as she climaxed many times against her soaked face, she looked back at her lover with a large blush and emotional eyes. "Yes, Naru-sama~! Fill me up! Get me pregnant like you did Kush-chan! I want your baby!" Mikoto shouted.

Blue eyes widened before scrunching up. "You can't just say that! Fuck!" With one mighty thrust, he buried himself to the hilt, and let all his jizz fly deep into her baby maker, intending to get her pregnant.

"Ahhhh~~! Naru-kun is filling me up with his love~!" Mikoto shouted with a stupid grin on her lovely face as she squirted all over his bursting member. Her body shook like an earthquake with tears running down her face and tongue refusing to return to her mouth. The MILF couldn't think. She couldn't breathe. All she could do right now was enjoy the prolonged orgasm and the sight of her daughters now scissoring each other at the sight of their release.

Minutes passed by, both lovers continuing to coat the bed and each other in their fluids, before Mikoto couldn't take any more of his seed and fell off his prick. Still shooting, he covered the sexy mother with his cum that made her skin burn in bliss. "Yes~!" Screamed the fucked-stupid bitch who had howled like an animal after the spectacular climax.

Naruto licked his lips as he found the cum-covered form of Mikoto a delicious sight to see. "You're too sexy for your own good, Miko-chan." The blonde said with a dark grin that Mikoto shivered at.

"N-N-Naru-sama. W-What are you going to do to my body now?" She asked, tired but horny voice.

"Time my cock got a taste of that delicious ass. Take my bindings off, now." Naruto demanded, his blue eyes now cold in domination.

"H-Hai." Shaking in lust and anticipation, Mikoto slowly crawled her way behind him and untied the ropes. Like she expected, she was picked up, back against his chest, with her front facing the scissoring sisters who were grinding their sopping cunts together while kissing and massaging their breasts. "Naru-sama~!" The beauty squealed in delight at being at his mercy.

"Time to hurt, slut." Whispered the horny blonde, his voice husky with desire to fuck the living shit out of Mikoto for what she did to him, even though it felt amazing. "Izu-chan, Satsu-chan!" He barked, making them look at him. "Watch as I fuck this slutty mother of yours in the ass! Satsu-chan will get it before Izu-chan! Get ready for it!" The dominating blonde warned his Uchiha lovers of what he was going to do to them after pounding the slut he held in the air.

"Hai~!" Both lesbian lovers moaned out, drool escaping their lips at the images of them being fucked in the ass making them squirt love juices on each other. The hands that weren't playing with their breasts went to their assholes, imagined they were his dick, even though the digits couldn't compare to the real thing.

Nodding, happy they were watching while getting themselves off, he brought Mikoto up by her legs before slamming her down on his thrusting hips. The two moaned at the feeling as Naruto continued the rough pace while rubbing her thick leg muscles. "Just as tight as I remember." Whispered the horny blonde as he kissed her blushing cheek.

Mikoto gurgled out her thanks as she couldn't form even a coherent syllable as her mind was lost in the world of pleasure only Naruto could provide. The man's powerful rod made her so wet and caused her gushing cunt to squirt out more of her love juices.

Izumi and Satsuki moaned with large smiles as they were getting coated in their mother's cum. It made them hotter and played with the other even harder. Their clits were getting larger and larger with each hip motion, breast playing, and anal fingering. "Okaa-chan's cum is so hot~!" Both beauties moaned with large blushes and smiles.

Growling at the scene, he let one of her legs fall to the ground and the hand began to play with her wet pussy, making the beauty mewl in delight. "Fuck!" Finally getting some words out, she whispered with a weak with pleasure voice. "Keep going, Naru-sama. My pussy and ass have missed you so." Mikoto told her lover.

"And I've missed this sexy body of yours." The blonde growled, lustful sweat dripping down his body, making disturbingly erotic sounds as their soaked bodies slapped against one another. "It's perfect for fucking and loving." Naruto grabbed her sweaty hair and made her look at him. "And these lips…delicious to kiss." He slammed his lips into hers and played with her tongue while keeping his stroked deep and twirled his fingers around her wonderfully hot garden.

With a shaky hand, she let it frame his cheek and lovingly caress it, showing how much she loved the attention. Her shimmering black eyes stared into his equally shimmering blue eyes as they played tongue twister. Mikoto, gaining some control over her body, rutted her body against her lover, making him groan into the passionate kiss that was making her dizzy.

Tears were running down her face as she flet her heart beat at an even more erratic pace than before. His words of love made her heart sore in lust and lover for the man who took her a few weeks ago. She, like all his other ladies, was thankful that they were in this open relationship. 'I'm full…of his love~!' Mikoto screamed in her head as she felt some of his spunk enter her bottom and even more of her female juices coat his thrusting index and middle finger.

Blue eyes moved to the jiggling orbs of flesh that were going untouched by the teen. Wanting to rectify that, he let her other leg go and let his hand roughly play with those deliciously soft and firm melons. The MILF screamed harder into the kiss with her ass and vagina muscles squeezing tighter around his appendages that were rocking her world.

'She tastes almost as good as Kaa-chan!' The blonde mused to himself as he continued to taste Mikoto by the ass, pussy and mouth. His second MILF was just so…delicious! He couldn't get enough of her like his Kushi-kaachan. He could feel the familiar churning in his lower half along with the tightening around his fingers and prick, telling him she was close.

"Iya!" Mikoto yelled in shock as she was thrown to the floor with her lover now loaming over her front, ass and cock still connected. "N-N-Naru?" She asked, voice weak and sweat dripping down her face. Her silky black hair sticking to her sweaty face.

"I want to see that beautiful face of your while we climax." Naruto whispered, his hand massaging her wonderful bosom. The MILF blushed as she soon moaned happily as her lover began to fuck her backside again with his hands intending to milk her.

It worked as the creamy liquid he loved to see spurted out of her nipples. Licking his lips, he let his mouth swoop down and take her leaking tit in his mouth while his other hand milked her other jug. More milk spurted out, coating their sinful bodies in white, making the session even hotter for them and the watching sisters who were covered in their love juices. "Ah~! Naru-sama is milking me~! Amazing!" Mikoto screamed, her shaky hands massaging his scalp.

The blonde let out a happy murmur into her melons, making her tighten around his thundering prick, as he continued to lavish her squirting teat with his tongue. 'More! More milk!' Naruto thought in crazed ecstasy. His entire body was screaming at him to drink everything the MILF had to offer. Something he'd easily do. Reluctantly taking his lips away from her teat, hand still massaging the both of them, he leaned in close to her dazed face. "I'm going to cum! Make sure to take it all, my lovely Uchiha whore." Naruto told his second MILF.

Strong legs wrapped around his strong, never-ending, hips. "Do it…" She whispered, black eyes staring into blue. "Fill the bitch before you in your cum." Mikoto begged her stud of a lover between hot panting.

Growling like an animal, he kissed her passionately before giving one more powerful thrust and letting his seed shoot straight into her bottom. He could feel her bottom squeeze harder around his tool, milking more of his cock juice, while her cunt soaked his front. Holding each other close, the kisses became softer and more meaningful before they left, saliva connecting them.


Chuckling, he turned to Satsuki and Izumi who were now panting. Their eyes now locked onto his standing cock, drool spilling from their lips. "Cock." He heard the two mutter with crazed lustful eyes and smiles.

"Satsu-chan!" He barked at his second Uchiha lover who sat straighter. "Come here." Satsu did as commanded and stood before him, her heaving chest brushing against his chest.

"Yes, Naru-sama?" Satsuki asked, her voice shaky with lust. "Iya~!" She let out a loud scream of pleasure as his hands wrapped around her form and his finger was now sliding in and out of her loosened butt. "My butt …!" Her head was buried into his chest as she sook in desire.

"Time I give you a nice butt-fucking." Naruto growled into her ear as he gently kissed her jaw. Satsuki moaned at feeling her lover finger her ass again after so long. The pain was something she relished in and wanted to feel again.

"Yes. Please do. Fuck me ass like the whore I am. I've missed you cock so deep inside me." The beauty whispered, her voice taking on its lust crazed tone it took whenever they were having sex. Satsuki moaned hotly as his rough hand grabbed her hair and pulled her back, making her look at him.

"Don't have to ask me twice." Giving her a playful dark smirk, he pushed her around and walked her to the other side of the room, telling Izumi, who whimpered at not getting attention, to stay put. "Sit right here." While his voice was soft, she, Satsuki, knew it was a demand.

Nodding softly, Satsuki did as demanded. The second her mound touched the wooden horse, she quivered and let out a loud moan. Her moan grew as her lover had ripped off her 'top' and used it to tie her arms behind her back, a large blush erupting on her face. A large amount of her juices coating the wood. "Good! It feels so good against my clit~!" Satsuki yelled, the hard wood rubbing against her sensitive nub.

"What a whore." Naruto said, giving her nice ass a swat, making the beauty lurch forward and let out a howl of wonderful ecstasy at being slapped while having her pussy grounded against the hard surface. "Getting off on me humiliating you." He teased his third lover with a dark grin. "When did you get so slutty?" The blonde asked.

"It…It's because of…you Naru-sama~~!" Satsuki squealed out as she felt her body heat up from what she was feeling. "You made me such a slutty…cock craving whore!" The bitch in heat told her master as she continued to get spanked and grounded against the BDSM tool that teased her clit.

"Blaming me for releasing your true side. Have you no shame?" Naruto asked with a dark grin, his slaps becoming more painful, thus more pleasurable. He went behind his woman and let one hand trail up and down her silky skin, sending goosebumps to appear. The blonde let his ridged cock slid between his crack. "Such slutty breasts." Whispered the teenager as he rested his head on her shoulder. Even though he was so close to her, he kept on slapping her bright red ass that was pushing against his prick with her mound covering the wood in her delicious fluids.

"T-Touch me more~! Your hands feel soooo~ good on my skin!" Satsuki moaned hotly as she could feel her body heat up, her insides getting closer to letting out her climax. Her breath hitched as he pinched her diamond hard nipples.

Naruto, feeling her shake on him, licked his lips as he saw the juices flood on the ground. Wanting a taste, he stopped slapping her, making her whimper in disappointment, he let his hand cup under the dripping juices. Letting a pool of it coat his hand, he made sure Satsuki saw him bring the hand up to his mouth and heard him slurp her cunt liquid.

Her taste, smell, and deliciously busty body that grounded against his cock almost made him climax all over her bottom. Luckily, he controlled himself, but still let out globs of pre-cum that stained her back. The beauty arched her back as she felt the pre-jizz spill on her back. "Naru-sama~~!" Satsuki screamed as loud as she could, her special place squirting all of the liquid against the wood, panting like a bitch as she let her body jack-off his rod.

"Screw it!" Yelling, he decided to stop messing with her and just get down to business. Taking her hips with both hands, he slammed her to the ground and knocked the wind out of her as he shoved all off his penis into her womb. His hips already going at a hip-breaking pace. "Oh, yeah!" The blonde roared in utopia like bliss of having her cunt walls wrapped around his pole.

Satsuki couldn't say anything. Her voice came out in high squeaks as she was getting railed by her lover. She could feel her breasts kept hitting her drooling face as Naruto didn't let up on his fucking. "Yesh~!" The beauty slurred as her shaky arms wrapped around his back, holding him close. His thrusts now slowing a little but getting even deeper and harder to compensate. "Sho deep!" Satsuki whispered hotly, her warm breath tickling his neck.

Wanting to shut her up in the nastiest of ways, Naruto took one hand off her hips and shoved his fingers into her mouth that went to licking the digits off. Growling, he went after what he lusted for; her jiggling flesh orbs. His lips and tongue swirling around the hard nipple while letting the tip of his tongue flick it, making her warm innards tighten around his diamond hard prick.

'Bitch is so fucking tight!' Naruto groaned to himself as he felt his cock-head hit the back of her womb. Even after all the rough pounding, she, like all his other women, were still as tight as the day he claimed them. He didn't know how that was possible, but he wasn't one to complain about such things like that! Naruto growled a little when he felt her walls tighten more around his prick and felt himself twitch harder when she began to suck his fingers with greater passion than before.

'His cock! His cock is destroying me!' Satsuki yelled inside her mind as she rutted her large hips against her lover while stepping up her game by lewdly sucking his fingers. The wet sloshing sounds made her insides heat up and walls tighten around his twitching cock. She knew she was close to losing her control with Naruto close to climaxing too.

Face buried between her heavily tits, he continued to lick them while his other hand slapped around her other melon while thrusting his fingers down her throat. "Fuck! I'm close!" Naruto yelled, leaving her teats and his fingers leaving her throat. His hands now framed her head as sweat dripped down to her face, her tongue licking at the sweat, getting him hotter at the sexy scene. "Make sure that slutty pussy takes all of my cum!" The blonde told his lover, his teeth baring.

"Do it~!" She whispered, pulling him so his forehead was resting on hers. "Fill me up! My pussy has been craving it for so long! I need all that jizz staining my insides!" Satsuki moaned like a wanton slut as she was fucked like a whore and her own hips bucking against his.

"Damn it! Take my cum!" Unable to possibly hold back after her sexy words, he roared out as his meat tower sprayed its liquid into her dripping fountain that drenched his shooting cock with her squirt.

Satsuki's eyes rolled to the back of her head as her mouth opened wide. Nothing came out except for strangled gurgles with drool leaking down. She didn't know how long she and him climaxed, but it continued as he rolled her to her front, took his prick out from her pussy, and rammed his whole length into her shaking, red, bottom. "MY ASS~~!" Howled the whore as her body moved to the motions of his thundering prick.

"FUCK YEAH! TAKE MY COCK UP THAT NICE TIGHT ASS!" Naruto roared as loud as he could as he continued to plough the Uchiha whore into the ground. It saddened him that he couldn't taste those delicious teats, but he decided to compensate by slapping her bottom until her cheeks were red. While one hand kept spanking her cheek, the smacks resounding through the room, he pressed her head into the ground, making her butt tighten around him. "That's right! Get that ass muscles nice and tight around the cock you love! You're going to take my load like the whore you are! I'm going to give you a nice anal cream-pie!" Naruto told his lover as he refused to slow down for anything.

"I WILL! I'LL TAKE ALL THAT COCK-MILK INSIDE MY ASS! NARU-SAMA! PLEASE! PLEASE FILL ME UP!" Satsuki gave up her embarrassment long ago and moaned like the slut she had become since they first started fucking. Her mind was in the perfect among of pleasure and pain as he slapped her ass, grinding his veiny member in and out of her sore asshole, and keeping her head buried into the ground.

Stopping his slaps, making her moan in disappointment, Naruto pressed his body on Satsuki's back and fucked her, his hips slamming in and out like a piston. His hand keeping her head into the ground, with his own head going to her sweet neck and licking her sweaty flesh. "Such a sweet taste." Naruto manly grunted as his prick fought against her tight anal muscles.

"Thank you~!" Voice hoarse from all the yelling, she rasped out. "My body can only be satisfied by you! No other man can possibly please me like you can!" Satsuki told her man with tears streaming down her lovely face. Wanting to make him happy, she managed to barely buck her butt against his slamming tool while clenching her backdoor around him. The growl in her ear was what she got in response.

Black eyes crossed when Naruto tilted her head to the side and kissed her wildly as he continued to slap his hips into her buttocks without mercy. "That's right." Naruto mumbled between the tongue battle. "I'm the only man that will be in your life. You, your mother and your sister belong to me." The blonde told the screaming in the kiss beauty. Wet skin slapped against the other in an erotic dance of flesh and the sounds only got them hotter. Naruto was adamant in devouring her tongue and Satsuki would let him.

Moaning happily, she managed to speak, barely. "Yes~! Naru-sama is the one who can fuck all of us and still keep going! Your big cock is stretching me so far and wonderfully!" Satsuki screamed, feeling her tight walls expand and tighten around the pleasure stick. "Iya!" Her head snapped up as his hands slapped both her cheeks, sending rippled up and down her body, her sweaty head bobbing up and down to the heavy tempo. "YOUR HUGE COCK IS ABOUT TO MAKE MY PUSSY CUM!" Satsuki cried.

"GOOD! TAKE MY CUM UP THAT NICE FUCK-HOLE!" Naruto roared in response as he pushed all his twelve-inched prick into her asshole and gave her a nice anal cream-pie. Coupes amounts of cum spilled into her ass before it became too much and leaked out of her spasming bottom.

"Oh, Naru-sama~ your cum feels so hot inside my ass. Keep shooting all those hot white-topes inside my ass." Satsuki moaned with a dopey smile, her sweaty, fucked-stupid face resting on the floor.

Growling for the next for small thrusts, he finally stopped shooting his seed into her fat ass and let it pop out, panting as he did. He whipped the sweat from his blonde locks and smiled at his passed out Satsu-chan. "Take a good rest, my cum-whore." He ran his fingers through her silky black-hair, making her murmur in the touch.

Standing, he was about to go to his third Uchiha, before he felt a soft body press against his back, slim arms wrapped around his torso. "Naru-sama~~! Give me that beautiful cock now that you're done with them." The college beauty begged her stud lover as she blew into his ear.

"My pleasure." Leaning his head to the side, he gave her a light kiss before guiding her backwards to the wall. Her back hit the wall with a wet slap. "No need to get you wet." Naruto said, feeling his cock slick with female cum.

"No. I've gotten myself off as you fucked Satsu-chan." Izumi said with a large blush as she had gotten so hot from watching the fucking she climaxed many times. "Yes~~!" Yelling like a whore, her mind was hit with wonderful pleasure as her walls were stretched by the invading member.

Naruto rested his forehead against hers, his breath coming out in short pants as his muscles strained to hold Izumi up. "Oh, God! It feels so good to have this college pussy around my cock again!" The blonde groaned, his hands massaging her rips, getting teasingly close to her supple breasts. sweat from the connected bodies dripped into their connecting sex organs, making the familiar disturbingly erotic wet sloshing sounds.

"Oh my fucking God!" The lustful blonde tucked his head into her neck and breathed in her scent. It drove him even harder into the woman, his veiny pole twitching, as he icked at her sensitive skin. "My head…It's so amazingly tight and hot inside you!" Naruto whispered as he let another manly thrust, hitting the back of her womb.

"Thank you, Master." Izumi thanked her master, pressing the back of his head into her neck, silently telling him to keep tasting her. "My body is for your pleasure. I'm your cum-dump." She cried loudly as he thrusted hard, making her rise from the ground. Naruto quickly brought his hands and wrapped them around her supple bottom as he brought her down on his cock while banging himself into her.

"Good girl." Naruto mumbled, face and tongue making her hotter as she was getting railed. He felt his face heat up in a large blush and his legs shake a little. "Damn! This sexy body of yours is going to make me cum too fast." The blonde warned his slave, now destroying any rhythm they had and pounded her as hard as he could.

"Me too! I'm already close to cumming on this big dick!" Getting her voice back, she shouted while rutting her wide hips against his bashing hips. Blue and black eyes locked onto one another as they continued to couple like animals in heat.

Gritting his teeth, Naruto gave her one last harsh thrust and released all his seed in a loud roar Izumi reciprocated with by screaming like a whore while squirting all her female juices on his shooting tool. Holding one another close, shaking while covering them in jizz, the orgasms slowly died down. Naruto and Izumi slid down the wall in a thud, both panting heavily.

"Too…tired." Izumi muttered before passing out on his still hard cock. Naruto could only growl in disappointment of not fucking her beautiful ass. But, not liking fucking his lovers in their sleep, he, reluctantly, pulled himself out.

Just before he could stand back, he was surprised when her body unconsciously moved closer to him, her mouth resting against his prick. "Damn! What a whore." Naruto said in amazement when her tongue began to gently lick his tool. "Guess I can play with her a little more." With a dark grin, he took her head away from his member and grabbed her by her thick thighs and hoisted her up, back against his chest.

Prick nudging at her asshole, he made his way to the nearby mirror and waited for the beauty to wake. He gazed lovingly at the sight of the cum dripping pussy and pleased expression. "I can't hold it much longer. I need you to wake up." Lowering his head into her ear, he breathed hotly, making her shiver. "My hard cock needs to fuck this nice fat ass of yours right now. You must be awake for it. I need to see the face you make when I give you a nice anal creampie." He said, voice thick with lust at seeing that.

Like a switch, Izumi slowly opened her eyes and looked around for her lover before her black eyes settled on the mirror. "Fufu." A seductive giggle escaped her lips. "Do it, Naru-sama. Fuck this bitch who dared to pass out on you and your powerful cock." Izumi told her lover, her smoldering eyes gazing into his own lustful blue.

"You're reading my mind, Izu-chan." Lining his dick against her backdoor, he let it slide in, both moaned at the sensations. "God! It fits me like a glove!" Naruto's mouth was wide open, spit flying as he rammed his tool in and out of her tight rectum.

"Only for you, Naru-sama! My entire body is suited to please you and your cock!" Izumi wailed, her hair flying in the wind with each brutal thrust that rocked her. Forty minutes of this passed. Sweat dripping down their bodies, wet sounds vibrating off the walls, and the dirty shouts of Izumi and Naruto before it all ended with an anal creampie to the passed out Uchiha.

Standing, he looked over the scene before him and could only smirk at the cum-covered forms of the Uchiha ladies. "What a day." Wiping the sweat from his face, he picked up all his lovers and took them to Mikoto's large bed. He soon joined them in the middle, placing Mikoto on top of him with the others snuggling on either side. Taking in their heavenly scents, he found himself calmed by them and soon joined them in slumber.

~Next Day~

Waking up a little past noon, Naruto walked downstairs, gave his Uchiha lovers all kisses, he waved goodbye and promised to do this again. As he walked down the road, intending on going over to Yukiko's for some fun, he felt his stomach rumble. "Well…I haven't eaten for some time." He mused before smiling. "Ramen time!" Shouting, he sprinted to the local ramen stand that he loved almost as much as sex.

Since he was in sure a hurry, he didn't see the person just drive into his house. Parking, out stepped an almost otherworldly beauty, comparable to Kushina. She was another MILF with long auburn hair, one of the bangs covering her right eye and crossing each other over her large H-cup just below the chin, with emerald green eyes and full, kissable, pink lips that was set in a natural pouty expression. The beauty wore a tight fitting black shirt and form fitting jeans that led to her high-heels that showed off her powerful legs.

Her orbs fell onto the running Naruto. "Hm. Same old Naru-chan. Can't think of anything other than ramen." Her voice was as seductive as her form as it held some mirth at the running boy who had his hand over his stomach.

"Mei-chan!" The now named Mei turned her attention to the shout and came face-to-face with Kushina who gave her a big hug. "It's so good to see you, little sister!" She said with a happy smile Mei returned.

"It's good to see you too, Kushi-chan." Mei greeted her sister with a warm smile and walked with her into the house, not knowing she'd get the biggest surprise of her life when she saw the hunk that was her nephew.

Stepping into the small ramen stand he called with his usual big grin. "I'm back!" Some sounds came from the backroom. "Is that you, Naru-kun?! A female voice called back.

"Yup. It's me, Ayame-chan!" He called back to the now named Ayame who walked out of the back. His blue eyes took in her form and couldn't help but lightly lick his lips in desire. She wore the traditional cooking outfit that complemented her slim form. She had a nice heart-shaped face, framed by bangs of her light-brown hair that reached her waist and fare-skin. The beauty had supple and kissable lips he wanted to devour and a nice D-cup that strained against her uniform and a nice ass that also strained against it. "You're looking lovely today, as usual." Naruto complemented with a foxy smile.

"Such a charmer you are, Naru-kun." Ayame giggled with a light blush on her cheeks. "So, what can I do for our favorite customer?" Leaning against the counter, showing some cleavage, she asked.

"I wanted to see how you're doing and…" He sheepishly rubbed his head. "Get some ramen. Hungry." The blonde pouted like a child. It got a giggled from the waitress. She just loved his personality and how he could make her smile every time he came in here.

"The usual?" She asked rhetorically. The blonde nodded with a smile. "Coming right up." Getting what she needed, she turned around to the stove and got to work, wiggling her hips and humming a soft tune.

Naruto was mesmerized by the sexy light-brown beauty so close to him, ripe for the picking. In truth, she was one of the first erotic dreams he ever had. She was someone who he came and talked to whenever he needed it and he would do the same for her, lending his ear for someone who didn't get to talk much to customers. Shaking his head, he decided to talk. "How have you been, Ayame-chan?" He asked.

"Oh, just fine Naru-kun. College is going well and so is father." Ayame responded, glancing at him. "Along with business. Wonder why that is?" She teased, making him blush. It was well known that the three Uzumaki spend almost all their time in the stand, eating almost all of their food in one go.

"What can we say, your food is divine. It's even better knowing you made it." Naruto said with a gentle smile. Ayame's eyes widened a little, a large blush appeared on her face, before looking back. "T-Thank you…Naru-kun. You're such a good boy." The beauty said with a shy voice and smile. She, like the boy she was cooking for, had a crush on him for a long time. Since she knew him since childhood, she had seen him grow into the fine young man he was today and Ayame, to her silent embarrassment, spend many nights masturbating to the thought of the male Uzumaki.

'Besides…I'm just someone who cooks for him.' Ayame thought in sadness, not knowing Naruto had gotten up and now stood behind her. The blonde couldn't take it anymore. He wanted Ayame-chan and he wanted her now. He also saw the slight slump in her shoulders and, thinking she might be sad, decided to try and cheer her up.

"Are you okay?" The concerned voice of Naruto reached her ear. Yelping a little, she spun around to see him very close, his breath hitting her face.

"N-N-N-Naru-kun!" She sputtered a little. "Y-Yes. I-I'm fine. Don't worry about me." Ayame said, but he still didn't move away. "I don't want to. I can't as you're someone very important to me." Slowly his hands circled her form, bringing her close.

Ayame couldn't believe this was happening. Her face was a neon light. "S-Sop. You're making me blush." She turned her head away and smiled sadly. "Besides, I'm just plain Ayame."

Frowning a little, he gently cupped her cheek and turned her to face him. "No. you're not. To me, you're Ayame-chan. Someone I would do anything for." Blue and brown stared at the other as their faces got closer and closer until their lips met.

Naruto was in love with her taste as well as Ayame with his. Her hands found their way to his hair, fingers running through his locks as they eagerly kissed one another. Tongues were introduced and Naruto dominated her like he did his other ladies. Kissing for a few more minutes, he left, saliva connecting them, and gazed into her dazed eyes. "Let's take this to the back." Getting her voice back, she sexily whispered.

"You're reading my mind." Making her walk with his hands, he led her into the back and soon kissed her again, with more fever this time. The young woman moaned into the kiss as his hands went to her romp, gently massaging it while tasting her.

"Naru~~!" Leaving the kiss, she moaned when Naruto's hand came up to cup her soft melon. "Your hands are so strong!" Ayame said, her voice growing weak from pleasure.

"And you're so sexy, Ayame-chan. How is possible that I didn't take you until now?" Naruto asked. "S-Stop teasing me, Naru." The beauty pouted softly, something he found cute. "N-No!" Ayame yelled even louder when she felt his hand leave her plump bottom and reach past her pants and gently glide over her maidenhood. "That-That's my…" She couldn't say it so she buried her head into his chest.

"Your what. Tell me what it is that I'm touching." Naruto told the woman clutching his chest while kissing the top of her head, his hands never slowing down in their teasing. But Ayame couldn't do that. It was too embarrassing! "Y-Y-You know what it is~!" She whined.

"No I don't. Ayame-chan has to tell me what it is or I'll stop." The blonde warned his soon-to-be lover of the consequences. Brown eyes widened at that. She didn't want this to stop! Not after so many years of dreaming about this!

Swallowing the lump in her throat, she yelled when he hit a sensitive spot on her breast. "My pussy! Naru-kun is touching my drenched pussy! I want it! I want Naru-kun's fingers directly touching me! Please! Please stick your fingers inside Ayame-chan's dirty pussy!" She begged, tears streaming down her face.

Smirking, he brought her face up and gave her a chaste kiss. "With pleasure." Ripping her pants and panties off, he let his two fingers slid over her slit before gently pushing them in. "Wow. You weren't kidding. You're so wet and hot. Not to mention tight." Naruto whispered huskily, marveling at the warm womanhood wrapped around his fingers.

"I've…I've been wet since the day I hit puberty!" She told her man with a large blush and shake of her body. "Play with my breasts harder! I want you to make me scream your name after this!" Ayame cried out.

Blue eyes widened a little, before dipping down in lust. "Very well. Get ready for the fucking of a life." Warned the blonde before ripping her shirt off, revealing her white breasts, and pushed her onto the counter. He licked his lips at the sight, drool escaping his lips.

Ayame blushed at his gaze. It made her feel a little insecure but couldn't hide herself from his as it was making her mound wetter, fluids dripping down to the floor. "S-Stop staring. J-Just take me." Ayame begged, holding his hands for him, wanting to embrace him. Smiling, he brought himself down and kissed her, spreading her thighs with his legs.

The hand inside her left, making her mewl into the kiss, before taking his pants off, showing his hard-on. "While I would love nothing more than to fuck you, I'm still hungry. It's a good thing I have an Ayame-chan in front of me." Naruto said with a cheeky smirk that made Ayame turn her head shyly and blush even brighter, resembling Kushina's hair.

"N-N-Naru-kun~!" Ayame cried to the heavens as her insides were invaded by the love of her life's tongue. 'His tongue…is spectacular~!' Her juices rolled down his chin and the beauty thrashed as he tongue-fucked her.

'Wow! Ayame-chan taste great!' If he rated the taste, he would say she was the second-best tasting lover, right behind his Kaa-chan. Blue eyes widened in shock when he was pushed away from her dripping mound. Even though he was pushed, he licked the juices that spilled. His cock pulsed when he saw the look in Ayame's eyes.

Ayame was going crazy from the attention! "Naru-kun! I don't want to cum with your tongue. I want to climax from your cock!" She begged, throwing away any restraint she had on her dirty talk.

Finding this incredibly hot, Naruto slowly stood up and made his way to the shaking woman. "Alright. We'll get to a tasting later." The blonde said with a cheeky smirk. His hand then went to her hip and held her in place as he introduced his member to her mound. Naruto fed his cock inch by inch until he hit a barrier.

Naruto's eyes widened in the kiss as he felt the barrier. Leaving the kiss, he stared at the blushing woman with shock. "Y-Y-You're a-!" He couldn't finish as she rested her finger on his lips.

She gave him a soft nod and equally soft smile. "Hai. I've been saving myself for you all this time." Ayame's eyes watered. "And now we're one. Please, just do it. I'll be fine." The beauty promised her lover.

"Alright." Letting his hips pull back, he slowly broke her barrier, blood pouring down his sensitive member, and gritted his teeth at the tightness of her pussy. Ayame's eyes widened as she let out a painful scream at being penetrated by Naruto. "Are you okay, Ayame-chan?" Lustful blue orbs stared at her.

"I've never felt better in my entire life!" She said with a happy smile and tears. "I'm ready, Naru-kun. Make love to me. Make me yours for the rest of our lives." The waitressed beseeched. Breathing heavy, he nodded before grinding himself out before plunging in, making the beauty below him yell and him grit his teeth in restrained bliss. "I can see it. I can see Naru-kun's dick inside me!" Ayame yelled, her brown orbs looking at the bulge in her tummy that grew and shrunk whenever he pounded himself in and out of her womb.

"God! You're so sexy, Ayame-chan! Your body is perfect and so tight!" Naruto let out manly grunts as he sawed his prick in and out of the hottest cunt he's ever fucked. "It feels like my cock is about to melt!" He told her, a large blush on his face.

"Yes! Melt inside me, Naru-kun! I want you to be pleased! Let my waitress pussy serve your massive cock to the best of its ability!" Ayame yelled, her arms bringing him close to her. "Fuck me! Fuck me hard, Naru-sama! Your Ayame-chan's body is yours to take whenever you want a taste." She whispered, her eyes sparkling in deep love and lust for the man fucking her like she wanted.

Naruto could only respond by kissing her as hard as he could, not giving her a break to breath, while his hands went to her large breasts. Leaning over her, he pounded his member in and out of the gapping mound that clung so tightly to him while raping her mouth and tongue. 'Shit! Her insides are amazingly hot! I can't get over it!' The blonde groaned to himself as he let his hands memorize his new lover's form. He never knew she had such a ridiculously gorgeous body underneath her clothing.

'This is…Naru-kun's dick!' Ayame felt painful/pleasurable tears roll down her face as she was connected to the man she loved. While it still hurt a little, her focus was the new wonderful feelings. Her mind was getting foggy and all she could think about was making Naruto feel better. 'And it's messing…my inside up!' A loud screech escaped her lips when the blonde tweaked her hard nipples.

The backroom of the stand was filled with the loud grunt of Naruto, wet skin slapping against the other, and the sensual screams and moans of Ayame. His hips never stopped their furious pace nor its powerful impacts even as she climaxed around his tool. "Shit! My cock is so deep inside your tight pussy, Ayame-chan! Can you feel it? Can you feel my cock rearranging your insides?" Naruto asked in a husky whisper, his face buried in her neck as he stopped his sensual licking for the second.

"Yes~!" Getting her voice back, she whispered back, one of her hands leaving his back to hold his head into her neck. "I can feel Naru-kun's dick messing up Ayame's pussy! Ayame's getting addicted to it!" She mewled sultrily.

"Get addicted to me then, Ayame-chan! I'll make sure to come here every day and have a taste of the Ayame-chan special that is for me and me alone!" Naruto groaned, his possessive side showing as he continued to roughly rail his sexy waitress into the table.

"Please do! I'll make sure your special is always ready! My pussy will be waiting for you to return!" Ayame screamed with a happy blush and tears. Her tongue refused to stay in her tongue and eyes crossed in desire. The beauties imagination ran wild at what she would do for him to satisfy him for the rest of her life.

"Wonderful!" Naruto breathed in deep arousal as he crushed his woman into the counter, not caring if anyone possibly entered and heard wet skin slapping. "Mine." Seeing those delicious tits jiggling inches from him was antagonizing. His lips soon grabbed one of her hard nipples and lavished the nub in attention while his other hand ran up and down her thigh, getting teasingly close to the rippling asshole he would fuck after this.

Tears of utter joy ran down her face as she was having the time of her life. His strong hands going up and down her hot body and his tongue paying erotic focus onto her sensitive nipples. It was like Naruto made it his mission to make her go crazy until she came as hard as possible. "Ahh!" Speaking of her orgasm, she had to bite the inside of her lips to hold ion the loud scream from the powerful rush of pleasure that ran through her form as he slapped her fat ass. Her female liquids made him scrunch his face, holding his own climax, as he made sure she rode out her own release.

'He's fucking me…into a coma!' Ayame had to bite her finger as he stepped up the pleasure by biting down of the nub, making her legs stiffen in the air. 'And I love it!' A fucked-stupid smile appeared. "Naru-kun~! Keep going! My mind is almost blank! Keep fucking me! Bang this bitch however you want! I'll take it all!" Ayame cried as she panted like a dog, her real self-showing. Utterly submissive. She promised herself she would only show this side to her lover when he fucked her like Naruto was.

Momentarily taking his lips off her teat, he looked at the woman with shocked eyes. 'Damn! All these bitches love being fucked like this!' Naruto thought in amazement as all his lovers loved it when he was giving it to them as hard as he could. Not one to disappoint, he did as commanded. "You asked for it, Ayame-chan!" Warned the blonde before letting himself slide out till the tip before shoving himself all the way back.

Her lovely voice would have been heard if Naruto didn't cover her lips with his own. He felt her arms circle his back and nails rake into his back. It made him growl into the kiss as the sudden pain made his skin and loins tingle. "YES! JUST LIKE THAT! MAKE A MESS OF AYAME-CHAN'S GUSHING TWAT!" The bitch screamed at the top of her lungs as she kept cumming on his prick. Whenever the first one ended, another, more powerful one, hit her.

"KEEP TALKING LIKE THAT AND I'LL NEVER LEAVE!" Naruto roared, his breath becoming haggard. Sweat dripped down their bodies and made erotic slapping sounds that only made them hotter for each other's forms. His blue eyes now locked onto her brown. Like a magnetic pull, they locked lips, sloppily kissing, as they fucked like animals.

Their carnal desire of the flesh overwhelmed the ability to hold in their screams, grunts, groans, and roars. Slowly opening their eyes, the two stared at one another. The unspoken words were received and they let everything out. Roaring and screaming into the kiss, Naruto and Ayame respectively, they coated one another in their climaxes. Naruto's seed shot straight past her cervix and spurted all of its ball-juice deep into her womb.

Ayame was on the line of passing out. Having him cum inside her was soooo~ much better than she imagined. The feeling of his got seed coating her insides was a feeling she was now addicted to. Shaking hard, holding one another close, the kiss soon ended with Naruto resting his head on her shoulder. "Wow…~!" The brunette waitress breathed out in wonder, her slim fingers running through his spikey blonde locks.

"Got that right." Getting his breathing under control, he gave a gruff chuckle while gently licking her sweat-caked skin. "Your pussy squeezed a lot out. Not bad for a virgin. I never knew my Ayame-chan was such a dirty talker either." Naruto teased the blushing woman.

"S-S-Stop teasing me like that, Naru-kun…" Cupping her cheeks, she turned to the side and moaned in shock when he felt him pulse inside her. "W-W-What!? H-Ho-How can you still be so…hard after all that!?" It was unbelievable that the stud could keep going.

A shiver ran down her spine when she heard the dark, husky, chuckle. Mewling a little, having her hole feel empty when his cock left, Ayame looked at him with lidded eyes. "W-What are…you going to do…now?" Through deep pants, she managed to ask as she saw his member standing proudly.

Smirking, he grabbed her long legs and spun her around. Tits squashed against the table, the waitress moaned in pleasure as she felt his hands grab her butt-cheeks. "N-Naru-kun!" Now knowing what he was doing, she squeaked.

"Don't worry, Ayame-chan. With my cock so wet from your cunt juice, this will only bring pleasure." Naruto reassured, slapping his slick with cum cock against her slightly red bottom. "Just take my cock inch by inch." Leaving over her, check against her back, he kissed her shoulder muscles as he, like her pussy, slowly introduced his giant cock to her butt.

Ayame was thankful that he was taking her mind away from the pain by kissing her shoulder. "N-Naru-kun…it's too big! I feel like…I'm being ripped in two~!" She mewled in pain as she buried her head into the wooden table.

"Don't worry." Again, Naruto whispered softly into her ear, kissing her gently. "This is the last inch." He warned, getting a soft nod, before shoving the rest of himserlf in her asshole; claiming it as his own.

Her was was dark red at the realization that Naruto owned her as he taken her holes, other than her mouth, which she's change later. The beauties anal walls streched around the prick pulsing deep inside her bowels. "Naru-kun's…cock is so…deep inside me~!" Ayame said in a soft, weak, voice. Her legs shook as it took a lot of her power to stand.

"I know. It's amazingly tight!" Naruto said, his body shaking from the tight hold of her bottom. "S-Sorry." Before she could ask why he was sorry, her answer came in the form of him slowly leaving before firmly jamming himself back, making her body rock against the table. Her hard nipples scratched against the surcafe and sent shocks of pleasure to go up her spine.

"Iya~1 Naru-kun! Naru-kun is fucking my asshole! I love him! I love his big fat cock!" Ayame yelled, using the table to buck her hips against his.

Grabbing her waist, he stood straight, bringing her with him, and continued to firmly, yet softly, fuck her ass. "That's right, Ayame-chan! You love my cock inside you! There's nothing you love more than my fucking you, right?" He asked, his hold along her waist tightening, making it seem like they would fuse together.

"No! There is nothing I love more than Naru-kun and his cock!" Ayame told her lover, brown eyes staring into his bright blue orbs with devotion and love. "Love me harder! I want to be ruined after this! I want to work while knowing my pussy and ass is filled with my Naru-kun's baby milk!" The lustful brunette yelled, sweat making her even more beautiful.

"Uga!" Grunting hard, he captured her chin in a firm grip and kiss/fucked her again, hips never slowing from the upward angle of his prick. Mixed dribble ran down their chins as they continued to couple with the other. The musky scent of their love-making spread through the room.

Brown eyes began to cross as she felt his tool shot its seed into her butthole. Even though he was climaxing, it didn't stop nor slow his thrusts for even a second. All he did was growl into the kiss as he rammed her back into his hips with his hand now cupping her sweaty bust, tweaking her sensitive nipples.

With shaky hands, Ayame managed to wrap her arms around his head ant kept her in the kiss while he took the hint. Blue eyes glinting in seduction, his other hand went to her quaking mound and began to gently finger it. The combined male and female jizz trailed down her thigh and stained the floor below. 'Fuck! She feels like she's about to hit her limit!' Naruto noticed as fight in the kisses began to weaken, making it too easy to make her bend to his will.

'Cumming! Cumming! Ayame-chan is cumming on Naru-kun's cock!' Her mind was sent into a spiral of lust-drunk bliss and couldn't even think like a proper adult. Needing breath to live, both parties ended the kiss at the same time, releasing their yells. "Cumming!" Roared/screamed the lovers as they coated one another in jizz. Naruto's prick milk shot deep into her gapping asshole with her womanhood coating his fingers in delicious liquids.

Time crept to a crawl as the only thing they felt was one another and riding out their climaxes. Slow minutes passed before the orgasms died and Naruto, the barely conscious Ayame still in his arms, dropped to the ground in a soft thud.

Letting his hand leave her pussy, he brushed some of her hair away and kissed her blushing cheek. "Truly…that was better than ramen." Naruto said with a cheeky smirk and blush. Ayame blushed and giggled softly, her mind slowly rebooting, at his words.

Her soft hand gently rubbed his face. "What am I going to do with you, Naru-kun? Such a naughty boy to take me back here and fuck me like you did." The waitress said with mirth before her smile dipped down into a soft one. "But, I wouldn't trade it for the world. I gave myself to the person I love more than anything else." Naruto and Ayame's faces slowly got closer and gave the other a gentle, meaningful, kiss.

Naruto's hand traced her filled stomach. The idea of having his baby growing inside her, and his other lovers for that matter, only made him smile wider into the sweet kiss. Just cuddling in the backroom for an unknown amount of time, the blonde told her about what was happening and she was okay with it after some shock of course. He was glad because he wouldn't want this harem without his Ayame-chan.

Sitting with Ayame for a few more hours, eating some ramen, and talking, Naruto reluctantly left the stand. Though, he didn't leave before giving his new lover a deep kiss and a promise to be back as soon as he could.

Inside the small apartment of Yukiko sat the busty greenette two more busty beauties. The first woman sitting across from her had brown eyes and straight, shoulder-length blond hair that was kept in ponytail with a diamond tattoo on her forehead. Like the other ladies that like Naruto, she had a large bust; double E that strained against her clothing that was covered by a house coat, same with Yukiko.

The second woman was another gorgeous older woman, in her twenties, with long, thigh-length, dark blue hair. Her face and eyes held great gentleness and a benevolent quality to them but it was slightly dulled by the bright blush on her angelic face. She wore a rather revealing pink strapless top, which was openly laced down the middle, revealing a lot of her cleavage and a brown skirt finished it off. It was all covered by a house coat Tsunade and Yukiko wore, wanting to surprise the blonde by what they wore underneath. Like her companions, she was gifted in the chest. The largest anyone had ever seen; K-cup.

"So, Tsunade, Aki are you ready for Naruto-kun?" Yukiko asked the now named Tsunade Senju and Aki Nijou with a seductive smirk. Today was the day the blonde stud was coming over and she thought it would make him hot to have sex with her and her fellow nurses.

Tsunade smirked a little. "You know I am, Yukiko. I've waited for this for some time." The beauty told her friend. Kushina had told her about the harem and she wanted her turn now. It would have been kinkier if the other nurse of the school could come, but she had other duties to attend to. "What about you, Aki?" She asked her shy friend.

Blushing, she fidgeted a little more before nodding. "H-Hai. While embarrassing, I'd rather be with him with multiple women than not have him at all." Aki told her friends who smirked at her.

A knock at the door and the voice of Naruto reached their ears. "Yukiko! It's Naruto!" both ladies gave each other a sexy smirk.

"Hide for now." Yukiko told the beauties who did as told and walked to the small kitchen as the woman walked to the door and opened it to show the smirking blonde. "Hello Naruto-kun. It took you long enough." She teased, stepping to the side to let him in.

"Hehe. Sorry about that. Had to get some ramen." Naruto said with a sheepish chuckle. Yukiko had to shake her head with a small giggle.

"You're such a glutton." The beauty teased before giving him hot eyes. "But, I hope you have enough room for desert." Rolling her shoulders, she revealed what was underneath.

Naruto's pants barely held the standing prick at what he saw was under her coat. The sexy nurse wore tight jeans with an even tighter shirt, showing her large bust and ass. "Holy shit!" He yelled, hands about to reach for his pants but were stopped by Yukiko.

Smirking at the pout, she kissed it away. "I've got a surprise." Naruto raised his eyebrow as she looked to the side and called. "Come out now!" Out of the kitchen came another beauty that made the blonde drool, their attire making him bigger.

"T-T-Tsunade-sensei! Aki-sensei!" Like the first nurse, she wore a sexy, size too small, nurse uniform that showed her large tits, ass, and curvy form.

"Hello to you, Naruto-kun. I hope you liked your surprise." Strutting her way over, her large bust swaying with her strides, she smirked as the boy's eyes never left her bosom. "And the fact you're about to bang the two of us. Don't worry either, the harem idea makes me hot." Tsunade reassured the blonde who grinned like a madman.

"N-Naruto-kun." Another voluptuous form greeted him, a large bust squishing his back. "P-Please…make love to us." She begged with surprisingly lustful eyes.

Before Naruto could grab the bust's many lusted after, he was pushed into the couch near them in a small thud. His lustful blue eyes glared at the women who silenced him. Yukiko was the one to kiss him with Tsunade and the now confident Aki, said confidence boost came from her colleagues, sensually rubbing his clothed chest. Needing air, the greenette left the kiss and Tsunade took the time to take off his shirt. The sight of his unclothed chest made the three quiver.

Tsunade added onto her burning fire by giving her fellow blonde the kiss she had wanted to give him for years. She took the reins of the session as her hands teasingly rubbed his chest before landing on his pants. Unzipping it, she fished inside and took out his rode. Tsunade and Aki's eyes were wide as they glanced at the biggest cock they had ever seen. "Wow!" Leaving the kiss, saliva connecting them, she breathed in wonder. "You weren't kidding, Yukiko. He's giant!" Tsunade whispered hotly, brown eyes never leaving the prick that would destroy her.

"W-W-Will that even fit?" Aki asked, her hands now shaking in lust. Her mind now picturing her in sexy positions with the large cock relentlessly ploughing her pussy, making it his own.

"Fufu. I know. Trust me, when he fucks you, you won't be able to think about another man." Yukiko said as she sat down next to her lover, her hands also teasing him. Done talking, she leaned down to lick at his skin, making the blonde grumble in bliss of her hot tongue dragging on his chest.

"Damn it!" Naruto moaned as Tsunade's soft yet firm grasp was stroking his somewhat soft cock to full twelve-inches. "You busty women are driving me insane." The blonde said as he let his nurse lover please him. His blue eyes glanced between those giant jugs but his hands were pinned to the couch by their own arms.

"No, no, Naru-sama." Yukiko whispered into him, her lips sucking his hard nipples. "Let us give you a good ride before you remind me of being your bitch and fuck Tsunade into another one of yours." Yukiko begged her lover, eyes telling him to let them enjoy the time before they were drowned in ecstasy.

Baring his teeth, he gulped down the lump of arousal and nodded softly. Happy they were in charge, Tsunade took her hand off his cock and went to her knees. Her hot breath hitting his twitching prick. She took in the scent and let out a husky moan. "Such a manly scent." Saying that, she let her tongue slide along his shaft from the base to the tip. Brown eyes glanced up at the closed eyes of Naruto and smirked as she tasted his pre-jizz.

"Aki-chan." Naruto whispered the bustiest woman's name who stared right back at him lovingly. Slowly closing her eyes, she leaned in and gave him a sweet kiss that quickly heated up, tongue being added as they hummed happily into the lip-lock. Naruto more than Aki as he was getting head by one busty nurse while another busty woman was teasing him with her own tongue and hands that trailed his body.

'My first kiss!' Aki thought with happy tears and a large blush. She didn't like admitting it, but she had never been in love with someone before. And, she didn't want to give any of her firsts to a man she didn't love. But now, she had Naruto and she would give everything she had to him today.

Needing air, they slowly leaned back, saliva connecting them. Aki's eyes shone with deep emotions. "Naruto-kun." She whispered longingly. "Why don't you join Tsunade? Take your time." He told the mature beauty as he grunted lightly, the feeling of Tsunade's lips on his cock-head making him shiver.

"Hai." Making her way down, Aki's eyes were watching Tsunade intently. She made sure to take in all of her head bobbing and gentle licks to his leaking head. It was all to make her lover happy. Tsunade saw her friend looking at her intently. Smirking around the cock, she let her mouth leave him with a pop. Her hand still stroked him off as she looked at the blushing, panting, Aki. "Come on, Aki. Have a taste. You'll just love it." Tsunade promised with a husky voice.

Aki's body shook in nerviousness at the pulsing rod that was so close to her. Swallowing the lump in her throat, she slowly leaned forward until she was inches from the stick. Letting her tongue leave her supple lips, the moment her tongue touched his cock, Aki felt a stinging sensation run through her body.

Naruto's eyes widened and a loud groan escaped his lips, drool leaking down to the couch. He didn't know how she could move so fast, but the second Aki licked his prick, she lined her head to the top and took all of him without a problem. "Shit! Aki-chan!" Not using the 'sensei' suffix anymore, the blonde shouted as his eyes crossed a little as his cock-head hit the back of her tight throat.

"Wow." Both Tsunade and Yukiko said with wide eyes. They never expected Aki to do such a thing and it turned them on. "Who knew Aki had this side to her?" Yukiko asked rhetorically as she sensually licked her lips. Her body shook in desire when she saw Tsunade get over her shock and began to suck on his hanging sack. Wanting to please him and be pleased herself, she got on her knees, grabbed his head, and smashed his face between her cleavage. "Suck on my nipples, Naru-sama. Please~!" She begged with a soft, hot, voice.

He didn't need to be told twice. His lips locked around the hard nipple and sucked hard, alternating between sucking, biting and nipping on the rock-hard teat. "Ahh~!" Yukiko vocalized her pleasure at his ministrations and her lover half shook, her mound leaking its juices on the couch. "My body…you're setting me on fire~!" She wailed, her green hair waving in the air as her head shook.

'This…is a dick! This is Naruto-kun's cock! I'm sucking Naruto-kun's cock!' Aki was in a lustful daze as she swallowed the cock like a whore. Her embarrassment was washed away the second she tasted him. It was something she kept hidded, but she wanted to be fucked like an animal. So, when she heard about his skills in the sack, she almost wet herself.

Part 1

SopitaCxcreators' thoughts