
A Fox and His Vixens (+18)

Naruto gets thrown into a situation every man dream of after an amazing night at home. Each chapter has +13,000 words Original Author: The Storm Master 567 you can find this story in Fanfiction.net

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16 Chs

Mei, Kushina, Mabui, Saya & Haku (+18). Part 1

Mei was looking at her sister with a large blush and lustful eyes. Her mouth drops from shock. "So…you're telling me…you and Naru-kun…?" She said, voice showing her shock.

Kushina smirks at her little sister. "We sure did. We have been going at it like rabbits for about a month and even got a harem going with all the ladies that like my hunk of a son. And, I know how much you like my Naru-koi. He likes you too. He's going to come over after he fucks Yukiko-chan, Aki-chan and Tsunade-chan. You can surprise him by waiting here. What do you say?" She asks with a seductive smile that made Mei shiver. If this works, it would be another bonus of her love of having super kinky incest sex. She had many fetishes, but the fact that they were mother and son fucking turns her on like no other fetish she possessed.

The auburn-haired beauty blushed harder and her eyes dazes over. She had seen what he looks like, even though he was moving fast, and she had to say he looks yummy. And, she knew that incest in her family, the Uzumaki's, was alright as there had been no genetic problems since ancient times. Green eyes shine in lust before nodding. "How naughty, Kushi-nee. Sounds fun. Alright. I'll have a ride with that son of yours. Could you join us?" She asks, her voice dripping with desire to have a threesome. The thought of fucking her stud of a nephew with her sister in on the action was a dirty secret she kept to herself and was finally about to live it out.

"Fufu. Sounds kinky and fun." Kushina giggles hotly, already imagining her Naru-chan fucking Mei as she ate her asshole. The thought made her drool with a large blush.

After his fun with Yukiko, Tsunade and Aki, the blonde sex machine decided to get some actual rest at home. As he walked, he idly wonders who he would have sex with next…other than his sexy Kushi-Kaachan that is. Walking to his home, he noted a car that he didn't recognize in the drive way. Wondering who it was, he walked into his home and called out to his first love. "Kaa-chan! You here?" He yells.

"In the living room Naru-chan! There's someone here to see you!" This made the blonde raise his eyebrow before shrugging and going to the living room. Who he saw made his eyes widen, a bright blush, giant perverted grin and a light nosebleed.

"M-M-Mei-Obachan! Kushi-Kaachan!" Naruto said in shock and arousal. His pants almost ripping his pants off and his sleep from the session a few hours ago faded. Before his eyes was his sexy mother, wearing only an apron with his sexy aunt the same. Kushina's was crimson red, matching her hair with Mei's doing the same in auburn. They were holding each other close, looking at him with sexy smiles.

"My, my." Mei said, her voice dripping with sinful lust. Her sexy body untangles from Kushina's and sexily walked up to Naruto. She presses her large, barely contained breasts into his side. "You've grown quite handsome, Naru." She purrs as her left-hand strokes his clothed chest.

"W-What's going on and why are you here?" Naruto got out, still blushing as he is enjoying the attention Mei was giving him. "Fufu." The familiar giggle and body of Kushina reaches him next.

He looks over to see her clinging to him. "It's just like with Miko-chan, I told her about our situation and she wanted to get a good fucking. I know you like that idea." The busty mother's hands went to his tent. "You've dreamt of fucking her, I know because you sometimes mutter it in your sleep. And, I'll be joining you. Oh!" She gasps happily when the prick in her hand jumped a little. "This is going to be fun." Before he could say anything, Kushina captures his lips in a deep wanting kiss.

Mei looked at the kiss with wanting eyes and quivering lips. She wanted to kiss him soo~ bad. She let her lips leave steamy kisses on his strong neck, making him groan into the kiss, his hips thrusting into the hold of Kushina. Ending the kiss, Kushina gave him a naughty smile.

Naruto couldn't get anything out as his head was turned to the side and was now swapping spit with his aunt. 'Fuck~!' He thought as he was introduced to the sweet taste of Mei. She tastes like strawberries and he wonders if her dripping maidenhood tasted the same.

"What a slut, Mei-chan." Kushina's husky voice reach the kissing pair's ears. "Kissing my son like such a whore. While it would be arousing to fuck you with him, I'll let you two have fun first before joining in." The beauty told the kissing aunt and nephew who only groaned in response.

Naruto and Mei were too engrossed with one another but they did notice Kushina get off the couch and hear the creak of someone sitting on the chair not too far from them. The blonde knew of his Kaa-chan's love to watch him fuck another woman and he loved it too.

Mei was a little embarrassed, but she couldn't stop kissing the hunk of a blonde. Being watched by her big sister as she kissed her nephew was something she never expected but wouldn't complain about. It was making her mound moisten, staining his pants in her arousal.

Air becoming a necessity, the kiss ended with saliva dripping down their chins with both giving each other lustful smiles. "My, my, Naru-kun. To kiss your aunt in such a manner. You're such a naughty boy." Mei said with fake anger of being kissed by the stud. Her seductive hands trailing up and down his clothed chest.

Naruto gruffly chuckled, making her shiver, as he pulled her closer to him, making her tits jiggle. He licks his lips at those orbs he'd soon wrap his mouth before having them wrapped around his pulsing dick. "It's all your fault, Oba-san. You're too sexy for your own good." He told her, lovingly caressing her curvy form. The blonde let his hands rest on her plump ass and give it a good squeeze.

Mei moans with a healthy blush as his hands dug into her ass. "Oh, really? Well, you're too much of a stud. I bet you make your harem wet just by being in the same room. Just rubbing against this cock makes me so hot." Mei breaths out, her slutty voice only making him growl in lust. Her core craves for the member she's craving to be deep inside her, marking her insides mold to only be pleased by the blonde.

The horny blonde took a moment to really look at his sexy aunt that was tempting him. He liked what he saw. Her large, H-cup breasts just waiting to be groped and topped with hard pink nipples that was waiting to be sucked. A large booty that begged to be spanked, groped, and fucked. Curves that seemed to be sculpted out of clay that would make any man drool. Pouty lips and lustful eyes that just screamed seductress. "God damn…" Naruto hissed out, his blue eyes glazed over as he stared deep into those beautiful eyes of hers that were clouded in incest lust.

"You like what you see?" Mei teases Naruto by shaking her bountiful orbs in his face. She took pride in his eyes following them. "Fufu. I'll take that as a yes." She breathes huskily, her slender fingers running through his blonde locks. "Come on. Show the girls some attention." The aunt orders, pressing his face into her cleavage.

"Don't have to tell me twice." Naruto muffles out as he went to sucking her delectable flesh. Her curvy body over him arouses him to no end but a little foreplay was always fun so he'd wait before fucking his Mei-Obachan. Mei's hands pushing his head further into her breasts and the slight shakes she gave told him she likes what he was doing. Taking his mouth off her teat for a second, he let his teeth dig into the hard nipple, making her spasm.

"N-N-Naru-kun~!" Mei screams at the sudden bite to her nipples. Her face was a mask of red as she was being given such pleasure no other man has ever given her. "M-My nipples…! Don't bite them so hard! If you do…!" She trails off as she tries to hold off her orgasm that was threatening to be released.

Taking his teeth off her teat, he gave it a gentle lick before smirking at his sexy aunt. He let his hands roam around her bottom and massage her cheeks, getting her to squeak in lust of his ministrations. "What are you going to do, Mei-Obachan? Are you going to cum all over your nephew's pants? Are you getting off at the idea of fucking your own nephew?" Naruto knew the right words to say as he got the reaction he usually got when he talked to Kushina and Naruko like this.

The auburn beauties eyes shot open, shaking in beautiful lust, head thrown back, and yelled. "Cumming! Your aunt is cumming all over your pants!" Mei screams to the world as she had the best orgasm of her life. And he wasn't even touching her directly! She couldn't imagine the pleasure he would inflict upon her when he fucked her!

"Wow. She's squirting like a fountain." Kushina breaths out in a large blush and shimmering violet orbs. Her eyes never left the act and when she saw her little sister cum so hard, it almost set off her own climax. The beauty had never seen the woman cum before and it was very arousing to see her slutty face get even sluttier.

Even with his pants still on, he felt like he was about to blow just from the sight of her sexy body spasming in such an erotic way, tits jiggling, and the heat from her cunt juices. "Damn it…" Naruto growls lowly as he felt some pre-jizz escape his tip, staining his underwear. Holding her close, her took a deep inhale of her natural scent and was already drunk, well…drunker than before with desire.

Saliva spilling from her lips, a big ecstasy crazed expression, and eyes rolled up a little. "Holy…fuck." Mei curses hotly as she was slowly coming down from her orgasm. "That was…intense." She whispers, her sexy voice making his cock twitch against her moist mound.

"Yeah." Naruto growls softly, taking his head out of her melons, getting enough of her scent. "Seeing you cum so intensely…it's hard to hold back, Oba-chan." The blonde said as he slowly moved his member against her slit, making her blissfully close her eyes and let out a small moan.

Looking down, she gave him a love mixed with lust filled smile that made his heart beat a little faster. Giving him a quick kiss, she rests her hands on his broad shoulders with her lips right next to his ear. "You don't have to hold back, Naru. While I would love to give you a nice titty-fuck, my body is craving your massive tower. I want it. My pussy wants to be ploughed by the meat stick that made my sister and other girls sluts." Mei whispers while slowly, sensually, licking his ear lobe.

Growling like an animal, Naruto stares at his aunt with unrestrained lust. "Alright." Voice husky with lust, he pulls her close as she leans into his body with their lips locked together. Gently probing her lips, Mei let her lips part as Naruto's tongue snakes into her mouth and tangles each other in a slow dance. While the domination was hot, this was even hotter to Mei as the slow passion made her core quiver in growing pleasure. But, what she truly desired was to see his naked chest.

Ending the kiss, much to both parties' displeasure, Mei pulls back before grabbing the hem of his shirt. "Let's take this pesky thing off." Voice dripping lust, Mei pulls his shirt over his head, Naruto helping her by lifting his arms, before throwing it to the floor, forgotten.

The blonde smirked a little as Mei gave the same reaction Ino gave him when she saw his naked upper body. Her breath hitches and her blush turned up a level with her eyes now taking in the sight. Naruto groaned a little when he felt her soft hands touch his skin and slowly move up and down. 'Damn…she really knows what she's doing.' The male Uzumaki groaned louder as the beauty had leaned into his body and let her tongue flick at his own hard nipples.

"Hm. I can't wait to have this body fuck me." Mei's muffled voice reached his ears, making him growl harder with erection twitching a little stronger. Done with his nipple, she let it go with her saliva making it wet. Naruto shivered a little as the cool air hit his wet chest. He breathed harder with a large blush when his sexy aunt let her ridiculously bountiful body slid up his body and let her pouty lips rest at his ear once again. "I'm done playing about, Naru-kun. Fuck me. Push me on this couch and fuck my dripping hot cunt. Fuck your aunty in front of your masturbating Kaa-chan." She whispered, enticing him further as she lightly nibbled on his ear.

Naruto couldn't take her teasing anymore. She was like his Kaa-chan; too sexy for her own good! Strong hands on her hips, he flipped her around and let himself stand a little, still loaming over her, with him staring at her with lust so strong in almost made her climax. The blonde practically tore his pants off and showed his erection to Mei.

Mei's eyes widened at the sight. He had the biggest dick she's ever seen. This monstrosity eclipsed anything she had inside her! Just looking at her made her lady-lips convulse. "Holy. Fucking. Shit." Mei gasped, making his ego grow. Slowly, her hands reached out to lightly stroke him off. "Wow. So hot and hard." She whispered, entranced at the tower that was about to penetrate her.

Growling, his breath and heart beat increasing a great amount, Naruto leaned down to his soon to be lover and spoke. "Fucking bitch. You're going to take me and you're going to enjoy it." The dominating side showed and Mei whimpered at the strength he had over her. She was his prey and had all the power over her and she willingly let him have it.

She spread her legs and gave him a loving smile. "Then take me, naughty boy. Make this sexy aunt of yours your cock-sleeve." Mei begged, puckering her lips. Swooping down, he captured her lips in another passionate kiss while he lined his massive tool against her dripping well. The feel of her heat against his member made his legs shake. Mei picked up on it and smirked into the kiss. Her pride as a woman and lover soared over the fact that just touching the outside of her mound was making this hung stallion quiver.

Calming himself, somewhat, he stopped his shaking and got his footing. Grabbing himself with one hand, he let it touch her entrance and slowly inserted himself. Naruto and Mei groaned into the kiss as their eyes closed, savoring the feeling of being connected.

Mei was thanking Naruto for covering her mouth or else her voice would have been heard throughout the neighborhood. His cock was so massive it spread her walls much farther than any lover before and it caused her mind to go blank for a second. She managed to come back to life when he bottomed out. "Ahhh!"

Naruto was in the same position as Mei as he fed his manhood inch by inch into her hot moist hole. 'It feels…like I'm fucking…Kushi-Kaachan!' The blonde groaned loudly as Mei's womanhood felt almost identical to his first lover. That fact made him want to fuck Mei harder. "M-M-Mei-Obachan! You-Your so tight around my dick!" He yelled, slowly grinding himself around her insides, making sure to memorize every nerve ending that made her let out her sexy voice.

"It…It's because you're so…big!" Mei managed to get out through gritted teeth. Her whole body felt stiff and tired at the same time. She could feel her orgasm just about to be known to the world as his member bashed onto her walls. "You've got the biggest…cock ever! It makes me feel so…good! I've never felt like this before!" Pleased tears ran down her lovely face as she was making love with Naruto. Barely, the sexy sister of Kushina managed to wrap her arms around his neck and bring him close to her.

"Seeing you like this…" Naruto trailed off as his hip were slowly increasing in speed. Being this close to Mei, feeling her hot breath against his skin, her big tits against his chest, and sinful emerald eyes was making him lose his mind and control of his lust. "Makes me want to fuck you like Kaa-chan!" He yelled, enjoying how her tight walls sucked on his twitching stiffness.

The sexy MILF was panting hard as she watched Naruto stick his dick inside her little sister. When he bottomed out and the sounds Mei and Naruto let out happened she almost climaxed as the scene was so erotic. "Fufu. Naru-koi sure is fucking Mei-chan." Kushina mused to herself as she continued to work her fingers in her womanhood with her other hand pinching and playing with the big pillows her baby boy/love of her life loved.

Mei's eyes crossed as she felt the hard cock of her new and permanent lover rearrange her insides to stretch her out like he did to his other lovers. Spit flew from her mouth as she tried to speak but couldn't. Her mind was becoming mush from the steadily speeding pace. The heat of his member, of his body over her, his lips nipping at her sweaty neck, hands groping her breasts, her Nee-chan watching while masturbating, and the fact she was being fucked by her nephew…it was too much for her mind to take! It was too fucking hot!

Naruto was groaning hard as he ploughed his newest lover into the couch. He kept licking and nibbling her flesh, trying to devour her, as his flesh tower tunneled its way in and out of her womb. Taking his head out of her wonderful neck flesh, sinful blue eyes stared deep into Mei's own sinful orbs as he watched her writhe under his thrusts. "Too…fucking…rough!" The sexy aunt managed to get out between heavy pants.

"That's the only way I know." Naruto growled out, his body leaning completely onto Mei's, squashing her juggling melons between their flesh. "Besides…you seem to be enjoying it." The blonde said between grunts and pants of lust as he ploughed his aunt into the couch that creaked under the strain.

Mei blushed as she felt his chest against her chest, sending shockwaves of pleasure to run through her as their nipples scraped against the other. Her beautiful eyes were drawn to the shape of his cock that appeared and disappeared with each thrust. Just watching it made her pussy gush like a fountain, making lewd slapping sounds between their sinful bodies. "Iya! N-Naru-kun~!" Her beautiful voice moaned as her lover changed positions.

Getting sick of just fucking her missionary, he grabbed her wonderful legs and pushed them forward until they were framing her pleasure-filled face. "Hm. I like this position." Naruto teased with a large perverted grin and blush. Pulling himself almost out of her tight pussy, putting a good amount of effort to even do it, he slammed himself straight into her curved body. The blonde smirked at his beautiful aunt's crossed eyes and drooling smile. Bringing himself up, he was quick to bottom his prick into her tight canal, making the horny beauty scream. Naruto knew she liked this new position, seeing how her hole is even tighter than before, and proceeded to piledrive his aunt into the couch, full speed.

"FUCK!" Mei screamed to the heavens as her lover fucked her like a wild animal. She couldn't get much air as she had her stomach curved and her breasts continued to hit her lips. Naruto seemed like he wouldn't be satisfied until she was in a coma. This rough session was something she loved. Her previous lovers could never handle her and it appeared that her nephew was the man she was waiting for to fuck her like she always wanted.

"Do…Do you like it…Naru-kun?" Mei asked shakily, making him stare her in the eyes. "Do you like…making your slutty aunt…your bitch? Do you like-fuck! Right there! -seeing her squeal around your cock?" She asked with a sultry grin that was mixed with a fucked-stupid smile.

Naruto groaned harshly as her seductive voice, and sexy face, was becoming too much stimulation for the teenager. "Yes!" The boy roared, bringing his head into the side of her neck and lashed out with his tongue. "It makes me…so hard! Makes me…want to fill this pussy with my cum!" His muffled voice and confession of what he wanted to do to her caused the beauty to let out a silent cry and more pussy juice squirt. This time, her juices landed on her lips and she was quick to taste herself. Mei could feel her pussy being torn apart by his dick and his manly grunts in her ear.

"Guha!" As he was so focused on fucking Mei, he didn't notice his Kaa-chan making her way towards them until the familiar sensation of her wondrous breasts pressed against his back. Her dainty and skilled hands also wrapped around his chest and make him shake at her soft and sensual touch. "K-Kushi-Kaachan!" Naruto moaned lowly as he turned to see the beautiful MILF watching his dick slid in and out of her sister with a large blush and shallow breaths. The added weight made him go deeper and harder into the screaming Mei who wasn't prepared for this but didn't complain.

Kushina, too hot to stay still, sexily crawled to their session and wrapped herself around her Naru-koi. She smirked when she stiffened up and shivered when she let her hands roam his body. "Wow. I never knew you could take a dick this big, Mei-chan. You really are a slut, just like your Nee-chan!" The bombshell older sister said with a proud smile while rubbing herself along his back, pressing her hard nipples into his skin.

"D-Don't say it…like that!" Mei protested but her groans increased when his hands latched onto her bouncing bosom, making her lose control of herself. Her body responded to his thrusts and met them back with her own, increasing their pleasure.

"K-K-Kushi-chan!" Naruto yelled in shock and pleasure when he felt her skilled hands wrap around his ass slapping balls and fondle them. "I-If you do that…I'll get closer to cumming!" He warned his mother/lover. That only made her play with him more, adding her mouth and tongue to the mix by licking his neck.

Sensually licking his neck, she lightly nibbled on his ear. "That's the point." She let her breathy voice out, making her baby boy groan and blush hard. "I want to watch Mei-chan climax while getting sprayed in your seed. Just thinking about it makes me so fucking wet." Kushina said, grounding her dripping faucet against his leg to show how turned on she was.

"N-N-Nee-chan~! Sto-Stop it! I want…to enjoy this more!" Mei protested with a pout. The beauty wanted to be messed up by Naruto without interruptions but it seemed her older sister was too horny. "Ah! Naru-kun!" She yelled when he leaned down and captured her hard nipple in his mouth and lovingly licked her nub. "You're sucking my boobs too hard!" Mei continued to yell as her arms pressed against the couch to push her mound against his cock.

"Oh. My. Fucking. GOD!" The blonde roared between the girls as the tight hold of his sexy Obaa-chan, wonderful body and hands of Kushina, and the sheer heat of the taboo session was getting to the man. His hair dripped with sweat as he ate her delectable orbs and listened to her elate heartbeat.

Mei looked up and saw her sister looking at her with a saucy smirk she soon returned, barely. "He's…he's going to cum soon! I can feel it! Nee-chan! Naru-kun is…going to fill me up!" Mei screamed with a wild blush and smile. Kushina felt it too as the balls in her hands were tightening. The bombshell MILF could tell her sister was about to have her own earthshattering orgasm with how crazy she was becoming. "Come on, my naughty nephew, fill my pussy with you dick-milk. I want it. I want you to cum inside me while you suck my slutty tits." Mei whispered in his ear, her hot breath making him shake.

'Damn it!' Roaring in his head, he ripped himself away from her heavenly teats and captured her lips in a passionate kiss. Eyes closed in lust as they fucked harder and harder. There moans were muffled by the lip-lock but still echoed through the room.

After bucking into one another for a few more minutes, their coils exploded. "AHhhh!" Mei pulled herself away from the kiss as she felt the hot semen burst into her womb, filling her up. "Deep sex is the best! Getting creampied is spectacular! Keep going! Keep filling this slutty body up with your baby-milk! Raw young dicks are wonderful!" Mei babbled sultry with a fucked-stupid smile as she had the best orgasm of her life. Her eyes crossed and she saw black splotches filter her vision.

Naruto was growling like an animal as he softly humped his new lover, making sure all his jizz stayed inside. But, he was cumming too much and some of his seed spilled out, making both moan in disappointment. "Damn. I…I can't stop." The blonde huffed as he rested his head on her chest, right on her neck.

"That's okay. Having you inside me is too wonderful. Don't pull out." Mei whispered hoarsely, her vision beginning to lose focus as she softly ran her fingers through his blonde locks. "Alright." Naruto whispered, not wanting to leave this wondrous cunt that was milking him. "Hm." The boy hummed as he heard some gulping. Glancing down, he smirked softly as he saw his first lover on the floor, her mouth opens wide, taking the cum that dripped out of Mei's abused cunt.

Kushina was pouting jealously when she watched her lover give her sister a creampie and rest between her tits. She wanted him to take her but he seemed a little tired and just wanted to stay inside her little sister. But, knowing how much he came, and what turned him on, she went down to their connection and gobbled up the excess amount of semen spilling out. What she couldn't get in her mouth dripped on her lovely face and even into her hair.

After a few more minutes of cumming and Kushina drinking what poured out, the MILF slowly closed her lips. Naruto expected his Kaa-chan to drink it, but was pleasantly surprised when she stood up and leaned over to her sister and captured her lips.

Mei's eyes widened in shock when her sister brought her lips to hers. She never thought about kissing a woman and it being her sister surprised and aroused her. It was because of her surprise that Kushina opened her mouth and let the jizz she didn't swallow pour down her throat. 'God. This is hot~.' The younger sister moaned into the kiss, accepting the cum of her lover.

Naruto was watching his sexy Mei-Obaachan and Kushi-Kaachan make out with a lewd smile and dark with lust blue eyes. Knowing her boy was watching, Kushina moved her hair over her shoulder so he could see the swapping of cum easily. The sexy Mei groaned harder into the kiss as she felt her lover's rod rise to full mast inside her.

Having let her sister take the cum she wanted, Kushina pulled back with a bright blush and smile at the dopey face of Mei. "Well, what do you think? Delicious, right?" Kushina asked with a cheeky grin.

"Oh…yes. Quite." Mei breathed hotly as she licked her lips, getting the left over cum off and moaned at the taste. "It's even better than I imagined." Mei said with a sultry smirk. "Did you also enjoy getting yourself off on watching your son fuck your little sister?" The beauty asked.

"You have no idea how hot it was.' Kushina shuttered a little, moaning at how horny she was after watching them go. "Watching him fuck you like that…makes me want to show you how we fuck." The beauty turned to her lover with a loving smile that made him blush. "What do you say, love? Should we show your naughty aunt how we fuck?" She asked, knowing the answer by the glint in his eyes.

Naruto was growling lowly as he watched his sexy mother make-out with his aunt and how sexily they spoke to one another. He knew they were teasing him and he loved them for it. It just made it better for when he fucked them stupid. So, when Kushina asked him if he wanted to show how rough he fucked her in front of her sister…the answer was simple. "Fuck yeah." Reluctantly leaving Mei's stuffed pussy, the beauty whimpering in pain of not being filled, Naruto's hard manhood stood, waiting for his Kaa-chan.

'Hm." Kushina sultry licked her lips as she reached out and slowly stroked him off, getting her hand dirty with the combined cum of the relatives. "This nice big dick must be wanting me again; standing so tall even after giving another woman a creampie. It would be my pleasure to release all that stress it has." The beauty whispered, enjoying how his legs and dick twitched at her words.

"Stand." Using his dominant voice, he ordered his Kaa-chan. Shivering in lust, Kushina did as told and was brought into a strong hug and mouth silenced by his. She moaned hotly as the teenager slowly licked her lips with his tongue, asking for entrance. Kushina opened her mouth and played with his tongue. They licked one another's tongue softly as they just let their hands roam their bodies, familiarizing each other with the bodies they know down to every inch.

Naruto's hands rested on her large booty which he played with. He loved the supple flesh of her ass along with how soft her tits are against his chest. Kushina was in her own bliss as her lover was making her moan deeply into the kiss. No matter how much they fuck, he still makes her as hot as she was the first time they made love. Her arms wrapped around his strong back, shivering at the strength he had over her whole body.

Needing air, Naruto slowly leaned away, keeping their lips inches away from connecting. "Hold onto me tight." He told the beauty who wrapped her arms around his neck and did as told. "Up you go." Grabbing her thick thighs, he hoisted her up and positioned his prick right against the hovering mound that was drenching him. "Now just slowly go down. Let Mei-Obachan see how her sister's slutty pussy takes this young cock." The blonde instructed, staring deep into her lovely sinful violet orbs he got lost in so many times.

"Fufu. Anything for my big…strong…Naru-koi." Kushina mumbled out as she slid her womanhood on his shaft, taking him inch by inch. "Ah!" The beauty sighed in bliss as she bottomed out, having all his punishing twelve inched cock stuffed inside her tight cunt. She threw her head into the crook of his neck and slowly gyrated her hips along his member. "Wonderful. It's so wonderful to have your cock up my pregnant pussy." She cooed, her tongue licking his flesh while letting herself enjoy his tool.

Naruto groaned huskily as he held her by her big ass. Her let her just grind along his shaft while playing with the plump flesh he loved. "I know…Your pussy is the best." The blonde said with a large blush and happy smile. "My cock fits inside you like a glove." The Uzumaki breathed out as he felt her walls get even tighter.

"It…It's because you shaped my inside like this after…so many times fucking me." Kushina said between heavy pants and groans as she rocked her body along his own. "Come on, big boy. Fuck me." Taking her head away from his neck, she said with a lecherous smile.

Grinning, he lightly spanked her ass, making her yelp in pleasure. "It would be my honor." Taking her cheeks in a tight hold, he pulled her off his member before bringing her down while thrusting up. "Ah!" Both moaned in bliss as their hips rutted against the other. Naruto fuck carried his mother hard while her tits squashed against his chest.

"God! Deep! Your raw cock is so deep!" Kushina moaned like a slut as she was being ploughed by her lover. Her crimson hair stuck to her sweaty body while flinging around in the air as she rutted her hips against his, making sure to make her baby boy felt good.

Mei was watching the fucking with lust shimmering eyes. She couldn't take her eyes off the lewd connection for a second. "Wow…!" She muttered, spreading her legs and lightly playing with her tits. "Nee-chan is taking Nru's cock deep." The beauty said in awe.

"Damn it! Fuck!" Naruto roared as he felt more and more of her wonderful juices coat his dick, making it easier for him to slid in and out of her tight tunnels. His blue eyes were closed tight as he tried to hold himself from climaxing too soon. "My body…feels weak!" The blonde said through heavy pants. Sweat dripped down his forehead and onto her shinning melons.

"Mine…too!" Kushina screamed with a whore smile. Her body was flushed red with arousal as her violet orbs, that were beginning to cross, shined in absolute delight of the deep dicking. Her orbs scraping along his strong chest sent shivers up and down her spine and her core tingled and tightened with each thrust. "Mind…almost…gone! Cock too…deep! Naru-chan! Keep fucking Kaa-chan's pussy! Flood me with your dick milk!" Kushina begged, bringing her head down so the now opened lustful blue orbs could see the fucked crazed expression she sported.

'She's too fucking sexy!' Roaring in his head, Naruto banged his hips deep into his mother when he pushed her back down as hard as he could. Her back arched beautif5ully, presenting her jiggling tits to him. While he wanted to take that slutty tongue with his own, he was more than glad to suck her melons until she was squirting breast milk into his mouth. "Delicious!" Naruto's voice was muffled by the teat he was teasing with his tongue and mouth.

"YES!" Squealed Kushina as her son's lips and tongue lashed out on her sensitive nub that was already leaking liquid. "Drink me! Drink all your Kaa-chan's baby milk! Don't waste a drop, my Naru-chan! Let Mei-chan watch as you milk me like the fuck cow you've turned me into!" The beauty was far too gone to even be embarrassed by what she was saying, not that she was. Ever since she began this relationship, her true side came out and the younger version had no qualms of spewing out such dirty words. The beauties eyes crossed and blush grew when her lover sucked vigorously on her nipple while he let one hand leave her bottom and play with the unused twin.

Naruto didn't need to be told that and Kushina knew that. He let on hand go and tweak and massage the other girl and smirked into the teat as he felt her milk secrete onto his strong hand. "Your body…was made for fucking!" The blonde roared as he sucked, nipped, and gulped down her titty. "And it's all…MINE!" He growled like an animal as he felt his penis shoot out some seed. Even though he was cumming, he didn't stop his punishing thrusts, something the bombshell loved.

"N-Naru-chan's cum…! Naru-chan's cum is filling me up! I…can't take much more!" Throwing her head back down, this time into his sweaty hair, she screamed hard. "Fill me up! Spew all that man milk deep inside your dirty Kaa-chan! Make sure Mei-chan sees how much love you pour into your Kaa-chan's abused pussy!" Kushina said, sparing a glance at her masturbating sister.

Mei had dipped one hand into her abused cum drenched pussy and was lightly fingering herself as Naruto and Kushina talked so dirtily while fucking like horny teenagers, which one was. Her face was lit red as she was tweaking and pinching her titties along with letting out harsh moans as she went deeper and deeper into her mound. Semen began to pool on the couch but she quickly scooped it up and drank it.

Naruto was losing his mind with how slutty his Kushi-chan was being! Saying such dirty words while being watched by Mei-Obachan was too much for him to control. He felt his manhood pulse and twitch inside his first lover. The blonde could also feel her walls tighten harder and harder along his shaft with each hammering thrust that rocked her in the air. 'Her lips…' Glancing up, he watched those parted, juicy, lips just begging to be kissed. Reluctantly, he left her melons and captured her supple lips.

Kushina's arms wrapped around the back of his head, making sure he never ended the kiss as they were on their last legs. She could feel his legs shake in strain from the furious session. "Iya!" The beauty moaned into the kiss as he dropped her to the floor, still deep inside, before beginning again, using his legs to piston his tower in and out of her hole, their lips and tongues never stopping either.

Naruto could feel the light spray of liquids fall on his back. He knew what it was, but he'd lust after his cumming Mei-Obachan after he's done fucking this sexy MILF. He stationed himself with his body resting on his forearms that were at her side, while pumping his hips into her twat, using his legs to make her scream into the kiss like a possessed whore. Their lips left but their tongue flew around one another in the air, making lewd noises for the three to enjoy.

Opening their eyes, blue and violet stared at one another in lust and love. Their eyes sending a message both knew. They were about to climax, hard. Pelvises brutally bucking into the other a few more times till the lovers couldn't contain themselves anymore. Closing their eyes, Naruto and Kushina moaned into the other's mouths as they coated the other in their love juices.

'I love…Naru-koi's dick milk!' The busty redhead thought to herself as her entire being rocked and spasmed around his shooting tool. If she wasn't pregnant before, she was sure she would be now with how much semen that was coming out.

Naruto's mind was becoming foggy as he filled his Kaa-chan's womb up with his semen. His arms shook, trying to hold himself up, as he slowly thrusted his hips in and out, wanting to make sure she kept all his jizz inside. 'Too fucking…hot.' He marveled at how tight and hot her cunt was after all the times they've fucked. Kushina Uzumaki really was too erotic for her own good.

Too hyped on the feeling of fucking his mother, he took his dick out, still shooting ropes of jizz and staining her tits, he was quick to turn her around, squashing those huge melons into the ground, and jam his cock straight into her rosebud.

"AHHH!" Kushina's eyes shot open when her lover shot his cock straight into her asshole. She was still cumming from having her pussy filled and the sudden intrusion up her butt prolonged that. "Naru-chan! Cock! Cock up my ass!" She babbled, unable to think correctly as she was getting her ass stretched.

"That's right, Kaa-chan!" Naruto leaned down and growled in her ear, making her moan deeply. "Right now, Kaa-chan has her Naru-chan's cock up her tight asshole. She loves it up the butt, doesn't she? She loves being raped anally, right?" The blonde whispered, enjoying how his sexy mother was still squirting. It was becoming so much that it leaked out from her form, creating a large puddle that splashed lewdly whenever he bucked his hips into her.

"Yes~! Kaa-chan likes having her Sochi's cock up her butt! She loves feeling the cum spray her insides!" Kushina said, her face coated in drool and semen that she wouldn't lick off right now. "Mei-chan! Mei-chan, look!" Looking at her sister, she saw her wide eyes and large blush as she was watching her. "Naru-koi's cock is fucking me so hard! Don't worry, though. He'll make you feel sooo good soon~!" Kushina promised before going back to moaning and screaming like a possessed woman. She barely had the strength to buck her large hips into his and clench her anal muscles around his twitching tower, electing a harsh groan of ecstasy.

Naruto buried his head into her hair and took a deep sniff. The blonde loved how good she smelled whenever they were making love. He barely heard his horny aunt speak but it did make him growl in deep arousal.

"How…can such a big thing like that…fit?" Like Kushina, Mei has never had anal sex. So, to see her big sister taking her sons cock up her ass so easily made her curious about how good it felt. For her expression and pleasurable moans, it must be damned good. Her hand absentmindedly rubbed her bottom, thinking if it would allow such a monster to enter.

As usual, Naruto was having the time of his life as he groaned, growled, and panted as he fucked his Kushi-chan as hard as he could. He could see Mei rubbing her bottom while she watched them and it made him smirk. The male Uzumaki couldn't wait to fuck his beautiful aunt's asshole. He hoped she was like Kushina and Naruko, who accepted him easily and take his rod for a wild ride.

Kushina was in a world of ecstasy as she felt the nerves of her anus being pounded again and again. The beauty was sure she'd be unable to sit after this session. It seemed like her Naru-koi was particularly raunchy when there was an audience. Well, she was too. 'Guess he got that…from his Kaa-chan!' The beauty thought with lustful tears running down her lovely face, her tongue refusing to stay in her parted lips. "Harder! Harder! Give me that beautiful dick harder, you dirty mother fucker!" Managing to say coherent words, Kushina demanded with a sex crazed expression that made Mei's pussy juice squirt out and Naruto's tool twitch wildly.

"Your wish…is my command!" Grunting manly, with an equally manly grin, he held her hips down and pushed himself off before plunging straight down. Taking his head out of her hair, he saw what he wanted. Kushina's eyes were crossed and a fucked stupid smile graced her lips. "Fucking slut!" Naruto breathed out, his head resting on her shaking shoulders. "This fat ass is squeezing me so tight!" The blonde said, his voice weak with lust and some exhaustion from fucking four ladies before coming back to plough his wildest woman. His hand lightly spanking her jiggling booty which was becoming red with each impact.

"Iya!" Throwing her head back, she glanced so Naruto could see her loving violet orbs. "Thank you, Naru-chan! I make sure I'm still tight for you!" She told her lover before going back to moaning as he crammed more and more of his shaft in and out. Kushina yelped a little in surprise and pain when she felt a hand grasp her hair and pull her forward.

"Kushina-nee…lick me." Mei begged her sister, pressing her nose into her stuffed mound. She was tired of just watching and wanted in on the action. "AH! Yes! Your tongue feels so good!" The auburn beauty screamed as she felt Kushina's tongue snake its way into her full mound and lick all around.

"This is so fucking hot." Naruto muttered as he squatted over her body before slamming in and out of Kushina even harder. His face was close to where his mother was tongue-fucking Mei and could see how wet she was as she was being eaten out. Sweat was dripping down his chin as he grunted like an animal watching this sister-sister action. "Do you like that, Oba-chan? Do you like having your sister lick at your full pussy while she's getting fucked by her son?" The blonde asked, his blue orbs never leaving the mound his Kaa-chan was drinking.

"Oh, yes! Nee-chan's tongue is amazing! I can see why you like her giving you head so much!" Mei moaned with a large blush. Her sister's tongue reached all her hot spots and was making her legs shake. She could feel her scooping out Naruto's love juice, which made her pout a little, but the pleasure and naughtiness of this whole thing exceeded those thoughts. Slowly, she grinded her cunt against her digging tongue. "Ahh! Naru-chan! If she keeps this up! I-I might cum too soon!" The beauty announced, using one hand to massage one of her bountiful tits.

Kushina was moaning into her sister's wonderfully tasting cunt. She never expected her little sister to taste this wonderful and she wouldn't oppose of eating her out every day now that she's a part of their harem. 'Naru-koi's cock is so hot…! I think I might cum soon!' The beauty thought to herself as she tightened her anal muscles, if possible, around his thundering prick. Wanting to make both lovers climax when she did, she took her tongue out of her hole and let her tongue flick her sensitive clit while lewdly sucking on her labia.

It seemed to do the trick. Mei's head flung backwards with her tongue rolling out of her mouth. "Ahh!" Screaming like a pig, the sexy aunt had her second orgasm of the day that made her head roll to the side and pant like a dog on a hot day. Sweaty auburn hair stuck to her lustful form, moaning softly as her Nee-chan softly licked her womanhood.

Naruto was growling like an animal as he watched Mei squirt into Kushina's waiting mouth, making her bottom muscles convulse around his member. "FUCK!" Roaring, Naruto grabbed her thick thigh and pulled it near her body, and plunged himself even deeper into her rectum. "Take all my cum, Kaa-chan! Make sure to scream into Mei-Obachan's dirty pussy!" The blonde demanded before throwing himself into his mother and bit into her neck.

Kushina's loud screeches were muffled by the gushing mound, but it was still loud enough for both to hear as the beautiful MILF's bottom clenched around his tool and her mound shoot out more of her delicious fluids. "Naru-koi's dick-milk! It's inside my…butt!" The redhead moaned into the cunt as she continued to squirm and clench around her lover/son. Her muffled voice and screams prolonged Mei's orgasm before she needed to breath and just scream into the room as Mei collapsed, her shaky form resting at the bottom of the couch.

Spit flew from the blonde's mouth as he shot rope after rope of white straight into her quickly flooding asscrack. "Damn it…!" growling softly into her neck, he continued to slowly plunge himself in her. "This body…this fucking body is wonderful. Keep taking my cum, Kaa-chan." Naruto cooed as he licked her neck, leaving a hickey.

Giggling, Kushina gyrated her butt along his still standing prick. "Thank you, Naru-koi. While I would love another round, I think Mei-chan deserves to see how wonderful anal is."

Mei didn't know what happened next. One moment she was trying to get her breath back after cumming so fucking hard inside her sister's mouth, then she was bent over said couch, her ass sticking out. "N-Naru!?" Looking back, she saw her hunk of a nephew standing over her, his hand resting on her lower cheeks.

"You've got a nice ass, Mei-Obachan." Naruto complemented as he massaged and pinched at her cheeks. The flesh was spongy in his hands but held a certain tight and firmness that he was appreciating. He slowly let his cock-head slid up and down her crack, making her shiver. "It looks too good for me to not fuck." Naruto said with a manly smirk.

"I-I-I've never taken anything up there!" Mei protested weakly as, she was really looking forward to getting her ass fucked by this monster.

"Fufu. Don't worry, Mei-chan. Naru-koi will make you love this." Kushina said, making Mei glance over to the right to see Kushina leaning over the couch, looking at her with a saucy smirk. "Just take his cock and try to keep still." She advised before her eyes turned to her sexy son who was still hot-dogging her cheeks.

'His cock is so hard and hot between my cheeks.' Mei moaned loudly with a large blush as she felt his member rub her butt. The way he was moving made her mound drip with arousal and she needed something to stuff it or she'll lose her mind.

Naruto smirked as he saw her pussy gushing fluids. He couldn't wait to see how much juices would flow when he entered her asshole. Wanting to see it more than anything, he stopped rubbing her, getting her lubed, and positioned his lower head against the tight hole. "Accept me." The blonde advised as he slowly let his cock inch into Mei's unused rosebud. It was resisting but he managed to push more and more with time.

"Ah! It-It won't fit! Take it out!" Thrashing her head side to side, Mei begged her strong lover who held her down by pressing the middle of her back. "It's too big!" Looking back, she continued to beg her lover to not put any more than what was in now; about six inches.

"No way! This ass is sucking me in!" Naruto grunted harshly as he tried to pump more of his ridged member into her tight backdoor. It was hard, but he was managing to do it. finally, after minutes of her protesting, he got all twelve inches to fit inside. "Ahh!" With a sigh of bliss, he rested his front on her sweaty back and panted.

"N-N-Naru-chan~!" Mei shouted to the heavens as her ass had been forcibly ripped open by the massive cock head. The pain was mind blowing and it took everything she had to not pass out from the mixture of pain and slight pleasure. Her breathing came out in sharp gasps as her eyes dilated.

"Don't…Don't worry, my sweet Oba-chan. I'll move when you're ready." Reassuring his new woman, he kissed her neck and let his hands roam her sides and tease her side boob, making her coo in relief as she felt her mind slowly going away from the pain.

Kushina was watching the scene with a sexy smile and blush. Her hand resting on her parted lips, breathing hotly, as her womanhood was twitching. "Keep going, baby. Fill my sister's ass with your cock. Pound her into the couch while I watch." She begged her lover, grinding her dripping mound along the couch, trying to release some of the heat inside.

"Hot…Your hot cock is all the way inside~!" Mei said shakily, her head resting into the cushion as she was getting used to the feeling of having her stomach stuffed with his member. "Ah! N-Naru-chan!?" Yelping in shock and pleasure when she felt a sharp pain in her backside. Looking back, she saw Naruto giving her a cheeky grin and his hand raised.

"Don't give me that look. You know you love it." Proving his point, he let his hand met her ass again. The blonde greatly enjoyed how she tightened up when he did. He could also see a small imprint of his hand in red and he wanted to see both cheeks with the lasting impression by the end of this.

'It's too…much! My body…can't take much more!' Mei thought as she clutched the couch in a mixture of pleasure and pain that made her wondrous body shake around his tool and chest. She could feel his warm sweat trail down her own sweaty body and it caused her insides to coil tighter and tighter. "Ahh! I can't take it!" Turning her head, she stared at Naruto. "Fuck me! Fuck my ass right now! Spank your dirty Oba-chan's ass before you give me a nice fat anal creampie!" Lust and love was the only thing see in those jade green eyes of hers.

Naruto's grin and eyes couldn't be any wider at her request and slutty voice. His eyes dipped down in animalistic lust and his grin turned the same, making a pleasant shiver run through her spine. "It. Would. Be. My. Honor!" As he said the words, he pulled himself out before roaring the last word as he slammed his hips back onto her juicy ass, making the flesh shake. The blonde didn't care or stop when she screamed like she got shot. All he cared about was giving this bitch what she wanted; a nice anal creampie.

Kushina shook as she watched her baby boy fuck her sister like an animal. Unable to control her lust, she shakily walked up to him and clung onto his rutting back, pressing her body into his form. "Oh, God! You're giving it to her so rough!" Kushina squeaked happily as she felt the power from his hips.

"Guha!" The Uzumaki groaned loudly when he felt Kushina's wonderful body dig into his back as he fucked Mei's tight butthole. "Ka-Kaa-chan!" He was not that shocked of her pressing into his form and it seemed to turn Mei on as her anal walls tightened even further around his pole.

"N-N-Nee-chan! You-You're pressing him deeper in my asshole! Keep doing it! It feels fucking amazing!" Mei begged her sister, drunk on the anal pounding. She felt like her insides were being turned inside out as he continued to grind his manhood along her backdoor walls. He repeated it as fast as he could and it left her a moaning mess. "You're ruining my asshole, Naru-chan! Fuck me as hard as you can! Mei loves your cock up her ass!" The beauty began to babble while she bucked her ass into his hips. She could feel her bottom becoming sore but she didn't care one bit. It was worth it with all the pleasure introduced onto her nerve endings.

"And I love having my cock slamming into Mei-Obaachan's asshole!" Naruto growled in approval of her words. His other hand went to play with Kushina's body as he continued to buck and slam his body and prick into another mature beauty of his. "It's the best, like Kaa-chan's." The blonde groaned with a large blush, loving the fact he was sandwiched between two horny mature beauties. He let one hand leave his shaky woman's side and rest on Kushina's hips, helping her grind her gushing core along his back.

"Yes~!" Kushina hissed in pleasure as her son's finger trailed up and down her asshole before his index and middle fingers slipped in, fingering her tight, cum-filled- bottom. The lewd sloshing sounds and the feeling of being stirred up made her giddy with lust. She showed her excitement by nibbling on his ear, her hot breath causing goosebumps to form. "Finger this ass, Naru-koi. Finger-fuck me while fucking this slut's asshole. Make sure to fill her up nice and good." The beauty cooed, her hands rubbing his sides teasingly.

"God! You're so deep! It's amazing! I never knew getting fucked in the ass would feel this good!" Mei's sinful voice was muffled a little, as her head was buried into the sofa, but was still heard by the son and mother.

"I know…! I can't wat to fill this fucking ass up!" Naruto growled in her ear. Wanting to really make her scream and squirm under him, he lifted her up slightly and let his unused hand grope her wonderful melons. It got the desired effect as Mei's moans became harsher and breathing became labored along.

Mei was losing the last bit of her sanity as her lover brought her up slightly and attacked her breasts with his hands while his mouth continued to suck on her sweaty flesh. The thought of being marked by Naruto aroused her to no end and it showed by her gushing fluids and blushing, smiley face. The beauty could feel the wet spot on the couch that her womanhood caused as his big balls smacked against her sensitive lady lips.

Only moans and grunt of passion were exchanged by the threesome as they continued to have their fun with each other's bodies. Naruto could feel his balls churning and the familiar heat in the bottom of his stomach reared its head. Gritting his teeth, biting his aunt, he shoved all his dick deep into her bottom. "Cumming!" His roar was the only warning Mei was given before her shot out his nut butter.

"Ghhhhuuu~!" The beautiful aunt let out a moan/screech as her bottom was being filled by his milk. "Cumming! Naru's cock is making my pussy cum! I can't take it!" Mei screamed to the heavens as her pussy juices squirted into the couch while squeezing her anal muscles around his member, milking him for more.

The blonde absentmindedly noted the his Kaa-chan came from his anal fingering and it only prolonged his own orgasm, feeling the sweet juices staining his body. Growling into her flesh, he softly pumped his still spraying cock in and out of her before it ended. "Ah!" Sighing in bliss, he rested his sweaty body on his Mei-Obachan. "Wonderful, Oba-chan. Your ass is almost as nice as Kaa-chan's." He complemented, running his fingers through her long, sweaty, auburn locks.

"Hm…~. Thank you, Naru. It felt really good." Mei turned and gave him an enamored look, puckering her lips. "Kiss me." She cooed, fluttering her eyelashes.

Unable to resist, Naruto gave in and planted a nice slow but passionate kiss. Kushina pouted a little at watching them kiss so lovingly. But, she let it die down into a smile. 'I've got the best family.' She mused to herself as she could feel the love from Mei and Naruto.

Cuddling and kissing for some time, they stopped and just smiled warmly at one another. "Well, that was wonderful, wasn't it, Mei-chan?" Kushina asked her little sister.

"Indeed. Naru's a total beast." Mei sensually rubbed her hand along his heaving chest. "Why don't we go upstairs and continue…?" Mei asked as she slowly licked at his chest.

"I think that's a great idea, Mei-chan. Let's give Naru-koi's hot cock a nice ride." Kushina added her own slutty words and temptations as her leg sensually rubbed his member, making it stand a little.

Naruto looked at his Oba-chan and Kaa-chan with loving and lustful smiles. "That sounds great." The blonde nodded before wrapping his arms around their waists and guided them upstairs.

Naruko would come home to hear her Kaa-chan, Mei-Obachan, and Naru fucking in the master bedroom. "Meanies. They began without me." Pouting a little, Naruko opened the door to join the best taboo session yet. The five-hour long love making ended with a satisfied Uzumaki/Terumi family. Naruto was laying down with his sexy Nee-chan on his left side, a satisfied smile on her peaceful face. Mei on his right, clinging to his arm. And his sexy Kushi-Kaachan on top of him, her head buried into his chest while his cock was deep inside her stuffed pussy.

~Next Day~

Kushina Uzumaki was sitting at her desk with a smile as she was talking to her secretary, Mabui. It was no secret, to her, that she had eyes for her Naru-koi and she thought it would be a good time to make her dreams of being fucked by him come true. "What is it you wish to talk to me about, Kushina?" The dark-skinned beauty asked her boss, confused as to why she was here. It had been hard to look the woman in the eyes since she saw her get fucked by Naruto but she was managing. Her managing was just masturbating to the memory every night.

"I'll get straight to the point. I know you like my son." Kushina bluntly stated, enjoying the large blush from the normally stoic beauty. "W-W-What!? I-I don't know what you're talking about!" Mabui tried to deny but it didn't work if Kushina's smirk was anything.

"Don't lie to me, I know you are lusting after him. Most ladies are. In fact, I think you'd be perfect." Kushina began, looking her up and down. She liked what she saw and couldn't stop herself from licking her lips. "Why don't you join our harem?" She asked with a sultry undertone.

Mabui couldn't think for a second at what she was told and the look Kushina gave her. She wouldn't admit this aloud, but she found her beautiful as well, but the main shocking point was the harem part. "W-W-What are…you talking about?" She managed to get out. Her mind now rewinding to the steamy fuck she saw.

Sighing, Kushina ran her fingers through her locks. "Trust me. While it was difficult for me, this is the best solution to Naruto and the women he likes. If you want him, you can have him. I'll let you have your time today, if you want." The beauty could see she was almost there so she decided to close it. "You want to know something? Naru-koi has talked about you. He's told me how hot he thinks you are and what he would do to you." Her smirk turned victorious when her eyes widened fully before dipping down in lust and a large blush.

"…If you say it's okay." After minutes of thinking, pondering if this is the right decisions, she agreed. Kushina then told her what to do and she blushed a little, excited about finally making love to Naruto.

As Kushina and Mabui were talking, the blonde subject was calmly walking the halls. Naruto was now going to the principal's office for his weekday sessions with his Kaa-chan in her office. Fucking in her office, where she worked and spent the day in, turned him on as she would be covered in his semen for the rest of the day. Smiling, he licked his lips in hunger.

The blonde was still horny as shit from this morning, watching Mei-Obachan eat out his Kaa-chan while Ko-chan was riding him. Naruto and Kushina, who seemed to be the only one who could tire and energize him fully, left a cum covered Naruko and Mei sleeping in the master bedroom when they left for school. It took all his strength to not go to the nurses' office and fuck either Yukiko or Tsunade, he didn't know who was there, or go to the art room and do the same to Sayaka.

Taking a breath, he walked a little faster to the office. Opening the door, he looked around with slight confusion. "Mabui-san! Hello?" He called out as he didn't see the sexy secretary behind her desk. Not getting an answer, he shrugged, thinking she must be in the bathroom or something. Naruto decided to focus on the important matter; fucking his Kushi-Kaachan.

He didn't bother to knock as the teen knew she could be there. The blonde was right and he smirked when she looked ready for him. She was sitting her juicy fat ass on her desk and legs spread a little, showing her flimsy panties, he'd soon rip off. 'Wonder why she puts them on when she knows I'll just tear them off?' Naruto mused to himself before shrugging it off.

"Right on time, like usual." Kushina teased with a naughty smile. She felt herself growing hot when he walked to her and wrapped her in his arms. The MILF wrapped her own arms around his neck, and brought her face close to his, only leaving an inch away from kissing. "Rather impatient too." She continued to tease.

"What can I say? You're just too beautiful and sexy." Naruto reasoned with a big grin, tightening his hold. Leaning in, he was somewhat surprised when she pressed her finger on his lips and gently pushed his head away. "What's wrong? Why'd you stop me." He asked, confused as he knew she was hot for him too.

"Don't worry, Naru-koi. I just thought we would do something different today. I've got a nice surprise for you." Kushina told her lover who tilted his head. "Come in!" Calling to the side, where another door stood, in came a person that Naruto didn't expect to see.

"M-Mabui-san!?" The blonde's eyes landed on the sexy dark-skinned secretary who was standing in a sexy black bra that barely held back her luscious breasts and matching slutty panties that showed off her plump bottom. The usually stoic silverette was also wearing a rather naughty smile and steamy green eyes that bored into his blue.

"Hello Naruto-kun." Mabui said, her voice soft and seductive as her eyes shamelessly roamed up and down his form. Even clothed he made her wetter than a person who jumped into a pool.

"What's going on, Kaa-chan?" He had unconsciously released his mother who released him too and walked up to Mabui, her smirk never leaving.

"This is your surprise. Mabui-chan and I were talking and she has the hots for you. She even saw us last time we screwed in here and has been wanting her turn with you. So, how about it, Naru-koi? Would you like to fuck my secretary?" Kushina asked rhetorically as she knew how much her lover wanted the beauty next to her.

'Best. Kaa-chan. Ever!' Naruto mentally cried happily as his mother was so sexy and cool with setting this up. "It would be my pleasure, Kaa-chan. But, are you sure, Mabui-san?" He wanted to make sure this was what she really, really, wanted before he took the plunge.

Mabui smiled at the kind teen. "Yes. I've wanted this for some time. Make me yours." She told him, giving him a surprising sultry look and voice. He couldn't have been on her faster.

Lucky for Kushina that she moved right before her lover launched himself at Mabui. He had pinned her to the wall and was attacking her lips with his hands roaming her sides. The secretary was doing the same, her fingers running through his hair and pulling him deeper into the kiss. When they needed air, they stopped for a second before going back to their tongue wrestling. "This is hot." The bombshell redhead said to herself as she watched as her baby was making another woman his. She leaned on the locked door and ripped open her shirt, revealing she wasn't wearing a bra, before lightly flicking at her left nipple while her other hand massaged the twin.

Naruto was too focused on Mabui to even think. Her lips were sweet to the taste and he idly wondered how tasty her twat would be. His hands continued to trail up and down her form before resting on his prize.

Mabui moaned loudly into the addicting kiss as the Uzumaki boy's hands landed on her ass and began to slowly rub and play with her lower cheeks. 'He really knows what to do.' The beauty mused to herself as she was being, basically, tongue fucked. She had some lovers in her life, but Naruto was proving, just by the kisses alone, he would be the best. 'He's huge too!' Mabui blushed as he made her front ground against his ragging boner.

Air becoming too much of a need from kissing so heavily for minutes, Naruto and Mabui leaned away at the same time. Both panting to regain their breath as their dark with lust eyes stared at the other with large blushes covering their faces. "You're an amazing kisser." The beauty whispered hoarsely.

"Hehe. Lots of practice." Naruto said with a cheeky smirk. Even while he was talking to her, he continued to grind her lower lips along his full-mast shaft. "But, I want to kiss the other 'mouth' you have." The blonde told the softly moaning woman.

Mabui knew what he was talking about and it made her juices flow harder. "Well…" She trailed, letting her finger run along his neck as she got away, reluctantly. The dark-skinned beauty made her way to the desk, swinging her ass for his eyes, before turning and planting that booty on the desk. "Have a taste." She purred, opening her legs wide for him, showing the stain on her underwear.

Growling in arousal, he glanced at his Kaa-chan and that arousal grew as she was masturbating to them. Again, deciding that Mabui needed it first, he slowly walked to the beauty, taking off his shirt and pants in the process. Ending his walk, he stood an inch from the sitting Mabui, his cock for her eyes to feast upon.

When her green eyes landed on it she came a little. It was even bigger than she thought and remembered. The thought of having him fuck her with that battering ram of a tool aroused and pleased her to no end. "Looks delicious." Mabui purred lustfully. Her hand reached out to grasp it but Naruto pushed her hand down and kneeled before her, his face close to her womanhood.

"So much love juices." Naruto said, admiring her dripping fountain that leaked from the sides of her panties. His hands teasingly rubbed up and down her inner thighs, getting dangerously close to her pussy but just passed over it when her moans grew louder.

"N-Naruto-kun~!" This was torture to her! He was making her body so hot and he wasn't even touching her pussy. It was maddening for her to have him so close and not have him eating her out! So, she would have to beg. "Please, Naruto-kun! I'm so hot! Stop teasing me!" The beautiful Mabui requested with teary orbs.

Glancing up, he smirked. "Who am I to deny my lovely Mabui-chan?" The blonde asked, making her blush at being called his. Left hand still grazing over her thigh, he let his right fingers trace her moist lips, making the dark spot on her underwear more noticeable.

"AHH!" Eyes widened and back arched when he finally pressed against her lady parts. Even though he wasn't touching her directly, his teasing made her more sensitive than she usually was. So, she couldn't stop herself from shrieking in utter bliss. "You-Your fingers! Your fingers are pushing my panties into my pussy! It's not supposed to go there!" Mabui lightly protested, putting her shaky hands on top of his and tried to push it away. It failed, obviously.

He wouldn't let Mabui stop his teasing. Even covered, he could feel the heat and how wet she clearly was. Again, all he wanted to do was rip them off, take her tits in his mouth, and fuck her until she was screaming his name. But he held himself back as he enjoyed a little foreplay. "Too bad, Mabui-chan. I'm going to enjoy making this body squirm. I'll allow you to climax when I feel like it." Naruto said, showing his dominant personality, something his lovers saw whenever they made love.

Kushina was panting like a dog as she watched her Naru-koi tease and play with Mabui like he does all his lovers. The beauty soooo~ wanted to go underneath him and suck his cock until his baby milk was shooting down her throat before ridding him while eating out Mabui. 'Come on, Naru-koi~! Finish her off! I want you too!' She moaned piteously in her head as she fingered herself while groping her tits, imagining it was Naruto.

Playing with her for a few minutes, he decided it was time to finally see her beautiful pussy. Teeth gripping her panties, he moved them to the side and his blue eyes gazed upon her garden. "Beautiful." He said in awe. She was smooth down there with her love juices pouring out, getting the desk wet. Her outer lips convulsed a little with her clit hard as a rock. The pink lips stood out against her chocolate skin. It made him want to see her skin color red with his slaps and pounding. "Uh-uh." Naruto said, holding her legs spread when she tried to close. "I don't think your pussy would like it being covered. Besides, I'm thirsty. Good thing so much liquid is coming from here." He continued to tease.

"N-Naruto-kun." Mabui moaned softly. His steamy words and teasing were driving her mad and her mound showed how much she liked it by the liquid that never stopped escaping. "Stop…teasing me. I-I want it directly." She muttered, staring at him with wanting orbs.

The begging looks his lovers gave him was something he wanted to see before he got into their bodies. So, without further ado, Naruto began to lightly lick her mound. Not plunging his tongue in yet, he lightly traced her outer lips, lapping up the fluids that flowed heavily. 'I was right! Her pussy tastes even better.' The blonde inwardly cheered as Mabui's womanly tastes landed on his taste buds.

"Y-Y-You're licking me! Naruto-kun is finally licking my pussy! IT feels so good, but I'm embarrassed that I'm being watched!" Mabui moaned with a large blush. Her body was shaking as she turned her head back and forth. She could see Kushina looking at them intensely.

"Don't worry. You'll get used to it." Naruto's muffled voice reached her ears. The vibrations from his voice made her nails claw the desk. "Besides, when you said that, you got wetter. What a perv." The blonde teased as he let his hands continue to run along her soft skin, making sure to give her more pleasure.

"N-No I'm not~!" Mabui moaned, weakly protesting to getting wetter at being watched. It was something she did enjoy. "Ah!" Green eyes flung open with her head leaning up and staring at Naruto's blue. "D-D-Don't stick your tongue inside me so suddenly!" The beauty said between heavier pants as her younger lover had pushed past her wet folds and let the strong appendage lick her insides.

The blonde didn't say anything as he continued to stare at the shaking beauty while licking her depths. He moved his tongue up, down, and side to side. Naruto had to hold her twitching thighs so she didn't accidentally hit him. 'She really likes to deny her pleasure.' He mused to himself. 'We'll have to fix that.' With a sly smirk, he slowly slid his hand along her skin before reaching the destination.

"M-M-M-My clit!?" Mabui screamed/asked in shock and bliss as two of his fingers gently pushed and rub her sensitive clit. "To-Too much! That's too much pleasure!" Banging her head into the table, she thrashed her head around and bit her fingernail, trying to muffle the loud scream that escaped her lips.

"Damn." Naruto glanced to the side to see Kushina's sweaty body right next to him, her sinful orbs watching his tongue dive in and out with his fingers playing with the hot button. "She's gushing! Must be weak to pleasure. Or is that just because it's Naru-koi?" The MILF wondered with a sexy smile. Her beautiful eyes then went to his twitching tool. "Hm. That looks painful." Licking her lips, Kushina let her hand slowly stroke him off.

Naruto groaned into the snatch the second her soft hands touched his member. Since she knew all his weakness, he knew he wouldn't last that long. The churning in his sack when she massaged the bulb of his head was prof.

"W-What?" Mabui almost screamed when she felt her lover take his mouth away from her pussy. "Why-Why'd you stop?!" She asked, high on the pleasure as sweat dripped off her forehead. Her answer was given in the form of her screaming.

The blonde switched the roles. His tongue went to playing and flicking with her clit while his index and middle fingers jammed in and out of her weeping garden. Placing his mouth over the clit, he lightly sucked while curling his fingers, making her hands shot towards his head, making sure he didn't leave.

"Hm. Are you going to cum, Mabui-chan?" Kushina asked as she watched the secretary scream, shake, and sweat all over her desk.

"YES! IF-IF HE KEEPS THIS UP I'LL…!" Mabui couldn't finish her sentence as more and more of her love juices stained his fingers. Said liquids served as a lube for the hard teenager to go harder and faster.

"Do it. Cover my Naru-koi's face in you cum. I want to see it. I want to see what you look like when your slutty pussy cums." The kneeling beauty said, speeding up her hand-job that caused her baby boy to shiver and monetarily stop, fingers deep, inside the beauty he was eating.

Green eyes flung open when the words reached her ears. Her sultry voice, manly tongue licking her clit, and the fingers hitting all her weak spots and stationed at her deepest part was too much for the woman. Mabui barely heard him saying it was okay for her to climax. The thrashing beauty didn't need to be told twice. "CUMMING!" She screamed like a whore as her female jizz came shooting out of her womanhood.

Quickly taking his already drenched fingers out of her, Naruto moved his head in front of her mound and opened his mouth wide, swallowing the wonderful juices. "H-He's drinking it! Naruto-kun is drinking my cum!" Mabui couldn't believe how hot she was getting over this. Seeing him slurping her cum prolonged her spectacular orgasm that rocked through her system.

'So much!' Naruto was a little shocked at how much of her fluids were being shot out. This was, by far, the largest amount of female squirt that's been shot from one orgasm he's caused. "K-Kaa-chan!" Naruto groaned out as his mother had grabbed his balls and played with them as she furiously jacked him off. His orbs dipped in lust as the blonde noticed that Kushina was fingering herself to the sight of his face being soiled by Mabui.

The mother could feel her insides burn as she watched Mabui cover her lovers mouth and face with female jizz. It made her horny as shit! Wanting to see her Naru-koi cum, she sped up her hands and began fingering herself. "Cum." Kushina ordered her lover. "Cum as I watch Mabui cover that face in fluids. I want to see it." The violet eyed dirty talker whispered.

Humping into her hand, the only son groaned hard. "Cumming!" Roaring, he shot rope after rope of semen into the hands of his redhaired goddess. "So fucking hot." Latching onto her mound, Naruto slurped the last bit of Mabui's garden cum before he was full, the access dripping down his chin and to the floor.

"Ah!" Seeing all of this and the feeling of her hand being coated in semen was the thing that broke the camel's back for the fingering beauty. Bringing her dirtied hand to her face, she took a long inhale of it as she squirted all over her fingers, creating a large pool beneath her. Her voluptuous body quaked a little in utter bliss of the orgasm, her eyes fluttering between closed and opened.

There climaxes ended after a few more thrusts. Kushina slumped to the ground while Mabui slumped into the table. Naruto wasn't tired at all. His cock stood at attention as he picked himself up and lined his rod against Mabui's dripping and sensitive hole.

Mabui was shaking in wonder at having the best orgasm of her life and from just cunnilingus! She could only imagine how hard she would cum when he fucks her. She didn't have to wait long as she felt his member rubbing against her mound. Shakily, she looked up and saw her lover's hands on her hips staring at her. "N-N-Naruto-kun…Not right now…I'm still really sensitive." The beauty pleaded.

Her pleas fell on deaf ears. The second his eyes laid on the huffing and blushing Mabui was too arousing for the still going blonde. Sweat was leaking down her body. The sweat rolled down between her cleavage and gave her a nice shine that made her more appetizing. So, leaning down, he stopped inches from her face and smirked. "Not a chance. This is all your fault. Looking all sexy like that every time I see you." Naruto stopped her from talking by grabbing her white hair and smashed her head into his, bypassing her lips to play, dominate, her tongue.

With her occupied with the steamy kiss, he shoved all of his cock into his first dark-skinned lover. His balls slapped into her huge buttocks and had to bite the inside of his mouth to not cum instantly. It didn't stop his moans and certainly not hers. He was sure if his hand wasn't making sure her shaking head didn't leave, everyone in school would hear her screams of passion.

Mabui screamed hard into the kiss that was taking whatever breath she had away. The second he inserted his man-meat was the second she had the best orgasm of her life. The men before the blonde paled in comparison to how big, thick, and strong his thrusting prick was. Her eyes saw splotches of white out of the corner of her eyes as she was banged on the table. After minutes of just clawing the desk, she wrapped her arms around his body and rubbed his strong back. 'So…powerful!' She thought in delight.

"Fufu." Giggled the sexy MILF that was Kushina as she had gotten over her pleasure of cumming and was right next to the lip-locking lovers. "Just enjoy that dick fucking you, Mabui-chan. You'll be getting it a lot from now on." The beauty told her harem sister as she ran her fingers through her white locks, making the beauty purr into the oxygen taking kiss.

Naruto was losing his mind at how tight his new woman was. Needing air, the need for breathing becoming too much, he panted as he stared straight into Mabui's soul. "Fuck! This is what it feels to fuck Mabui-chan! Feels so good." The blushing blonde groaned, his breath giving her chills.

"Me too! It feels…so good!" Mabui panted, holding him flush to her chest. "Fuck me harder, Naruto-kun. Make me walk with a limp after this." She begged, giving him a slutty smile. The sexy dark-skinned beauty was rewarded by a strong thrust that lifted her body.

When his lover said to go harder, he was more than willing to go stronger. So, thrusting differently, he pushed her body up. He had to stand on his toes because of the new angle but it was worth it. Mabui was letting out more of her beautiful voice as he jammed himself in and out. "How do you like this, Mabui-chan? Do you like me fucking this slutty body like this? Would you like me to suck on those delicious orbs while Kaa-chan is so close?" The blonde asked huskily, his voice shaky with lust and sweat dripping into their sex.

"You really know what to say to a woman, Naru-koi." Kushina said hotly as she watched her eyes cross from his words. Her tongue refused to stay put with drool running down her sweaty, lust infused, body. "Make sure to tell our hunk how much you love his cock." Leaning in, she advised the blushing woman.

"I want it! I want his young semen filling my adult womb!" Hearing all their sexy words was too arousing for the woman and couldn't contain her lustful shouts. "Watch me cover your cock in my juices! Make sure to look at my slutty face too!" Mabui advised her lover as she had the perfect fucked stupid smile he loved seeing.

Naruto answered his newest lover by kissing her hard and ploughing her extra hard. The throbbing sensation in his member growing as he listened to his mature beauties talk like sluts. His hands went to palm her jumping orbs, making her moan stronger into the tongue wrestling. She used her hips to buck against his bucking, making his dangling balls hit her plump ass in an erotic slapping sound.

'He's going to cum soon.' Kushina and Mabui thought similarly as one was using her fingers to get herself off while the other used the organ deep inside, brushing against her womb and hitting all her sweet spots and new spots she never knew she had. Mabui used her tongue to swirl around his tongue, getting it wet, before sucking on it like his manhood.

He felt a little dizzy when she began to suck his tongue but was quick to push through it and answer her with a few pinches to her hard nipples and dominated the kiss once more. The blonde groaned, panted, and was flushed as the insides of Mabui were too intense along with feeling his Kaa-chan sensually rubbing his back as Mabui's hands had went to his hair the second they locked.

'Such a strong and manly back.' Mabui marveled at how strong he was as she was becoming drunk and addicted on the pleasure that was Naruto's manhood. The beauty pressed her giant melons into his hands, loving how good it felt to be touched by a man again. Blue and green stared at one another with love and passion as they rutted their sweaty bodies against the other.

Thrusting one more time, he reached as far as he could, piercing her cervix, and fired off his load. "Fuck!" His shout was muffled by the kiss. "Naru-kun!" Mabui's own scream was softened by the steamy kiss. Both climaxed against the other, Mabui's female juices coating his thrusting manhood, with his man-seed pouring into her baby chamber. The blonde was barely coherent enough to see Kushina soak his leg in her own juices before letting his eyes shut. His body telling him it was time to rest up before he keeled over.

"Ara, ara. Seems our Naru-koi is all tuckered out." Kushina said as she saw her love close his loving eyes and the sound of his soft snores following.

Mabui giggled too. Her hands trickling through his sweaty blonde locks. Her own hair stuck to her sweaty skin as she licked her lips, getting the sweat off. "You're right, Kushina. He filled my poor pussy up. I think I might be pregnant now." Mabui blushed brighter at the thought of giving birth to an Uzumaki baby. "Fufu. Don't worry. It's wonderful to be a mother." Kushina said with a warm smile directed at her sleeping son who had a content smile.


A few hours after school, Saya was fidgeting lightly in her room as she looked at her knees. She had been thinking about inviting her lover over to hang out. It had been a few days since they had any alone time together and she had been missing him. But, she was still a little embarrassed about this whole situation. "Should I…?" The beauty mused to herself, her thumb over his contact.

The young pinkette was knocked from her struggle by a knock. "Saya-chan. Can I come in?" A female's voice reached her ears.

Sighing a little, she sat up. "Come in, momma." The doorknob twisted and in came a mature beauty that any man would give their arm to be with. She had long, light-purple hair and matching eyes. Her hair flowed down her shapely body that had the curves in all the right places and a nice fat ass, some bangs pushed to the side. No one would be surprised at how she dressed, judging by where she lives. She was dressed in a typical aristocrat; a thin red dress, that hugged her delicious I-cup, white cloth wrapped around her arms and mid to lower body and wore a silver necklace with a small charm on the front and finished it off with lipstick. That was her usual attire, but now she was wearing expensive sleeping attire that showed her off her womanly figure. This was Yukiro Takagi, her mother who was often mistaken for her older sister.

Stepping into her room, she looked at her beautiful daughter with a smile. "What's wrong, Saya-chan? You were unusually quiet at dinner tonight." Yukiro said as she sat next to her baby girl.

"Nothing much momma." Saya said, still looking down. "Come now. I know when you're upset or thinking about something too hard." Yukiro reminded her daughter as she rested her hand over hers.

Hesitant, the youth finally conceded. "…It's Naruto-kun. I was wondering if I should invite him over." Saya said, eyes leaving Yukiro's.

"Ah." Yukiro nodded in acceptance. She knew her daughters massive crush on the Uzumaki, but not about their relationship they entered. "Come on, Saya-chan. Invite him over. It's been some time since he visited. I'm sure he'll love to come over too." Yukiro coaxed her daughter in bringing the boy over.

"I…don't know." Saya said, still unsure about it. "Hey!" She yelled indignantly when her mother swiped her phone and dialed his number. "Momma! That's my phone!" Her efforts to get her phone back proved useless as the mature beauty was faster.

With Naruto, he was laying on his bed with a naked Mei in his arms, sleeping peacefully. Once he got home, he was tackled by the beauty who began to kiss and grind on him, telling him she needed his cock now. He wasn't one to say no to such a beauty and rocked her world for the past few hours until she passed out in his arms.

"Hm?" Naruto hummed as he heard his phone ringing. With great skill, he maneuvered himself out of Mei's hold and got his phone. He smiled when he saw it was Saya's number. "Hey Saya-chan. How's my favorite tsundere?" The blonde asked with a cheeky smirk.

"Fufu. While amusing as that is, Naruto-kun, it's not Saya-chan. It's her mother." The familiar teasing voice of the purplette reached his ears.

"Oh! Sorry, Yukiro-san! I didn't think it would be you!" Naruto apologized to the woman with a sheepish chuckle and blush.

"It's no problem, Naruto-kun. Stop it, Saya-chan!" Yukiro said, pushing her daughter away when she almost got her phone back. "Well, Saya-chan and I, were wondering if you could come over tonight like you did when you were kids?" Yukiro said, ignoring her daughter's embarrassed yells to stop.

Naruto still heard it over the phone and chuckled. Saya-chan was too cute for her own good. "That sounds great. I'm sure Kaa-chan won't mind. I'll be over in a few. Tell Saya-chan hi for me." "Will do." With that done, he hung up and smiled happily. He could finally visit Saya-chan and give her some of his time. The blonde was sure she was a little jealous of him not spending time with her and wanted to see him.

Leaning over, he gave his Oba-chan a gentle kiss before going to his Kaa-chan's room. "Kaa-chan." He knocked on her door. "Come in." Opening the door, he smiled when he saw she was reading a book.

"What's up, Naru-koi? Need some of your Kaa-chan milk after having your fun with Mei-chan?" Kushina asked with a teasing and aroused grin. She hoped that was the case as she was horny as hell from the sounds coming from his room.

"While I would love that, I can't. I just wanted to tell you I was going over to Saya-chan's tonight. She just called me over." The blonde explained to his cutely pouting mother.

The beauty huffed, angry that she wasn't being fucked, but smiled. "Alright Naru-koi. Give Saya-chan and Yukiro-chan my best." She said a little suggestively.

Naruto caught the meaning and blushed. "You really are a dirty woman." He wasn't complaining one bit. "But I'm your dirty woman." Kushina defended with a naughty smirk. "At least give your lonely Kaa-chan a kiss." She pleaded, puckering her lips for him.

Chuckling, he went over and gave his sexy crimson-haired MILF a deep, passionate, kiss. Their tongue did a little dance but before he could get too in to the beauties body, he moved away. "Bye Kaa-chan. Have a goodnight sleep." He waved over his shoulder. He knew that she wouldn't be able to sleep because of the searing kiss.

As he was going out the door, he heard his mother's voice. "Mei-chan! Hope you're up for another round!" Naruto could only shake his head and mentally prayed that his aunt survived Kushi-chan.

"Damn it momma!" Back with the ladies, Saya, now free, yelled at her mother with a massive blush. "You didn't have to do that!"

"I believe I did." Yukiro replied calmly. "You and Naruto-kun need to spend time together. You'll never get him if you act like this." She chastised her daughter sternly.

Saya faltered and blushed brightly at that. If she told her momma about this relationship they had, she wouldn't stop her teasing. Yukiro took her silence as a victory. Kissing her forehead, she smiled. "Don't worry. This will end well." She assured.

Like he said, Naruto arrived in a couple of minutes, knocking on the door. He had a regular white shirt on and some comfy pants with a bag over his shoulder, containing his school cloths. "Coming!" Saya's loud voice reached his ears.

His smile soon dropped, along with his jaw, when the door opened to show the busty genius. Saya was wearing a rather provocative outfit that got his motor running. She's wore white short-shorts with translucent leggings, revealing her sexy thick thighs and her lacey thong she wore for him. Naruto drooled a little more when his eyes landed on her upper attire. It was a tight black t-shirt that showed a lot of her cleavage and wore no glasses with her hair flowing free. "…Wow!" It was all the blonde could say.

Saya's already massive ego was boosted the second those words came from his mouth. "Well, don't just stand there like an idiot, which is hard because you are one, get in!" The beauty insulted the teenager before pulling him in, making sure to press her bust into his arm. "My parents are sleeping so how about we go downstairs and watch a movie?" Saya asked her lover.

Swallowing his lust for the moment, Naruto nodded. "Sounds good to me, Saya-sama. Lead the way." He mockingly gestured to the basement door. "Idiot." Saya said with a small smile, liking the way she called her that, as the two lovers went to the basement.

Like the rest of her place, even the basement was much better, and wide spread, than even a regular house. It had a massive television, multiple couches, and a mini-fridge. Naruto licked his lips a little when Saya bent down to get a movie. Her ass thrusting out to him. To him, her ass just screamed to be groped and fucked. If things went well, he just might.

The beauty could feel his eyes on her and blushed brightly while a light shiver ran through her body. Putting the movie in, she made her way back to her lover. Sitting next to him, she blushed when he pulled her close, letting her head rest on his broad shoulder. "This is much better. Right, Saya-chan?" He asked his blushing lover.

"…Yeah." She muttered, enjoying the warmth the Uzumaki produced. Neither teens were really watching the movie as their embrace was more important to them. After a few minutes, Saya decided she wanted to up the little teasing and sat her nice ass on his lap. "Now this is much better." Saya said in a haughty voice.

Naruto blushed at the bold act of his pinkette lover but wasn't about to object of her sitting on his growing tool. Wrapping his arms around her waist, pulling her flush, he took a small sniff of her hair. "Right you are, Saya-chan." He whispered, giving her a kiss to the cheek. "Hehe. You look so cute with such a large blush." Naruto teased the Takagi teen upon seeing her massive blush.

Being in such a domestic position, her wearing such casual clothing, made the girl think they were a married couple. "I-Idiot! Don't say things like that!" She lightly punched his arm. "But I'm your idiot." The blonde defended. "And don't you forget it." Saya reminded her lover with a little giggle. Her laugh was music to his ears and was something he always desired to get out of her whenever they were alone.