
A Fantastical Journey

In wold that is suddenly covered in darkness. Sulien must uncover the truths of the strange events that are beginning to happen. Animal begin to devour each other while humans become insane. In this crisis Sulien must discover his destiny. The beginning part of the story will start out in a type of apocalypse fashion in which the main character unlocks a new power which many people are also gaining. His goal is to reunite with his family and to do that he has to travel across the country. This is my first story and I am writing to pass the time, it will be a fan-fic from many sources most of these will start out subtle. There will probably be many grammar mistakes as I am not a very good writer. I am a very slow writer and the update will probably be not very frequent as I will write when I feel like it.

RegisofNex · Others
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10 Chs

V1-CH6: Manifestation

Sighing in relief I dropped to the ground, the spear in my hand caught on fire and disappeared. I felt exhausted, I could barely move my arms or legs. As I laid down on the ground, I noticed John and Ratsel running towards me. It seems like John woke up while I was confronting the beast.

John: "Sulien, you ok."

"John you're awake, I don't think I can move."

Ratsel: "I can't believe you killed that monster, your hands were on fire and you had a spear."

John walked over and grabbed my right arm and pulled it over his shoulder and started helping me into the building.

John: "I think we should stay in the building for today, Sulien is probably injured and it will be safer to leave once he can move."

Agreeing with John, Ratsel quickly went over to the car and grabbed all the backpacks. She then locked the car and retrieved the rifle and pistol that I dropped and joined us inside.

We were unable to return to the third floor due to the collapse of the stairs. We ended up entering the landlord's room on the first floor. John carried me over to the couch and laid me down there. I watched as they quickly barricaded the door with the remaining furniture.

John: "Finally, done with the barricade".

"What happened John, you passed out at a pretty bad time."

John: "I don't really understand what happened one moment I was eating, then in the next moment I was surrounded by darkness. It felt like I was getting swallowed but then the darkness disappeared and what appeared was a sword, well after that I woke up and noticed Ratsel was carrying me into a car."

Ratsel: "The spear that suddenly appeared in your hand, do you know what it is".

"I don't know what it is, but I think I can call for it again."

Saying that I closed my eyes, once again I saw the bright orb of fire; I started concentrating on the orb. I opened my eyes and noticed there was a fire in the palm of my hand, the fire slowly started to take shape and once again formed into a spear.

John: "Sulien wow!!! How did you do that?"

"I think you have to close your eyes and concentrated on the image that is there, it should be something that you saw when you passed out."

Listening to my advice the two closed their eyes and started concentrating. After a little bit, I can see some specs of light forming in John's hand. Eventually, the light solidified into a short sword, it had a silver blade and the handle was black, there was also a yellow orb attached in the hilt. John quickly fell to his knees and started gasping.

John: "Look, I was able to do it, it wasn't too bad but I feel really tired."

Ratsel opened her eyes and looked over towards John in interest. It seems like she wasn't able to summon something.

Ratsel: "John can I hold the sword."

John: "Yeah, sure."

John proceeded to hand her the swords but something unexpected happened, the sword passed right through her hand. Ratsel seemed surprised, she then walked over to me and I handed her my spear but the same happened.

Ratsel: "It seems only those who manifested the weapon can use it."

John and I both agree and proceed to make our weapons disappear.

"Ratsel did you have any luck when were concentrating."

Ratsel: "I was able to see something but I wasn't able to pull it out like you guys I might need to keep trying."

John: "Alright, I think we had enough things happen to us today lets just call it a day."

We both agreed with John and slowly fell asleep.

As we slept safely for one last time, the situation outside in the world was not so great.

Many people kept passing out for unknown reasons and when they woke up they either went insane or developed a new power. The electricity across the country was slowly starting to go out and communication tools no longer worked properly. The situation out in the forests and non-human habited regions began to change. Many animals slowly began to mutate, some were still docile but much stronger than before. Herbivores started growing larger and predators became much more dangerous. Even the trees and plants were slowly changing. Humans were no longer at the top of the world, rather they fell to the bottom of the food chain.

Meanwhile, outside of the apartment laid the corpse of the mutant deer, its body was slowly twitching. The hole in its neck was slowly closing at an alarming rate. It slowly got up and turned towards the apartment. It was furious, its prey had managed to injure it three times due to its carelessness. That's right it was intelligent, it knew that the more it ate and the larger it became the more aware it was of the world. It knew that this was the perfect time to eat those three. Once again it started grinning and salivating; it slowly started to walk towards the building.

As it walking to the building its point of view suddenly changed. It was suddenly looking towards the side, there it could see its body but something was missing. The head was not there, it then realized that what was looking at the body was the head. It slowly closed its eye and this time truly died.

Standing behind the fresh corpse was a small white animal. It soon opened its mouth and began feasting on the flesh; the more it ate the bigger it became. After it finished eating all the flesh and organs its size grew to one meter. If Sulien was here he would have easily recognized this creature, it was the small white canine he had fed his sandwich earlier this morning. Earlier this morning it was only as big as his palm but now its size was over a meter. Its feature had also become more obvious, the white canine was a fox.